Do we all now agree that Mueller should not be fired?

Should Robert Mueller be fired?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 47.2%
  • No

    Votes: 19 52.8%

  • Total voters
Yep, I agree with you for once. He shouldn't be fired, but since his job is no longer needed, he should be retired-)

His job isn't over yet. He has stated that there were a number of Americans who helped in this mess. They too need to be brought to justice as well. Once done, his purpose will be complete; end of story.

btw: Trump is on that list
Yep, I agree with you for once. He shouldn't be fired, but since his job is no longer needed, he should be retired-)

His job isn't over yet. He has stated that there were a number of Americans who helped in this mess. They too need to be brought to justice as well. Once done, his purpose will be complete; end of story.

btw: Trump is on that list
When did that statement emerge, and please quote it.
Yep, I agree with you for once. He shouldn't be fired, but since his job is no longer needed, he should be retired-)

His job isn't over yet. He has stated that there were a number of Americans who helped in this mess. They too need to be brought to justice as well. Once done, his purpose will be complete; end of story.

btw: Trump is on that list

No, actually it is Mcabe, Ohr, and Paige, but what the heck, we have our evidence, now you go find yours-)
Yep, I agree with you for once. He shouldn't be fired, but since his job is no longer needed, he should be retired-)

His job isn't over yet. He has stated that there were a number of Americans who helped in this mess. They too need to be brought to justice as well. Once done, his purpose will be complete; end of story.

btw: Trump is on that list
When did that statement emerge, and please quote it.

Why are you asking questions for which Lefties have no answers-)

You know as well as I do that they are on the ropes and will say, do, make up anything they can to deflect, lololol!
Now that right-wingers have adopted a new meme (Mueller is bad for liberals and his indictment was an awesome pro-Trump thing), I believe Democrats are relieved, because this new strategy forces Trump and conservatives to stop instigating the firing of Mr. Mueller.

Have we now finally reached an amicable agreement whereby nobody calls for Mueller to be fired? Vote in my poll please

He wasted a year and a ton of money to tell us something we already knew and that will result in nothing at all. He should have been fired months ago.
The sham investigation should be shut down. Its a political witch hunt. Mueller should be fired. The only Collusion was between Hillary, the DNC, the FBI and Russia.
So your saying that the Mueller team was able to get the grand jury- people of all walks of life and political views- to indict all of these people on phony charges?

Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 6
Rule 6 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure governs grand juries. It requires grand juries to be composed of 16 to 23 members and that 12 members must concur in an indictment.[14] A grand jury is instructed to return an indictment if the probable cause standard has been met. The grand jury's decision is either a "true bill" (formerly billa vera, resulting in an "indictment"), or "no true bill".
Now that right-wingers have adopted a new meme (Mueller is bad for liberals and his indictment was an awesome pro-Trump thing), I believe Democrats are relieved, because this new strategy forces Trump and conservatives to stop instigating the firing of Mr. Mueller.

Have we now finally reached an amicable agreement whereby nobody calls for Mueller to be fired? Vote in my poll please
He should be fired along with the director of the FBI.
Considering how Mueller staffed this his team, the investigation is as compromised as Obama's FBI. It is Trump's job to bring credibility to the "Deep State". Mueller is not helping at all.
That is all you got? When are you people going to look at the facts?

"The Internet Research Agency had a "strategic goal to sow discord in the US political system" including the election, according to the indictment.

Russians posted "derogatory information about a number of candidates," according to the indictment. They bought ads and communicated with "unwitting" people tied to the Trump campaign and others in order to coordinate political activities."

The use of the term "unwitting" will soon be changed to wittingly and the "others" will be exposed as well. Get your popcorn now, the show is just about to begin.

The libs are pissed because they know Trump did nothing wrong and they are shaking in their Birkenstocks awaiting Mueller's final admission of total vindication of the Donald and his great team...
I'm not pissed at all. Trump can no longer say that it was a witch hunt and fake news. And, while he is claiming exoneration.....I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop:

Russian Indictments Could Set Stage For More Mueller Charges | HuffPost

(Reuters) - Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s indictment of 13 Russian individuals and three organizations for allegedly interfering in the 2016 U.S. presidential election sets the stage for the prosecution of Americans who may have helped the Russian effort, some legal experts said.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein told reporters on Friday there was no allegation in the indictment that any American knew about the alleged scheme. It said Russians did contact “unwitting” members of the campaign of now President Donald Trump in a bid to support him while denigrating his opponent, Democrat Hillary Clinton.
Maybe lefties were so angry and crazy that they missed the point that the Mueller probe uncovered foreign influence in the social (and mainstream?) media. Mueller found that Russians were supporting the BLM demonstrations against Law Enforcement and are probably still active. Isn't it likely that the Russians are also behind the so-called "woman's march" channeling the grief and shock of students into a 17 minute political demonstration?
Wall Street Journal (Murdoch-owned):Mueller's officce "believes Russians operated to help President Donald Trump’s campaign and hinder his opponent, Democrat Hillary Clinton" Russians Charged With Interfering in U.S. Election

Sure, they helped trump by exposing Hillary’s corruption.
That is all you got? When are you people going to look at the facts?

"The Internet Research Agency had a "strategic goal to sow discord in the US political system" including the election, according to the indictment.

Russians posted "derogatory information about a number of candidates," according to the indictment. They bought ads and communicated with "unwitting" people tied to the Trump campaign and others in order to coordinate political activities."

The use of the term "unwitting" will soon be changed to wittingly and the "others" will be exposed as well. Get your popcorn now, the show is just about to begin.

Why, and how can he reverse that statement? Try living in the real world.
He wasted a year and a ton of money to tell us something we already knew and that will result in nothing at all. He should have been fired months ago.

So far he has gotten five (5) to say, yes sir, I am guilty. He has also broke up a money laundry scheme Last but not least, he will indict Trump & family.

As I see it :)-
Fired at by firing squad???

Every single 911 Traitor deserves that fate, and Mueller is no different....
That is all you got? When are you people going to look at the facts?

"The Internet Research Agency had a "strategic goal to sow discord in the US political system" including the election, according to the indictment.

Russians posted "derogatory information about a number of candidates," according to the indictment. They bought ads and communicated with "unwitting" people tied to the Trump campaign and others in order to coordinate political activities."

The use of the term "unwitting" will soon be changed to wittingly and the "others" will be exposed as well. Get your popcorn now, the show is just about to begin.

Why, and how can he reverse that statement? Try living in the real world.

The desperation from the left and the way it has screwed up their already faulty minds is fascinating.
He wasted a year and a ton of money to tell us something we already knew and that will result in nothing at all. He should have been fired months ago.

So far he has gotten five (5) to say, yes sir, I am guilty. He has also broke up a money laundry scheme Last but not least, he will indict Trump & family.

As I see it :)-
You need to see an eye doctor. You clowns have been on this "We'll have him soon" crap for so long I can't remember when it started.
He wasted a year and a ton of money to tell us something we already knew and that will result in nothing at all. He should have been fired months ago.

So far he has gotten five (5) to say, yes sir, I am guilty. He has also broke up a money laundry scheme Last but not least, he will indict Trump & family.

As I see it :)-

Lol, you people have been dreaming this dream for over a year. The lengths to which you will go to keep this dream alive is fascinating to watch.

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