Do we let people die who do not have health insurance

When someone chooses not to buy health insurance and they do not have money to pay for doctor and/or hospital what do we do. Should we refuse service? Should we let them die? It is their choice to not have Insurance.
Do we provide service and let the government pay for what they cannot pay. The government is us. Why should we pay for someone who chose not to spend their money on insurance?

The responsible end up paying for the irresponsible.
Sure they do, If you are over the age of 70 you get sick and use up the Part A and B of the medical care of SS. You should be dead within about 3 years of a cold and some minor infection. I have seen Doctor use the old "You are not strong enough to survive the operation" statement several time during the years. I thought if a person is going to die anyhow how about doing the operation, it a chance and the worst case would be they die. There has been some cases people have gone overseas and had the operation done there and had no problems.

There is no cap on Medicare A and B. Also the ACA has nothing to do with this, this is between Dr and patient.

Remember what you type child, I will
Employers are not mandated to provide insurance under the new plan.
Yes they are. Neither the House or Senate bill repeal the employer mandate.

There are no employer mandates in the new gop plan.
You seem to be under the impression the GOP plan is a replacement bill. I can understand why you believe that, that is how the media and the GOP report it.

But it does not repeal and replace ObamaCare. ObamaCare lives. The rubes have been hoaxed.

If any of you dolts would just read the damned bill for yourselves, instead of just parroting what you have been told to parrot at each other, you would know this.

And you would see the bill does NOT repeal the employer mandate. Employers with more than 50 employees are still required to provide health insurance to their employees. And they are still required to meet the reporting requirements.

The GOP bill does not repeal the mandate.

It does, however, repeal the financial penalty of the employer mandate. So an employer with more than 50 employees will not be fined if they don't insure all of their employees.

One could ASSUME this means employers won't insure their employees, but one would be wrong. If they are in violation of federal law, that opens them up to all kinds of other problems if they do business with the federal government.
When are you idiots going to learn?

Those supporting the new healthcare bill have to ask; do we let them die?
I do not support the bill.

Can someone who does support the bill answer the question about letting those die who do not have insurance.

Isn't there a law that says you are supposed to be treated at an ER for life threatening situations? Do we not have clinics that treat patients that can't pay? I thought St Judes does that, and don't organizations like the Shriners do the same thing? Your premise is BS Elmer.
The premise is not BS. St Judes pays for all the children they ca. Burt that is a small % of chldren who need care and cannot pay.

Yeah, but St Judes is not the only place that takes patients who can't pay. Your premise is basically that supporting the GOP HCI Bill means we would let people die without treatment, and that's BS. And you do realize that people die in other countries with UHC who were waiting for treatment or denied it, right?
I do not feel we will let people die under the new Republican plan. But then we will pay for those people through higher taxes and higher insurance rates. Those costs are not factored into the cost of the new plan.
We've been doing that before the ACA came along and we're doing it now, and will do it under whatever the GOP ends up with. We aren't going to have people dying in the streets, which is what your OP was suggesting. No matter how you cut it or which concept you're talking about, there will be uninsured people who will receive medical care that the rest of us pay for.

The mandate under Obama care reduced the total dollars in taxes and higher insurance rate because people had to have coverage.
Didn't work out that way, that's why the HCI companies are bailing out of the ACA. Not enough young and healthy people signed up. And the ACA sure as hell didn't lower insurance rates, but it did raise taxes.

The Republican plan allows people to not buy insurance because they know f they have to go to the hospital they will not be turned away. It facilitates people not taking responsibility of their insurance and health cost.

This part I can't argue with; if you're going to require HCI companies to insure people with pre-existing conditions then I don't see why anyone would buy insurance until they need it. Damned if I know how that can work any better than the mandate did.

Can't buy it when you need it, now and under new bill will still be open enrollment time. Right now they are cracking down on special enrollments (when people lose other covrage) starting today you have to prove it before getting your policy effectuated. Up until now you had 30 days to prove it and they would let your policy go into effect, no more.
As far as ObamaCare goes, the GOP bill is not much more than a tax repeal bill. It does not repeal ObamaCare, much less replace it. It just ensures ObamaCare will run up huge deficits since the taxes which pay for it are repealed.

The ObamaCare health insurance exchanges are still there.

The ObamaCare health insurance subsidies are still there, though you only get subsidized if you earn up to 350 percent of the FPL, instead of 400 percent.

The ObamaCare employer mandate is still there.

ObamaCare lives.

The rubes have STILL not caught on they have been massively hoaxed.

Trump's Chumps paid for a repeal and replacement, and the huckster is giving them a forgery.
You right wing nuts are so clueless about life, and if you are a Jesus freak, then the sooner you die the better off you will be is your mentality.
And there it is.

The liberals have been projecting their own "let them die" desires onto their opponents.
Ticks me off that RWNJs already know that trump/ryan care is more proof of trump's lies. Everything he said was a lie.

They're screwed. So are their kids and parents and everyone they know.

I have long thought that RWNJs must be the biggest concentration of real wealth anywhere. That's the only possible explanation for them wanting to take everything from the poor and sick and give it to the rich.
We took a trillion dollars from the producers last year and gave it to the unproductive. That does not count SS or Medicare which combined for over another trillion. We are the most generous nation on the planet. It not my fault bureaucrats fucked it all up. Stop relying on government for the solutions.
Do you have assets, I do, and if I chose to take a bronze plan and I know and am willing to pay at the most 6 grand a year for a major illness or condition for a lower premium. I know my assets will be safe.
You obviously do not have a family member with a chronic or catastrophic illness.

I do, and we have hit the catastrophic cap several times. One year, we hit it in less than a month.

How many people do you know who can afford the cost of a used car every year for medical bills?

Most people would be very quickly wiped out with just ONE bad year.
We took a trillion dollars from the producers last year and gave it to the unproductive.
When you say "the unproductive", does that include 80 year olds in a nursing home?

Careful, you are starting to feed the "let them die" meme.

We spend about $600 bill a year on "welfare".

We spend $1.4 trillion a year on tax expenditures. More than twice the amount we spend on welfare. Tax expenditures are a wealth transfer scheme UP the food chain. Money is stolen from your pocket and given to the upper income brackets.

It really pisses me off when I see tards blaming our problems on the poor and "because Mexicans", and whatever the fuck you mean by "the unproductive", just so we can continue to steal $1.4 trillion a year from everyone.
Do you have assets, I do, and if I chose to take a bronze plan and I know and am willing to pay at the most 6 grand a year for a major illness or condition for a lower premium. I know my assets will be safe.
You obviously do not have a family member with a chronic or catastrophic illness.

I do, and we have hit the catastrophic cap several times. One year, we hit it in less than a month.

How many people do you know who can afford the cost of a used car every year for medical bills?

Most people would be very quickly wiped out with just ONE bad year.

Do you own assets? If you do then you know they are not going to be seized. Its a family cap and it is good for a year. So the rest of the year was free.
Ticks me off that RWNJs already know that trump/ryan care is more proof of trump's lies. Everything he said was a lie.

They're screwed. So are their kids and parents and everyone they know.

I have long thought that RWNJs must be the biggest concentration of real wealth anywhere. That's the only possible explanation for them wanting to take everything from the poor and sick and give it to the rich.
We took a trillion dollars from the producers last year and gave it to the unproductive. That does not count SS or Medicare which combined for over another trillion. We are the most generous nation on the planet. It not my fault bureaucrats fucked it all up. Stop relying on government for the solutions.

What producers. They are just going to pocket the money and consolidate companies, takeovers, which means less jobs. Unproductive tell a person making 7.25 working 60 hours a week at 2 jobs that.
Ticks me off that RWNJs already know that trump/ryan care is more proof of trump's lies. Everything he said was a lie.

They're screwed. So are their kids and parents and everyone they know.

I have long thought that RWNJs must be the biggest concentration of real wealth anywhere. That's the only possible explanation for them wanting to take everything from the poor and sick and give it to the rich.
We took a trillion dollars from the producers last year and gave it to the unproductive. That does not count SS or Medicare which combined for over another trillion. We are the most generous nation on the planet. It not my fault bureaucrats fucked it all up. Stop relying on government for the solutions.

What producers. They are just going to pocket the money and consolidate companies, takeovers, which means less jobs. Unproductive tell a person making 7.25 working 60 hours a week at 2 jobs that.

Prove your Medicare assertion child
Why doesn't the self righteous left sell their houses and all their possessions and give the money to the government to fund healthcare for the poor...I mean they care right how can they allow poor people to die? Take one for the team libs, buy a bus pass, rent an apt you don't really need a car or house do you? I mean poor people are dying where's your priorities. /mockery /sarcasm
So it is up to the self-righteous left to find a way to cover the uncovered healthcare costs while the selfish right says"let them die".

Go ahead lead by example maybe others will We thought not. Liberals are always generous with other peoples money, not their own.

If you alone make over 200 grand then yes you might pay a bit more in taxes, and also Democrats pay taxes.

Still waiting for you leftwits to lead by example, we know it will never happen.

I doubt if you make 50 grand a year if not less. That is the median income. You right wing nuts are so clueless about life, and if you are a Jesus freak, then the sooner you die the better off you will be is your mentality. I find the Pubs to be very self centered arrogant who think they have money and pretend to. I do have insurance and I have money to pay for it.

Do you ever think about society, there are 75 million on Medicaid, the rich caused that, who do you think made them rich?

Your wealth envy is noted lib, its not my fault I'm way smarter than liberals and earn many times over what they earn. That I'm wealthy does not give you the right to force me to pay other peoples bills its MY money I'm keeping it.
Do you have assets, I do, and if I chose to take a bronze plan and I know and am willing to pay at the most 6 grand a year for a major illness or condition for a lower premium. I know my assets will be safe.
You obviously do not have a family member with a chronic or catastrophic illness.

I do, and we have hit the catastrophic cap several times. One year, we hit it in less than a month.

How many people do you know who can afford the cost of a used car every year for medical bills?

Most people would be very quickly wiped out with just ONE bad year.

Do you own assets? If you do then you know they are not going to be seized. Its a family cap and it is good for a year. So the rest of the year was free.
"The rest of the year was free." Jesus H. Christ.


I ask again. How many people do you know who can afford the cost of a used car every year for medical bills?

Most people can't. Especially the people who are receiving subsidies. The whole fucking reason they are getting a subsidy is because THEY ARE POOR!

Where are they going to get six thousand dollars, idiot?

Every. Year.
I am extremely fortunate I can afford the massive medical bills we get. But I know most people cannot afford the amount of money you have to spend before you hit the catastrophic cap.

The vast majority of Americans cannot.

This is why I keep pointing out that the only fucking thing that fucking matters with regard to health care reform is BRINGING COSTS DOWN.

That. Is. It.

No amount of bloviation. No amount of chest thumping. No amount of self-aggrandizing tweets are going to mean fuck-all to the Americans who open their medical and health insurance bills every month.

All they want to see is that number coming down.

God help the stupid motherfucker dipshit politician who doesn't bring that number down. Significantly. And soon.
I am extremely fortunate that I can afford the massive medical bills we get. But I know most people cannot afford the amount of money you have to spend before you hit the catastrophic cap.

The vast majority of Americans cannot.

This is why I keep pointing out that the only fucking thing that fucking matters with regard to health care reform is BRINGING COSTS DOWN.

That. Is. It.

No amount of bloviation. No amount of chest thumping. No amount of self-aggrandizing tweets are going to mean fuck-all to the Americans who open their medical and health insurance bills every month.

All they want to see is that number coming down.

God help the stupid motherfucker dipshit politician who doesn't bring that number down. Significantly. And soon.

Careful there, you're sounding more and more like a conservative.
I am extremely fortunate that I can afford the massive medical bills we get. But I know most people cannot afford the amount of money you have to spend before you hit the catastrophic cap.

The vast majority of Americans cannot.

This is why I keep pointing out that the only fucking thing that fucking matters with regard to health care reform is BRINGING COSTS DOWN.

That. Is. It.

No amount of bloviation. No amount of chest thumping. No amount of self-aggrandizing tweets are going to mean fuck-all to the Americans who open their medical and health insurance bills every month.

All they want to see is that number coming down.

God help the stupid motherfucker dipshit politician who doesn't bring that number down. Significantly. And soon.

Careful there, you're sounding more and more like a conservative.
I am a conservative, idiot.

Old school. I voted for the straight Republican ticket for longer than most of the tards on this forum have been alive.

I stopped voting at the national level when the Republican Party was hijacked by retards, hypocrites, bigots, racists, and psychopaths.

That's why Trump is President today. He's a huckster who saw an opening. He realized the tards weren't looking for a conservative candidate. They wanted a bigot and a racist, and he stepped into the role.

I'll start voting at the national level again when we have a conservative candidate again.
When someone chooses not to buy health insurance and they do not have money to pay for doctor and/or hospital what do we do. Should we refuse service? Should we let them die? It is their choice to not have Insurance.
Do we provide service and let the government pay for what they cannot pay. The government is us. Why should we pay for someone who chose not to spend their money on insurance?

The responsible end up paying for the irresponsible.

Do you seriously expect that GOP congress people think things through that far?

Remember - they only need to appeal to Trump's base to stay in office.
I am extremely fortunate that I can afford the massive medical bills we get. But I know most people cannot afford the amount of money you have to spend before you hit the catastrophic cap.

The vast majority of Americans cannot.

This is why I keep pointing out that the only fucking thing that fucking matters with regard to health care reform is BRINGING COSTS DOWN.

That. Is. It.

No amount of bloviation. No amount of chest thumping. No amount of self-aggrandizing tweets are going to mean fuck-all to the Americans who open their medical and health insurance bills every month.

All they want to see is that number coming down.

God help the stupid motherfucker dipshit politician who doesn't bring that number down. Significantly. And soon.

Careful there, you're sounding more and more like a conservative.
I am a conservative, idiot.

Old school.

Great, you are a conservative....and an asshole.
I am extremely fortunate I can afford the massive medical bills we get. But I know most people cannot afford the amount of money you have to spend before you hit the catastrophic cap.

The vast majority of Americans cannot.

This is why I keep pointing out that the only fucking thing that fucking matters with regard to health care reform is BRINGING COSTS DOWN.

That. Is. It.

No amount of bloviation. No amount of chest thumping. No amount of self-aggrandizing tweets are going to mean fuck-all to the Americans who open their medical and health insurance bills every month.

All they want to see is that number coming down.

God help the stupid motherfucker dipshit politician who doesn't bring that number down. Significantly. And soon.

Dead men don't vote.

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