Do We All Understand That Democrats Invited The Caravan?

Leftist paid caravan.

And they aren't for illegal immigration? Who would believe that...
No evidence for that whatsoever, super duper. Honduras Guatemala El Salvador are shitholes thanks to the GOP War on Drugs and their corrupt World depression of 2008. But tell us a thousand phony Scandal conspiracy theories...

The GOP must be supremely powerful for it to be able to destroy entire countries with one policy, related to illegal drugs of all things.

Such a supreme entity should probably be in charge. Can you provide me with a registration form?
That is what these people want Asylum from, drug gangs and Corruption d uh, man pay attention... Get some actual news.

Yes... yes... of course. And it's all the fault of the Americans!

How convenient. With this amount of self hate, maybe you should join them instead of the other way around.
Something tells me that President Trump will soon be doing a Central American tour with some choice words for the so called leaders of those shit hole countries.
Lol republican capitalism huh? Yeah we definitely have that. Massive income disparity and wages way behind on the rate of inflation for our most poor of workers.

You really should at least appear to be trying to keep up with the rest of the world.

U.S. Workers Get Biggest Pay Increase in Nearly a Decade
Employment cost index, which measures wages and benefits, grew 2.8% in the 12 months to last month

By Harriet Torry
Updated July 31, 2018 7:10 p.m. ET

WASHINGTON—U.S. workers received their biggest pay increases in nearly a decade over the 12 months through June, a sign the strong labor market is boosting wages as employers compete for scarcer workers.

U.S. Workers Get Biggest Pay Increase in Nearly a Decade
I’m really explaining something pretty basic. I never said wages didn’t increase. I said they are way behind on inflation. The increase basically means nothing.
That is what these people want Asylum from, drug gangs and Corruption d uh, man pay attention... Get some actual news.

Really? Maybe you should pay attention.
These people are gonna be REALLY disappointed when they get here and learn that democrats are all about corruption and encouraging gangs.
But they sugar coat it with words like "Sanctuary", so it's "ok"....d uh
Do We All Understand That Democrats Invited The Caravan?

The U.S. Constitution invited the caravan.

The Constitution created a great and generous nations......YOU idiots abused it, distorted it and attempt to disregard it for POLITICAL GAIN ONLY.
Because you cannot win otherwise.

For example, in the 14th amendment language of naturalization was NOT written to create a means for the world to ANCHOR themselves to the US by having babies here...instead it was specifically written to protect SLAVES FORCED to come here. Democrats have contorted every possible word they can in the Constitution to advance their agenda.
Dimocrats encourage the invasion. Illegals know, if they can make it here, Dimocrats will help them avoid immigration enforcement.
Do We All Understand That Democrats Invited The Caravan?

Obviously, if Trump had been allowed to build his wall they would not waste their time and money marching to a certain dead end, America's wall! It is Hilary's and the Democrat's dream of open borders that constitutes an open invitation to all the world's poor to come here and to vote here as Democrats .

And why are there so many poor: because of Democrats of course! It should be simple to say, look folks it's not that complicated to be like us, you need Republican capitalism, Republican religion, Republican family values, and Republican law and order values. But , Democrats blunt that message with their socialist nonsense; so much of the world remains tragically poor.

Little do the world's poor know that if they do get here they will be breathing only the fumes of our genius Founders whose amazing legacy is being daily diluted away as our country drifts always further into suicidal Democratic territory.
We all know this is a lie.
Lol!! tRump or someone in his pocket is financing/organizing the caravan. He needs it to fire up his xenophobic base.

Wow! When did George Soros begin supporting President Donald Trump?
Here is a clue for you:

He doesn't.

Do We All Understand That Democrats Invited The Caravan?

Obviously, if Trump had been allowed to build his wall they would not waste their time and money marching to a certain dead end, America's wall! It is Hilary's and the Democrat's dream of open borders that constitutes an open invitation to all the world's poor to come here and to vote here as Democrats .

And why are there so many poor: because of Democrats of course! It should be simple to say, look folks it's not that complicated to be like us, you need Republican capitalism, Republican religion, Republican family values, and Republican law and order values. But , Democrats blunt that message with their socialist nonsense; so much of the world remains tragically poor.

Little do the world's poor know that if they do get here they will be breathing only the fumes of our genius Founders whose amazing legacy is being daily diluted away as our country drifts always further into suicidal Democratic territory.
Lol!! tRump or someone in his pocket is financing/organizing the caravan. He needs it to fire up his xenophobic base.
No, but I've been thinking about this outfit, Sin Fronteras, that is supporting the group (there are other activist organizations supporting them as well, but Sin Fronteras has been a constant). They seem to be trying to exert political pressure on the Central American governments to clean up their act, since they must know that caravans of thousands of immigrants/refugees willing to cross illegally into another country are going to cause strong reaction from the governments of the receiving countries.
Or maybe they have another agenda, but if so, I don't know what it is.
Do We All Understand That Democrats Invited The Caravan?

Obviously, if Trump had been allowed to build his wall they would not waste their time and money marching to a certain dead end, America's wall! It is Hilary's and the Democrat's dream of open borders that constitutes an open invitation to all the world's poor to come here and to vote here as Democrats .

And why are there so many poor: because of Democrats of course! It should be simple to say, look folks it's not that complicated to be like us, you need Republican capitalism, Republican religion, Republican family values, and Republican law and order values. But , Democrats blunt that message with their socialist nonsense; so much of the world remains tragically poor.

Little do the world's poor know that if they do get here they will be breathing only the fumes of our genius Founders whose amazing legacy is being daily diluted away as our country drifts always further into suicidal Democratic territory.
Lol!! tRump or someone in his pocket is financing/organizing the caravan. He needs it to fire up his xenophobic base.
No, but I've been thinking about this outfit, Sin Fronteras, that is supporting the group (there are other activist organizations supporting them as well, but Sin Fronteras has been a constant). They seem to be trying to exert political pressure on the Central American governments to clean up their act, since they must know that caravans of thousands of immigrants/refugees willing to cross illegally into another country are going to cause strong reaction from the governments of the receiving countries.
Or maybe they have another agenda, but if so, I don't know what it is.
My comment was really just intended to point out how silly the assertion that Democrats are funding it is.
Do We All Understand That Democrats Invited The Caravan?

Obviously, if Trump had been allowed to build his wall they would not waste their time and money marching to a certain dead end, America's wall! It is Hilary's and the Democrat's dream of open borders that constitutes an open invitation to all the world's poor to come here and to vote here as Democrats .

And why are there so many poor: because of Democrats of course! It should be simple to say, look folks it's not that complicated to be like us, you need Republican capitalism, Republican religion, Republican family values, and Republican law and order values. But , Democrats blunt that message with their socialist nonsense; so much of the world remains tragically poor.

Little do the world's poor know that if they do get here they will be breathing only the fumes of our genius Founders whose amazing legacy is being daily diluted away as our country drifts always further into suicidal Democratic territory.
/----/ Yup. This caravan has democRATs fingerprints all over it. "Oh, they are just fleeing oppression and riots. They just want a better life. We should welcome them." Hondurans Paint Swastika On American Flag, Set It On Fire; Wave Honduran Flags, Give Us The Finger
Where are the women and children?

Dimocrats encourage the invasion. Illegals know, if they can make it here, Dimocrats will help them avoid immigration enforcement.
The gangs they are running from in Honduras are American gangs. They say they are running from 18th Street and MS-13. Those are the very gangs they will be exploited by here. They will end up in a tent city shitting in their beds.
Do We All Understand That Democrats Invited The Caravan?

Obviously, if Trump had been allowed to build his wall they would not waste their time and money marching to a certain dead end, America's wall! It is Hilary's and the Democrat's dream of open borders that constitutes an open invitation to all the world's poor to come here and to vote here as Democrats .

And why are there so many poor: because of Democrats of course! It should be simple to say, look folks it's not that complicated to be like us, you need Republican capitalism, Republican religion, Republican family values, and Republican law and order values. But , Democrats blunt that message with their socialist nonsense; so much of the world remains tragically poor.

Little do the world's poor know that if they do get here they will be breathing only the fumes of our genius Founders whose amazing legacy is being daily diluted away as our country drifts always further into suicidal Democratic territory.

Fake news.

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Democrats could have had immigration reform, they didn’t want it.

We can’t just unilaterally let 6000 people break the immigration laws we have.

The Dimms want the photo ops of children who are being dragged here and they want to import the votes because their policies don’t resonate with actual American citizens.

If we have open borders, we are no longer a nation.
nobody takes the right wing seriously about the law, Constitutional or otherwise.

Only lousy capitalists lose money on border policies; why blame the Poor.

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