Do you agree with FEMA chief spending budget on personal travel?

Would you use FEMA money for personal travel if you were the boss?

  • Yes. I am corrupt

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No. Money should be reserved for disasters and agency stuff

    Votes: 5 100.0%

  • Total voters
They watch FOXNews, so no.

I don't watch TV news.
Do you watch videos in the fox news website.
Bored with an idiot!If you think the rules are different just because there is an R or D in front of your name you more than stupid!

And if you think the party that loves big government doesn't love itself (or at least ignores) some big government corruption, then you are an ignorant fool.
The deficit just went up by $1 trillion and there wasn’t even a recession.

Nope. I read my news, I don't need some talking head reading it to me.

Wow, now all of a sudden you are a Keynesian?
You read the news, except for articles about the swamp.

The swamp isn't going to drain in a single day.

And I am more interested in whole agencies and their bloated staffs, than a guy driving a car back and forth every weekend.

Especially when i see plenty of G10/13/9 cars driving around NYC, often after hours.
You sure as hell are not going to drain any swamp any where if all you need to do to escape scrutiny is put an R or a D in front of your name! I do not give a shit what letter you put in front of your name I am watching! I pay a shit load more attention to actions than words also!
I don't watch TV news.
Do you watch videos in the fox news website.
And if you think the party that loves big government doesn't love itself (or at least ignores) some big government corruption, then you are an ignorant fool.
The deficit just went up by $1 trillion and there wasn’t even a recession.

Nope. I read my news, I don't need some talking head reading it to me.

Wow, now all of a sudden you are a Keynesian?
You read the news, except for articles about the swamp.

The swamp isn't going to drain in a single day.

And I am more interested in whole agencies and their bloated staffs, than a guy driving a car back and forth every weekend.

Especially when i see plenty of G10/13/9 cars driving around NYC, often after hours.
You sure as hell are not going to drain any swamp any where if all you need to do to escape scrutiny is put an R or a D in front of your name! I do not give a shit what letter you put in front of your name I am watching! I pay a shit load more attention to actions than words also!

You! Also! seem! to! overuse! exclamation! points!
This seems a small issue, would need more info, would there not be a mileage stipulation if he works so far from home?
Do you watch videos in the fox news website.
The deficit just went up by $1 trillion and there wasn’t even a recession.

Nope. I read my news, I don't need some talking head reading it to me.

Wow, now all of a sudden you are a Keynesian?
You read the news, except for articles about the swamp.

The swamp isn't going to drain in a single day.

And I am more interested in whole agencies and their bloated staffs, than a guy driving a car back and forth every weekend.

Especially when i see plenty of G10/13/9 cars driving around NYC, often after hours.
You sure as hell are not going to drain any swamp any where if all you need to do to escape scrutiny is put an R or a D in front of your name! I do not give a shit what letter you put in front of your name I am watching! I pay a shit load more attention to actions than words also!

You! Also! seem! to! overuse! exclamation! points!
No kidding!!!
Do you watch videos in the fox news website.
The deficit just went up by $1 trillion and there wasn’t even a recession.

Nope. I read my news, I don't need some talking head reading it to me.

Wow, now all of a sudden you are a Keynesian?
You read the news, except for articles about the swamp.

The swamp isn't going to drain in a single day.

And I am more interested in whole agencies and their bloated staffs, than a guy driving a car back and forth every weekend.

Especially when i see plenty of G10/13/9 cars driving around NYC, often after hours.
You sure as hell are not going to drain any swamp any where if all you need to do to escape scrutiny is put an R or a D in front of your name! I do not give a shit what letter you put in front of your name I am watching! I pay a shit load more attention to actions than words also!

You! Also! seem! to! overuse! exclamation! points!
Better than letting a letter in front of some ones name be the sole basis of judgment! I have met asshole democrats and asshole republicans. I have met good of each. I am golfing with three republicans on friday and fishing with one tomarrow. I have voted for all of them at one time or another. Why did I vote for them? Simple they did their job!
Nope. I read my news, I don't need some talking head reading it to me.

Wow, now all of a sudden you are a Keynesian?
You read the news, except for articles about the swamp.

The swamp isn't going to drain in a single day.

And I am more interested in whole agencies and their bloated staffs, than a guy driving a car back and forth every weekend.

Especially when i see plenty of G10/13/9 cars driving around NYC, often after hours.
You sure as hell are not going to drain any swamp any where if all you need to do to escape scrutiny is put an R or a D in front of your name! I do not give a shit what letter you put in front of your name I am watching! I pay a shit load more attention to actions than words also!

You! Also! seem! to! overuse! exclamation! points!
Better than letting a letter in front of some ones name be the sole basis of judgment! I have met asshole democrats and asshole republicans. I have met good of each. I am golfing with three republicans on friday and fishing with one tomarrow. I have voted for all of them at one time or another. Why did I vote for them? Simple they did their job!

When you support big government, it is natural that you would seek to benefit from it, legally or otherwise.

Dems support big government.
Whatever the rules are this guy should abide by. If that means he has to fork some cash over to the government or something he’ll do it and that’ll be that. In the grand scheme of Washington stuff this is rather benign, but the rules are the rules.

The kind of DC crap that really pisses me off is Curtain Gate, where the left just tried to hang 50+ grand worth of office curtains on a wasteful Nikki Haley, only to find out they were ordered during the Barry administration. Makes no difference to me which party’s involved we need a Purchasing Czar to keep an eye on the taxpayers money. $50K for motorized office curtains? Too lazy to get up off your ass to open/close them then have a staffer do it. But the very fact that the DC bureaucracy approved such a purchase should piss everyone off IMO.
This seems a small issue, would need more info, would there not be a mileage stipulation if he works so far from home?
Mileage is not normally covered between home and work. At least not for the plebes.

My last couple years working for the State, they gave us a couple of cars to use for our field work. It is a very large county that we covered and everyone was getting such huge mileage checks they figured it was cheaper to buy cars. The caseworkers traveling the longest distance that day were to use them, but they HAD to bring them back to the office parking lot no matter how late and no matter how out of the way it was to drive to the office from home. For example, a caseworker who had gone south and who also lives south of the office would have to drive an extra thirty miles north to drop off the company car and retrieve her own at the end of a trip, rather than park in her driveway over night and bring the company car back the next morning at 8 a.m.

Someone broke that rule once because of the above and she had hell to pay, set off a flurry of memos from management warning dire consequences, etc. if the rule was not followed. It was stupid. No one could actually get away with using the car for private travel since you had to keep close records on where you went, starting from where, and what the beginning and ending mileage was. We all knew how far it was from one place to another, so any significant extra miles would have stuck out. Those sheets were reviewed every week.

I think in Long's case, it is more the "example" of the boss breaking the rule than any damage from the breaking rule itself.
You read the news, except for articles about the swamp.

The swamp isn't going to drain in a single day.

And I am more interested in whole agencies and their bloated staffs, than a guy driving a car back and forth every weekend.

Especially when i see plenty of G10/13/9 cars driving around NYC, often after hours.
You sure as hell are not going to drain any swamp any where if all you need to do to escape scrutiny is put an R or a D in front of your name! I do not give a shit what letter you put in front of your name I am watching! I pay a shit load more attention to actions than words also!

You! Also! seem! to! overuse! exclamation! points!
Better than letting a letter in front of some ones name be the sole basis of judgment! I have met asshole democrats and asshole republicans. I have met good of each. I am golfing with three republicans on friday and fishing with one tomarrow. I have voted for all of them at one time or another. Why did I vote for them? Simple they did their job!

When you support big government, it is natural that you would seek to benefit from it, legally or otherwise.

Dems support big government.
Not all do. It is not that simple. Here are se thngs you think or at least say that just is not right. "All dems want to take your guns." I do not want to take your guns. Good fucking luck taking mine. All dems are against a trade war with china. China has been accused of curency manipulation and intelectual theft by every government in the world except chinas puppet states for over two decades now. Some thing had to be done. If we did not have this wierd the one party is evil mentalty it likely would have been done better. I will bet you and I agree on those two subject's. By saying dems are always evil you discredit me and your self when we agree on some thing.
The swamp isn't going to drain in a single day.

And I am more interested in whole agencies and their bloated staffs, than a guy driving a car back and forth every weekend.

Especially when i see plenty of G10/13/9 cars driving around NYC, often after hours.
You sure as hell are not going to drain any swamp any where if all you need to do to escape scrutiny is put an R or a D in front of your name! I do not give a shit what letter you put in front of your name I am watching! I pay a shit load more attention to actions than words also!

You! Also! seem! to! overuse! exclamation! points!
Better than letting a letter in front of some ones name be the sole basis of judgment! I have met asshole democrats and asshole republicans. I have met good of each. I am golfing with three republicans on friday and fishing with one tomarrow. I have voted for all of them at one time or another. Why did I vote for them? Simple they did their job!

When you support big government, it is natural that you would seek to benefit from it, legally or otherwise.

Dems support big government.
Not all do. It is not that simple. Here are se thngs you think or at least say that just is not right. "All dems want to take your guns." I do not want to take your guns. Good fucking luck taking mine. All dems are against a trade war with china. China has been accused of curency manipulation and intelectual theft by every government in the world except chinas puppet states for over two decades now. Some thing had to be done. If we did not have this wierd the one party is evil mentalty it likely would have been done better. I will bet you and I agree on those two subject's. By saying dems are always evil you discredit me and your self when we agree on some thing.

The Dem platform is to "take your guns"

Where did I call them "evil"

They are big government statists, that makes them assholes, not evil.
This seems a small issue, would need more info, would there not be a mileage stipulation if he works so far from home?
Mileage is not normally covered between home and work. At least not for the plebes.

My last couple years working for the State, they gave us a couple of cars to use for our field work. It is a very large county that we covered and everyone was getting such huge mileage checks they figured it was cheaper to buy cars. The caseworkers traveling the longest distance that day were to use them, but they HAD to bring them back to the office parking lot no matter how late and no matter how out of the way it was to drive to the office from home. For example, a caseworker who had gone south and who also lives south of the office would have to drive an extra thirty miles north to drop off the company car and retrieve her own at the end of a trip, rather than park in her driveway over night and bring the company car back the next morning at 8 a.m.

Someone broke that rule once because of the above and she had hell to pay, set off a flurry of memos from management warning dire consequences, etc. if the rule was not followed. It was stupid. No one could actually get away with using the car for private travel since you had to keep close records on where you went, starting from where, and what the beginning and ending mileage was. We all knew how far it was from one place to another, so any significant extra miles would have stuck out. Those sheets were reviewed every week.

I think in Long's case, it is more the "example" of the boss breaking the rule than any damage from the breaking rule itself.
When I worked for DNR it was standard proceedure to take the vehicle home after work for several jobs. This was the case for most remote jobs. There were quite a few employee job sites so remote that there was no DNR facility with in a hundred miles. There simply was no where to turn the vehicle in at night. There are also government facilities located in such highly dense areas that it is cheaper to let the employee take the vehicle home than supply the faciites to house them 24/7. Not saying this was the case on this particular case. There are cases when you see the government truck in the employees drive way that no foul is commited. Another common case where you may see a sherrifs cruiser or a state highway patrol car sitting at a house in a small village. This is many times due to the fact that the village which is to small to have cop will contract either the sherrifs department or state highway patrol to have some one live there and want the visability of that cruiser! These are cases where it is on the up and up!
You sure as hell are not going to drain any swamp any where if all you need to do to escape scrutiny is put an R or a D in front of your name! I do not give a shit what letter you put in front of your name I am watching! I pay a shit load more attention to actions than words also!

You! Also! seem! to! overuse! exclamation! points!
Better than letting a letter in front of some ones name be the sole basis of judgment! I have met asshole democrats and asshole republicans. I have met good of each. I am golfing with three republicans on friday and fishing with one tomarrow. I have voted for all of them at one time or another. Why did I vote for them? Simple they did their job!

When you support big government, it is natural that you would seek to benefit from it, legally or otherwise.

Dems support big government.
Not all do. It is not that simple. Here are se thngs you think or at least say that just is not right. "All dems want to take your guns." I do not want to take your guns. Good fucking luck taking mine. All dems are against a trade war with china. China has been accused of curency manipulation and intelectual theft by every government in the world except chinas puppet states for over two decades now. Some thing had to be done. If we did not have this wierd the one party is evil mentalty it likely would have been done better. I will bet you and I agree on those two subject's. By saying dems are always evil you discredit me and your self when we agree on some thing.

The Dem platform is to "take your guns"

Where did I call them "evil"

They are big government statists, that makes them assholes, not evil.
you will never learn!
You! Also! seem! to! overuse! exclamation! points!
Better than letting a letter in front of some ones name be the sole basis of judgment! I have met asshole democrats and asshole republicans. I have met good of each. I am golfing with three republicans on friday and fishing with one tomarrow. I have voted for all of them at one time or another. Why did I vote for them? Simple they did their job!

When you support big government, it is natural that you would seek to benefit from it, legally or otherwise.

Dems support big government.
Not all do. It is not that simple. Here are se thngs you think or at least say that just is not right. "All dems want to take your guns." I do not want to take your guns. Good fucking luck taking mine. All dems are against a trade war with china. China has been accused of curency manipulation and intelectual theft by every government in the world except chinas puppet states for over two decades now. Some thing had to be done. If we did not have this wierd the one party is evil mentalty it likely would have been done better. I will bet you and I agree on those two subject's. By saying dems are always evil you discredit me and your self when we agree on some thing.

The Dem platform is to "take your guns"

Where did I call them "evil"

They are big government statists, that makes them assholes, not evil.
you will never learn!

Nice non-response response.
You sure as hell are not going to drain any swamp any where if all you need to do to escape scrutiny is put an R or a D in front of your name! I do not give a shit what letter you put in front of your name I am watching! I pay a shit load more attention to actions than words also!

You! Also! seem! to! overuse! exclamation! points!
Better than letting a letter in front of some ones name be the sole basis of judgment! I have met asshole democrats and asshole republicans. I have met good of each. I am golfing with three republicans on friday and fishing with one tomarrow. I have voted for all of them at one time or another. Why did I vote for them? Simple they did their job!

When you support big government, it is natural that you would seek to benefit from it, legally or otherwise.

Dems support big government.
Not all do. It is not that simple. Here are se thngs you think or at least say that just is not right. "All dems want to take your guns." I do not want to take your guns. Good fucking luck taking mine. All dems are against a trade war with china. China has been accused of curency manipulation and intelectual theft by every government in the world except chinas puppet states for over two decades now. Some thing had to be done. If we did not have this wierd the one party is evil mentalty it likely would have been done better. I will bet you and I agree on those two subject's. By saying dems are always evil you discredit me and your self when we agree on some thing.

The Dem platform is to "take your guns"

Where did I call them "evil"

They are big government statists, that makes them assholes, not evil.
On Christmas eve morning at about 11:00 while I am skinning the rabbits I shot with my Democratic state rep and my republican sheriff, we are all going to have a laugh at your expense.
You read the news, except for articles about the swamp.

The swamp isn't going to drain in a single day.

And I am more interested in whole agencies and their bloated staffs, than a guy driving a car back and forth every weekend.

Especially when i see plenty of G10/13/9 cars driving around NYC, often after hours.
You sure as hell are not going to drain any swamp any where if all you need to do to escape scrutiny is put an R or a D in front of your name! I do not give a shit what letter you put in front of your name I am watching! I pay a shit load more attention to actions than words also!

You! Also! seem! to! overuse! exclamation! points!
Better than letting a letter in front of some ones name be the sole basis of judgment! I have met asshole democrats and asshole republicans. I have met good of each. I am golfing with three republicans on friday and fishing with one tomarrow. I have voted for all of them at one time or another. Why did I vote for them? Simple they did their job!

When you support big government, it is natural that you would seek to benefit from it, legally or otherwise.

Dems support big government.
As you may know, the man appointed by Donald Trump to lead FEMA used agency money as if it were his.
I now survey USMB members on your opinion on the issue:

Trump’s FEMA chief under investigation over use of official cars

Hey pal, don’t get all butt hurt for getting called out for not including a link in the OP. It’s always been SOP. Even a moron knows that.
you got called out for pretending not to be aware of the non-breaking news. A link is not required.
Don't be butthurt, Snowflake.

Let's keep it simple. You're mad because you're a Trump supporter and a man he hired was caught bathing in the swamp.
The swamp isn't going to drain in a single day.

And I am more interested in whole agencies and their bloated staffs, than a guy driving a car back and forth every weekend.

Especially when i see plenty of G10/13/9 cars driving around NYC, often after hours.
You sure as hell are not going to drain any swamp any where if all you need to do to escape scrutiny is put an R or a D in front of your name! I do not give a shit what letter you put in front of your name I am watching! I pay a shit load more attention to actions than words also!

You! Also! seem! to! overuse! exclamation! points!
Better than letting a letter in front of some ones name be the sole basis of judgment! I have met asshole democrats and asshole republicans. I have met good of each. I am golfing with three republicans on friday and fishing with one tomarrow. I have voted for all of them at one time or another. Why did I vote for them? Simple they did their job!

When you support big government, it is natural that you would seek to benefit from it, legally or otherwise.

Dems support big government.
As you may know, the man appointed by Donald Trump to lead FEMA used agency money as if it were his.
I now survey USMB members on your opinion on the issue:

Trump’s FEMA chief under investigation over use of official cars

Hey pal, don’t get all butt hurt for getting called out for not including a link in the OP. It’s always been SOP. Even a moron knows that.
you got called out for pretending not to be aware of the news. A link is not required.
Don't be butthurt, Snowflake.


Is there a bigger Whiny snowflake than Teddy Frazier?

Yes, he’s also a douchebag. - 20,056

No, he’s a wonderful boi - 1 (thanks mama Frazier)
You sure as hell are not going to drain any swamp any where if all you need to do to escape scrutiny is put an R or a D in front of your name! I do not give a shit what letter you put in front of your name I am watching! I pay a shit load more attention to actions than words also!

You! Also! seem! to! overuse! exclamation! points!
Better than letting a letter in front of some ones name be the sole basis of judgment! I have met asshole democrats and asshole republicans. I have met good of each. I am golfing with three republicans on friday and fishing with one tomarrow. I have voted for all of them at one time or another. Why did I vote for them? Simple they did their job!

When you support big government, it is natural that you would seek to benefit from it, legally or otherwise.

Dems support big government.
As you may know, the man appointed by Donald Trump to lead FEMA used agency money as if it were his.
I now survey USMB members on your opinion on the issue:

Trump’s FEMA chief under investigation over use of official cars

Hey pal, don’t get all butt hurt for getting called out for not including a link in the OP. It’s always been SOP. Even a moron knows that.
you got called out for pretending not to be aware of the news. A link is not required.
Don't be butthurt, Snowflake.


Is there a bigger Whiny snowflake than Teddy Frazier?

Yes, he’s also a douchebag. - 20,056

No, he’s a wonderful boi - 1 (thanks mama Frazier)
Buck Moron is a Trump supporter butthurt that a Trump appointee is corrupt.

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