Do We All Understand That Democrats Invited The Caravan?

Do We All Understand That Democrats Invited The Caravan?

Obviously, if Trump had been allowed to build his wall they would not waste their time and money marching to a certain dead end, America's wall! It is Hilary's and the Democrat's dream of open borders that constitutes an open invitation to all the world's poor to come here and to vote here as Democrats .

And why are there so many poor: because of Democrats of course! It should be simple to say, look folks it's not that complicated to be like us, you need Republican capitalism, Republican religion, Republican family values, and Republican law and order values. But , Democrats blunt that message with their socialist nonsense; so much of the world remains tragically poor.

Little do the world's poor know that if they do get here they will be breathing only the fumes of our genius Founders whose amazing legacy is being daily diluted away as our country drifts always further into suicidal Democratic territory.

So here we have a few thousand people in an already overcrowded, taxed world who say they have no life, no jobs, no homes, no purpose? What do you do when you have a stray animal no one wants?
Trump got elected by Democrats who invited in 30 million illegals to drive down American wages for 30 years. Time to put America first!!
Do You Realize that All you Said is a LIE?

if so why so afraid to present the most obvious example and tell us why it's a lie?? what do you learn from your fear?

you can dismiss anything as a lie when you don't understand it but how honest are you being with yourself when you do that?
Democrats are hoping lots of invading "children" will be killed. Horrible they will cry but deep down inside rationalizing it all as just "unusually LATE term abortions". That will spare them any personal guilt......
Do We All Understand That Democrats Invited The Caravan?

Obviously, if Trump had been allowed to build his wall they would not waste their time and money marching to a certain dead end, America's wall! It is Hilary's and the Democrat's dream of open borders that constitutes an open invitation to all the world's poor to come here and to vote here as Democrats .

And why are there so many poor: because of Democrats of course! It should be simple to say, look folks it's not that complicated to be like us, you need Republican capitalism, Republican religion, Republican family values, and Republican law and order values. But , Democrats blunt that message with their socialist nonsense; so much of the world remains tragically poor.

Little do the world's poor know that if they do get here they will be breathing only the fumes of our genius Founders whose amazing legacy is being daily diluted away as our country drifts always further into suicidal Democratic territory.

Edward, you aren't here, but let me tell you, we have almost no unemployment and plenty of empty houses in our older cities. I say making folks hike half the continent for citizenship is a good test that we are getting folks who are healthy and willing to work for something.

Look up our Homestead Act from the 1800's. My plan would be to give them city owned abandoned houses and if they can maintain them for a decade, work and stay clean make them citizens and give them the land.

We will take your plan under consideration, as soon as YOU can support them-)
Do We All Understand That Democrats Invited The Caravan?

Obviously, if Trump had been allowed to build his wall they would not waste their time and money marching to a certain dead end, America's wall! It is Hilary's and the Democrat's dream of open borders that constitutes an open invitation to all the world's poor to come here and to vote here as Democrats .

And why are there so many poor: because of Democrats of course! It should be simple to say, look folks it's not that complicated to be like us, you need Republican capitalism, Republican religion, Republican family values, and Republican law and order values. But , Democrats blunt that message with their socialist nonsense; so much of the world remains tragically poor.

Little do the world's poor know that if they do get here they will be breathing only the fumes of our genius Founders whose amazing legacy is being daily diluted away as our country drifts always further into suicidal Democratic territory.
Lol republican capitalism huh? Yeah we definitely have that. Massive income disparity and wages way behind on the rate of inflation for our most poor of workers.

Then why do more people who are poor want to come here? You should go x-plain it to them, maybe they will turn around-)

By the way, how many people who are poor, stay poor? Moving up the economic chain is what America is all about.

The question is NOT----------> are 25% of Americans poor; the real question is--------->is it the same 25% of Americans that were poor 5 years ago!
Do We All Understand That Democrats Invited The Caravan?

Obviously, if Trump had been allowed to build his wall they would not waste their time and money marching to a certain dead end, America's wall! It is Hilary's and the Democrat's dream of open borders that constitutes an open invitation to all the world's poor to come here and to vote here as Democrats .

And why are there so many poor: because of Democrats of course! It should be simple to say, look folks it's not that complicated to be like us, you need Republican capitalism, Republican religion, Republican family values, and Republican law and order values. But , Democrats blunt that message with their socialist nonsense; so much of the world remains tragically poor.

Little do the world's poor know that if they do get here they will be breathing only the fumes of our genius Founders whose amazing legacy is being daily diluted away as our country drifts always further into suicidal Democratic territory.
Lol!! tRump or someone in his pocket is financing/organizing the caravan. He needs it to fire up his xenophobic base.
No, but I've been thinking about this outfit, Sin Fronteras, that is supporting the group (there are other activist organizations supporting them as well, but Sin Fronteras has been a constant). They seem to be trying to exert political pressure on the Central American governments to clean up their act, since they must know that caravans of thousands of immigrants/refugees willing to cross illegally into another country are going to cause strong reaction from the governments of the receiving countries.
Or maybe they have another agenda, but if so, I don't know what it is.
My comment was really just intended to point out how silly the assertion that Democrats are funding it is.

Well, that just depends----------> is Soros just a Democrat, or is HE THE POWER BEHIND the Democrats-)
Turns out your GOP brainwashers love the cheap easily bullied illegal labor and distract you with b*******..
half of illegals just overstay their visas, and the wall will do no good. we need a national ID card like smart countries have, or fix E-verify.

wrong of course wall would be built if not for Democratic opposition!!
half of illegals just overstay their visas, and the wall will do no good. we need a national ID card like smart countries have, or fix E-verify.
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Do We All Understand That Democrats Invited The Caravan?

Obviously, if Trump had been allowed to build his wall they would not waste their time and money marching to a certain dead end, America's wall! It is Hilary's and the Democrat's dream of open borders that constitutes an open invitation to all the world's poor to come here and to vote here as Democrats .

And why are there so many poor: because of Democrats of course! It should be simple to say, look folks it's not that complicated to be like us, you need Republican capitalism, Republican religion, Republican family values, and Republican law and order values. But , Democrats blunt that message with their socialist nonsense; so much of the world remains tragically poor.

Little do the world's poor know that if they do get here they will be breathing only the fumes of our genius Founders whose amazing legacy is being daily diluted away as our country drifts always further into suicidal Democratic territory.
Lol republican capitalism huh? Yeah we definitely have that. Massive income disparity and wages way behind on the rate of inflation for our most poor of workers.

Then why do more people who are poor want to come here? You should go x-plain it to them, maybe they will turn around-)

By the way, how many people who are poor, stay poor? Moving up the economic chain is what America is all about.

The question is NOT----------> are 25% of Americans poor; the real question is--------->is it the same 25% of Americans that were poor 5 years ago!
After 35 years of GOP bs propaganda and character assassination and give away to the rich, we have the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history and in the modern world, super duper.
Turns out your GOP brainwashers love the cheap easily bullied illegal labor and distract you with b*******..
half of illegals just overstay their visas, and the wall will do no good. we need a national ID card like smart countries have, or fix E-verify.

wrong of course wall would be built if not for Democratic opposition!!
half of illegals just overstay their visas, and the wall will do no good. we need a national ID card like smart countries have, or fix E-verify.
And I don't think e-verify can be fixed. They get fake social security cards and bingo.
Do We All Understand That Democrats Invited The Caravan?

Obviously, if Trump had been allowed to build his wall they would not waste their time and money marching to a certain dead end, America's wall! It is Hilary's and the Democrat's dream of open borders that constitutes an open invitation to all the world's poor to come here and to vote here as Democrats .

And why are there so many poor: because of Democrats of course! It should be simple to say, look folks it's not that complicated to be like us, you need Republican capitalism, Republican religion, Republican family values, and Republican law and order values. But , Democrats blunt that message with their socialist nonsense; so much of the world remains tragically poor.

Little do the world's poor know that if they do get here they will be breathing only the fumes of our genius Founders whose amazing legacy is being daily diluted away as our country drifts always further into suicidal Democratic territory.

So here we have a few thousand people in an already overcrowded, taxed world who say they have no life, no jobs, no homes, no purpose? What do you do when you have a stray animal no one wants?
Trump got elected by Democrats who invited in 30 million illegals to drive down American wages for 30 years. Time to put America first!!
Actually Ronnie Ray Gun did the amnesty and the GOP refused to fix the system. A national ID card would be communism and fascism LOL...
half of illegals just overstay their visas, and the wall will do no good. we need a national ID card like smart countries have, or fix E-verify.

And the other half sneak across the border through porous fencing. The Wall will not be porous!!
Do You Realize that All you Said is a LIE?
I am just sick and tired of this right wing propaganda machine meant purposely to DECEIVE.... and you all being dumb enough to believe it all and spread it like peanut butter!

Let's assume you're correct for a moment.....
Do you have any idea the COST to move 4000 - 5000 people thousands of miles?

These people are supposedly who's funding their travels?

Please....THINK....before you reply and not blurt out stupid illogical nonsense like disease breath did.
do you realize that they do this very passage and caravan every single year at the precise same time, for the past decade or two? And that by the time they reach us, thousands will not make it to our border because they chose Mexico over us?

And do you realize that their situations are worse than ever in their home countries?

Or that most of them WALK to make it here and sleep on the ground outside or some, lucky enough to have a church or a convent let them stay overnight?

Orange Man Bad! :aargh:

So if this caravan happens annually, there's some documentation of it on the internet, correct?

All I found was this, from last Easter:

Honduras Responds to U.S.-Bound Caravan

Looks like more than annually to me. :dunno:
twice a year, once in winter...this one, once in Spring, the one at easter time...

NOT USUALLY this BIG though, except one caravan in 2014, it was huge, mostly kids without parents is my understanding....

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