Do We All Understand That Democrats Invited The Caravan?

Sorry, did I use too big a word?
Here, let me help. It means a conclusion or statement that does not logically follow from the previous argument or statement.
Better now?

Sorry, did the logic overwhelm you?
Thanks for running to Google to look up the meaning of what you said. Good girl.

Now then, seems I hit a nerve. The hit dog howls......and I'm hearin' ya loud & clear.

So did you ask Brett yet? I'm certain he could set you do know where the SCOTUS is located right?

(Please, don't go to his home....ok?)
Lol, attention mods! Clean up on aisle 3! We've had yet another conservative meltdown!

And BTW, I know you meant to be insulting but just to clarify I am not female. I do think it is rather telling that you think calling me a girl is an insult. Speaks volumes for your opinion of them.
Poor left tards losing the argument call for others to silence and take away their butt hurt asses
Umm what?
Do We All Understand That Democrats Invited The Caravan?

Obviously, if Trump had been allowed to build his wall they would not waste their time and money marching to a certain dead end, America's wall! It is Hilary's and the Democrat's dream of open borders that constitutes an open invitation to all the world's poor to come here and to vote here as Democrats .

And why are there so many poor: because of Democrats of course! It should be simple to say, look folks it's not that complicated to be like us, you need Republican capitalism, Republican religion, Republican family values, and Republican law and order values. But , Democrats blunt that message with their socialist nonsense; so much of the world remains tragically poor.

Little do the world's poor know that if they do get here they will be breathing only the fumes of our genius Founders whose amazing legacy is being daily diluted away as our country drifts always further into suicidal Democratic territory.
Lol republican capitalism huh? Yeah we definitely have that. Massive income disparity and wages way behind on the rate of inflation for our most poor of workers.
Ok ok ok, LATIN America HAS POOR PEOPLE. I see entire industries in the US crumbling under the thumb of cheap Latin American labor. For like 30 years or so. Oh I know that sounds like something out of 19th century, the know nothings and all that. Xenophobia. I have been around the block a few times. Racism. yada yada.
What is happening now with unbridled so called "immigration" is historically unparalleled in American history.
Denver is like 1500 miles or so from the border . Yet Mexicans are given sanctuary here. Nobody asked for it, It's not apparent why they need it. But they got it anyway . But some of you worry about Russian interference....
Do We All Understand That Democrats Invited The Caravan?

Obviously, if Trump had been allowed to build his wall they would not waste their time and money marching to a certain dead end, America's wall! It is Hilary's and the Democrat's dream of open borders that constitutes an open invitation to all the world's poor to come here and to vote here as Democrats .

And why are there so many poor: because of Democrats of course! It should be simple to say, look folks it's not that complicated to be like us, you need Republican capitalism, Republican religion, Republican family values, and Republican law and order values. But , Democrats blunt that message with their socialist nonsense; so much of the world remains tragically poor.

Little do the world's poor know that if they do get here they will be breathing only the fumes of our genius Founders whose amazing legacy is being daily diluted away as our country drifts always further into suicidal Democratic territory.

The thing here also is that Honduras and Guatemala are NOT sending us their finest, contrary to what liberals say. There no scientists and engineers, medical doctors, or anything else of value in the Mob approaching the US border.

What the hell's the matter with El Salvador and the other nations, don't they understand that we need QUALITY people to immigrate, people that will be able to invest in our nation, buy and move into an apartment at the Trump Tower or other quality residence and take their place in our country paying heavy duty taxes and doing things. If these immigrants are only going to be hanging out on a street corner in Spanish Harlem or East LA oozing machismo- we already have enough people to do that.
Ok ok ok, LATIN America HAS POOR PEOPLE. I see entire industries in the US crumbling under the thumb of cheap Latin American labor. For like 30 years or so. Oh I know that sounds like something out of 19th century, the know nothings and all that. Xenophobia. I have been around the block a few times. Racism. yada yada.
What is happening now with unbridled so called "immigration" is historically unparalleled in American history.
Denver is like 1500 miles or so from the border . Yet Mexicans are given sanctuary here. Nobody asked for it, It's not apparent why they need it. But they got it anyway . But some of you worry about Russian interference....
I'd rather have Russians than hispanics and I have lived around both.
The conservative people invited them to see the new wall. Oh well trump has another failure.


We worry about Russian hackers doing this and that. I do. But I worry a little more about Mexican illegals sneaking in here and being legitimized. And when NBC or the CBS does this is magician slight of hand trick blaming the Russians? I have Mexicans all in my face, Russian hackers are science fiction. We need ballots on American and Spanish. That is telling. It's a cheap shot to blame everything on Racism or Russians, when the faults lay in ourselves. To quote Shakespeare.
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Do We All Understand That Democrats Invited The Caravan?

Obviously, if Trump had been allowed to build his wall they would not waste their time and money marching to a certain dead end, America's wall! It is Hilary's and the Democrat's dream of open borders that constitutes an open invitation to all the world's poor to come here and to vote here as Democrats .

And why are there so many poor: because of Democrats of course! It should be simple to say, look folks it's not that complicated to be like us, you need Republican capitalism, Republican religion, Republican family values, and Republican law and order values. But , Democrats blunt that message with their socialist nonsense; so much of the world remains tragically poor.

Little do the world's poor know that if they do get here they will be breathing only the fumes of our genius Founders whose amazing legacy is being daily diluted away as our country drifts always further into suicidal Democratic territory.

Same thing happened before the last election. I just read where a Dem in California is being investigated for sending out voter registrations to non-citizens and the box regarding citizenship was already checked 'yes' before they were sent out.

That is why they want illegal aliens pouring in.

And when so many illegals and others come in waving their own flags and talking shit about America, they are not refugees, they are invaders.

Thanks to Obama, we were overwhelmed with so many Muslim "refugees", who we later found out were mostly economic refugees. Most were able bodied men. And they were seeded across the country. And too many are bringing their fucked up culture into other countries and the leftists are telling them they don't have to assimilate.

The left seems to despise this country and everything we stand for. They don't believe in sovereignty. They don't even believe in individualism. Waters wants blacks to stay in their lane or face consequences. Hillary declared no civility until they regain power.

They are a joke. Not enough citizens support them so their only hope is to import more radicals and continue to cheat at the ballot box. And I do believe cheating is going on but in a way that is nearly impossible to detect. While we know illegals are voting, the worst cheating is making use of the ballots intended for legal citizens that go unused by the legally registered voters. No audit will detect this cheating because all ballots appear legal and the only way to prove anything would be to contact every voter and ask if they are the ones that actually used the ballots. Only about a third of legally registered voters turn out and poll workers check off names in the registration book. So easy to fill ballots out and check off names of people who never showed up to vote. I believe that is where the trunk load of votes for Al Franken came from.

This caravan definitely is a problem. They seem to have this mentality that as long as their numbers are super high, the US will bow to the pressure. The reality is that their huge number becomes all the more likely none of them will be allowed to cross over. It really is sad though. I don’t think letting them cross over is good for anyone
We are a little conflicted here. Liberals want EVEYONE to follow the rules (nothing wrong with that) . Point out Trump hasn't made his tax returns public. Ok fair is fair.

Me too. But Why can't Mexicans come here legally or be expected to prove their status? Why are they suddenly being given sanctuary without popular consensus?

I don't get "IT". We are hung up on categories. Spelling, grammar and other trivia but we ignore facts.
Lol republican capitalism huh? Yeah we definitely have that. Massive income disparity and wages way behind on the rate of inflation for our most poor of workers.

You really should at least appear to be trying to keep up with the rest of the world.

U.S. Workers Get Biggest Pay Increase in Nearly a Decade
Employment cost index, which measures wages and benefits, grew 2.8% in the 12 months to last month

By Harriet Torry
Updated July 31, 2018 7:10 p.m. ET

WASHINGTON—U.S. workers received their biggest pay increases in nearly a decade over the 12 months through June, a sign the strong labor market is boosting wages as employers compete for scarcer workers.

U.S. Workers Get Biggest Pay Increase in Nearly a Decade
Lol republican capitalism huh? Yeah we definitely have that. Massive income disparity and wages way behind on the rate of inflation for our most poor of workers.

You really should at least appear to be trying to keep up with the rest of the world.

U.S. Workers Get Biggest Pay Increase in Nearly a Decade
Employment cost index, which measures wages and benefits, grew 2.8% in the 12 months to last month

By Harriet Torry
Updated July 31, 2018 7:10 p.m. ET

WASHINGTON—U.S. workers received their biggest pay increases in nearly a decade over the 12 months through June, a sign the strong labor market is boosting wages as employers compete for scarcer workers.

U.S. Workers Get Biggest Pay Increase in Nearly a Decade
Neither She nor Powell nor Condoleezza were computer experts or were worried about them until the Russians hacked stuff and started a million conspiracy theories... Anything to distract from issues and policy....
Leftist paid caravan.

And they aren't for illegal immigration? Who would believe that...
No evidence for that whatsoever, super duper. Honduras Guatemala El Salvador are shitholes thanks to the GOP War on Drugs and their corrupt World depression of 2008. But tell us a thousand phony Scandal conspiracy theories... We should give them Asylum and work on helping their countries- legalize pot and extend NAFTA.
Leftist paid caravan.

And they aren't for illegal immigration? Who would believe that...
No evidence for that whatsoever, super duper. Honduras Guatemala El Salvador are shitholes thanks to the GOP War on Drugs and their corrupt World depression of 2008. But tell us a thousand phony Scandal conspiracy theories...

The GOP must be supremely powerful for it to be able to destroy entire countries with one policy, related to illegal drugs of all things.

Such a supreme entity should probably be in charge. Can you provide me with a registration form?

"No evidence what so ever".... I suppose people getting paid in order to join the alien caravan is no evidence.
Leftist paid caravan.

And they aren't for illegal immigration? Who would believe that...
No evidence for that whatsoever, super duper. Honduras Guatemala El Salvador are shitholes thanks to the GOP War on Drugs and their corrupt World depression of 2008. But tell us a thousand phony Scandal conspiracy theories...

The GOP must be supremely powerful for it to be able to destroy entire countries with one policy, related to illegal drugs of all things.

Such a supreme entity should probably be in charge. Can you provide me with a registration form?
That is what these people want Asylum from, drug gangs and Corruption d uh, man pay attention... Get some actual news.

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