Do We All Understand That Democrats Invited The Caravan?

Lol republican capitalism huh? Yeah we definitely have that. Massive income disparity and wages way behind on the rate of inflation for our most poor of workers.

You really should at least appear to be trying to keep up with the rest of the world.

U.S. Workers Get Biggest Pay Increase in Nearly a Decade
Employment cost index, which measures wages and benefits, grew 2.8% in the 12 months to last month

By Harriet Torry
Updated July 31, 2018 7:10 p.m. ET

WASHINGTON—U.S. workers received their biggest pay increases in nearly a decade over the 12 months through June, a sign the strong labor market is boosting wages as employers compete for scarcer workers.

U.S. Workers Get Biggest Pay Increase in Nearly a Decade
Neither She nor Powell nor Condoleezza were computer experts or were worried about them until the Russians hacked stuff and started a million conspiracy theories... Anything to distract from issues and policy....

Usually, I don't respond to your foolish trolling but this makes no sense, whatsoever. Are you drunk or stoned again?
Democrats could have had immigration reform, they didn’t want it.

We can’t just unilaterally let 6000 people break the immigration laws we have.

The Dimms want the photo ops of children who are being dragged here and they want to import the votes because their policies don’t resonate with actual American citizens.

If we have open borders, we are no longer a nation.
nobody takes the right wing seriously about the law, Constitutional or otherwise.

Only lousy capitalists lose money on border policies; why blame the Poor.

Right....why enforce our borders?

only those applying for citizenship are immigrants; the rest are tourists.

tourism is the first, second, or third largest employer in twenty-nine States.

we should merely Use capitalism for its capital worth to provide no capital incentive for illegal entry into the Union.

All foreign nationals should have a federal id. indicating their immigrant or tourist status.

That is good news, the tour bus is getting ready to leave.
only illegals have a problem at the border.
Only libbies have a problem with the law
Being lawful is actually easier, do not know why they seek the more difficult route and then blame others when it does not work out .
Do We All Understand That Democrats Invited The Caravan?

Obviously, if Trump had been allowed to build his wall they would not waste their time and money marching to a certain dead end, America's wall! It is Hilary's and the Democrat's dream of open borders that constitutes an open invitation to all the world's poor to come here and to vote here as Democrats .

And why are there so many poor: because of Democrats of course! It should be simple to say, look folks it's not that complicated to be like us, you need Republican capitalism, Republican religion, Republican family values, and Republican law and order values. But , Democrats blunt that message with their socialist nonsense; so much of the world remains tragically poor.

Little do the world's poor know that if they do get here they will be breathing only the fumes of our genius Founders whose amazing legacy is being daily diluted away as our country drifts always further into suicidal Democratic territory.

And here I thought Mexico was going to build the wall.

You do remember him saying that right?
Do We All Understand That Democrats Invited The Caravan?

in fact, invitations with RSVP return postage ......

It’s not a caravan. A caravan is a bunch of camels and goods laden travelers
These are a bunch of horses asses with no goods but plenty of hand outs wanted.
It’s not a caravan. A caravan is a bunch of camels and goods laden travelers
These are a bunch of horses asses with no goods but plenty of hand outs wanted.

it can be anything RW bigots want it to be - ANYTHING !!!
Dems are praying the Saudi murder thing is a big deal and the caravan becomes a big deal.

They want LOTS of suffering to exploit.
Do You Realize that All you Said is a LIE?
I am just sick and tired of this right wing propaganda machine meant purposely to DECEIVE.... and you all being dumb enough to believe it all and spread it like peanut butter!

Let's assume you're correct for a moment.....
Do you have any idea the COST to move 4000 - 5000 people thousands of miles?

These people are supposedly who's funding their travels?

Please....THINK....before you reply and not blurt out stupid illogical nonsense like disease breath did.
do you realize that they do this very passage and caravan every single year at the precise same time, for the past decade or two? And that by the time they reach us, thousands will not make it to our border because they chose Mexico over us?

And do you realize that their situations are worse than ever in their home countries?

Or that most of them WALK to make it here and sleep on the ground outside or some, lucky enough to have a church or a convent let them stay overnight?

Orange Man Bad! :aargh:

So if this caravan happens annually, there's some documentation of it on the internet, correct?

All I found was this, from last Easter:

Honduras Responds to U.S.-Bound Caravan

Looks like more than annually to me. :dunno:
It’s not a caravan. A caravan is a bunch of camels and goods laden travelers
These are a bunch of horses asses with no goods but plenty of hand outs wanted.

it can be anything RW bigots want it to be - ANYTHING !!!

How does demanding security for our borders make anyone a bigot? Please be specific, if that's possible for you.
Do We All Understand That Democrats Invited The Caravan?

Obviously, if Trump had been allowed to build his wall they would not waste their time and money marching to a certain dead end, America's wall! It is Hilary's and the Democrat's dream of open borders that constitutes an open invitation to all the world's poor to come here and to vote here as Democrats .

And why are there so many poor: because of Democrats of course! It should be simple to say, look folks it's not that complicated to be like us, you need Republican capitalism, Republican religion, Republican family values, and Republican law and order values. But , Democrats blunt that message with their socialist nonsense; so much of the world remains tragically poor.

Little do the world's poor know that if they do get here they will be breathing only the fumes of our genius Founders whose amazing legacy is being daily diluted away as our country drifts always further into suicidal Democratic territory.

So here we have a few thousand people in an already overcrowded, taxed world who say they have no life, no jobs, no homes, no purpose? What do you do when you have a stray animal no one wants?
let them in - Trumps Trillion dollar deficit will absorb them like a drop of water on a dry sponge.
Leftist paid caravan.

And they aren't for illegal immigration? Who would believe that...
No evidence for that whatsoever, super duper. Honduras Guatemala El Salvador are shitholes thanks to the GOP War on Drugs and their corrupt World depression of 2008. But tell us a thousand phony Scandal conspiracy theories...

The GOP must be supremely powerful for it to be able to destroy entire countries with one policy, related to illegal drugs of all things.

Such a supreme entity should probably be in charge. Can you provide me with a registration form?
That is what these people want Asylum from, drug gangs and Corruption d uh, man pay attention... Get some actual news.

Yes... yes... of course. And it's all the fault of the Americans!

How convenient. With this amount of self hate, maybe you should join them instead of the other way around.
No it's the fault of the Republicans d u h and they just keep making it worse and worse
Breaking For doops... We have a flat tax system now, a giveaway to the rich, Democrats are honest and all your phony scandals are ridiculous, change the channel read a newspaper and regain your sanity.
Do We All Understand That Democrats Invited The Caravan?

Obviously, if Trump had been allowed to build his wall they would not waste their time and money marching to a certain dead end, America's wall! It is Hilary's and the Democrat's dream of open borders that constitutes an open invitation to all the world's poor to come here and to vote here as Democrats .

And why are there so many poor: because of Democrats of course! It should be simple to say, look folks it's not that complicated to be like us, you need Republican capitalism, Republican religion, Republican family values, and Republican law and order values. But , Democrats blunt that message with their socialist nonsense; so much of the world remains tragically poor.

Little do the world's poor know that if they do get here they will be breathing only the fumes of our genius Founders whose amazing legacy is being daily diluted away as our country drifts always further into suicidal Democratic territory.

Want to prove that or just keep letting the flies buzz out of your pie hole?
And another thing, Trump said over and over and over and over and over again that Mexico was going to pay for the wall.
Remember, dumbass?
Did you actually believe that and not understand that Congress had to approve it in the first fucking place????
They want chaos on the border for Election Day.

I believe it's going to backfire on them

The Texans, Arizonans, and New Mexicans on the Border... they are right there to see this human wave come at them, and right when they will be voting against the democrats who told these people to come here....
Dimocrats encourage the invasion. Illegals know, if they can make it here, Dimocrats will help them avoid immigration enforcement.
So pass a national ID card or make Everify work. Turns out your GOP brainwashers love the cheap easily bullied illegal labor and distract you with b*******. Sanctuary does not protect real criminals, actually helps people out them d u h.
It’s not a caravan. A caravan is a bunch of camels and goods laden travelers
These are a bunch of horses asses with no goods but plenty of hand outs wanted.

it can be anything RW bigots want it to be - ANYTHING !!!

How does demanding security for our borders make anyone a bigot? Please be specific, if that's possible for you.
we have a general welfare clause and a commerce clause. there is no general warfare clause nor any common offense clause.

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