Do we let people die who do not have health insurance

There is no cap on Medicare A and B. Also the ACA has nothing to do with this, this is between Dr and patient.

Prove there is no cap on Medicare.

Prove there is as it is today. I am not talking about the block grants, I am talking individual.

That's not how his game is played child, you make a statement you must be able to prove it.

There is no cap on Medicaid for a person, its not like the lifetime caps before the ACA, never has been a cap on Medicaid.

Do you have assets, I do, and if I chose to take a bronze plan and I know and am willing to pay at the most 6 grand a year for a major illness or condition for a lower premium. I know my assets will be safe.

Normally I give folks the benefit of the doubt. Not you, you are liar. You made the statement about Medicare, not Medicaid. A person who cannot afford to pay premiums cannot afford to pay now a $7150 deductible.

No one on Medicaid pays that. My husband has insurance, 10 grand a year, and a 5100 OOP max for just him, I have medicare which cost me around 400 a month plus any scripts.

Also a person who can't afford a 7150 deduct is probably the same of the OOP max and a bronze plan, so then you have to pick a silver plan. Then again the Pubs have ruined the ACA.
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Only European socialists, marxist totalitarian states, and third world banana republics are "civilised".....

Are you?
past tense: civilized; past participle: civilized
  1. bring (a place or people) to a stage of social, cultural, and moral development considered to be more advanced.
    "a civilized society"
    synonyms: enlighten, edify, improve, educate, instruct, refine, cultivate, polish, socialize
Many people who work very hard still cannot afford healthcare.

I am all for personal responsibility. When people can afford insurance and do not buy it and they end up with a huge healthcare bill they cannot pay, the rest of us cover the person through taxes and higher insurance premiums.

What do you do with those who are not personally responsible to buy insurance and then have a healthcare they cannot pay; let the die or cover the irresponsible?

You do realize that there is a sign in every ER across the Nation that states that NOBODY can be refused Medical attention don't you?
Who pays the billions of dollars of uncovered medical expenses of the uninsured?

If you were informed you'd know that we still are.

Here's the funny part, well not really, but it is indeed revealing about people like you. Your side passed legislation that ostensibly helps those who can't "afford" to buy insurance. How did they accomplish this? By making the taxpayers pay for them. You gave the "subsidies" to them to buy a plan with $6000 deducible. If they can't afford the premium how can they afford $6000 ded? They CAN'T.

So NOW we are paying their premiums AND their Medical expenses. Not an intelligent piece of legislation..
When the uninsured go to Emergency for small or big issues the costs is much higher than those with insurance.
You have not answered the question of who pays the billions of dollars of non-reimbursed health expenses of the uninsured and the under insured.

I like the mandate because it makes irresponsible people be responsible. The conservatives are giving the irresponsible a pass.

Indeed I did answer it and with the ACA we're STILL paying it.
With the ACA, the insurance mandate puts the cost to the taxpayer up front. The subsidies etc are known.

With Trumpcare the taxpayer would pay less up front for subsidized insurance premiums and Medicaid.
What is unknown is the amount that taxpayers pay on the back side to pay for the many more people that have no insurance.

Trumpcare could cost more in the long run plus poor healthcare for many more people.

Trumpcare is penny wise and pound foolish. And it is "mean" to quote a great statesman
You do realize that there is a sign in every ER across the Nation that states that NOBODY can be refused Medical attention don't you?
Who pays the billions of dollars of uncovered medical expenses of the uninsured?

If you were informed you'd know that we still are.

Here's the funny part, well not really, but it is indeed revealing about people like you. Your side passed legislation that ostensibly helps those who can't "afford" to buy insurance. How did they accomplish this? By making the taxpayers pay for them. You gave the "subsidies" to them to buy a plan with $6000 deducible. If they can't afford the premium how can they afford $6000 ded? They CAN'T.

So NOW we are paying their premiums AND their Medical expenses. Not an intelligent piece of legislation..
When the uninsured go to Emergency for small or big issues the costs is much higher than those with insurance.
You have not answered the question of who pays the billions of dollars of non-reimbursed health expenses of the uninsured and the under insured.

I like the mandate because it makes irresponsible people be responsible. The conservatives are giving the irresponsible a pass.

Indeed I did answer it and with the ACA we're STILL paying it.
With the ACA, the insurance mandate puts the cost to the taxpayer up front. The subsidies etc are known.

With Trumpcare the taxpayer would pay less up front for subsidized insurance premiums and Medicaid.
What is unknown is the amount that taxpayers pay on the back side to pay for the many more people that have no insurance.

Trumpcare could cost more in the long run plus poor healthcare for many more people.

Trumpcare is penny wise and pound foolish. And it is "mean" to quote a great statesman

What most people don't understand is that it is not a health care bill, but a tax bill. They could never get enough votes to pass a health care bill, so they have written a budget reconciliation bill, instead. As a tax and busget bill, they cna only address budget issues, not health care. What ever happens to our health care is just collateral damage. The real - and only goal -is tax cots.

The title on the relatively short Senate bill is "To provide for reconciliation pursuant to title II of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2017".

Nothing there about health care. Any impact on anyone's health care is simply collateral damage.
Who pays the billions of dollars of uncovered medical expenses of the uninsured?

If you were informed you'd know that we still are.

Here's the funny part, well not really, but it is indeed revealing about people like you. Your side passed legislation that ostensibly helps those who can't "afford" to buy insurance. How did they accomplish this? By making the taxpayers pay for them. You gave the "subsidies" to them to buy a plan with $6000 deducible. If they can't afford the premium how can they afford $6000 ded? They CAN'T.

So NOW we are paying their premiums AND their Medical expenses. Not an intelligent piece of legislation..
When the uninsured go to Emergency for small or big issues the costs is much higher than those with insurance.
You have not answered the question of who pays the billions of dollars of non-reimbursed health expenses of the uninsured and the under insured.

I like the mandate because it makes irresponsible people be responsible. The conservatives are giving the irresponsible a pass.

Indeed I did answer it and with the ACA we're STILL paying it.
With the ACA, the insurance mandate puts the cost to the taxpayer up front. The subsidies etc are known.

With Trumpcare the taxpayer would pay less up front for subsidized insurance premiums and Medicaid.
What is unknown is the amount that taxpayers pay on the back side to pay for the many more people that have no insurance.

Trumpcare could cost more in the long run plus poor healthcare for many more people.

Trumpcare is penny wise and pound foolish. And it is "mean" to quote a great statesman

What most people don't understand is that it is not a health care bill, but a tax bill. They could never get enough votes to pass a health care bill, so they have written a budget reconciliation bill, instead. As a tax and busget bill, they cna only address budget issues, not health care. What ever happens to our health care is just collateral damage. The real - and only goal -is tax cots.

The title on the relatively short Senate bill is "To provide for reconciliation pursuant to title II of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2017".

Nothing there about health care. Any impact on anyone's health care is simply collateral damage.
Insurance is not healthcare
Prove there is no cap on Medicare.

Prove there is as it is today. I am not talking about the block grants, I am talking individual.

That's not how his game is played child, you make a statement you must be able to prove it.

There is no cap on Medicaid for a person, its not like the lifetime caps before the ACA, never has been a cap on Medicaid.

Do you have assets, I do, and if I chose to take a bronze plan and I know and am willing to pay at the most 6 grand a year for a major illness or condition for a lower premium. I know my assets will be safe.

Normally I give folks the benefit of the doubt. Not you, you are liar. You made the statement about Medicare, not Medicaid. A person who cannot afford to pay premiums cannot afford to pay now a $7150 deductible.

No one on Medicaid pays that. My husband has insurance, 10 grand a year, and a 5100 OOP max for just him, I have medicare which cost me around 400 a month plus any scripts.

Also a person who can't afford a 7150 deduct is probably the same of the OOP max and a bronze plan, so then you have to pick a silver plan. Then again the Pubs have ruined the ACA.

We aren't talking about Medicaid honey, we are talking about Medicare. You said there was cap and I asked you to prove it. If they can't afford a Bronze they damn sure can't afford a Silver. The ACA is exactly what the DEms wanted, the Pubs "ruined" nothing.
You do realize that there is a sign in every ER across the Nation that states that NOBODY can be refused Medical attention don't you?
Who pays the billions of dollars of uncovered medical expenses of the uninsured?

If you were informed you'd know that we still are.

Here's the funny part, well not really, but it is indeed revealing about people like you. Your side passed legislation that ostensibly helps those who can't "afford" to buy insurance. How did they accomplish this? By making the taxpayers pay for them. You gave the "subsidies" to them to buy a plan with $6000 deducible. If they can't afford the premium how can they afford $6000 ded? They CAN'T.

So NOW we are paying their premiums AND their Medical expenses. Not an intelligent piece of legislation..
When the uninsured go to Emergency for small or big issues the costs is much higher than those with insurance.
You have not answered the question of who pays the billions of dollars of non-reimbursed health expenses of the uninsured and the under insured.

I like the mandate because it makes irresponsible people be responsible. The conservatives are giving the irresponsible a pass.

Indeed I did answer it and with the ACA we're STILL paying it.
With the ACA, the insurance mandate puts the cost to the taxpayer up front. The subsidies etc are known.

With Trumpcare the taxpayer would pay less up front for subsidized insurance premiums and Medicaid.
What is unknown is the amount that taxpayers pay on the back side to pay for the many more people that have no insurance.

Trumpcare could cost more in the long run plus poor healthcare for many more people.

Trumpcare is penny wise and pound foolish. And it is "mean" to quote a great statesman

BOTH plans are shit, now that we've got that out of the way the fact remains we the people are STILL paying the poor's health care and "insurance" expenses. The ACA did nothing to change that.
i agree with Secretary Clinton!


I guess I should rephrase the question. When have hospitals ever turned away someone who was dying?

Since when do hospital emergency rooms treat cancer long term?

Rephrase the question however you wish.
When someone chooses not to buy health insurance and they do not have money to pay for doctor and/or hospital what do we do. Should we refuse service? Should we let them die? It is their choice to not have Insurance.
Do we provide service and let the government pay for what they cannot pay. The government is us. Why should we pay for someone who chose not to spend their money on insurance?

The responsible end up paying for the irresponsible.

The government is us. Why should we pay for someone who chose not to spend their money on insurance?

Breaking news it's the law for along time now


I guess I should rephrase the question. When have hospitals ever turned away someone who was dying?

Since when do hospital emergency rooms treat cancer long term?

Rephrase the question however you wish.

So know there is a cure for cancer? Do tell us this miracle drug you found?

You will win a Nobel prize.


I guess I should rephrase the question. When have hospitals ever turned away someone who was dying?

Since when do hospital emergency rooms treat cancer long term?

Rephrase the question however you wish.

So know there is a cure for cancer? Do tell us this miracle drug you found?

You will win a Nobel prize.


Um, yeah, people survive cancer all the time.

I guess I should rephrase the question. When have hospitals ever turned away someone who was dying?

Since when do hospital emergency rooms treat cancer long term?

Rephrase the question however you wish.

So know there is a cure for cancer? Do tell us this miracle drug you found?

You will win a Nobel prize.


Um, yeah, people survive cancer all the time.

Name them ...

(This will be interesting)


I guess I should rephrase the question. When have hospitals ever turned away someone who was dying?

Since when do hospital emergency rooms treat cancer long term?

Rephrase the question however you wish.

So know there is a cure for cancer? Do tell us this miracle drug you found?

You will win a Nobel prize.


Um, yeah, people survive cancer all the time.

Name them ...

(This will be interesting)


My dad.
Its the American way and especially the Repub way.

Remember, one of the Paul's, Rand or Ron, GOP debate, said something about letting people die and the Repub crowd went wild with applause.

They also booed the skype interview of a soldier in Iraq, because he was gay.

The right is vicious. And yeah, they're in favor of letting people die. Wait till they find out they're losing their insurance too. My bet is they'll blame Obama! - cuz, that's what they do.
Two words for you, ahole....Jonathan Gruber.

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