Do we let people die who do not have health insurance

Probably not, but what happened to personal responsibility? Personally, if you're too lazy to work and buy health insurance, seems to me nature's way says there are consequences. Action = reaction. No action = consequences. That's just how shit works.
Many people who work very hard still cannot afford healthcare.

I am all for personal responsibility. When people can afford insurance and do not buy it and they end up with a huge healthcare bill they cannot pay, the rest of us cover the person through taxes and higher insurance premiums.

What do you do with those who are not personally responsible to buy insurance and then have a healthcare they cannot pay; let the die or cover the irresponsible?

You do realize that there is a sign in every ER across the Nation that states that NOBODY can be refused Medical attention don't you?
Who pays the billions of dollars of uncovered medical expenses of the uninsured?

If you were informed you'd know that we still are.

Here's the funny part, well not really, but it is indeed revealing about people like you. Your side passed legislation that ostensibly helps those who can't "afford" to buy insurance. How did they accomplish this? By making the taxpayers pay for them. You gave the "subsidies" to them to buy a plan with $6000 deducible. If they can't afford the premium how can they afford $6000 ded? They CAN'T.

So NOW we are paying their premiums AND their Medical expenses. Not an intelligent piece of legislation..
When the uninsured go to Emergency for small or big issues the costs is much higher than those with insurance.
You have not answered the question of who pays the billions of dollars of non-reimbursed health expenses of the uninsured and the under insured.

I like the mandate because it makes irresponsible people be responsible. The conservatives are giving the irresponsible a pass.

Indeed I did answer it and with the ACA we're STILL paying it.
When someone chooses not to buy health insurance and they do not have money to pay for doctor and/or hospital what do we do. Should we refuse service? Should we let them die? It is their choice to not have Insurance.
Do we provide service and let the government pay for what they cannot pay. The government is us. Why should we pay for someone who chose not to spend their money on insurance?

The responsible end up paying for the irresponsible.
And what about those who can't afford to pay doctors OR buy insurance on the open market without subsidies. ??Do we let them die? And consider that while they are dying, people who were once productive -and might still have been if they had ongoing care are then on disability and no longer paying taxes. Who pays for that?? I suppose that we could also let them starve while living in a cardboard box. But is that the kind of country we want?
Ticks me off that RWNJs already know that trump/ryan care is more proof of trump's lies. Everything he said was a lie.

They're screwed. So are their kids and parents and everyone they know.

I have long thought that RWNJs must be the biggest concentration of real wealth anywhere. That's the only possible explanation for them wanting to take everything from the poor and sick and give it to the rich.
We took a trillion dollars from the producers last year and gave it to the unproductive. That does not count SS or Medicare which combined for over another trillion. We are the most generous nation on the planet. It not my fault bureaucrats fucked it all up. Stop relying on government for the solutions.

What producers. They are just going to pocket the money and consolidate companies, takeovers, which means less jobs. Unproductive tell a person making 7.25 working 60 hours a week at 2 jobs that.
All the individual producers (those that work and pay income tax) are going to pocket money and buy what? What are you babbling about?
Ticks me off that RWNJs already know that trump/ryan care is more proof of trump's lies. Everything he said was a lie.

They're screwed. So are their kids and parents and everyone they know.

I have long thought that RWNJs must be the biggest concentration of real wealth anywhere. That's the only possible explanation for them wanting to take everything from the poor and sick and give it to the rich.
We took a trillion dollars from the producers last year and gave it to the unproductive. That does not count SS or Medicare which combined for over another trillion. We are the most generous nation on the planet. It not my fault bureaucrats fucked it all up. Stop relying on government for the solutions.

What producers. They are just going to pocket the money and consolidate companies, takeovers, which means less jobs. Unproductive tell a person making 7.25 working 60 hours a week at 2 jobs that.
All the individual producers (those that work and pay income tax) are going to pocket money and buy what? What are you babbling about?

The elites are just going to pocket their money. Trickle down dose not work, never did. Just propaganda for the elites. I don't know what they buy , another luxury house , a fifty thousand dollar outfit to wear. Who know.
When someone chooses not to buy health insurance and they do not have money to pay for doctor and/or hospital what do we do. Should we refuse service? Should we let them die? It is their choice to not have Insurance.
Do we provide service and let the government pay for what they cannot pay. The government is us. Why should we pay for someone who chose not to spend their money on insurance?

The responsible end up paying for the irresponsible.
And what about those who can't afford to pay doctors OR buy insurance on the open market without subsidies. ??Do we let them die? And consider that while they are dying, people who were once productive -and might still have been if they had ongoing care are then on disability and no longer paying taxes. Who pays for that?? I suppose that we could also let them starve while living in a cardboard box. But is that the kind of country we want?
FIVE Republican senators are now against the HC bill ..The bill is going DOWNTOWN
Ticks me off that RWNJs already know that trump/ryan care is more proof of trump's lies. Everything he said was a lie.

They're screwed. So are their kids and parents and everyone they know.

I have long thought that RWNJs must be the biggest concentration of real wealth anywhere. That's the only possible explanation for them wanting to take everything from the poor and sick and give it to the rich.
We took a trillion dollars from the producers last year and gave it to the unproductive. That does not count SS or Medicare which combined for over another trillion. We are the most generous nation on the planet. It not my fault bureaucrats fucked it all up. Stop relying on government for the solutions.

What producers. They are just going to pocket the money and consolidate companies, takeovers, which means less jobs. Unproductive tell a person making 7.25 working 60 hours a week at 2 jobs that.
All the individual producers (those that work and pay income tax) are going to pocket money and buy what? What are you babbling about?

The elites are just going to pocket their money. Trickle down dose not work, never did. Just propaganda for the elites. I don't know what they buy , another luxury house , a fifty thousand dollar outfit to wear. Who know.
So you want socialized health care?---- that's a good example of 'trickle down'......actual health care services 'trickle down' to everybody as everything becomes rationed.....
So you want socialized health care?---- that's a good example of 'trickle down'......actual health care services 'trickle down' to everybody as everything becomes rationed.....
Look at the Trump Rubes celebrating ...woo hoo
Trump supporters were overjoyed that the nightmare of health coverage would soon be over.

Trump Supporters Celebrate Imminent Loss of Their Health Insurance
From coast to coast, Trump voters expressed jubilation at being relieved of the burden of being insured in the event of catastrophic illness.
Ticks me off that RWNJs already know that trump/ryan care is more proof of trump's lies. Everything he said was a lie.

They're screwed. So are their kids and parents and everyone they know.

I have long thought that RWNJs must be the biggest concentration of real wealth anywhere. That's the only possible explanation for them wanting to take everything from the poor and sick and give it to the rich.
We took a trillion dollars from the producers last year and gave it to the unproductive. That does not count SS or Medicare which combined for over another trillion. We are the most generous nation on the planet. It not my fault bureaucrats fucked it all up. Stop relying on government for the solutions.

What producers. They are just going to pocket the money and consolidate companies, takeovers, which means less jobs. Unproductive tell a person making 7.25 working 60 hours a week at 2 jobs that.
All the individual producers (those that work and pay income tax) are going to pocket money and buy what? What are you babbling about?

The elites are just going to pocket their money. Trickle down dose not work, never did. Just propaganda for the elites. I don't know what they buy , another luxury house , a fifty thousand dollar outfit to wear. Who know.
Who are the elites? Talk about propaganda. I'm talking about everyone that pays income tax. Half the country.
So you want socialized health care?---- that's a good example of 'trickle down'......actual health care services 'trickle down' to everybody as everything becomes rationed.....
Look at the Trump Rubes celebrating ...woo hoo
Trump supporters were overjoyed that the nightmare of health coverage would soon be over.

Trump Supporters Celebrate Imminent Loss of Their Health Insurance
From coast to coast, Trump voters expressed jubilation at being relieved of the burden of being insured in the event of catastrophic illness.
You lied about Obamacare and you are lying now.
Those supporting the new healthcare bill have to ask; do we let them die?
I do not support the bill.

Can someone who does support the bill answer the question about letting those die who do not have insurance.
People who support it are all about withholding treatment and allowing certain people who die.
The elderly, the disabled, and the unborn.
Those supporting the new healthcare bill have to ask; do we let them die?
I do not support the bill.

Can someone who does support the bill answer the question about letting those die who do not have insurance.

Isn't there a law that says you are supposed to be treated at an ER for life threatening situations? Do we not have clinics that treat patients that can't pay? I thought St Judes does that, and don't organizations like the Shriners do the same thing? Your premise is BS Elmer.
The premise is not BS. St Judes pays for all the children they ca. Burt that is a small % of chldren who need care and cannot pay.

Yeah, but St Judes is not the only place that takes patients who can't pay. Your premise is basically that supporting the GOP HCI Bill means we would let people die without treatment, and that's BS. And you do realize that people die in other countries with UHC who were waiting for treatment or denied it, right?
What utter nonsense. No, the bill does not mean we will let people die without treatment.

Fucking leftwing loons. Victim politics. I remember when you were all whipped up about forcing Obamacare on us, the claim was that without it, all the old people would DIE without obamacare.

Yes, because you would kill them. If the government won't pay for medical care, you believe it doesn't exist.
When someone chooses not to buy health insurance and they do not have money to pay for doctor and/or hospital what do we do. Should we refuse service? Should we let them die? It is their choice to not have Insurance.
Do we provide service and let the government pay for what they cannot pay. The government is us. Why should we pay for someone who chose not to spend their money on insurance?

The responsible end up paying for the irresponsible.
Did we ever let anyone die if they didn't have insurance? I can't recall the streets littered with bodies.
No, prior to Obama care we always took care of all emergency situations if the person did not have insurance or money to pay.
But others paid the expenses through taxes and higher insurance rate. It cost us all bilions and billions of dollars.

Don't we still do that? How many people have died since Obamacare came into being that were denied treatment at an ER? And for that matter how many died before Obamacare who were denied treatment?

Why not list them , you might be able to find a list on Fox.

The ER is not health care. What must we get it through some of your brains.

Last I checked, when you need emergency care you go to an ER where you are treated. I call that health care.

Emergency care is NOT health care and it's not free. If I have an asthma attack, I go to emergency and they stop my asthma attack but they don't treat my asthma. I have to go to my doctor and get tests done and prescriptions. Then my doctor monitors me to make sure the meds are working.

I have an annual physical. Because I have had a heart attack, I have an annual check up with my heart specialist.

Those without insurance done go to emergency until it's serious. By then, it will cost much more to treat them than it would have if they'd been having regular check ups or gone for treatment before the condition had progressed.
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Those supporting the new healthcare bill have to ask; do we let them die?
I do not support the bill.

Can someone who does support the bill answer the question about letting those die who do not have insurance.

The sky will fall. And people will die in the streets
Ticks me off that RWNJs already know that trump/ryan care is more proof of trump's lies. Everything he said was a lie.

They're screwed. So are their kids and parents and everyone they know.

I have long thought that RWNJs must be the biggest concentration of real wealth anywhere. That's the only possible explanation for them wanting to take everything from the poor and sick and give it to the rich.
We took a trillion dollars from the producers last year and gave it to the unproductive. That does not count SS or Medicare which combined for over another trillion. We are the most generous nation on the planet. It not my fault bureaucrats fucked it all up. Stop relying on government for the solutions.

What producers. They are just going to pocket the money and consolidate companies, takeovers, which means less jobs. Unproductive tell a person making 7.25 working 60 hours a week at 2 jobs that.
All the individual producers (those that work and pay income tax) are going to pocket money and buy what? What are you babbling about?

The elites are just going to pocket their money. Trickle down dose not work, never did. Just propaganda for the elites. I don't know what they buy , another luxury house , a fifty thousand dollar outfit to wear. Who know.
So you want socialized health care?---- that's a good example of 'trickle down'......actual health care services 'trickle down' to everybody as everything becomes rationed.....
HOW do all the other countries have health care for their citizens? Why are we alone in the civilized world?
We took a trillion dollars from the producers last year and gave it to the unproductive. That does not count SS or Medicare which combined for over another trillion. We are the most generous nation on the planet. It not my fault bureaucrats fucked it all up. Stop relying on government for the solutions.

What producers. They are just going to pocket the money and consolidate companies, takeovers, which means less jobs. Unproductive tell a person making 7.25 working 60 hours a week at 2 jobs that.
All the individual producers (those that work and pay income tax) are going to pocket money and buy what? What are you babbling about?

The elites are just going to pocket their money. Trickle down dose not work, never did. Just propaganda for the elites. I don't know what they buy , another luxury house , a fifty thousand dollar outfit to wear. Who know.
So you want socialized health care?---- that's a good example of 'trickle down'......actual health care services 'trickle down' to everybody as everything becomes rationed.....
HOW do all the other countries have health care for their citizens? Why are we alone in the civilized world?
They don't. At least at the level and quality we currently enjoy.
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Only European socialists, marxist totalitarian states, and third world banana republics are "civilised".....

Did we ever let anyone die if they didn't have insurance? I can't recall the streets littered with bodies.
No, prior to Obama care we always took care of all emergency situations if the person did not have insurance or money to pay.
But others paid the expenses through taxes and higher insurance rate. It cost us all bilions and billions of dollars.

Don't we still do that? How many people have died since Obamacare came into being that were denied treatment at an ER? And for that matter how many died before Obamacare who were denied treatment?

Why not list them , you might be able to find a list on Fox.

The ER is not health care. What must we get it through some of your brains.

Last I checked, when you need emergency care you go to an ER where you are treated. I call that health care.

Emergency care is NOT health care and it's not free. If I have an asthma attack, I go to emergency and they stop my asthma attack but they don't treat my asthma. I have to go to my doctor and get tests done and prescriptions. Then my doctor monitors me to make sure the meds are working.

I have an annual physical. Because I have had a heart attack, I have an annual check up with my heart specialist.

Those without insurance done go to emergency until it's serious. By then, it will cost much more to treat them than it would have if they'd been having regular check ups or gone for treatment before the condition had progressed.
Plumbers and electricians are expensive 6 figures
What producers. They are just going to pocket the money and consolidate companies, takeovers, which means less jobs. Unproductive tell a person making 7.25 working 60 hours a week at 2 jobs that.
All the individual producers (those that work and pay income tax) are going to pocket money and buy what? What are you babbling about?

The elites are just going to pocket their money. Trickle down dose not work, never did. Just propaganda for the elites. I don't know what they buy , another luxury house , a fifty thousand dollar outfit to wear. Who know.
So you want socialized health care?---- that's a good example of 'trickle down'......actual health care services 'trickle down' to everybody as everything becomes rationed.....
HOW do all the other countries have health care for their citizens? Why are we alone in the civilized world?
They don't. At least at the level and quality we currently enjoy.
Most all civilized countries have health care for their people I haven't checked on the quality People bad mouthed Canada's HC When I asked friends from there they said they get great care

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