Do we let people die who do not have health insurance

I am extremely fortunate that I can afford the massive medical bills we get. But I know most people cannot afford the amount of money you have to spend before you hit the catastrophic cap.

The vast majority of Americans cannot.

This is why I keep pointing out that the only fucking thing that fucking matters with regard to health care reform is BRINGING COSTS DOWN.

That. Is. It.

No amount of bloviation. No amount of chest thumping. No amount of self-aggrandizing tweets are going to mean fuck-all to the Americans who open their medical and health insurance bills every month.

All they want to see is that number coming down.

God help the stupid motherfucker dipshit politician who doesn't bring that number down. Significantly. And soon.

Careful there, you're sounding more and more like a conservative.
I am a conservative, idiot.

Old school.

Great, you are a conservative....and an asshole.

You just now figured that out? g's shit doesn't stink, just ask him.
We are going to end up with single payer. I have no doubt of that now. The GOP sold us down that river to the Democrats a long time ago.

I read the Senate bill and it proved to me once and for all we are going to end up with single payer health care.

I hate McConnell. I don't even have the words to express just how much I hate that motherfucker coward.

I read a lot of history books, and I can say with high confidence that never has such a spineless, lazy, weaseling, chickenshit hypocritical asshole of his caliber lived in this country. How is this man not spit on and kicked in the nuts every day? How?
I am extremely fortunate that I can afford the massive medical bills we get. But I know most people cannot afford the amount of money you have to spend before you hit the catastrophic cap.

The vast majority of Americans cannot.

This is why I keep pointing out that the only fucking thing that fucking matters with regard to health care reform is BRINGING COSTS DOWN.

That. Is. It.

No amount of bloviation. No amount of chest thumping. No amount of self-aggrandizing tweets are going to mean fuck-all to the Americans who open their medical and health insurance bills every month.

All they want to see is that number coming down.

God help the stupid motherfucker dipshit politician who doesn't bring that number down. Significantly. And soon.

Careful there, you're sounding more and more like a conservative.
I am a conservative, idiot.

Old school.

Great, you are a conservative....and an asshole.
Damn right. Proud of it.
The federal government has NO BUSINESS at all selling insurance of any kind. The only insurance they need to offer is Medicare to those who have paid into the system. The idea that anyone who does not have insurance should have it paid for by those who do is ludicrous. If I take a job that pays 20.00 dollars an hour, and it takes 25.00 worth of gas a day to drive to and from my job, when there was a job I could take a job right beside my house that paid 19.00 an hour, should the taxpayers have to give me 21.00 a day for my gas? MY CHOICE, CHOICE IS FREDOM, it comes with PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. Don't choose to buy insurance, PAY THE BILL.
We took a trillion dollars from the producers last year and gave it to the unproductive.
When you say "the unproductive", does that include 80 year olds in a nursing home?

Careful, you are starting to feed the "let them die" meme.

We spend about $600 bill a year on "welfare".

We spend $1.4 trillion a year on tax expenditures. More than twice the amount we spend on welfare. Tax expenditures are a wealth transfer scheme UP the food chain. Money is stolen from your pocket and given to the upper income brackets.

It really pisses me off when I see tards blaming our problems on the poor and "because Mexicans", and whatever the fuck you mean by "the unproductive", just so we can continue to steal $1.4 trillion a year from everyone.

Entitlement Spending last year was $1.084 Trillion if you count all levels of government.
Medicare and SS was $1.511 Trillion.

US Government Entitlement Spending History with Charts - a briefing

You have an odd take on other peoples money. Why do you believe using tax deductions is stealing? It's not your damn money. The top 20% of wage earners, the ones likely to make use of itemized deductions, pay 84% of all the income tax. In addition to the trillion handed over in entitlements, we also pay for the EIC credits. Are EIC credits stealing?

Top 20% of Earners Pay 84% of Income Tax
"Do we let people die who do not have health insurance"

Only liberals.....:biggrin:
We are going to end up with single payer.
I remain hopeful that our "leaders" (cough, har har) won't go all the way to Single Payer and will instead stop at what I want, an expansion of the Medicare / Medicare Advantage / Medicare Supplement system, a smart combination of public and private funding.

The problem is, the danger is, most people don't know the distinction between the two, and it's possible our "leaders" (cough, har har) don't either.
When someone chooses not to buy health insurance and they do not have money to pay for doctor and/or hospital what do we do. Should we refuse service? Should we let them die? It is their choice to not have Insurance.
Do we provide service and let the government pay for what they cannot pay. The government is us. Why should we pay for someone who chose not to spend their money on insurance?

The responsible end up paying for the irresponsible.

Probably not, but what happened to personal responsibility? Personally, if you're too lazy to work and buy health insurance, seems to me nature's way says there are consequences. Action = reaction. No action = consequences. That's just how shit works.
Many people who work very hard still cannot afford healthcare.

I am all for personal responsibility. When people can afford insurance and do not buy it and they end up with a huge healthcare bill they cannot pay, the rest of us cover the person through taxes and higher insurance premiums.

What do you do with those who are not personally responsible to buy insurance and then have a healthcare they cannot pay; let the die or cover the irresponsible?
When someone chooses not to buy health insurance and they do not have money to pay for doctor and/or hospital what do we do. Should we refuse service? Should we let them die? It is their choice to not have Insurance.
Do we provide service and let the government pay for what they cannot pay. The government is us. Why should we pay for someone who chose not to spend their money on insurance?

The responsible end up paying for the irresponsible.

Probably not, but what happened to personal responsibility? Personally, if you're too lazy to work and buy health insurance, seems to me nature's way says there are consequences. Action = reaction. No action = consequences. That's just how shit works.
Many people who work very hard still cannot afford healthcare.

I am all for personal responsibility. When people can afford insurance and do not buy it and they end up with a huge healthcare bill they cannot pay, the rest of us cover the person through taxes and higher insurance premiums.

What do you do with those who are not personally responsible to buy insurance and then have a healthcare they cannot pay; let the die or cover the irresponsible?

You do realize that there is a sign in every ER across the Nation that states that NOBODY can be refused Medical attention don't you?
When someone chooses not to buy health insurance and they do not have money to pay for doctor and/or hospital what do we do. Should we refuse service? Should we let them die? It is their choice to not have Insurance.
Do we provide service and let the government pay for what they cannot pay. The government is us. Why should we pay for someone who chose not to spend their money on insurance?

The responsible end up paying for the irresponsible.
Good old American Christian way. I've got mine, screw you.
I must say to these so principled self reliant guys . Who pays a $1mm bill when you get in a car accident and get lugged to the ER?
The federal government has NO BUSINESS at all selling insurance of any kind. The only insurance they need to offer is Medicare to those who have paid into the system. The idea that anyone who does not have insurance should have it paid for by those who do is ludicrous. If I take a job that pays 20.00 dollars an hour, and it takes 25.00 worth of gas a day to drive to and from my job, when there was a job I could take a job right beside my house that paid 19.00 an hour, should the taxpayers have to give me 21.00 a day for my gas? MY CHOICE, CHOICE IS FREDOM, it comes with PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. Don't choose to buy insurance, PAY THE BILL.
If one decides to not buy insurance and they have a life threatening illness they cannot pay for do we let them die?

Young people were mandated to buy insurance under Obamacare. They are not under Trumpcare.

A young person gets in a car crash with life threatening injuries but has no money and no insurance under Trumpcare; do we let them die or do we save their life.

If we save their life and it costs 100"s of thousands of dollars who pays for it?
When someone chooses not to buy health insurance and they do not have money to pay for doctor and/or hospital what do we do. Should we refuse service? Should we let them die? It is their choice to not have Insurance.
Do we provide service and let the government pay for what they cannot pay. The government is us. Why should we pay for someone who chose not to spend their money on insurance?

The responsible end up paying for the irresponsible.

Probably not, but what happened to personal responsibility? Personally, if you're too lazy to work and buy health insurance, seems to me nature's way says there are consequences. Action = reaction. No action = consequences. That's just how shit works.
Many people who work very hard still cannot afford healthcare.

I am all for personal responsibility. When people can afford insurance and do not buy it and they end up with a huge healthcare bill they cannot pay, the rest of us cover the person through taxes and higher insurance premiums.

What do you do with those who are not personally responsible to buy insurance and then have a healthcare they cannot pay; let the die or cover the irresponsible?

You do realize that there is a sign in every ER across the Nation that states that NOBODY can be refused Medical attention don't you?
Who pays the billions of dollars of uncovered medical expenses of the uninsured?
Its the American way and especially the Repub way.

Remember, one of the Paul's, Rand or Ron, GOP debate, said something about letting people die and the Repub crowd went wild with applause.

They also booed the skype interview of a soldier in Iraq, because he was gay.

The right is vicious. And yeah, they're in favor of letting people die. Wait till they find out they're losing their insurance too. My bet is they'll blame Obama! - cuz, that's what they do.
the left is just as vicious ludd....quit trying to make your side look like they love everyone...
When someone chooses not to buy health insurance and they do not have money to pay for doctor and/or hospital what do we do. Should we refuse service? Should we let them die? It is their choice to not have Insurance.
Do we provide service and let the government pay for what they cannot pay. The government is us. Why should we pay for someone who chose not to spend their money on insurance?

The responsible end up paying for the irresponsible.

Probably not, but what happened to personal responsibility? Personally, if you're too lazy to work and buy health insurance, seems to me nature's way says there are consequences. Action = reaction. No action = consequences. That's just how shit works.
Many people who work very hard still cannot afford healthcare.

I am all for personal responsibility. When people can afford insurance and do not buy it and they end up with a huge healthcare bill they cannot pay, the rest of us cover the person through taxes and higher insurance premiums.

What do you do with those who are not personally responsible to buy insurance and then have a healthcare they cannot pay; let the die or cover the irresponsible?

You do realize that there is a sign in every ER across the Nation that states that NOBODY can be refused Medical attention don't you?
Who pays the billions of dollars of uncovered medical expenses of the uninsured?

If you were informed you'd know that we still are.

Here's the funny part, well not really, but it is indeed revealing about people like you. Your side passed legislation that ostensibly helps those who can't "afford" to buy insurance. How did they accomplish this? By making the taxpayers pay for them. You gave the "subsidies" to them to buy a plan with $6000 deducible. If they can't afford the premium how can they afford $6000 ded? They CAN'T.

So NOW we are paying their premiums AND their Medical expenses. Not an intelligent piece of legislation..
Survival of the fittest! It's the only way to make America great again! Nevertheless, I believe Medicaid should be cut completely. It's a burdensome drain on the working taxpayers wallet and a drain on the economy.

Look at this, the Dutch are already euthanizing the mentally ill. This would be a good start to get rid of the burdens of society here in the states. We would be doing it out of love for God and the patient.
steve did you not say a few times that you have serious health issues?....and you want survival of the fittest?....
When someone chooses not to buy health insurance and they do not have money to pay for doctor and/or hospital what do we do. Should we refuse service? Should we let them die? It is their choice to not have Insurance.
Do we provide service and let the government pay for what they cannot pay. The government is us. Why should we pay for someone who chose not to spend their money on insurance?

The responsible end up paying for the irresponsible.

Probably not, but what happened to personal responsibility? Personally, if you're too lazy to work and buy health insurance, seems to me nature's way says there are consequences. Action = reaction. No action = consequences. That's just how shit works.
Many people who work very hard still cannot afford healthcare.

I am all for personal responsibility. When people can afford insurance and do not buy it and they end up with a huge healthcare bill they cannot pay, the rest of us cover the person through taxes and higher insurance premiums.

What do you do with those who are not personally responsible to buy insurance and then have a healthcare they cannot pay; let the die or cover the irresponsible?

You do realize that there is a sign in every ER across the Nation that states that NOBODY can be refused Medical attention don't you?
Who pays the billions of dollars of uncovered medical expenses of the uninsured?

If you were informed you'd know that we still are.

Here's the funny part, well not really, but it is indeed revealing about people like you. Your side passed legislation that ostensibly helps those who can't "afford" to buy insurance. How did they accomplish this? By making the taxpayers pay for them. You gave the "subsidies" to them to buy a plan with $6000 deducible. If they can't afford the premium how can they afford $6000 ded? They CAN'T.

So NOW we are paying their premiums AND their Medical expenses. Not an intelligent piece of legislation..
When the uninsured go to Emergency for small or big issues the costs is much higher than those with insurance.
You have not answered the question of who pays the billions of dollars of non-reimbursed health expenses of the uninsured and the under insured.

I like the mandate because it makes irresponsible people be responsible. The conservatives are giving the irresponsible a pass.

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