Do we all now agree that Mueller should not be fired?

Should Robert Mueller be fired?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 47.2%
  • No

    Votes: 19 52.8%

  • Total voters
I feel bad for you unhinged, mouth breathing, LWNJ's,

You people really need mental help. Seriously.

My advise is to leave your parents basement and put on some clothes. Take a shower. Brush your stained yellow teeth.

Posting insane diatribes in your filthy. shit stained underpants is not healthy. Get out. Breath in some fresh clean air.

Trump is the POTUS.

He won because hiLIARy was a terrible candidate, not because of 13 Russian internet trolls.....

Shut up!!
More from the Russians'


Also from the Russians:
Now that right-wingers have adopted a new meme (Mueller is bad for liberals and his indictment was an awesome pro-Trump thing), I believe Democrats are relieved, because this new strategy forces Trump and conservatives to stop instigating the firing of Mr. Mueller.

Have we now finally reached an amicable agreement whereby nobody calls for Mueller to be fired? Vote in my poll please

Yep, I agree with you for once. He shouldn't be fired, but since his job is no longer needed, he should be retired-)
You think this is over. ? It ain't over until the fat orange clown sings.

So it is over because he is singing------->

I got Hilly,

I got Brennan,

I got Rice, who could ask for anything more!

(all together now)

Crats in trouble,

even as they down and double,

Legacy of Obama will be in tatters,

Who could ask for anything more!

(one more time!)

I cut taxes,

paychecks growing,

Crats can't stand it; so from congress we will throw them out the door

so who could ask for anything moooooooore!
Is this supposed to pass for some kind of poetry??

He won because hiLIARy was a terrible candidate, not because of 13 Russian internet trolls.....

If lying to yourself like this on a public forum helps you sleep at night then continue as you are. Just convert your rubles to dollars NOW before its toooo late.

comrade :)-
Last edited:
Now that right-wingers have adopted a new meme (Mueller is bad for liberals and his indictment was an awesome pro-Trump thing), I believe Democrats are relieved, because this new strategy forces Trump and conservatives to stop instigating the firing of Mr. Mueller.

Have we now finally reached an amicable agreement whereby nobody calls for Mueller to be fired? Vote in my poll please

Yep, I agree with you for once. He shouldn't be fired, but since his job is no longer needed, he should be retired-)
You think this is over. ? It ain't over until the fat orange clown sings.

So it is over because he is singing------->

I got Hilly,

I got Brennan,

I got Rice, who could ask for anything more!

(all together now)

Crats in trouble,

even as they down and double,

Legacy of Obama will be in tatters,

Who could ask for anything more!

(one more time!)

I cut taxes,

paychecks growing,

Crats can't stand it; so from congress we will throw them out the door

so who could ask for anything moooooooore!
Is this supposed to pass for some kind of poetry??


Actually, it was a very popular song from decades ago with different lyrics-)

I figured if you can make stuff up, so could I...........I just used reality for mine, while you used wishful thinking for yours-)
I feel bad for you unhinged, mouth breathing, LWNJ's,

You people really need mental help. Seriously.

My advise is to leave your parents basement and put on some clothes. Take a shower. Brush your stained yellow teeth.

Posting insane diatribes in your filthy. shit stained underpants is not healthy. Get out. Breath in some fresh clean air.

Trump is the POTUS.

He won because hiLIARy was a terrible candidate, not because of 13 Russian internet trolls.....

Now that right-wingers have adopted a new meme (Mueller is bad for liberals and his indictment was an awesome pro-Trump thing), I believe Democrats are relieved, because this new strategy forces Trump and conservatives to stop instigating the firing of Mr. Mueller.

Have we now finally reached an amicable agreement whereby nobody calls for Mueller to be fired? Vote in my poll please

Yep, I agree with you for once. He shouldn't be fired, but since his job is no longer needed, he should be retired-)
You think this is over. ? It ain't over until the fat orange clown sings.

So it is over because he is singing------->

I got Hilly,

I got Brennan,

I got Rice, who could ask for anything more!

(all together now)

Crats in trouble,

even as they down and double,

Legacy of Obama will be in tatters,

Who could ask for anything more!

(one more time!)

I cut taxes,

paychecks growing,

Crats can't stand it; so from congress we will throw them out the door

so who could ask for anything moooooooore!
Is this supposed to pass for some kind of poetry??


Actually, it was a very popular song from decades ago with different lyrics-)

I figured if you can make stuff up, so could I...........I just used reality for mine, while you used wishful thinking for yours-)
Please tell the class exactly what I made up.
Now that right-wingers have adopted a new meme (Mueller is bad for liberals and his indictment was an awesome pro-Trump thing), I believe Democrats are relieved, because this new strategy forces Trump and conservatives to stop instigating the firing of Mr. Mueller.

Have we now finally reached an amicable agreement whereby nobody calls for Mueller to be fired? Vote in my poll please
I don't know any conservatives saying that.
Now that right-wingers have adopted a new meme (Mueller is bad for liberals and his indictment was an awesome pro-Trump thing), I believe Democrats are relieved, because this new strategy forces Trump and conservatives to stop instigating the firing of Mr. Mueller.

Have we now finally reached an amicable agreement whereby nobody calls for Mueller to be fired? Vote in my poll please
Meuller's services are not needed. So of course he should be let go.

As far as firing people, I think something needs to be done about the FBI. The FBI has been fucking up in major ways recently.

For example, the embattled bureau made a debacle of one of the most serious espionage cases in US history involving the Secretary of State and over 100 separate incidences of espionage. Never before in US history has someone at such a high level in our government committed espionage. And the statute of limitations clock is quickly running out.

In what they unapologetically refer to as a year long "name and shame" campaign, the FBI dedicated an extraordinarily enormous amount of our country's very limited federal law enforcement resources to obtain worthless indictments against thirteen harmless Facebook bloggers from St. Petersburg. This shows a failure of the FBI to prioritize resources in a reasonable manner based on actual threat.

The FBI dropped the ball and failed to follow protocol when members of the public dropped a dime on Nikolas Cruz over a month before he murdered 17 people. The FBI tells the public, "see something, say something". In this case somebody saw something and said something and the FBI did nothing.

The FBI needs a shake-up. I think a massive purge of the FBI top leadership is in order. Heads should roll.
“Do we all now agree that Mueller should not be fired?”

Unfortunately, no.

There will always remain blind partisan Republicans and Trump sycophants hostile to the Russia investigations and desirous that Mueller be fired.
The sham investigation should be shut down. Its a political witch hunt. Mueller should be fired. The only Collusion was between Hillary, the DNC, the FBI and Russia.

28166862_10155956600297906_1904859532896663189_n.png corrected Trump for saying that the indictment proved "no collusion":
Trump’s tweet goes beyond what Rosenstein and the indictment stated. His tweet assumes there is no investigation beyond what was revealed in the Feb. 16 indictment. And we just don’t know one way or the other what other things Mueller may be investigating.

Trump: 'No Collusion!' -
GOP Lawmaker: The Indictments, Which I Haven’t Read, Prove There Was No Collusion (VIDEO)

Claudia Tenney (R-NY), a first-term Tea Party congresswoman, discussed the indictments handed down by special counsel Robert Mueller with CNN anchor Fredricka Whitfield. This is the ‘Reading is HARD’ edition because just after her lengthy defense – and she is actually a lawyer – for Donald Trump, she admitted that she hadn’t read all of the 37-page indictment. “I’m skimming through it right now,” she added.
Thirteen Russians now indicted by special counsel Robert Mueller, charged with attempting to interfere in the 2016 presidential election,” Whitfield said. “The indictment describes an unprecedented campaign by Russia to support Donald Trump, disparage Hillary Clinton and communicate with, quote, unwitting people tied to the Trump campaign.’”

Related: Vapid Trump Mouthpiece Just Got DRAGGED After Hilariously Stupid Take On Collusion News
“The indictments say there were Americans who were unwitting participants, the president continues to say there was no collusion,” Whitfield continued. “How do you interpret these indictments?”
Now that right-wingers have adopted a new meme (Mueller is bad for liberals and his indictment was an awesome pro-Trump thing), I believe Democrats are relieved, because this new strategy forces Trump and conservatives to stop instigating the firing of Mr. Mueller.

Have we now finally reached an amicable agreement whereby nobody calls for Mueller to be fired? Vote in my poll please

Now that right-wingers have adopted a new meme (Mueller is bad for liberals and his indictment was an awesome pro-Trump thing), I believe Democrats are relieved, because this new strategy forces Trump and conservatives to stop instigating the firing of Mr. Mueller.

Have we now finally reached an amicable agreement whereby nobody calls for Mueller to be fired? Vote in my poll please

The indictment of 13 Russian nationals for tampering with our election threw ice water in the orange turd's face and dropped a truck load of egg all over the GOP's face. It's absolutely real now, they can't deny and lie about it anymore.

Does anyone think there will not be a cacophony of political ads leading up to November on how Trump and the Republicans tried for a year to obstruct and deny the whole thing at the expense of the security of the country?

Little lying Donald may well be found to have not directly colluded with the Russians though that unlikely, but even if he is he and the GOP actively tried to obstruct and end the investigation. That is etched in history now.

The sham investigation should be shut down. Its a political witch hunt. Mueller should be fired. The only Collusion was between Hillary, the DNC, the FBI and Russia.

Yep, I agree with you for once. He shouldn't be fired, but since his job is no longer needed, he should be retired-)

His job isn't over yet. He has stated that there were a number of Americans who helped in this mess. They too need to be brought to justice as well. Once done, his purpose will be complete; end of story.

btw: Trump is on that list

Now that right-wingers have adopted a new meme (Mueller is bad for liberals and his indictment was an awesome pro-Trump thing), I believe Democrats are relieved, because this new strategy forces Trump and conservatives to stop instigating the firing of Mr. Mueller.

Have we now finally reached an amicable agreement whereby nobody calls for Mueller to be fired? Vote in my poll please

He wasted a year and a ton of money to tell us something we already knew and that will result in nothing at all. He should have been fired months ago.

The sham investigation should be shut down. Its a political witch hunt. Mueller should be fired. The only Collusion was between Hillary, the DNC, the FBI and Russia.
So your saying that the Mueller team was able to get the grand jury- people of all walks of life and political views- to indict all of these people on phony charges?

Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 6
Rule 6 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure governs grand juries. It requires grand juries to be composed of 16 to 23 members and that 12 members must concur in an indictment.[14] A grand jury is instructed to return an indictment if the probable cause standard has been met. The grand jury's decision is either a "true bill" (formerly billa vera, resulting in an "indictment"), or "no true bill".

Now that right-wingers have adopted a new meme (Mueller is bad for liberals and his indictment was an awesome pro-Trump thing), I believe Democrats are relieved, because this new strategy forces Trump and conservatives to stop instigating the firing of Mr. Mueller.

Have we now finally reached an amicable agreement whereby nobody calls for Mueller to be fired? Vote in my poll please
He should be fired along with the director of the FBI.

OK, OK, let me get serious here about the question the OP asked, and may I suggest that both sides take a close look at what I am saying--------->

Should he be fired, retired, etc?

It DEPENDS! What is the scope of his investigation? Is it just Russia, or is it interference in the election? How big is the scope he can go to?

Why is this important?

I do not know this man, nor any of the investigators except what I read. BUT, both sides seemed pleased with his choice. If the Repubs think he will be fair, who are we to argue?

So the point is------>if his scope is large enough to investigate the shenanigans that went on in the alphabet soup agencies, and he doesn't have to recuse himself because he was the head of the FBI during some of this time, why not let him!

The only thing that gives me pause to say this is-------->what was pulled on Flynn. And yet, we can't lay that at the feet of Muehller without direct evidence. He was listening to agents he believed in, and it seems that a judge has almost virtually reversed the plea.

On the other side, nothing against Carter Paige. Now if Muehler was just a partisan hack, he would have tried to indict him. He didn't! And the fact that he didn't makes his own case that the left is trying to create look more than suspect.

Add a few more investigators from the right, and I am all for him going forward, IF he can look into all the rest of this nonsense.

I am off the strongest opinion, that everyone could NOT be a traitorous bastard in the Trump administration, allowing him to collude while tying their future to him.

I am also of the opinion, that all Democrats are NOT traitorous either; especially non politicians who will lose NOTHING by putting forth the truth since they will not be putting their positions on the line. To believe such nonsense about either side, shows that you could NEVER have confidence in our alphabet soup agencies again, if an administration from the opposing party were in control. That does not bode well for you as an American, nor the rest of us if we were to listen to you!

As Reagan once said----->trust, but verify! That is what we must do now.

Soooooooo, to my conservative friends on here, I offer you REALITY------------>

1. Obama will NEVER be prosecuted for ANYTHING he did as President. To do so, would destroy the republic. Like it or not, that is an absolute fact! You can NOT go out and tell 52 or 53% of the people they are all fools by using facts. We can, but we are not people in power, they are. They know better also, trust me. Let me give you something to think about----------> start trying to prosecute Obama for ANYTHING while he was President, I promise you that the next week, the stockmarket would fall by 40 to 55%. Not fair? Not right? Disgusting? Probably true, but your fellow citizens voted for him, and just like Trump, he was our President!

2. Hillary will NOT be prosecuted! The only way she will be, is if they can indict her for things done in the Clinton Foundation, and NOT in anything she did during the campaign. Think about it for a second-----------> suppose Hillary would have won, and he was involved with the FBI, DOJ, etc trying to get himself elected, and she prosecuted him. What would you say? POLICE STATE, banana republic, trying to dissuade anyone from running against the crown, etc. Nope, the Trump Administration is.......or better be......smarter than that. LOCK HER up is just a song, and not political reality UNLESS it has nothing to do with her campaign.

And so, if you believe that Muehller has the scope to investigate, AND you are confident that he WOULD prosecute not Hilly or Obama, but Brennan, Rice, or Clapper if he found evidence, then I say.......let him continue on!
Now that right-wingers have adopted a new meme (Mueller is bad for liberals and his indictment was an awesome pro-Trump thing), I believe Democrats are relieved, because this new strategy forces Trump and conservatives to stop instigating the firing of Mr. Mueller.

Have we now finally reached an amicable agreement whereby nobody calls for Mueller to be fired? Vote in my poll please

The indictment of 13 Russian nationals for tampering with our election threw ice water in the orange turd's face and dropped a truck load of egg all over the GOP's face. It's absolutely real now, they can't deny and lie about it anymore.

Does anyone think there will not be a cacophony of political ads leading up to November on how Trump and the Republicans tried for a year to obstruct and deny the whole thing at the expense of the security of the country?

Little lying Donald may well be found to have not directly colluded with the Russians though that unlikely, but even if he is he and the GOP actively tried to obstruct and end the investigation. That is etched in history now.

See this post here---right above.

It is clear evidence that Liberals and Conservatives are living in parallel universes on this issue (and most others.)

You read it and then read what the V.P. of Facebook just said (about the mainstream media ignoring the real issue)---and compare it to the above nonsense.

After Mueller spends millions to indict 13 internet trolls who are long back in Russia, and won't ever be tried---Democrats act like the Kennedy Assassination Plot has been finally solved. Republicans think Trump has been vindicated and cleared, which isn't right either, but at least its not delusional.

Different universes. One side is going to get shell-shocked. I think it will be the Liberal Delusiods.

Now that right-wingers have adopted a new meme (Mueller is bad for liberals and his indictment was an awesome pro-Trump thing), I believe Democrats are relieved, because this new strategy forces Trump and conservatives to stop instigating the firing of Mr. Mueller.

Have we now finally reached an amicable agreement whereby nobody calls for Mueller to be fired? Vote in my poll please

The indictment of 13 Russian nationals for tampering with our election threw ice water in the orange turd's face and dropped a truck load of egg all over the GOP's face. It's absolutely real now, they can't deny and lie about it anymore.

Does anyone think there will not be a cacophony of political ads leading up to November on how Trump and the Republicans tried for a year to obstruct and deny the whole thing at the expense of the security of the country?

Little lying Donald may well be found to have not directly colluded with the Russians though that unlikely, but even if he is he and the GOP actively tried to obstruct and end the investigation. That is etched in history now.
How quickly we ignore the fact that this happened on Obama's watch.
Now that right-wingers have adopted a new meme (Mueller is bad for liberals and his indictment was an awesome pro-Trump thing), I believe Democrats are relieved, because this new strategy forces Trump and conservatives to stop instigating the firing of Mr. Mueller.

Have we now finally reached an amicable agreement whereby nobody calls for Mueller to be fired? Vote in my poll please

The indictment of 13 Russian nationals for tampering with our election threw ice water in the orange turd's face and dropped a truck load of egg all over the GOP's face. It's absolutely real now, they can't deny and lie about it anymore.

Does anyone think there will not be a cacophony of political ads leading up to November on how Trump and the Republicans tried for a year to obstruct and deny the whole thing at the expense of the security of the country?

Little lying Donald may well be found to have not directly colluded with the Russians though that unlikely, but even if he is he and the GOP actively tried to obstruct and end the investigation. That is etched in history now.

See this post here---right above.

It is clear evidence that Liberals and Conservatives are living in parallel universes on this issue (and most others.)

You read it and then read what the V.P. of Facebook just said (about the mainstream media ignoring the real issue)---and compare it to the above nonsense.

After Mueller spends millions to indict 13 internet trolls who are long back in Russia, and won't ever be tried---Democrats act like the Kennedy Assassination Plot has been finally solved. Republicans think Trump has been vindicated and cleared, which isn't right either, but at least its not delusional.

Different universes. One side is going to get shell-shocked. I think it will be the Liberal Delusiods.

Internet trolling is not a crime. You spread fake news.
Now that right-wingers have adopted a new meme (Mueller is bad for liberals and his indictment was an awesome pro-Trump thing), I believe Democrats are relieved, because this new strategy forces Trump and conservatives to stop instigating the firing of Mr. Mueller.

Have we now finally reached an amicable agreement whereby nobody calls for Mueller to be fired? Vote in my poll please

The indictment of 13 Russian nationals for tampering with our election threw ice water in the orange turd's face and dropped a truck load of egg all over the GOP's face. It's absolutely real now, they can't deny and lie about it anymore.

Does anyone think there will not be a cacophony of political ads leading up to November on how Trump and the Republicans tried for a year to obstruct and deny the whole thing at the expense of the security of the country?

Little lying Donald may well be found to have not directly colluded with the Russians though that unlikely, but even if he is he and the GOP actively tried to obstruct and end the investigation. That is etched in history now.
How quickly we ignore the fact that this happened on Obama's watch.
Is Trump a murderer because the Florida shooting happened during his watch? Moron.

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