Do we let people die who do not have health insurance

Let us be clear and this is not trying to be overly dramatic: Thousands of people will die if the Republican health care bill becomes law.

I guess I should rephrase the question. When have hospitals ever turned away someone who was dying?
The one that Michelle worked at turned lots of people away. Because her *fix* to reduce ER traffic was to reroute most of it to another hospital across town.

She got 10 mill for that brilliant strategy. and yes, people did die.
Do we let people die who do not have health insurance

Have we ever?

Yes, and do now.

It's all about money, more than ever before.

Back in yon olden days, when I worked in ER, no one was pushed out door to die. Instead, the uninsured would be "turfed", usually by ambulance, to a county hospital. Needless to say, that resulted in county hosp's going broke, operating in the red.

Reagan signed EMTALA which still stabilizes the sick and then discharges with instructions to see your reg physician for follow up. People who don't have or can't pay do indeed due.

EMTALA is, in very large part, the reason the US now has very few burn centers or trauma centers.

In contrast, other countries man their ambulances and helicopters with MDs.

What really impressed me is that the staff of pharmacies are incredibly well trained and drugs that are still scrip only and very expensive in the US are Orc and affordable in their countries. The kicker is that, in some cases, we pay higher taxes.

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Why doesn't the self righteous left sell their houses and all their possessions and give the money to the government to fund healthcare for the poor...I mean they care right how can they allow poor people to die? Take one for the team libs, buy a bus pass, rent an apt you don't really need a car or house do you? I mean poor people are dying where's your priorities. /mockery /sarcasm
So it is up to the self-righteous left to find a way to cover the uncovered healthcare costs while the selfish right says"let them die".

They aren't dying! Why do keep repeating this false premise?
I am extremely fortunate I can afford the massive medical bills we get. But I know most people cannot afford the amount of money you have to spend before you hit the catastrophic cap.

The vast majority of Americans cannot.

This is why I keep pointing out that the only fucking thing that fucking matters with regard to health care reform is BRINGING COSTS DOWN.

That. Is. It.

No amount of bloviation. No amount of chest thumping. No amount of self-aggrandizing tweets are going to mean fuck-all to the Americans who open their medical and health insurance bills every month.

All they want to see is that number coming down.

God help the stupid motherfucker dipshit politician who doesn't bring that number down. Significantly. And soon.

Dead men don't vote.

Dead men don't vote Republican. They always vote Democrat!
Those supporting the new healthcare bill have to ask; do we let them die?
I do not support the bill.

Can someone who does support the bill answer the question about letting those die who do not have insurance.

This isn't about letting people die. It's about DISCONNECTING the MediCaid Program from the ObamaCare concept. They purposely HID MediCaid costs in that program which contributed to the demise. The Expansion was a scam that expanded eligilibility to 4 times the poverty rate -- and let the POOL and the RICH pay for it. Simple redistribution of costs that drove up the premiums.

Disconnect MediCaid COMPLETELY from general Health Insurance requirements and MANAGE it like it should be managed. No one at four times poverty would NEED subsidies or insurance because the state is gonna pay for EVERYTHING anyway.

It they were smart -- the States would ALL buy catastrophic insurance policies for MediCaid recipients on the market. And cover everything else as actual cost.....
Let us be clear and this is not trying to be overly dramatic: Thousands of people will die if the Republican health care bill becomes law.

Let us be clear and this is not trying to be overly dramatic: Thousands of people will die if the Republican health care bill doesn't become law.

Thousands of people will die. Passing a law will not change that.
What producers. They are just going to pocket the money and consolidate companies, takeovers, which means less jobs. Unproductive tell a person making 7.25 working 60 hours a week at 2 jobs that.
All the individual producers (those that work and pay income tax) are going to pocket money and buy what? What are you babbling about?

The elites are just going to pocket their money. Trickle down dose not work, never did. Just propaganda for the elites. I don't know what they buy , another luxury house , a fifty thousand dollar outfit to wear. Who know.
So you want socialized health care?---- that's a good example of 'trickle down'......actual health care services 'trickle down' to everybody as everything becomes rationed.....
HOW do all the other countries have health care for their citizens? Why are we alone in the civilized world?
They don't. At least at the level and quality we currently enjoy.

This is false. Many countries have BETTER health care than the US. Your quality and outcomes are not better than other countries. They're worse. The US is ranked 34th in the world for health care.
All the individual producers (those that work and pay income tax) are going to pocket money and buy what? What are you babbling about?

The elites are just going to pocket their money. Trickle down dose not work, never did. Just propaganda for the elites. I don't know what they buy , another luxury house , a fifty thousand dollar outfit to wear. Who know.
So you want socialized health care?---- that's a good example of 'trickle down'......actual health care services 'trickle down' to everybody as everything becomes rationed.....
HOW do all the other countries have health care for their citizens? Why are we alone in the civilized world?
They don't. At least at the level and quality we currently enjoy.

This is false. Many countries have BETTER health care than the US. Your quality and outcomes are not better than other countries. They're worse. The US is ranked 34th in the world for health care.
Maybe you are right. I do know my Canadian next door neighbors feel very differently. They relocated due to waiting times when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. I understand this is antidotal, but it happened.

Could you provide a link to the 34 number? Curious about the methodology used to arrive at that ranking. After all, Michael Moore believes Cuba has superior healthcare.
The elites are just going to pocket their money. Trickle down dose not work, never did. Just propaganda for the elites. I don't know what they buy , another luxury house , a fifty thousand dollar outfit to wear. Who know.
So you want socialized health care?---- that's a good example of 'trickle down'......actual health care services 'trickle down' to everybody as everything becomes rationed.....
HOW do all the other countries have health care for their citizens? Why are we alone in the civilized world?
They don't. At least at the level and quality we currently enjoy.

This is false. Many countries have BETTER health care than the US. Your quality and outcomes are not better than other countries. They're worse. The US is ranked 34th in the world for health care.
Maybe you are right. I do know my Canadian next door neighbors feel very differently. They relocated due to waiting times when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. I understand this is antidotal, but it happened.

Could you provide a link to the 34 number? Curious about the methodology used to arrive at that ranking. After all, Michael Moore believes Cuba has superior healthcare.

This is the latest ranking I could find.

World Health Organization's Ranking of the World's Health Systems

The health care industry has sold Americans in the idea that they have the world's best care because to say otherwise would slow down their gravy train.

With government funded healthcare the costs and payments are carefully controlled. Your free market private health care couldn't charge whatever the traffic will bear.

Look at your drug prices. An EPI pen (for emergency allergy treatment) costs $650 in the US and $70 in Canada.

In regards to your neighbour, anyone I know who has had cancer had no wait for treatment. My mother-in-law had a big delay in getting treatment for her colon cancer (5 months) because her physician thought she had early symptoms of IBS, and didn't even test for cancer for months. As soon as she was tested for cancer, they admitted her and removed it.
When someone chooses not to buy health insurance and they do not have money to pay for doctor and/or hospital what do we do. Should we refuse service? Should we let them die? It is their choice to not have Insurance.
Do we provide service and let the government pay for what they cannot pay. The government is us. Why should we pay for someone who chose not to spend their money on insurance?

The responsible end up paying for the irresponsible.

1) Health insurance companies are some of the biggest bastards in the world. "We don't cover pre-existing conditions, this is normal in the healthcare insurance industry", it's like saying it's okay to kill Jews simply because it was normal in Nazi Germany. It's NOT OKAY to not cover pre-existing condition. It's not okay for you to judge whether my cancer is the "right type of cancer to be treated", it's not okay for you to decide that you can't be bothered to cover things you don't like.

2) I'm no socialist, but private healthcare for poorer people is the biggest fucking con going. People who support this type of system are sickos.
So you want socialized health care?---- that's a good example of 'trickle down'......actual health care services 'trickle down' to everybody as everything becomes rationed.....
HOW do all the other countries have health care for their citizens? Why are we alone in the civilized world?
They don't. At least at the level and quality we currently enjoy.

This is false. Many countries have BETTER health care than the US. Your quality and outcomes are not better than other countries. They're worse. The US is ranked 34th in the world for health care.
Maybe you are right. I do know my Canadian next door neighbors feel very differently. They relocated due to waiting times when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. I understand this is antidotal, but it happened.

Could you provide a link to the 34 number? Curious about the methodology used to arrive at that ranking. After all, Michael Moore believes Cuba has superior healthcare.

This is the latest ranking I could find.

World Health Organization's Ranking of the World's Health Systems

The health care industry has sold Americans in the idea that they have the world's best care because to say otherwise would slow down their gravy train.

With government funded healthcare the costs and payments are carefully controlled. Your free market private health care couldn't charge whatever the traffic will bear.

Look at your drug prices. An EPI pen (for emergency allergy treatment) costs $650 in the US and $70 in Canada.

In regards to your neighbour, anyone I know who has had cancer had no wait for treatment. My mother-in-law had a big delay in getting treatment for her colon cancer (5 months) because her physician thought she had early symptoms of IBS, and didn't even test for cancer for months. As soon as she was tested for cancer, they admitted her and removed it.
For the sake of reaching out, I will 100% agree the epi pen thing was a disaster under Obama.
When someone chooses not to buy health insurance and they do not have money to pay for doctor and/or hospital what do we do. Should we refuse service? Should we let them die? It is their choice to not have Insurance.
Do we provide service and let the government pay for what they cannot pay. The government is us. Why should we pay for someone who chose not to spend their money on insurance?

The responsible end up paying for the irresponsible.

1) Health insurance companies are some of the biggest bastards in the world. "We don't cover pre-existing conditions, this is normal in the healthcare insurance industry", it's like saying it's okay to kill Jews simply because it was normal in Nazi Germany. It's NOT OKAY to not cover pre-existing condition. It's not okay for you to judge whether my cancer is the "right type of cancer to be treated", it's not okay for you to decide that you can't be bothered to cover things you don't like.

2) I'm no socialist, but private healthcare for poorer people is the biggest fucking con going. People who support this type of system are sickos.

It all comes down to that. Who should be forced to pay for others needs or wants? Half the country has no skin in the game.
HOW do all the other countries have health care for their citizens? Why are we alone in the civilized world?
They don't. At least at the level and quality we currently enjoy.

This is false. Many countries have BETTER health care than the US. Your quality and outcomes are not better than other countries. They're worse. The US is ranked 34th in the world for health care.
Maybe you are right. I do know my Canadian next door neighbors feel very differently. They relocated due to waiting times when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. I understand this is antidotal, but it happened.

Could you provide a link to the 34 number? Curious about the methodology used to arrive at that ranking. After all, Michael Moore believes Cuba has superior healthcare.

This is the latest ranking I could find.

World Health Organization's Ranking of the World's Health Systems

The health care industry has sold Americans in the idea that they have the world's best care because to say otherwise would slow down their gravy train.

With government funded healthcare the costs and payments are carefully controlled. Your free market private health care couldn't charge whatever the traffic will bear.

Look at your drug prices. An EPI pen (for emergency allergy treatment) costs $650 in the US and $70 in Canada.

In regards to your neighbour, anyone I know who has had cancer had no wait for treatment. My mother-in-law had a big delay in getting treatment for her colon cancer (5 months) because her physician thought she had early symptoms of IBS, and didn't even test for cancer for months. As soon as she was tested for cancer, they admitted her and removed it.
For the sake of reaching out, I will 100% agree the epi pen thing was a disaster under Obama.

Explain how the epi pen was Obama's fault.
Do you guys seriously believe Obamacare has given us power to stop death???

Obamacare surely stopped the death of share prices and well deserved bonusses of the health 'care' and insurance maffia. Can you imagine the horrors that would have happened if the 'hope & change' pretzeldent had pushed for single payer healthcare instead?

When someone chooses not to buy health insurance and they do not have money to pay for doctor and/or hospital what do we do. Should we refuse service? Should we let them die? It is their choice to not have Insurance.
Do we provide service and let the government pay for what they cannot pay. The government is us. Why should we pay for someone who chose not to spend their money on insurance?

The responsible end up paying for the irresponsible.

1) Health insurance companies are some of the biggest bastards in the world. "We don't cover pre-existing conditions, this is normal in the healthcare insurance industry", it's like saying it's okay to kill Jews simply because it was normal in Nazi Germany. It's NOT OKAY to not cover pre-existing condition. It's not okay for you to judge whether my cancer is the "right type of cancer to be treated", it's not okay for you to decide that you can't be bothered to cover things you don't like.

2) I'm no socialist, but private healthcare for poorer people is the biggest fucking con going. People who support this type of system are sickos.

It all comes down to that. Who should be forced to pay for others needs or wants? Half the country has no skin in the game.

So you suggest letting half the country die. Perhaps starve them or gas them to death, round up all the deadbeats and put them on an island and nuke it. Do you even comprehend who Medicaid covers, pg women (since the gop wants to defund PP Title X) , aged, ill children, families with low income and out of a job(many have been laid off) , and the working poor, disabled, etc. 75 million.

PS: the Gop has no employee mandates, you are now at the mercy of the employers if you get insurance and what kind and for how much. Never good to be a the mercy of the employer.
Ticks me off that RWNJs already know that trump/ryan care is more proof of trump's lies. Everything he said was a lie.

They're screwed. So are their kids and parents and everyone they know.

I have long thought that RWNJs must be the biggest concentration of real wealth anywhere. That's the only possible explanation for them wanting to take everything from the poor and sick and give it to the rich.

/---- You know that old talking point makes no sense. Taking wealth from the poor is like squeezing blood from a stone, but tired cliches are all you got.

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