Do White Advocates Feel 'Superior' to Other Races?

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004


What is White Nationalism


1. Q. What is White Nationalism?

A. The idea that Whites may need to create a separate nation as a means of defending themselves.

2. Q. Do White Nationalists feel they are superior to other races?

A. No. The desire of White Nationalists to form their own nation has nothing to do with superiority or inferiority.

3. Q. Do White Nationalists seek to dominate other races?

A. Not at all. In fact, formation of a White Nation removes any possibility of White dominance of other races, as well as the plausibility of the accusation that Whites wish to dominate others.

4. Q. Do White Nationalists seek to insulate themselves from competition from other races?

A. No. A separate White Nation would establish a policy of free trade with its new neighbors. Labor markets are global, and the formation of a White Nation would not protect Whites from economic competition.

5. Q. Well if White Nationalists don't feel superior, don't want to dominate others, and don't seek protection from competition, then why would they want a separate nation?

A. To avoid exploitation.

6. Q. Exploitation? This is rich! So how is it that Whites are exploited?

A. It is a long list. Burdensome racial preference schemes in hiring, race-normed employment tests, racial preference schemes in university admissions, racial preference schemes in government contracting and small business loans. Beyond quotas there is the denial of rights of free speech and of due process to Whites who are critical of these governmental policies. We have special punishments for vandalism and assaults committed by Whites if the accused White has ever expressed a preference for his own kind. In addition, Whites pay a proportion of the costs of the welfare state that is disproportionate to what they receive in benefits.

But the most exploitative aspect of the situation is that neither the racial quotas, the business preferences, the loss of freedom of speech, nor the disproportionate contributions to the welfare state have managed to sate the appetites of non-whites living in the United States.

The more Whites sacrifice, the more non-whites demand. Many Whites are beginning to believe that no amount of tribute, other than mass suicide, would satisfy the non-white demands.

If our presence stirs up that much hatred in the hearts of non- whites, then the only sensible course of action is to separate ourselves from them.

7. Q. You claim that non-whites are the aggressors and haters in race relations. Aren't you afraid that most Whites will think this is ridiculous?

A. Not in the slightest. For the past 30 years most Whites have taken part in a mass migration or "white flight" away from neighborhoods inhabited by non-whites. Aggressors don't flee. For example, on a per-capita basis, blacks are 49 times more likely to assault a White than a White is to assault a black. The best measure of racism is the number of non-economically motivated attacks. Whites score low in this regard, non-whites high.

The fact is that non-whites are clamoring to enter this country in droves. Whites are fleeing en masse to less densely inhabited areas to escape these new arrivals.

8. Q. But how can Whites be exploited when it is whites who have enacted these racial preferences, the taxation, the welfare payments and the immigration laws?

A. Excellent question! It is true that Whites are exploited by their fellow whites. In fact, we do not expect any resistance to the formation of a separate nation from non-whites. We expect white integrationist elites to resist. They are the ones who have a great deal to lose.

9. Q. If life in America is so bad for Whites why don't you just move back to Europe?

A. We are a majority. We do not have to move back. We can resolve to defend ourselves against this onslaught. We have the option of peacefully ceding lands already inhabited by non-whites to separate non-white nations. We would save money, and could restore our civil liberties and free ourselves from constant threats of violence by so doing.

Besides, most of Europe has decided to follow the lead of the United States and transform itself into a multi-racial hell hole, enforcing the now official state religion of multi-culturalism with draconian penalties against dissenting heretics. There is no longer any place left for us to go!

It starts in the minds of whites. From there, it could be anywhere the white race decides.
So there are no concrete plans? The reason I ask is because I'm not aware of anywhere on earth that doesn't already have how do you go about ceding the lands already inhabited by non-whites and have anything left over?
So there are no concrete plans? The reason I ask is because I'm not aware of anywhere on earth that doesn't already have how do you go about ceding the lands already inhabited by non-whites and have anything left over?

I have one word for you:


60 years ago, there was no homeland for the Jews. The land there was mostly Palestinians. Now, behold. It's not without problems and enemies, of course, but it's up and functioning as an ethnostate.

I betchya jillian's been.

Interesting that you are justifying a white nation by pointing to a nation you think has no right to exist.

Maybe if you are really, really lucky, the genocides will visit the white people this year and the world will feel so sorry for them that they'll give you your own country.

If I've confused you with someone else, I apologize.

So you are okay with the existence of Israel? Good. I've no problem with white people forming their own state, as long as it isn't in the USA.

hypothetically speaking... why not? white people created the US. If you can fathom a jewish state that they created why not the same for the US? Now, before you strawman up the place keep in mind that I think diversity is a strength of this nation and fully argue FOR the same diversity in israel. But, if you can fathom one then why not the other?
hypothetically speaking... why not? white people created the US. If you can fathom a jewish state that they created why not the same for the US? Now, before you strawman up the place keep in mind that I think diversity is a strength of this nation and fully argue FOR the same diversity in israel. But, if you can fathom one then why not the other?
Because you'd have to disenfranchise millions of Americans in order to do it...something our constitution forbids.

I don't care what other countries do as long as they don't threaten us or our allies, or commit genocide. I do care what our country does.
so... you dont care that millions of palis get disenfranchised for the creation of a jewish israel... but DO care if non-whites get disenfranchised if white people were to claim THEIR white America that THEY created...


way to be consistent.
You are welcome to look at it that way. I'm okay with other countries doing their own thing as long as they don't do what I've listed above.

For instance, if the Iraqis were happy living under a dictatorship, that was their business as long as they weren't a threat to us or our allies, and as long as they weren't committing genocide. Same with Israel. I'm not one of these people that believes we should force our constitution onto the rest of the world.

fortunately for you the term "genocide" doesn't apply to palis, eh? Way to rationalize, ravikins. Im sure you could have supported Mousilini's support of Germany with an attitude like that.

I love how you look over the fact that white people created the US while making excuses for israel. It goes a long way in illustrating that dim bulb you have for a brain.
It starts in the minds of whites. From there, it could be anywhere the white race decides.

How about the Congo?

Oh, yeah, right! Already occupied.


In theory, I would not object to an all White nation.

In practice, I can't think any good place to put it.

I happen to live in one of the nation's Whitest AND poorest places.

It's no great shakes, but I can tell you I'd rather be poor among poor rural Whites than poor urban anything!

I've live in poor Black urban neighborhoods and it's not safe for anyone regardless of your skin color.

If the thugs don't get you the cops will.

I've also live in poor White urban neighborhoods and that is likewise equally unsafe for EXACTLY the same reason as above.

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