Do we let people die who do not have health insurance

Why doesn't the self righteous left sell their houses and all their possessions and give the money to the government to fund healthcare for the poor...I mean they care right how can they allow poor people to die? Take one for the team libs, buy a bus pass, rent an apt you don't really need a car or house do you? I mean poor people are dying where's your priorities. /mockery /sarcasm
So it is up to the self-righteous left to find a way to cover the uncovered healthcare costs while the selfish right says"let them die".
When someone chooses not to buy health insurance and they do not have money to pay for doctor and/or hospital what do we do. Should we refuse service? Should we let them die? It is their choice to not have Insurance.
Do we provide service and let the government pay for what they cannot pay. The government is us. Why should we pay for someone who chose not to spend their money on insurance?

The responsible end up paying for the irresponsible.

Probably not, but what happened to personal responsibility? Personally, if you're too lazy to work and buy health insurance, seems to me nature's way says there are consequences. Action = reaction. No action = consequences. That's just how shit works.
When someone chooses not to buy health insurance and they do not have money to pay for doctor and/or hospital what do we do. Should we refuse service? Should we let them die? It is their choice to not have Insurance.
Do we provide service and let the government pay for what they cannot pay. The government is us. Why should we pay for someone who chose not to spend their money on insurance?

The responsible end up paying for the irresponsible.
Insurance is not healthcare dumbass
When someone chooses not to buy health insurance and they do not have money to pay for doctor and/or hospital what do we do. Should we refuse service? Should we let them die? It is their choice to not have Insurance.
Do we provide service and let the government pay for what they cannot pay. The government is us. Why should we pay for someone who chose not to spend their money on insurance?

The responsible end up paying for the irresponsible.
Did we ever let anyone die if they didn't have insurance? I can't recall the streets littered with bodies.

45,000 Americans died every year before Obamacare because they didn't have insurance. Yes you get emergency care, but not preventative care, or ongoing treatment.

Those who think the Shriners or St. Jude are the answer are idiots. St. Jude's isn't large enough to deal with all the uninsured children with cancer, nor are the Shriners capable of dealing with the millions who can't afford insurance.
Why doesn't the self righteous left sell their houses and all their possessions and give the money to the government to fund healthcare for the poor...I mean they care right how can they allow poor people to die? Take one for the team libs, buy a bus pass, rent an apt you don't really need a car or house do you? I mean poor people are dying where's your priorities. /mockery /sarcasm
So it is up to the self-righteous left to find a way to cover the uncovered healthcare costs while the selfish right says"let them die".

Go ahead lead by example maybe others will We thought not. Liberals are always generous with other peoples money, not their own.
When someone chooses not to buy health insurance and they do not have money to pay for doctor and/or hospital what do we do. Should we refuse service? Should we let them die? It is their choice to not have Insurance.
Do we provide service and let the government pay for what they cannot pay. The government is us. Why should we pay for someone who chose not to spend their money on insurance?

The responsible end up paying for the irresponsible.

I suppose that you have talked to everybody who was unable to buy insurance and have judged them as irresponsible. If not then quit lying.

When someone chooses not to buy health insurance and they do not have money to pay for doctor and/or hospital what do we do. Should we refuse service? Should we let them die? It is their choice to not have Insurance.
Do we provide service and let the government pay for what they cannot pay. The government is us. Why should we pay for someone who chose not to spend their money on insurance?

The responsible end up paying for the irresponsible.

Did we ever let anyone die if they didn't have insurance? I can't recall the streets littered with bodies.

We are seeing life expectancy becoming more dependent on economic status. The higher the income the longer the life expectancy. That clearly ties into one's ability to get healthcare. One that will be severely impacted by the House and Senate bills as millions will lose access to healthcare. When these people forego treatment it becomes major. That means it will be expensive and the emergency room bills will be passed to people with insurance.
When someone chooses not to buy health insurance and they do not have money to pay for doctor and/or hospital what do we do. Should we refuse service? Should we let them die? It is their choice to not have Insurance.
Do we provide service and let the government pay for what they cannot pay. The government is us. Why should we pay for someone who chose not to spend their money on insurance?

The responsible end up paying for the irresponsible.

I suppose that you have talked to everybody who was unable to buy insurance and have judged them as irresponsible. If not then quit lying.

When someone chooses not to buy health insurance and they do not have money to pay for doctor and/or hospital what do we do. Should we refuse service? Should we let them die? It is their choice to not have Insurance.
Do we provide service and let the government pay for what they cannot pay. The government is us. Why should we pay for someone who chose not to spend their money on insurance?

The responsible end up paying for the irresponsible.

Did we ever let anyone die if they didn't have insurance? I can't recall the streets littered with bodies.

We are seeing life expectancy becoming more dependent on economic status. The higher the income the longer the life expectancy. That clearly ties into one's ability to get healthcare. One that will be severely impacted by the House and Senate bills as millions will lose access to healthcare. When these people forego treatment it becomes major. That means it will be expensive and the emergency room bills will be passed to people with insurance.

Life expectancy is already tied to economic status, even in countries with single payer. The rich can afford better food, they are more pro-active in their health care and can afford to take time off work to heal or travel for treatment.
When someone chooses not to buy health insurance and they do not have money to pay for doctor and/or hospital what do we do. Should we refuse service? Should we let them die? It is their choice to not have Insurance.
Do we provide service and let the government pay for what they cannot pay. The government is us. Why should we pay for someone who chose not to spend their money on insurance?

The responsible end up paying for the irresponsible.

Well those HEARTLESS GOP thought about that way back in 1986!
In 1986, Congress enacted the Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act (EMTALA) to ensure public access to emergency services regardless of ability to pay. Section 1867 of the Social Security Act imposes specific obligations on Medicare-participating hospitals that offer emergency services to provide a medical screening examination (MSE) when a request is made for examination or treatment for an emergency medical condition (EMC), including active labor, regardless of an individual's ability to pay. Hospitals are then required to provide stabilizing treatment for patients with EMCs. If a hospital is unable to stabilize a patient within its capability, or if the patient requests, an appropriate transfer should be implemented.
Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act (EMTALA) - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Now this was a compassionate idea that once again turned into an avalanche with people with no insurance go into the emergency room for sniffles.

The hospital then absorbs the costs known as "Uncompensated Care" costs were $6,822,970
So you from the Northwest may know this hospital:
Legacy Emanuel Medical Center in Portland Or.
Their gross revenues in 2016 were $1,674,267,308.
So how do they recover this $6,822,970 costs?
As one hospital CEO when asked "How do hospitals deal with the cost of the uninsured? His answer" Like any business, we pass it on to the paying customers."
They pass it on in the form of billing the paying customers, i.e. Medicare, health insurance companies, etc.
So how do they pass it ON?
Again Legacy Emanuel...
Well for example they performed CT Scans on 1,765 patients that the AVERAGE CHARGE per scan is: $1,576
Yet the Average Cost to do the scan: $135
What Medicare Paid per claim: $182
Guess who pays the $1,576 IF there is no negotiations i.e. the insurance companies?
This is how the health care system works...the organizations that pay are overcharged to cover the "uninsured"!
Solution? There is one and I'll share if you want to know!
Its the American way and especially the Repub way.

Remember, one of the Paul's, Rand or Ron, GOP debate, said something about letting people die and the Repub crowd went wild with applause.

They also booed the skype interview of a soldier in Iraq, because he was gay.

The right is vicious. And yeah, they're in favor of letting people die. Wait till they find out they're losing their insurance too. My bet is they'll blame Obama! - cuz, that's what they do.

My, just LOOK at all of those claims and not ONE source to back them up. You're a liar until you prove them kid.
When someone chooses not to buy health insurance and they do not have money to pay for doctor and/or hospital what do we do. Should we refuse service? Should we let them die? It is their choice to not have Insurance.
Do we provide service and let the government pay for what they cannot pay. The government is us. Why should we pay for someone who chose not to spend their money on insurance?

The responsible end up paying for the irresponsible.
Sure they do, If you are over the age of 70 you get sick and use up the Part A and B of the medical care of SS. You should be dead within about 3 years of a cold and some minor infection. I have seen Doctor use the old "You are not strong enough to survive the operation" statement several time during the years. I thought if a person is going to die anyhow how about doing the operation, it a chance and the worst case would be they die. There has been some cases people have gone overseas and had the operation done there and had no problems.

There is no cap on Medicare A and B. Also the ACA has nothing to do with this, this is between Dr and patient.

Prove there is no cap on Medicare.
When someone chooses not to buy health insurance and they do not have money to pay for doctor and/or hospital what do we do. Should we refuse service? Should we let them die? It is their choice to not have Insurance.
Do we provide service and let the government pay for what they cannot pay. The government is us. Why should we pay for someone who chose not to spend their money on insurance?

The responsible end up paying for the irresponsible.
Are you talking about the people with jobs who couldn't afford that Obamacare BS?

Do you know why they couldn't?

Its damn simple. Just like "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor", the people you voted for made sure the average people could not afford ObamaCares.

I think we'll add stupidity to your resume. You know nothing about the ACA.
When someone chooses not to buy health insurance and they do not have money to pay for doctor and/or hospital what do we do. Should we refuse service? Should we let them die? It is their choice to not have Insurance.
Do we provide service and let the government pay for what they cannot pay. The government is us. Why should we pay for someone who chose not to spend their money on insurance?

The responsible end up paying for the irresponsible.
Sure they do, If you are over the age of 70 you get sick and use up the Part A and B of the medical care of SS. You should be dead within about 3 years of a cold and some minor infection. I have seen Doctor use the old "You are not strong enough to survive the operation" statement several time during the years. I thought if a person is going to die anyhow how about doing the operation, it a chance and the worst case would be they die. There has been some cases people have gone overseas and had the operation done there and had no problems.

There is no cap on Medicare A and B. Also the ACA has nothing to do with this, this is between Dr and patient.

Prove there is no cap on Medicare.

Prove there is as it is today. I am not talking about the block grants, I am talking individual.
When someone chooses not to buy health insurance and they do not have money to pay for doctor and/or hospital what do we do. Should we refuse service? Should we let them die? It is their choice to not have Insurance.
Do we provide service and let the government pay for what they cannot pay. The government is us. Why should we pay for someone who chose not to spend their money on insurance?

The responsible end up paying for the irresponsible.
Did we ever let anyone die if they didn't have insurance? I can't recall the streets littered with bodies.
No, prior to Obama care we always took care of all emergency situations if the person did not have insurance or money to pay.
But others paid the expenses through taxes and higher insurance rate. It cost us all bilions and billions of dollars.

Don't we still do that? How many people have died since Obamacare came into being that were denied treatment at an ER? And for that matter how many died before Obamacare who were denied treatment?

Why not list them , you might be able to find a list on Fox.

The ER is not health care. What must we get it through some of your brains.
One of the main problems is the cost of healthcare. Anytime a third party begins footing the bill, costs skyrocket.

Too bad get use to it. With 75 million on Medicaid, its not going away. Its here to stay. Like it or not. You may try, but in the end you will not succeed.
When someone chooses not to buy health insurance and they do not have money to pay for doctor and/or hospital what do we do. Should we refuse service? Should we let them die? It is their choice to not have Insurance.
Do we provide service and let the government pay for what they cannot pay. The government is us. Why should we pay for someone who chose not to spend their money on insurance?

The responsible end up paying for the irresponsible.
Did we ever let anyone die if they didn't have insurance? I can't recall the streets littered with bodies.
No, prior to Obama care we always took care of all emergency situations if the person did not have insurance or money to pay.
But others paid the expenses through taxes and higher insurance rate. It cost us all bilions and billions of dollars.

Don't we still do that? How many people have died since Obamacare came into being that were denied treatment at an ER? And for that matter how many died before Obamacare who were denied treatment?

Why not list them , you might be able to find a list on Fox.

The ER is not health care. What must we get it through some of your brains.

Last I checked, when you need emergency care you go to an ER where you are treated. I call that health care.
Why doesn't the self righteous left sell their houses and all their possessions and give the money to the government to fund healthcare for the poor...I mean they care right how can they allow poor people to die? Take one for the team libs, buy a bus pass, rent an apt you don't really need a car or house do you? I mean poor people are dying where's your priorities. /mockery /sarcasm
So it is up to the self-righteous left to find a way to cover the uncovered healthcare costs while the selfish right says"let them die".

Go ahead lead by example maybe others will We thought not. Liberals are always generous with other peoples money, not their own.

If you alone make over 200 grand then yes you might pay a bit more in taxes, and also Democrats pay taxes.
When someone chooses not to buy health insurance and they do not have money to pay for doctor and/or hospital what do we do. Should we refuse service? Should we let them die? It is their choice to not have Insurance.
Do we provide service and let the government pay for what they cannot pay. The government is us. Why should we pay for someone who chose not to spend their money on insurance?

The responsible end up paying for the irresponsible.
Did we ever let anyone die if they didn't have insurance? I can't recall the streets littered with bodies.
No, prior to Obama care we always took care of all emergency situations if the person did not have insurance or money to pay.
But others paid the expenses through taxes and higher insurance rate. It cost us all bilions and billions of dollars.

Don't we still do that? How many people have died since Obamacare came into being that were denied treatment at an ER? And for that matter how many died before Obamacare who were denied treatment?

Why not list them , you might be able to find a list on Fox.

The ER is not health care. What must we get it through some of your brains.

Last I checked, when you need emergency care you go to an ER where you are treated. I call that health care.

And you know what they will say, they will give you a script and tell you to follow up with your primary dr. Man you guys are just stupid, I'm sorry but I have to say , what are you like 20 or younger.

Oh I see your retired, well then I guess you are all set living on VA bennies, and Medicare. Why worry about anyone else. I find most Texans are self serving lowlifes.
Why doesn't the self righteous left sell their houses and all their possessions and give the money to the government to fund healthcare for the poor...I mean they care right how can they allow poor people to die? Take one for the team libs, buy a bus pass, rent an apt you don't really need a car or house do you? I mean poor people are dying where's your priorities. /mockery /sarcasm
So it is up to the self-righteous left to find a way to cover the uncovered healthcare costs while the selfish right says"let them die".

Go ahead lead by example maybe others will We thought not. Liberals are always generous with other peoples money, not their own.

If you alone make over 200 grand then yes you might pay a bit more in taxes, and also Democrats pay taxes.

Still waiting for you leftwits to lead by example, we know it will never happen.
Those supporting the new healthcare bill have to ask; do we let them die?
I do not support the bill.

Can someone who does support the bill answer the question about letting those die who do not have insurance.
Why? Its a false premise. When did you stop beating your wife?
It is not false premise.
"What do you do with a person who shows up at the emergency room with no insurance."
The answer can be treat them or let them die.
You can say treat them. But if you treat them the tax payers pick up the bill.

You can choose to not beat your wife. There are no negatives.
You can pick treat the uninsured but the consequence we all pick up the tab.

Wanna know how I know you aren't a bright guy?

ANYONE who walks into an ER gets treated. Nobody is refused, yes we pay for it.

Here's the funny part, well not really, but it is indeed revealing about people like you. Your side passed legislation that ostensibly helps those who can't "afford" to buy insurance. How did they accomplish this? By making the taxpayers pay for them. You gave the "subsidies" to them to buy a plan with $6000 deducible. If they can't afford the premium how can they afford $6000 ded? They CAN'T.

So NOW we are paying their premiums AND their Medical expenses. Not an intelligent piece of legislation..

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