Do We All Understand That Democrats Invited The Caravan?

Middle eastern men have been identified as having infiltrated the invading army. Isis is making good on their promise to hide among illegals.

Trump begins cutting off aid to these countries today. Good. We can use that money on border defense.
Do You Realize that All you Said is a LIE?
I am just sick and tired of this right wing propaganda machine meant purposely to DECEIVE.... and you all being dumb enough to believe it all and spread it like peanut butter!

Let's assume you're correct for a moment.....
Do you have any idea the COST to move 4000 - 5000 people thousands of miles?

These people are supposedly who's funding their travels?

Please....THINK....before you reply and not blurt out stupid illogical nonsense like disease breath did.
Whoever wants the wall built would be funding it. What better way to justify the wall then to create an apparent need for it.
Just in time for Trump to exploit.
the right can't justify their own wall with Tax Cut economics.
Roughly half have turned back. Only the activists remain among a few families.
I saw this today and their didn’t appear to be any women among them.
all the video shown that I saw today was near ALL Women and kids...
This is typical of the films shown on the BBC and other news outlets yesterday and today, - overwhelmingly young males:

View attachment 224050

A group of Central American migrants gather in the central park of Ciudad Hidlago, Mexico, Saturday, Oct. 20, 2018. Mexican authorities for a second straight day refused mass entry to a caravan of Central American migrants held up at the border with Guatemala, but began accepting small groups for asylum processing and gave out some 45-day visitor permits that would theoretically allow recipients time to reach the United States. (AP Photo/Oliver de Ros) THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
It merely requires a capital investment to create jobs and housing in Central America; where are the Good capitalists who have capital and love to generate more capital?
The Dems are trying to set a stage.
This caravan will arrive before the elections.....planned.
Trump will do everything in his power (supposedly) to contain the mess.....expected
The women and children will be moved to the front and HEAVILY covered by the media and it will be on EVERY TV SCREEN in America depicting horrible treatment, claiming American troops are raping immigrant women, border guards beating immigrant children, families mercilessly ripped apart.... etc..... by REPUBLICANS..........planned

Trump needs to declare a national security emergency and keep the media away at least until after the elections.

(Just saw your post about the photo op after I posted this Colonel. I agree)

The way to head that off is by not letting them get to the border. Inform the Mexican government that the horde will be their responsibility. They would disperse very quickly
Do We All Understand That Democrats Invited The Caravan?

Obviously, if Trump had been allowed to build his wall they would not waste their time and money marching to a certain dead end, America's wall! It is Hilary's and the Democrat's dream of open borders that constitutes an open invitation to all the world's poor to come here and to vote here as Democrats .

And why are there so many poor: because of Democrats of course! It should be simple to say, look folks it's not that complicated to be like us, you need Republican capitalism, Republican religion, Republican family values, and Republican law and order values. But , Democrats blunt that message with their socialist nonsense; so much of the world remains tragically poor.

Little do the world's poor know that if they do get here they will be breathing only the fumes of our genius Founders whose amazing legacy is being daily diluted away as our country drifts always further into suicidal Democratic territory.

Edward, you aren't here, but let me tell you, we have almost no unemployment and plenty of empty houses in our older cities. I say making folks hike half the continent for citizenship is a good test that we are getting folks who are healthy and willing to work for something.

Look up our Homestead Act from the 1800's. My plan would be to give them city owned abandoned houses and if they can maintain them for a decade, work and stay clean make them citizens and give them the land.
Should we also do this for our resident poor and homeless first?
If the caravan continues to grow apace, they will be 42,000 when they reach our southern border.

That's an army.

All the Dems had to do was play it cool and they win the House easy and maybe take the Senate. Now we have a caravan of thousands of people that will be demanding entry to the country by election day. The Kavanaugh disaster, mobs roaming the streets and now a caravan. Are the Dems trying to throw the election? What gives?

The democrat leadership is losing control of the party. Even if they wanted to appear sane (and that's not certain), the nut cases in the party won't let them.
Do We All Understand That Democrats Invited The Caravan?

Obviously, if Trump had been allowed to build his wall they would not waste their time and money marching to a certain dead end, America's wall! It is Hilary's and the Democrat's dream of open borders that constitutes an open invitation to all the world's poor to come here and to vote here as Democrats .

And why are there so many poor: because of Democrats of course! It should be simple to say, look folks it's not that complicated to be like us, you need Republican capitalism, Republican religion, Republican family values, and Republican law and order values. But , Democrats blunt that message with their socialist nonsense; so much of the world remains tragically poor.

Little do the world's poor know that if they do get here they will be breathing only the fumes of our genius Founders whose amazing legacy is being daily diluted away as our country drifts always further into suicidal Democratic territory.

Edward, you aren't here, but let me tell you, we have almost no unemployment and plenty of empty houses in our older cities. I say making folks hike half the continent for citizenship is a good test that we are getting folks who are healthy and willing to work for something.

Look up our Homestead Act from the 1800's. My plan would be to give them city owned abandoned houses and if they can maintain them for a decade, work and stay clean make them citizens and give them the land.
Should we also do this for our resident poor and homeless first?

Our own resident poor CAN buy these houses for mext to nothing already. St Louis just tried to sell a bunch two weeks ago and many went un-bought. ppl who do buy them sometimes recover their costs by selling the bricks.

If u wanna give them for free to citizens I'd say thats fine. We can stick the ten year primary residency thing to it
If the caravan continues to grow apace, they will be 42,000 when they reach our southern border.

That's an army.

All the Dems had to do was play it cool and they win the House easy and maybe take the Senate. Now we have a caravan of thousands of people that will be demanding entry to the country by election day. The Kavanaugh disaster, mobs roaming the streets and now a caravan. Are the Dems trying to throw the election? What gives?

The democrat leadership is losing control of the party. Even if they wanted to appear sane (and that's not certain), the nut cases in the party won't let them.

Blah blah, the Republican leadership lost control of their party to some trophy wife importer goon and got fewer popular votes in the last presidential election.

Them things are too subjective to say.

Them things are prettt
If the caravan continues to grow apace, they will be 42,000 when they reach our southern border.

That's an army.

All the Dems had to do was play it cool and they win the House easy and maybe take the Senate. Now we have a caravan of thousands of people that will be demanding entry to the country by election day. The Kavanaugh disaster, mobs roaming the streets and now a caravan. Are the Dems trying to throw the election? What gives?

The democrat leadership is losing control of the party. Even if they wanted to appear sane (and that's not certain), the nut cases in the party won't let them.

Blah blah, the Republican leadership lost control of their party to some trophy wife importer goon and got fewer popular votes in the last presidential election.

Them things are too subjective to say.

Them things are prettt

It just happened to the Republicans a few years earlier. It remains to be seen if a Trump figure emerges who democrats can really around. If not, the chaos will increase.
The Dems are trying to set a stage.
This caravan will arrive before the elections.....planned.
Trump will do everything in his power (supposedly) to contain the mess.....expected
The women and children will be moved to the front and HEAVILY covered by the media and it will be on EVERY TV SCREEN in America depicting horrible treatment, claiming American troops are raping immigrant women, border guards beating immigrant children, families mercilessly ripped apart.... etc..... by REPUBLICANS..........planned

Trump needs to declare a national security emergency and keep the media away at least until after the elections.

(Just saw your post about the photo op after I posted this Colonel. I agree)

The same group that couldn’t organize a 2 car parade?
Democrats could have had immigration reform, they didn’t want it.

We can’t just unilaterally let 6000 people break the immigration laws we have.

The Dimms want the photo ops of children who are being dragged here and they want to import the votes because their policies don’t resonate with actual American citizens.

If we have open borders, we are no longer a nation.
nobody takes the right wing seriously about the law, Constitutional or otherwise.

Only lousy capitalists lose money on border policies; why blame the Poor.

Right....why enforce our borders?

Democrats could have had immigration reform, they didn’t want it.

We can’t just unilaterally let 6000 people break the immigration laws we have.

The Dimms want the photo ops of children who are being dragged here and they want to import the votes because their policies don’t resonate with actual American citizens.

If we have open borders, we are no longer a nation.
nobody takes the right wing seriously about the law, Constitutional or otherwise.

Only lousy capitalists lose money on border policies; why blame the Poor.

Right....why enforce our borders?

only those applying for citizenship are immigrants; the rest are tourists.

tourism is the first, second, or third largest employer in twenty-nine States.

we should merely Use capitalism for its capital worth to provide no capital incentive for illegal entry into the Union.

All foreign nationals should have a federal id. indicating their immigrant or tourist status.
Democrats could have had immigration reform, they didn’t want it.

We can’t just unilaterally let 6000 people break the immigration laws we have.

The Dimms want the photo ops of children who are being dragged here and they want to import the votes because their policies don’t resonate with actual American citizens.

If we have open borders, we are no longer a nation.
nobody takes the right wing seriously about the law, Constitutional or otherwise.

Only lousy capitalists lose money on border policies; why blame the Poor.

Right....why enforce our borders?

only those applying for citizenship are immigrants; the rest are tourists.

tourism is the first, second, or third largest employer in twenty-nine States.

we should merely Use capitalism for its capital worth to provide no capital incentive for illegal entry into the Union.

All foreign nationals should have a federal id. indicating their immigrant or tourist status.

That is good news, the tour bus is getting ready to leave.
Do We All Understand That Democrats Invited The Caravan?

Obviously, if Trump had been allowed to build his wall they would not waste their time and money marching to a certain dead end, America's wall! It is Hilary's and the Democrat's dream of open borders that constitutes an open invitation to all the world's poor to come here and to vote here as Democrats .

And why are there so many poor: because of Democrats of course! It should be simple to say, look folks it's not that complicated to be like us, you need Republican capitalism, Republican religion, Republican family values, and Republican law and order values. But , Democrats blunt that message with their socialist nonsense; so much of the world remains tragically poor.

Little do the world's poor know that if they do get here they will be breathing only the fumes of our genius Founders whose amazing legacy is being daily diluted away as our country drifts always further into suicidal Democratic territory.
Lol!! tRump or someone in his pocket is financing/organizing the caravan. He needs it to fire up his xenophobic base.
No, but I've been thinking about this outfit, Sin Fronteras, that is supporting the group (there are other activist organizations supporting them as well, but Sin Fronteras has been a constant). They seem to be trying to exert political pressure on the Central American governments to clean up their act, since they must know that caravans of thousands of immigrants/refugees willing to cross illegally into another country are going to cause strong reaction from the governments of the receiving countries.
Or maybe they have another agenda, but if so, I don't know what it is.
My comment was really just intended to point out how silly the assertion that Democrats are funding it is.
I agree with you on that, but these caravans do have a political agenda. I just haven't figured out what. They have a lot of power if they can cause our President to declare a state of emergency, which he just did.
This stick it up your ass ploy by the libbie weepers will backfire just like the Kavanaugh debacle.
Democrats could have had immigration reform, they didn’t want it.

We can’t just unilaterally let 6000 people break the immigration laws we have.

The Dimms want the photo ops of children who are being dragged here and they want to import the votes because their policies don’t resonate with actual American citizens.

If we have open borders, we are no longer a nation.
nobody takes the right wing seriously about the law, Constitutional or otherwise.

Only lousy capitalists lose money on border policies; why blame the Poor.

Right....why enforce our borders?

only those applying for citizenship are immigrants; the rest are tourists.

tourism is the first, second, or third largest employer in twenty-nine States.

we should merely Use capitalism for its capital worth to provide no capital incentive for illegal entry into the Union.

All foreign nationals should have a federal id. indicating their immigrant or tourist status.

That is good news, the tour bus is getting ready to leave.
only illegals have a problem at the border.

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