Do we let people die who do not have health insurance

Its the American way and especially the Repub way.

Remember, one of the Paul's, Rand or Ron, GOP debate, said something about letting people die and the Repub crowd went wild with applause.

They also booed the skype interview of a soldier in Iraq, because he was gay.

The right is vicious. And yeah, they're in favor of letting people die. Wait till they find out they're losing their insurance too. My bet is they'll blame Obama! - cuz, that's what they do.
Yea. Because before Obama and his holy grail ObamaCare was enacted we had mounds of dying people in the streets and nobody had insurance and no charities or state or federal programs helping the less fortunate.

Remember when republican congressmen and senators used to drive the streets handing out cyanide pills to the homeless? it was horrible.
Women were wasting away from breast cancer because Planned Parenthood never did anything prior to 2008.

I know I remember when my employer was able to provide me, at their expense, a $500 deductible healthcare plan that covered 100% of annual physicals, blood/lab work, MRIs, x-rays, $5/$10 prescriptions and $20 Dr visits.
Now, thanks to that awesome creation of the "Affordable" healthcare plan, my employer provides me, at a cost of $65 bi-weekly, with a $2000 deductible that provides no discounts for testing or office visits or prescriptions until AFTER that deductible is met.

Hyperbole is fun but it only shows your ignorance or, at least, dishonesty.

And, HI Nuddly :eusa_wave:
Can you explain exactly why your employer plan changed that drastically because of Obamacare . Serious question. I'm really interested. Please be specific.
Don't know the specifics of whatever plan they negotiated with UHC. I signed into the "bronze" plan last year because it was no out-of-pocket premium for me. But it was a $3000 deductible. So this year I chose to pay a little and upgrade to the "silver" plan but the only thing that changed was the deductible...none of the co-pays are implemented until after deductible is met,
I actually need an MRI for much needed spinal surgery. If I "self pay" it's $225 but if I use my insurance it's $389 (goes toward deductible). Either way I ain't got it.
I'm just as confused, bro, coz I had an MRI in April of last year with the bronze plan and paid $0.....????
That by no means explains how Ocare was responsible for the changes
When someone chooses not to buy health insurance and they do not have money to pay for doctor and/or hospital what do we do. Should we refuse service? Should we let them die? It is their choice to not have Insurance.
Do we provide service and let the government pay for what they cannot pay. The government is us. Why should we pay for someone who chose not to spend their money on insurance?

The responsible end up paying for the irresponsible.
Apparently, you are unaware that "county hospitals" treat all manner of patients and charge people based upon their income. They turn no one away. Also, in various city and town neighborhoods, there are clinics set up for those whose income is low or have no income. Personally, I believe we need to go to what France has, it has a socialized health care system that is rated as number one by the World Health Organization and having been to France and spoken with British ex-Pats and French citizens, they like the French version and consider it very proactive.
Its the American way and especially the Repub way.

Remember, one of the Paul's, Rand or Ron, GOP debate, said something about letting people die and the Repub crowd went wild with applause.

They also booed the skype interview of a soldier in Iraq, because he was gay.

The right is vicious. And yeah, they're in favor of letting people die. Wait till they find out they're losing their insurance too. My bet is they'll blame Obama! - cuz, that's what they do.
Yea. Because before Obama and his holy grail ObamaCare was enacted we had mounds of dying people in the streets and nobody had insurance and no charities or state or federal programs helping the less fortunate.

Remember when republican congressmen and senators used to drive the streets handing out cyanide pills to the homeless? it was horrible.
Women were wasting away from breast cancer because Planned Parenthood never did anything prior to 2008.

I know I remember when my employer was able to provide me, at their expense, a $500 deductible healthcare plan that covered 100% of annual physicals, blood/lab work, MRIs, x-rays, $5/$10 prescriptions and $20 Dr visits.
Now, thanks to that awesome creation of the "Affordable" healthcare plan, my employer provides me, at a cost of $65 bi-weekly, with a $2000 deductible that provides no discounts for testing or office visits or prescriptions until AFTER that deductible is met.

Hyperbole is fun but it only shows your ignorance or, at least, dishonesty.

And, HI Nuddly :eusa_wave:

Do you believe in personal responsibility?
Why would one's personal financial responsibility increase after upgrading their premiums>
What are you asking?
Should we insure ourselves without the government mandating that we do? Yes
I have always had health insurance. never have i paid so much for so little.
Its the American way and especially the Repub way.

Remember, one of the Paul's, Rand or Ron, GOP debate, said something about letting people die and the Repub crowd went wild with applause.

They also booed the skype interview of a soldier in Iraq, because he was gay.

The right is vicious. And yeah, they're in favor of letting people die. Wait till they find out they're losing their insurance too. My bet is they'll blame Obama! - cuz, that's what they do.
Yea. Because before Obama and his holy grail ObamaCare was enacted we had mounds of dying people in the streets and nobody had insurance and no charities or state or federal programs helping the less fortunate.

Remember when republican congressmen and senators used to drive the streets handing out cyanide pills to the homeless? it was horrible.
Women were wasting away from breast cancer because Planned Parenthood never did anything prior to 2008.

I know I remember when my employer was able to provide me, at their expense, a $500 deductible healthcare plan that covered 100% of annual physicals, blood/lab work, MRIs, x-rays, $5/$10 prescriptions and $20 Dr visits.
Now, thanks to that awesome creation of the "Affordable" healthcare plan, my employer provides me, at a cost of $65 bi-weekly, with a $2000 deductible that provides no discounts for testing or office visits or prescriptions until AFTER that deductible is met.

Hyperbole is fun but it only shows your ignorance or, at least, dishonesty.

And, HI Nuddly :eusa_wave:
Can you explain exactly why your employer plan changed that drastically because of Obamacare . Serious question. I'm really interested. Please be specific.
Don't know the specifics of whatever plan they negotiated with UHC. I signed into the "bronze" plan last year because it was no out-of-pocket premium for me. But it was a $3000 deductible. So this year I chose to pay a little and upgrade to the "silver" plan but the only thing that changed was the deductible...none of the co-pays are implemented until after deductible is met,
I actually need an MRI for much needed spinal surgery. If I "self pay" it's $225 but if I use my insurance it's $389 (goes toward deductible). Either way I ain't got it.
I'm just as confused, bro, coz I had an MRI in April of last year with the bronze plan and paid $0.....????
That by no means explains how Ocare was responsible for the changes
Before my employer was Mandated to provide coverage our plans were better. I'm a salaried manager, btw
When they had to find a group plan for ALL employees, salaried and hourly over 28hrs, we suddenly had a larger and higher risk group
Poor Poor Rubes ...You Made one Mistake trusted Trump

Here are the top 20 districts ranked by the number of people losing coverage:

A complete spreadsheet of estimates by state and congressional district is available for download.
Its the American way and especially the Repub way.

Remember, one of the Paul's, Rand or Ron, GOP debate, said something about letting people die and the Repub crowd went wild with applause.

They also booed the skype interview of a soldier in Iraq, because he was gay.

The right is vicious. And yeah, they're in favor of letting people die. Wait till they find out they're losing their insurance too. My bet is they'll blame Obama! - cuz, that's what they do.
Yea. Because before Obama and his holy grail ObamaCare was enacted we had mounds of dying people in the streets and nobody had insurance and no charities or state or federal programs helping the less fortunate.

Remember when republican congressmen and senators used to drive the streets handing out cyanide pills to the homeless? it was horrible.
Women were wasting away from breast cancer because Planned Parenthood never did anything prior to 2008.

I know I remember when my employer was able to provide me, at their expense, a $500 deductible healthcare plan that covered 100% of annual physicals, blood/lab work, MRIs, x-rays, $5/$10 prescriptions and $20 Dr visits.
Now, thanks to that awesome creation of the "Affordable" healthcare plan, my employer provides me, at a cost of $65 bi-weekly, with a $2000 deductible that provides no discounts for testing or office visits or prescriptions until AFTER that deductible is met.

Hyperbole is fun but it only shows your ignorance or, at least, dishonesty.

And, HI Nuddly :eusa_wave:
Can you explain exactly why your employer plan changed that drastically because of Obamacare . Serious question. I'm really interested. Please be specific.
Don't know the specifics of whatever plan they negotiated with UHC. I signed into the "bronze" plan last year because it was no out-of-pocket premium for me. But it was a $3000 deductible. So this year I chose to pay a little and upgrade to the "silver" plan but the only thing that changed was the deductible...none of the co-pays are implemented until after deductible is met,
I actually need an MRI for much needed spinal surgery. If I "self pay" it's $225 but if I use my insurance it's $389 (goes toward deductible). Either way I ain't got it.
I'm just as confused, bro, coz I had an MRI in April of last year with the bronze plan and paid $0.....????
That by no means explains how Ocare was responsible for the changes
Before my employer was Mandated to provide coverage our plans were better. I'm a salaried manager, btw
When they had to find a group plan for ALL employees, salaried and hourly over 28hrs, we suddenly had a larger and higher risk group
Well I can't say that I understand the economics of that but it seems to me that a larger pool would also include more health people who's premiums would offset the cost of the high risk participants. Is it some kind of dangerous industry where people are frequently sickened or injured??

I also have no idea if your experience is unique or uncommon or if most employer plans were effected that way. What I do know is the answer is not to insure fewer people because when the uninsured get sick or injured, it costs us all in the end. I would guess that what happened there is as much the fault of the insurance co. who are still making obscene profits as it is of the employer mandate. Single payer is the answer:

Elizabeth Warren Calls For Democrats To Embrace Single-Payer Health Care | HuffPost

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