Do we let people die who do not have health insurance

Trump would like to eliminate everyone who does not support him. One strategy is to make living in a Trump America intolerable.

Prove it. You people are completely unstable.
Let's start with Comey as proof Trump wants to get rid of those who do not support him. Trump is a shallow, ego-centric son of a bitch who likes people who like him and does not like people who do not like him. Trump has no depth or character and does not judge others on character.

Your main problem is that you don't think that your sides shit doesn't stink. You're playing under a fake set of rules believing that either side cares about you. They don't.

"Let's start with Comey as proof Trump wants to get rid of those who do not support him. Trump is a shallow, ego-centric son of a bitch who likes people who like him and does not like people who do not like him."

Let me fix this for you.

"Obama is a shallow, ego-centric son of a bitch who likes people who like him and does not like people who do not like him."

They're ALL like that. I know it hurts, but it's true none the less.
Doc much of what you say I can agree with BUT NEVER have I seen 2 people more opposite than obama and trump,,,,,and I mean that in a bad way for trump
Obama ,calm cool collected Trump complete opposite and a sexual pervert added and while untruths are told by all Trump has taken lying to the nth degree
Most professional lairs are cool and collected. He is a good role model for the future office holders Tojo was a pretty good one.
Its the American way and especially the Repub way.

Remember, one of the Paul's, Rand or Ron, GOP debate, said something about letting people die and the Repub crowd went wild with applause.

They also booed the skype interview of a soldier in Iraq, because he was gay.

The right is vicious. And yeah, they're in favor of letting people die. Wait till they find out they're losing their insurance too. My bet is they'll blame Obama! - cuz, that's what they do.
Don't you have a backup for you statement or is this something you read on the Net. You do know just because you see it on the net does not make it true. For credibility you need to backup this type of post.
Prove it. You people are completely unstable.
Let's start with Comey as proof Trump wants to get rid of those who do not support him. Trump is a shallow, ego-centric son of a bitch who likes people who like him and does not like people who do not like him. Trump has no depth or character and does not judge others on character.

Your main problem is that you don't think that your sides shit doesn't stink. You're playing under a fake set of rules believing that either side cares about you. They don't.

"Let's start with Comey as proof Trump wants to get rid of those who do not support him. Trump is a shallow, ego-centric son of a bitch who likes people who like him and does not like people who do not like him."

Let me fix this for you.

"Obama is a shallow, ego-centric son of a bitch who likes people who like him and does not like people who do not like him."

They're ALL like that. I know it hurts, but it's true none the less.
Doc much of what you say I can agree with BUT NEVER have I seen 2 people more opposite than obama and trump,,,,,and I mean that in a bad way for trump
Obama ,calm cool collected Trump complete opposite and a sexual pervert added and while untruths are told by all Trump has taken lying to the nth degree
Trump is full of flaws, but Obama is an absolute control freak and hate filled… Fact
hate filled I'll argue that another day BUT control freak ??There is no one that beats trump at that,a liar an abuser of women an those are his good points
Ticks me off that RWNJs already know that trump/ryan care is more proof of trump's lies. Everything he said was a lie.

They're screwed. So are their kids and parents and everyone they know.

I have long thought that RWNJs must be the biggest concentration of real wealth anywhere. That's the only possible explanation for them wanting to take everything from the poor and sick and give it to the rich.
Now if I could figure out what a RWnjS IS i MIGHT be able to post something of a reply.
Those supporting the new healthcare bill have to ask; do we let them die?
I do not support the bill.

Can someone who does support the bill answer the question about letting those die who do not have insurance.

Isn't there a law that says you are supposed to be treated at an ER for life threatening situations? Do we not have clinics that treat patients that can't pay? I thought St Judes does that, and don't organizations like the Shriners do the same thing? Your premise is BS Elmer.

Both for children, and no if they take money from Medicaid , free clinics will be few, and as we know the poor can't travel far, I mean just look at the Veterans, if more than 40 miles away they can go to any clinic or hosp or dr.
I was kinda looking forward to the mandate part of Obamacare lingering on. Y'see, I have concocted this very good-for-you sauce and was looking forward to a government mandate that everybody buy at least one bottle a week or pay a fine for not doing so. Sort of sauce for the goose....sauce for................
If someone does not buy your sauce it does not affect anyone.
If someone does not buy health insurance, we all end up paying for their uncompensated care. Don't get it?
I believe in personal accountability. If you do not buy insurance and cannot pay for life saving healthcare, to keep one accountable you let them die. I am not willing to do that.
I guess if one chooses to not buy health insurance they have to sign a waiver they understand if they cannot pay for healthcare they will not get it.
It is wrong for the government to force me to pay the bills of other people.

It is my responsibility to provide for my health care.

It is your responsibility to provide for your health care.

I many, because I am a generous person, chose to help you out if I think you deserve it but it is wrong for the government to force me to do it.

It is thievery for you to use the government to take my money and give it to you to pay your bills.

Your vote would be if someone cannot pay for their healthcare or someone else pay for their healthcare willingly, we let them die?
I was kinda looking forward to the mandate part of Obamacare lingering on. Y'see, I have concocted this very good-for-you sauce and was looking forward to a government mandate that everybody buy at least one bottle a week or pay a fine for not doing so. Sort of sauce for the goose....sauce for................
If someone does not buy your sauce it does not affect anyone.
If someone does not buy health insurance, we all end up paying for their uncompensated care. Don't get it?
I believe in personal accountability. If you do not buy insurance and cannot pay for life saving healthcare, to keep one accountable you let them die. I am not willing to do that.
I guess if one chooses to not buy health insurance they have to sign a waiver they understand if they cannot pay for healthcare they will not get it.
Well that should be a given, it's called freedom and individuality. The collective making someone pay for something that they will never use and do not ever want to use… What could be good in that
My wife told me if Trump wins again in 2020 to put a pillow over her head and end it for her
Trump would like to eliminate everyone who does not support him. One strategy is to make living in a Trump America intolerable.

Prove it. You people are completely unstable.
Let's start with Comey as proof Trump wants to get rid of those who do not support him. Trump is a shallow, ego-centric son of a bitch who likes people who like him and does not like people who do not like him. Trump has no depth or character and does not judge others on character.

Your main problem is that you don't think that your sides shit doesn't stink. You're playing under a fake set of rules believing that either side cares about you. They don't.

"Let's start with Comey as proof Trump wants to get rid of those who do not support him. Trump is a shallow, ego-centric son of a bitch who likes people who like him and does not like people who do not like him."

Let me fix this for you.

"Obama is a shallow, ego-centric son of a bitch who likes people who like him and does not like people who do not like him."

They're ALL like that. I know it hurts, but it's true none the less.
Doc much of what you say I can agree with BUT NEVER have I seen 2 people more opposite than obama and trump,,,,,and I mean that in a bad way for trump

Obama and Hillary are both Neo-Con's through and through, this is all a game and sadly we replay it every two years. Of course their polar opposites (in appearance only). The end game is the same, whatever the Bankster's want they get. War is coming.
It is wrong for the government to force me to pay the bills of other people.

It is my responsibility to provide for my health care.

It is your responsibility to provide for your health care.

I many, because I am a generous person, chose to help you out if I think you deserve it but it is wrong for the government to force me to do it.

It is thievery for you to use the government to take my money and give it to you to pay your bills.

Your vote would be if someone cannot pay for their healthcare or someone else pay for their healthcare willingly, we let them die?
how republican of them
Trump would like to eliminate everyone who does not support him. One strategy is to make living in a Trump America intolerable.

Prove it. You people are completely unstable.
Let's start with Comey as proof Trump wants to get rid of those who do not support him. Trump is a shallow, ego-centric son of a bitch who likes people who like him and does not like people who do not like him. Trump has no depth or character and does not judge others on character.

Your main problem is that you don't think that your sides shit doesn't stink. You're playing under a fake set of rules believing that either side cares about you. They don't.

"Let's start with Comey as proof Trump wants to get rid of those who do not support him. Trump is a shallow, ego-centric son of a bitch who likes people who like him and does not like people who do not like him."

Let me fix this for you.

"Obama is a shallow, ego-centric son of a bitch who likes people who like him and does not like people who do not like him."

They're ALL like that. I know it hurts, but it's true none the less.
Doc much of what you say I can agree with BUT NEVER have I seen 2 people more opposite than obama and trump,,,,,and I mean that in a bad way for trump
You have remember trolls come in all colors and sizes.

Quite true, just look at you.
The distorted definition of death panels is a travesty. Death panels are actually a way for each of us to make our own decisions on end of life healthcare while we are still healthy. Our medical system will keep us alive for as long as possible unless we give instructions not to. You can choose to say how far you want the doctor's to go in life saving care. It can save the individual from suffering and save money at the same time. You still have the option of instructing doctors to do everything they can doe as long as they can.
"Death Panels" provide personal accountability on end of life decisions so others do not have to make the decisions.
Those who are against them are irresponsible.
My wife told me if Trump wins again in 2020 to put a pillow over her head and end it for her
Trump would like to eliminate everyone who does not support him. One strategy is to make living in a Trump America intolerable.

Prove it. You people are completely unstable.
Let's start with Comey as proof Trump wants to get rid of those who do not support him. Trump is a shallow, ego-centric son of a bitch who likes people who like him and does not like people who do not like him. Trump has no depth or character and does not judge others on character.

Your main problem is that you don't think that your sides shit doesn't stink. You're playing under a fake set of rules believing that either side cares about you. They don't.

"Let's start with Comey as proof Trump wants to get rid of those who do not support him. Trump is a shallow, ego-centric son of a bitch who likes people who like him and does not like people who do not like him."

Let me fix this for you.

"Obama is a shallow, ego-centric son of a bitch who likes people who like him and does not like people who do not like him."

They're ALL like that. I know it hurts, but it's true none the less.
To compare Obama's, Reagan's, Bushes, Carter, Ford, Johnson, Kennedy, Eisenhower character to Trump's absolute lack of character you are insulting those Presidents and our whole country.
Nixon and Clinton had character problems but Trump makes them look good.
If you do not see that, we have nothing further to talk about.
I question your character if you throw Trump in with the rest.
If someone does not buy health insurance, we all end up paying for their uncompensated care. Don't get it?
I believe in personal accountability. If you do not buy insurance and cannot pay for life saving healthcare, to keep one accountable you let them die. I am not willing to do that.
I guess if one chooses to not buy health insurance they have to sign a waiver they understand if they cannot pay for healthcare they will not get it.
It depends, but I do agree to a certain extent. People don't have a "right" to other people's money. "Right to healthcare" should mean "right to access of healthcare" not me having to pay for your liposuction.

Add to this that there is a Constitutional "general welfare" and "common defence" aspect to federally funded preventative medicine and emergency care. This doesn't mean braces or heart transplants, but it does mean vaccinations to prevent epidemics and a basic level of healthcare, especially for children, in order that they might grow into productive taxpayers and military personnel.
It is wrong for the government to force me to pay the bills of other people.

It is my responsibility to provide for my health care.

It is your responsibility to provide for your health care.

I many, because I am a generous person, chose to help you out if I think you deserve it but it is wrong for the government to force me to do it.

It is thievery for you to use the government to take my money and give it to you to pay your bills.

Your vote would be if someone cannot pay for their healthcare or someone else pay for their healthcare willingly, we let them die?
how republican of them
No one is denied the emergency room, self responsibility is the foundation of this country.
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My wife told me if Trump wins again in 2020 to put a pillow over her head and end it for her
Trump would like to eliminate everyone who does not support him. One strategy is to make living in a Trump America intolerable.

Prove it. You people are completely unstable.
Let's start with Comey as proof Trump wants to get rid of those who do not support him. Trump is a shallow, ego-centric son of a bitch who likes people who like him and does not like people who do not like him. Trump has no depth or character and does not judge others on character.

Your main problem is that you don't think that your sides shit doesn't stink. You're playing under a fake set of rules believing that either side cares about you. They don't.

"Let's start with Comey as proof Trump wants to get rid of those who do not support him. Trump is a shallow, ego-centric son of a bitch who likes people who like him and does not like people who do not like him."

Let me fix this for you.

"Obama is a shallow, ego-centric son of a bitch who likes people who like him and does not like people who do not like him."

They're ALL like that. I know it hurts, but it's true none the less.
To compare Obama's, Reagan's, Bushes, Carter, Ford, Johnson, Kennedy, Eisenhower character to Trump's absolute lack of character you are insulting those Presidents and our whole country.
Nixon and Clinton had character problems but Trump makes them look good.
If you do not see that, we have nothing further to talk about.
I question your character if you throw Trump in with the rest.
There are no public figures in America that are more corrupt than career politicians, that is something the career politician cannot exist without… Corruption. fact
My wife told me if Trump wins again in 2020 to put a pillow over her head and end it for her
Trump would like to eliminate everyone who does not support him. One strategy is to make living in a Trump America intolerable.

Prove it. You people are completely unstable.
Let's start with Comey as proof Trump wants to get rid of those who do not support him. Trump is a shallow, ego-centric son of a bitch who likes people who like him and does not like people who do not like him. Trump has no depth or character and does not judge others on character.

Your main problem is that you don't think that your sides shit doesn't stink. You're playing under a fake set of rules believing that either side cares about you. They don't.

"Let's start with Comey as proof Trump wants to get rid of those who do not support him. Trump is a shallow, ego-centric son of a bitch who likes people who like him and does not like people who do not like him."

Let me fix this for you.

"Obama is a shallow, ego-centric son of a bitch who likes people who like him and does not like people who do not like him."

They're ALL like that. I know it hurts, but it's true none the less.
To compare Obama's, Reagan's, Bushes, Carter, Ford, Johnson, Kennedy, Eisenhower character to Trump's absolute lack of character you are insulting those Presidents and our whole country.
Nixon and Clinton had character problems but Trump makes them look good.
If you do not see that, we have nothing further to talk about.
I question your character if you throw Trump in with the rest.

I don't care what you question, you're a bit full of yourself aren't you? If you don't know by now that what you are watching false there isn't much hope for you anyway. There are two in your list that warned you of the charade. Ike and Kennedy. They killed Kennedy because he wasn't going to play by their rules. Since then they've all fallen in line.

The Bush's are some of the worst, neither of them had any character. Daddy Bush is evil to his core. I don't blame you really, like most American's instead of doing your own research you just buy into everything they feed you.
Those supporting the new healthcare bill have to ask; do we let them die?
I do not support the bill.

Can someone who does support the bill answer the question about letting those die who do not have insurance.
It is not only if they don't have insurance, but as "what kind of life are they going to have". This is if you are young and will have trouble living by yourself. Under OBs care a committee would make the decision, under the next health care law the matter is unk. One case I have heard of is a 73 year old man had a anuerisom (spelling unk) and the Doctors told him the chance was high he would die from the operation. I can not understand why not do the operation, Look the guy is going to die anyhow right? Now during the operation, or later on. Died 45 days later. The other guy is knew that had the same condition went overseas and is still living and pissing off his kids and wife. LOL
Every responsible person should have a living will instructing family and doctor's what to do in those situations. It is each of our decisions, we should not dump it on someone else.
We are all going to die. If a procedure has a low chance of being successful and I will have a compromised life afterwards, my instructions are let's save me suffering and the system some money and let life take it's course.

No one has denied the emergency room, self responsibility is the foundation of this country.

These Moon Bats despise the concept of personal responsibility. It is the bane of their existence. That is why they love the idea of collectivism so much. That way somebody else will be require to pay their bills.

No one has denied the emergency room, self responsibility is the foundation of this country.

These Moon Bats despise the concept of personal responsibility. It is the bane of their existence. That is why they love the idea of collectivism so much. That way somebody else will be require to pay their bills.


No one has denied the emergency room, self responsibility is the foundation of this country.

These Moon Bats despise the concept of personal responsibility. It is the bane of their existence. That is why they love the idea of collectivism so much. That way somebody else will be require to pay their bills.
Flash votes for let them die if they cannot cover their medical expenses.
I am not a fan of forced collectivism but healthcare is different. That is why many non-socialist countries have a 1 payer health system.

What would the unemployed and under-employed people in the rust belt, Trump's base, do without social security. A collective forced retirement system.

No one has denied the emergency room, self responsibility is the foundation of this country.

These Moon Bats despise the concept of personal responsibility. It is the bane of their existence. That is why they love the idea of collectivism so much. That way somebody else will be require to pay their bills.


No one has denied the emergency room, self responsibility is the foundation of this country.

These Moon Bats despise the concept of personal responsibility. It is the bane of their existence. That is why they love the idea of collectivism so much. That way somebody else will be require to pay their bills.
Flash votes for let them die if they cannot cover their medical expenses.
I am not a fan of forced collectivism but healthcare is different. That is why many non-socialist countries have a 1 payer health system.

What would the unemployed and under-employed people in the rust belt, Trump's base, do without social security. A collective forced retirement system.

You are confused.

Health care is not different. Health care in an expense just like everything else.

It is not my responsibility to pay the health care bills of somebody else. I may chose to help somebody if I feel that they are deserving but I want that to be my choice and not something dictated by an oppressive government. A government made up of bureaucrats whose bosses are politicians elected by special interest groups. Neither the stupid bureaucrats or the corrupt politicians give a shit about my well being. The bureaucrats are only concerned about keeping their jobs and the politicians are only interested in kissing the ass of the special interest groups in order to maintain their power. I don't want those yokels interfering with my health care, do you? I want my health care to be between my doctor and myself and my insurance company and myself. The stupid government needs to stay out of it.

Why do you support the concept of state sponsored thievery like in insurance subsidies for the welfare queens? ? Don't you believe in the concept of freedom? How can you be free if the filthy ass government takes your money by force and gives it to somebody else? Isn't that slavery? How about personal responsibility?

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