Do we let people die who do not have health insurance


No one has denied the emergency room, self responsibility is the foundation of this country.

These Moon Bats despise the concept of personal responsibility. It is the bane of their existence. That is why they love the idea of collectivism so much. That way somebody else will be require to pay their bills.


No one has denied the emergency room, self responsibility is the foundation of this country.

These Moon Bats despise the concept of personal responsibility. It is the bane of their existence. That is why they love the idea of collectivism so much. That way somebody else will be require to pay their bills.
Flash votes for let them die if they cannot cover their medical expenses.
I am not a fan of forced collectivism but healthcare is different. That is why many non-socialist countries have a 1 payer health system.

What would the unemployed and under-employed people in the rust belt, Trump's base, do without social security. A collective forced retirement system.

You are confused.

Health care is not different. Health care in an expense just like everything else.

It is not my responsibility to pay the health care bills of somebody else. I may chose to help somebody if I feel that they are deserving but I want that to be my choice and not something dictated by an oppressive government. A government made up of bureaucrats whose bosses are politicians elected by special interest groups. Neither the stupid bureaucrats or the corrupt politicians give a shit about my well being. The bureaucrats are only concerned about keeping their jobs and the politicians are only interested in kissing the ass of the special interest groups in order to maintain their power. I don't want those yokels interfering with my health care, do you? I want my health care to be between my doctor and myself and my insurance company and myself. The stupid government needs to stay out of it.

Why do you support the concept of state sponsored thievery like in insurance subsidies for the welfare queens? ? Don't you believe in the concept of freedom? How can you be free if the filthy ass government takes your money by force and gives it to somebody else? Isn't that slavery? How about personal responsibility?
In principle I agree with much of what you say. In real life, there is much I disagree. I feel healthcare is a right not a privilege. There is much we cannot control about our individual healthcare requirements. For that reason, I feel as a society, we need to provide access to healthcare. In my model it would include mandated insurance like in ACA or a one payer system.
I believe in your principles when it comes to issues that are not involving life or death and/or the individual has control of.
Do you think we should get rid of Medicare and social security?

In principle I agree with much of what you say. In real life, there is much I disagree. I feel healthcare is a right not a privilege. There is much we cannot control about our individual healthcare requirements. For that reason, I feel as a society, we need to provide access to healthcare. In my model it would include mandated insurance like in ACA or a one payer system.
I believe in your principles when it comes to issues that are not involving life or death and/or the individual has control of.
Do you think we should get rid of Medicare and social security?

Without stupid and oppressive government interference you will still have access to health care. Just make an appointment with the doctor and go., Be sure to pay your bill on the way out.

It is not my responsibility to pay that bill for you. Wouldn't you agree? If I am forced to do it then isn't that like slavery? Why would you want to put health care requirements into the hands of the stupid government? They screw everything else up and we saw how they really screwed health care up with Obamacare, didn't we?

Health care is a commodity just like housing, food and everything else. You are not entitled to have me pay for it simply because you are alive. I may chose to help you if I feel you are deserving but it is oppressive for the government to force me to pay for your health care bills.

No one has denied the emergency room, self responsibility is the foundation of this country.

These Moon Bats despise the concept of personal responsibility. It is the bane of their existence. That is why they love the idea of collectivism so much. That way somebody else will be require to pay their bills.


No one has denied the emergency room, self responsibility is the foundation of this country.

These Moon Bats despise the concept of personal responsibility. It is the bane of their existence. That is why they love the idea of collectivism so much. That way somebody else will be require to pay their bills.
Flash votes for let them die if they cannot cover their medical expenses.
I am not a fan of forced collectivism but healthcare is different. That is why many non-socialist countries have a 1 payer health system.

What would the unemployed and under-employed people in the rust belt, Trump's base, do without social security. A collective forced retirement system.
Saving for one's future is a lost art apparently… LOL

No one has denied the emergency room, self responsibility is the foundation of this country.

These Moon Bats despise the concept of personal responsibility. It is the bane of their existence. That is why they love the idea of collectivism so much. That way somebody else will be require to pay their bills.


No one has denied the emergency room, self responsibility is the foundation of this country.

These Moon Bats despise the concept of personal responsibility. It is the bane of their existence. That is why they love the idea of collectivism so much. That way somebody else will be require to pay their bills.
Flash votes for let them die if they cannot cover their medical expenses.
I am not a fan of forced collectivism but healthcare is different. That is why many non-socialist countries have a 1 payer health system.

What would the unemployed and under-employed people in the rust belt, Trump's base, do without social security. A collective forced retirement system.
Saving for one's future is a lost art apparently… LOL
The aggregate American population consistently spends more than they make on an annual basis. Our economy does better when people spend more than they make. It should not be that way.
We are going to come to a point where everything is done by machines. How will the people on the bottom afford to live then?
We are going to come to a point where everything is done by machines. How will the people on the bottom afford to live then?
The story takes place in a near-future society that is almost totally mechanized, eliminating the need for human laborers. This widespread mechanization creates conflict between the wealthy upper class—the engineers and managers who keep society running—and the lower class, whose skills and purpose in society have been replaced by machines.

Player Piano (novel) - Wikipedia
Obamacare is full of lies. Democrats lie about just about everything.

The current lie that the Democrats are telling about the Republican plan is that it cuts Medicaid. It doesn't. In fact it allows Medicaid to increase.

Why do Liberals lie about everything?
I am extremely fortunate I can afford the massive medical bills we get. But I know most people cannot afford the amount of money you have to spend before you hit the catastrophic cap.

The vast majority of Americans cannot.

This is why I keep pointing out that the only fucking thing that fucking matters with regard to health care reform is BRINGING COSTS DOWN.

That. Is. It.

No amount of bloviation. No amount of chest thumping. No amount of self-aggrandizing tweets are going to mean fuck-all to the Americans who open their medical and health insurance bills every month.

All they want to see is that number coming down.

God help the stupid motherfucker dipshit politician who doesn't bring that number down. Significantly. And soon.

Dead men don't vote.

Dead men don't vote Republican. They always vote Democrat!

That's the myth promoted by the Alt-Right & Russian Fake news.

I'd sure like to see how many 'dead' people vote in Republican areas!
Obamacare is full of lies. Democrats lie about just about everything.

The current lie that the Democrats are telling about the Republican plan is that it cuts Medicaid. It doesn't. In fact it allows Medicaid to increase.

Why do Liberals lie about everything?
What fucking alt-reality are you living in! Pull your head out !! Read posts 290 and 291 above. Geeezzz!!
Obamacare is full of lies. Democrats lie about just about everything.

The current lie that the Democrats are telling about the Republican plan is that it cuts Medicaid. It doesn't. In fact it allows Medicaid to increase.

Why do Liberals lie about everything?
What fucking alt-reality are you living in! Pull your head out !! Read posts 290 and 291 above. Geeezzz!!

What fucking idiot are you?

Obamacare has 24 million without insurance so what the fuck do you stupid Moon Bats care?

You sure as hell didn't care when Obama passed that stupid bill that resulted in 24 million without insurance, increased taxes, ran up the cost of premiums, co payments and deductibles.

Of course the bill will result in fewer people being insured because the bill takes away that filthy ass mandate. We don't need the fucking government to make us buy health insurance, do we? Well maybe you "progressives" do because you dumbashit don't have any personal responsibility and want the government to do your thinking for you.
Joe Biden


Slashing Medicaid hurts kids, the elderly, people with disabilities and those struggling with addiction. All for tax breaks for the wealthy.

Joe Biden


Especially now, when so many communities are struggling with opioid addiction, the bill's drastic cuts to Medicaid are cruel.

Slashing Medicaid hurts kids, the elderly, people with disabilities and those struggling with addiction. All for tax breaks for the wealthy.

Republicans call that "the plan". And then "high five".
Obamacare is full of lies. Democrats lie about just about everything.

The current lie that the Democrats are telling about the Republican plan is that it cuts Medicaid. It doesn't. In fact it allows Medicaid to increase.

Why do Liberals lie about everything?
What fucking alt-reality are you living in! Pull your head out !! Read posts 290 and 291 above. Geeezzz!!

What fucking idiot are you?

Obamacare has 24 million without insurance so what the fuck do you stupid Moon Bats care?

You sure as hell didn't care when Obama passed that stupid bill that resulted in 24 million without insurance, increased taxes, ran up the cost of premiums, co payments and deductibles.

Of course the bill will result in fewer people being insured because the bill takes away that filthy ass mandate. We don't need the fucking government to make us buy health insurance, do we? Well maybe you "progressives" do because you dumbashit don't have any personal responsibility and want the government to do your thinking for you.
I'm an idiot? You are either a shameless liar, brainwashed or just pathetically stupid. Obamacare RESULTED in 24 million people uninsured??

The truth about the uninsured rate in America

The nation's uninsured rate has fallen to a historic low under Obamacare, but you'd never know that listening to Republican leaders speak.
and this:
ObamaCare: Uninsured Rates

ObamaCare’s uninsured rates drop more in states that embraced the law. Despite opposition to Medicaid and subsidies, uninsured rates continue to fall. Even with an uninsured rate nearing 10%, there is a long way to go to ensure near universal coverage.

The uninsured rate was at least 2X what it was before Obama care. The fact that not everyone gained coverage was largely do to the fact that some states were uncooperative in setting up exchanges and/or expanding Medicaid. So cut the crap!

Filthy ass mandate? OK don't buy insurance. Just sign an agreement that when you get sick or injured and can't afford to pay, you won't go to the ER at the taxpayers expense, you won't go on disability at the tax payers expense and you won't file for bankruptcy and screw your creditors. You will just quietly DIE
Its the American way and especially the Repub way.

Remember, one of the Paul's, Rand or Ron, GOP debate, said something about letting people die and the Repub crowd went wild with applause.

They also booed the skype interview of a soldier in Iraq, because he was gay.

The right is vicious. And yeah, they're in favor of letting people die. Wait till they find out they're losing their insurance too. My bet is they'll blame Obama! - cuz, that's what they do.
Yea. Because before Obama and his holy grail ObamaCare was enacted we had mounds of dying people in the streets and nobody had insurance and no charities or state or federal programs helping the less fortunate.

Remember when republican congressmen and senators used to drive the streets handing out cyanide pills to the homeless? it was horrible.
Women were wasting away from breast cancer because Planned Parenthood never did anything prior to 2008.

I know I remember when my employer was able to provide me, at their expense, a $500 deductible healthcare plan that covered 100% of annual physicals, blood/lab work, MRIs, x-rays, $5/$10 prescriptions and $20 Dr visits.
Now, thanks to that awesome creation of the "Affordable" healthcare plan, my employer provides me, at a cost of $65 bi-weekly, with a $2000 deductible that provides no discounts for testing or office visits or prescriptions until AFTER that deductible is met.

Hyperbole is fun but it only shows your ignorance or, at least, dishonesty.

And, HI Nuddly :eusa_wave:
Obamacare is full of lies. Democrats lie about just about everything.

The current lie that the Democrats are telling about the Republican plan is that it cuts Medicaid. It doesn't. In fact it allows Medicaid to increase.

Why do Liberals lie about everything?
What fucking alt-reality are you living in! Pull your head out !! Read posts 290 and 291 above. Geeezzz!!

What fucking idiot are you?

Obamacare has 24 million without insurance so what the fuck do you stupid Moon Bats care?

You sure as hell didn't care when Obama passed that stupid bill that resulted in 24 million without insurance, increased taxes, ran up the cost of premiums, co payments and deductibles.

Of course the bill will result in fewer people being insured because the bill takes away that filthy ass mandate. We don't need the fucking government to make us buy health insurance, do we? Well maybe you "progressives" do because you dumbashit don't have any personal responsibility and want the government to do your thinking for you.
I'm an idiot? You are either a shameless liar, brainwashed or just pathetically stupid. Obamacare RESULTED in 24 million people uninsured??

The truth about the uninsured rate in America

The nation's uninsured rate has fallen to a historic low under Obamacare, but you'd never know that listening to Republican leaders speak.
and this:
ObamaCare: Uninsured Rates

ObamaCare’s uninsured rates drop more in states that embraced the law. Despite opposition to Medicaid and subsidies, uninsured rates continue to fall. Even with an uninsured rate nearing 10%, there is a long way to go to ensure near universal coverage.

The uninsured rate was at least 2X what it was before Obama care. The fact that not everyone gained coverage was largely do to the fact that some states were uncooperative in setting up exchanges and/or expanding Medicaid. So cut the crap!

Filthy ass mandate? OK don't buy insurance. Just sign an agreement that when you get sick or injured and can't afford to pay, you won't go to the ER at the taxpayers expense, you won't go on disability at the tax payers expense and you won't file for bankruptcy and screw your creditors. You will just quietly DIE

You are really confused about this aren't you, Moon Bat?

Not being insured before that disastrous Obamacare was passed (by strict partisan vote, by Democrat idiots that didn't even read what they were passing) did not mean that you couldn't get health care if you couldn't afford it.

The only thing that the filthy ass Obamacare did was establish a shitty requirement that everybody had to have insurance, which was the wrong thing. It is anti liberty. We don't need the oppressive government making us do things, do we? . We already have too many budget breaking entitlements, don't we? It also put a bunch of a lowlifes on subsidies, which other people had to pay for. That is thievery, isn't it? It also created minimum insurance requirements that a lot of people didn't want or need. How stupid was that? In addition it increased taxes, ran up the cost of premiums, deductibles and co payments for the paying customer and that is despicable. A disaster that was never sustainable as we are seeing now with many of the insurance companies bailing out of Obamacare policy coverage. Even now after the piece of shit bill was passed there are 24 million people without insurance that pretty well makes it another Liberal failure, doesn't it? How come every Liberal program is a failure?

I don't know why you Moon Bats are bitching about this Republican Plan. It gives you your filthy government control over health care and continues with those filthy subsidies to the Democrat voting welfare block. A Liberal's wet dream, huh?

This is a the bill that the Democrats should have passed back in 2009 if they didn't have their heads up their Libtard asses.
Its the American way and especially the Repub way.

Remember, one of the Paul's, Rand or Ron, GOP debate, said something about letting people die and the Repub crowd went wild with applause.

They also booed the skype interview of a soldier in Iraq, because he was gay.

The right is vicious. And yeah, they're in favor of letting people die. Wait till they find out they're losing their insurance too. My bet is they'll blame Obama! - cuz, that's what they do.
Yea. Because before Obama and his holy grail ObamaCare was enacted we had mounds of dying people in the streets and nobody had insurance and no charities or state or federal programs helping the less fortunate.

Remember when republican congressmen and senators used to drive the streets handing out cyanide pills to the homeless? it was horrible.
Women were wasting away from breast cancer because Planned Parenthood never did anything prior to 2008.

I know I remember when my employer was able to provide me, at their expense, a $500 deductible healthcare plan that covered 100% of annual physicals, blood/lab work, MRIs, x-rays, $5/$10 prescriptions and $20 Dr visits.
Now, thanks to that awesome creation of the "Affordable" healthcare plan, my employer provides me, at a cost of $65 bi-weekly, with a $2000 deductible that provides no discounts for testing or office visits or prescriptions until AFTER that deductible is met.

Hyperbole is fun but it only shows your ignorance or, at least, dishonesty.

And, HI Nuddly :eusa_wave:
Can you explain exactly why your employer plan changed that drastically because of Obamacare . Serious question. I'm really interested. Please be specific.
Its the American way and especially the Repub way.

Remember, one of the Paul's, Rand or Ron, GOP debate, said something about letting people die and the Repub crowd went wild with applause.

They also booed the skype interview of a soldier in Iraq, because he was gay.

The right is vicious. And yeah, they're in favor of letting people die. Wait till they find out they're losing their insurance too. My bet is they'll blame Obama! - cuz, that's what they do.
Yea. Because before Obama and his holy grail ObamaCare was enacted we had mounds of dying people in the streets and nobody had insurance and no charities or state or federal programs helping the less fortunate.

Remember when republican congressmen and senators used to drive the streets handing out cyanide pills to the homeless? it was horrible.
Women were wasting away from breast cancer because Planned Parenthood never did anything prior to 2008.

I know I remember when my employer was able to provide me, at their expense, a $500 deductible healthcare plan that covered 100% of annual physicals, blood/lab work, MRIs, x-rays, $5/$10 prescriptions and $20 Dr visits.
Now, thanks to that awesome creation of the "Affordable" healthcare plan, my employer provides me, at a cost of $65 bi-weekly, with a $2000 deductible that provides no discounts for testing or office visits or prescriptions until AFTER that deductible is met.

Hyperbole is fun but it only shows your ignorance or, at least, dishonesty.

And, HI Nuddly :eusa_wave:
Can you explain exactly why your employer plan changed that drastically because of Obamacare . Serious question. I'm really interested. Please be specific.
Don't know the specifics of whatever plan they negotiated with UHC. I signed into the "bronze" plan last year because it was no out-of-pocket premium for me. But it was a $3000 deductible. So this year I chose to pay a little and upgrade to the "silver" plan but the only thing that changed was the deductible...none of the co-pays are implemented until after deductible is met,
I actually need an MRI for much needed spinal surgery. If I "self pay" it's $225 but if I use my insurance it's $389 (goes toward deductible). Either way I ain't got it.
I'm just as confused, bro, coz I had an MRI in April of last year with the bronze plan and paid $0.....????
Its the American way and especially the Repub way.

Remember, one of the Paul's, Rand or Ron, GOP debate, said something about letting people die and the Repub crowd went wild with applause.

They also booed the skype interview of a soldier in Iraq, because he was gay.

The right is vicious. And yeah, they're in favor of letting people die. Wait till they find out they're losing their insurance too. My bet is they'll blame Obama! - cuz, that's what they do.
Yea. Because before Obama and his holy grail ObamaCare was enacted we had mounds of dying people in the streets and nobody had insurance and no charities or state or federal programs helping the less fortunate.

Remember when republican congressmen and senators used to drive the streets handing out cyanide pills to the homeless? it was horrible.
Women were wasting away from breast cancer because Planned Parenthood never did anything prior to 2008.

I know I remember when my employer was able to provide me, at their expense, a $500 deductible healthcare plan that covered 100% of annual physicals, blood/lab work, MRIs, x-rays, $5/$10 prescriptions and $20 Dr visits.
Now, thanks to that awesome creation of the "Affordable" healthcare plan, my employer provides me, at a cost of $65 bi-weekly, with a $2000 deductible that provides no discounts for testing or office visits or prescriptions until AFTER that deductible is met.

Hyperbole is fun but it only shows your ignorance or, at least, dishonesty.

And, HI Nuddly :eusa_wave:

Do you believe in personal responsibility?

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