Do We All Have EVIL In Our Heart?

Are We All At Least PARTIALLY Evil in some way?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 71.4%
  • No

    Votes: 2 28.6%

  • Total voters
What about insensitivity to people sadness, trials and tribulations. Is that "evil"?
All human beings have the capacity for good or bad actions. Evil implies that there is no good in a being. That is counter to teachings of the Buddha that all beings have Buddha nature.

I think there is potential for good in all.
Because I think we are all created in the image of God (my belief).
But to tap into that "goodness" we have to allow him to live within us and guide us, as our Lord.
Only then, can we truly be compassionate and loving to others. Because, God does want us to love him most of all, but, to do that, we also have to love each others. With compassion, forgiveness, understanding and a kind a meek heart. Not with haughty judgmental attitudes.
Well, that isn't the way a Buddhist would put it but I understand what you're trying to say. A Buddhist would say that what's real and trrue is Buddha nature which cannot be sullied in any way. Yet, like the rock that covers diamonds, Buddha nature is only revealed when we wear away adventitous poisons of the mind, like attachment, aversion, jealous, pride and ignorance.
What about insensitivity to people sadness, trials and tribulations. Is that "evil"?
Consider who we all hang out with on this forum. Don't some people have insensitivity to other peoples sadness, trials and tribulations? Is that "evil". In the sense that it is a missed opportunity to create virtue then it's negative.

There are acts of cruelty that human beings enact, but IMO, all beings have Buddha nature.
All human beings have the capacity for good or bad actions. Evil implies that there is no good in a being. That is counter to teachings of the Buddha that all beings have Buddha nature.
Not everyone believes in Buddha or the teachings or beliefs therein.
Yes, and not everyone believes in God or Jesus either. I'm merely conversing on the topic and speaking from what I know, while respecting how other people may see it.
I think we have a moral compass.

Some use the Bible as that compass. Based on what is read, interpreted either by Preacher or God himself.
Some use their own experiences and what it told to them by others.
THEN, there is the "conscience".... this is intriguing. WHAT exactly IS the conscience? Why is it different for some than others (or is it?)

Their experiences in childhood...or brain chemistry.. Have you ever met anyone with out a conscious..? it is like they are numb to the evil they the mass murderers, or look at Ted Bundy, Manson, those creepy people.. How could you heart another living thing? It was like they were charged by it, while it would haunt you and I....and maybe :beer:


What's worse though? A Ted Bundy, or a contract killer? Serial killers are psychologically damaged and are doing it for a warped pleasure, mostly due to disassociate disorders brought on by traumatic pasts.

Contract killers view people's lives as a job. A simple task to be done an forgotten.
I feel that anyone that can hurt any living thing has a messed up moral compass...Of coarse for survival like the Indians did. Look at the difference how the Indians killed, blessed and ate animals for survival while some bad ass jerks mass murdered the animals for fur and left their bodies to rot..
All human beings have the capacity for good or bad actions. Evil implies that there is no good in a being. That is counter to teachings of the Buddha that all beings have Buddha nature.
Not everyone believes in Buddha or the teachings or beliefs therein.
Yes, and not everyone believes in God or Jesus either. I'm merely conversing on the topic and speaking from what I know, while respecting how other people may see it.
Exactly and from that point we cannot as a society foist what we perceive is a wrong unless everyone is aware of what that wrong may be.
All human beings have the capacity for good or bad actions. Evil implies that there is no good in a being. That is counter to teachings of the Buddha that all beings have Buddha nature.
Not everyone believes in Buddha or the teachings or beliefs therein.
Yes, and not everyone believes in God or Jesus either. I'm merely conversing on the topic and speaking from what I know, while respecting how other people may see it.
Exactly and from that point we cannot as a society foist what we perceive is a wrong unless everyone is aware of what that wrong may be.
And so we make laws. And often we disagree about the laws and they are changed.
What about insensitivity to people sadness, trials and tribulations. Is that "evil"?

I feel that the people who have been through trials and tribulations themselves have a better understanding for others who hurt..
I know many people who have never had a person in their life die, and they just don't get what grief is.

I know what you mean eaglewings. About loss, and about trials and tribulations. I went through a rough patch and almost didn't make it. I'm so grateful to survive and to count my many blessings in life now.

Some people cannot let go of the past, and that truly is suffering. I was going to start a thread about coming to peace with a troubled past.
All human beings have the capacity for good or bad actions. Evil implies that there is no good in a being. That is counter to teachings of the Buddha that all beings have Buddha nature.
Not everyone believes in Buddha or the teachings or beliefs therein.
Yes, and not everyone believes in God or Jesus either. I'm merely conversing on the topic and speaking from what I know, while respecting how other people may see it.
Exactly and from that point we cannot as a society foist what we perceive is a wrong unless everyone is aware of what that wrong may be.
And so we make laws. And often we disagree about the laws and they are changed.
Of course, I am talking about prior to or subsequent where people wish to inject a false standard. For example, a place like this is anonymous by design. Someone then gets upset and then calls another person a liar or a fraud because they do not wish to fully disclose who they are or their personal information. That clearly is wrong and intentional, to what degree do we place the importance of the real or imagined aggression. That is the question for folks with a modicum of self honesty
What Evil lies in the hearts of men?

Yes we all can have evil thoughts in our mind here and there, but if our mind is as far as they go, then I don't believe that we have all that much to worry about. All that we have to do is ask the Lord to forgive us and to help us control our actions.

God bless you always!!!

About the years of 2009, 2010....I was on "third" shift at work.

I would eat my dinner then "let my stomach settle" for about thirty minutes. My stomach was full and bloated, I just ate a meal. Blood in the body is in the abdominal area helping I relax and let my stomach rest.

On graveyard shift, it became the standard if I was working inside the facility and not a entry gate...... that within 5 minutes after finishing my meal ( eating my dinner in the supervisors office ) I would get a call on the radio to go do a detail. Even with eating dinner at various times.... I would not get called before finishing my meal, but ALWAYS within 5 to 7 minutes after finishing my meal..... I frequently and routinely would get a call on the radio to go do a detail or job. I wonder if someone was watching me covertly.

No one would cover me, and the third shift foreman seldom got away from his newspaper and fruit ( Apple or an Orange ). He even yelled and screamed at me one time as I set a the second shift foreman's desk after eating.....for not getting up and moving within 2 minutes of getting a call on the radio. He would not have yelled at some of his other employees ( A US Navy Corpsman and a Safety representative use to be on his shift ) like that - matter of fact they got by with so much.

Shadow 355
I'm not saying are we all completely evil, but, is there something or some THINGS that are evil in our heart that we hide. Is that true for everyone?

Does admitting your evil make you more evil?

Does acting on the evil also double or triple the evil?

What is your opinion ?

I love kids and frequently support kids organizations.

I have been in burning houses ( I'm a Firefighter ), inside overturned and wrecked vehicles helping injured patients ( EMS ). I have done search and rescues in snow and rain. I have done CPR on dead children I knew were not going to survive, but had to please mom and dad. From the years 1993 to about the year 2000 I ran over 300 Fire and EMS calls a year ( out of about 350 - 370 calls total for the year ). After that...... Paramedic class got started......I got busy with class and did not get to run as much calls.

I have lent people money, and some have never re-payed me. I don't mention it, its their duty and responsibility to pay me back......I will not argue over money 95% of the time. Mess over the nice guy - me.

I have went the extra mile in helping out people, and doing favors....many times.

My niece has costs me a small fortune......but I love her very much and she is worth it. :) - even though she is just recently an adult I worry about her.

Everytime there is a bombing or a shooting, especially if I watch it on the TV news......and the reporter is on scene ; my heart gets heavy. Damn terrorists !

I frequently feed my neighbors cat ( Shrimp - Tuna - Chicken ) and give it a warm place to sleep. Cat spends more time at my place than my neighbors. :)

I give my niece a nice "chunk of change" to go to college.

At times, I see someone I know in a restaurant......I buy them a meal.

I don't get too overzealous, but when I go to a restaurant I tip the waitresses / waiters nicely. They have a hard job with low I help out.

My idea of vacation is a camping spot in the woods in the fall with the changing of the leaves and their beautiful colors : cooking on a campfire and enjoying the stars and/or the moon. Not the beach, not a road trip with the camper, not a hotel and a pool. Woods and camping in a remote area - food cooked over campfire. Drink beer while the campfire snaps crackles and pops. I do camp for vacation in the fall. Its serene.

I help others at times.....anonymously. Acts & my effort, as well as money.

My hates in no particular order are - Terrorists, child molesters, women beaters, people whom fake "Work Injurys" ( bad back - bad knee ) and live off of the taxpayers for the rest of their life.

I give financially to a "Old Folks Home" yearly........WELL above what I am asked to give.

I drive a truck that is used and is 10 years old, and has more than 100,000 miles. I don't drive a new truck ; but it is nice and clean.

I hope I am not and evil person......But you may get odds on that from some of the people I work with.

Shadow 355
I'm not saying are we all completely evil, but, is there something or some THINGS that are evil in our heart that we hide. Is that true for everyone?

Does admitting your evil make you more evil?

Does acting on the evil also double or triple the evil?

What is your opinion ?

I love kids and frequently support kids organizations.

I have been in burning houses ( I'm a Firefighter ), inside overturned and wrecked vehicles helping injured patients ( EMS ). I have done search and rescues in snow and rain. I have done CPR on dead children I knew were not going to survive, but had to please mom and dad. From the years 1993 to about the year 2000 I ran over 300 Fire and EMS calls a year ( out of about 350 - 370 calls total for the year ). After that...... Paramedic class got started......I got busy with class and did not get to run as much calls.

I have lent people money, and some have never re-payed me. I don't mention it, its their duty and responsibility to pay me back......I will not argue over money 95% of the time. Mess over the nice guy - me.

I have went the extra mile in helping out people, and doing favors....many times.

My niece has costs me a small fortune......but I love her very much and she is worth it. :) - even though she is just recently an adult I worry about her.

Everytime there is a bombing or a shooting, especially if I watch it on the TV news......and the reporter is on scene ; my heart gets heavy. Damn terrorists !

I frequently feed my neighbors cat ( Shrimp - Tuna - Chicken ) and give it a warm place to sleep. Cat spends more time at my place than my neighbors. :)

I give my niece a nice "chunk of change" to go to college.

At times, I see someone I know in a restaurant......I buy them a meal.

I don't get too overzealous, but when I go to a restaurant I tip the waitresses / waiters nicely. They have a hard job with low I help out.

My idea of vacation is a camping spot in the woods in the fall with the changing of the leaves and their beautiful colors : cooking on a campfire and enjoying the stars and/or the moon. Not the beach, not a road trip with the camper, not a hotel and a pool. Woods and camping in a remote area - food cooked over campfire. Drink beer while the campfire snaps crackles and pops. I do camp for vacation in the fall. Its serene.

I help others at times.....anonymously. Acts & my effort, as well as money.

My hates in no particular order are - Terrorists, child molesters, women beaters, people whom fake "Work Injurys" ( bad back - bad knee ) and live off of the taxpayers for the rest of their life.

I give financially to a "Old Folks Home" yearly........WELL above what I am asked to give.

I drive a truck that is used and is 10 years old, and has more than 100,000 miles. I don't drive a new truck ; but it is nice and clean.

I hope I am not and evil person......But you may get odds on that from some of the people I work with.

Shadow 355

It all goes back to the definition of evil.

I think MOST people do not ACT in an evil manner - most people keep the "evil" in their head/thoughts.
I think if everyone had their most evil and deviant thought exposed to the world we would all be horrified.
Even if it's only a passing thought occasionally.

Where does that come from? It's a rhetorical question for all, not just for you.....
I'm not saying are we all completely evil, but, is there something or some THINGS that are evil in our heart that we hide. Is that true for everyone?

Does admitting your evil make you more evil?

Does acting on the evil also double or triple the evil?

What is your opinion ?

I love kids and frequently support kids organizations.

I have been in burning houses ( I'm a Firefighter ), inside overturned and wrecked vehicles helping injured patients ( EMS ). I have done search and rescues in snow and rain. I have done CPR on dead children I knew were not going to survive, but had to please mom and dad. From the years 1993 to about the year 2000 I ran over 300 Fire and EMS calls a year ( out of about 350 - 370 calls total for the year ). After that...... Paramedic class got started......I got busy with class and did not get to run as much calls.

I have lent people money, and some have never re-payed me. I don't mention it, its their duty and responsibility to pay me back......I will not argue over money 95% of the time. Mess over the nice guy - me.

I have went the extra mile in helping out people, and doing favors....many times.

My niece has costs me a small fortune......but I love her very much and she is worth it. :) - even though she is just recently an adult I worry about her.

Everytime there is a bombing or a shooting, especially if I watch it on the TV news......and the reporter is on scene ; my heart gets heavy. Damn terrorists !

I frequently feed my neighbors cat ( Shrimp - Tuna - Chicken ) and give it a warm place to sleep. Cat spends more time at my place than my neighbors. :)

I give my niece a nice "chunk of change" to go to college.

At times, I see someone I know in a restaurant......I buy them a meal.

I don't get too overzealous, but when I go to a restaurant I tip the waitresses / waiters nicely. They have a hard job with low I help out.

My idea of vacation is a camping spot in the woods in the fall with the changing of the leaves and their beautiful colors : cooking on a campfire and enjoying the stars and/or the moon. Not the beach, not a road trip with the camper, not a hotel and a pool. Woods and camping in a remote area - food cooked over campfire. Drink beer while the campfire snaps crackles and pops. I do camp for vacation in the fall. Its serene.

I help others at times.....anonymously. Acts & my effort, as well as money.

My hates in no particular order are - Terrorists, child molesters, women beaters, people whom fake "Work Injurys" ( bad back - bad knee ) and live off of the taxpayers for the rest of their life.

I give financially to a "Old Folks Home" yearly........WELL above what I am asked to give.

I drive a truck that is used and is 10 years old, and has more than 100,000 miles. I don't drive a new truck ; but it is nice and clean.

I hope I am not and evil person......But you may get odds on that from some of the people I work with.

Shadow 355

It all goes back to the definition of evil.

I think MOST people do not ACT in an evil manner - most people keep the "evil" in their head/thoughts.
I think if everyone had their most evil and deviant thought exposed to the world we would all be horrified.
Even if it's only a passing thought occasionally.

Where does that come from? It's a rhetorical question for all, not just for you.....

Psychology - it called ( sp ??) innate goodness if I remember right. I was a nursing student at one time. ;)

Shadow 355
I think we are innately bad/selfish/evil.

If there were no repercussions to our actions, I believe we would expose a lot more.
I think we are innately bad/selfish/evil.

If there were no repercussions to our actions, I believe we would expose a lot more.
speak for yourself, that attribution is extremely subjective.
I think we are innately bad/selfish/evil.

If there were no repercussions to our actions, I believe we would expose a lot more.
speak for yourself, that attribution is extremely subjective.

we all want to believe we are good deep down inside.
take all restraints off. let's see what happens.....
I think we are innately bad/selfish/evil.

If there were no repercussions to our actions, I believe we would expose a lot more.

I disagree. Some people could not consciously do a lot of things.

Others ..... A few....are just asinine because they can get by with it.

Shadow 355

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