Do you approve or disapprove of Joe Biden's performance on Afghanistan?

Do you approve or disapprove of Joe Biden's performance on Afghanistan?

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You keep spreading this lie that Reagan never negotiated with terrorists when he totally did.
Reagan did not negotiated with terrorists, he had Ollie North do it for him. Anyone remember Iran-Contra?
Reagan did not negotiated with terrorists, he had Ollie North do it for him. Anyone remember Iran-Contra?

Jesus Christ. I can't tell if this is supposed to be a serious defense of Reagan or your satirical skills are level 100.
There was a deal signed by Trump and Taliban...

Had a press conference...

You are confused about this Moon Bat so let me educate you.

Trump was a competent President that understood that the Taliban was going to seize significant power after the US left. That was reality. He negotiated with Taliban so that he had the upper hand. Had not Joe Dufus stole the election Trump would be President now and things would be going much more smoothly. The Taliban would not have to cut deals with China and we would have transitioned in an orderly adult manner.

But instead Joe Dufus stole the election and is fucking everything up. Do you know that not even one US airplane left Kabul yesterday? Didn't CNN tell you stupid Moon Bats that? He wasn't even taking phone calls from foreign leaders yesterday. The fucker is still on vacation. What an imbecile!

Anybody that voted for Joe Dufus and then ignored the fact he stole the election is a moron, wouldn't you agree?
Did you watch the video? Watch the video and then contest some of his points.

Yes I see what your man said...

He wanted the 82nd back in and another one back in... So he was talking about 50K troops back on the ground in possible street fighting through Kabul, a city of 4.5million people....

I am right in saying that... How many US casualties doing that?

Well lets look at Fallujah another street battle in Middle east

Population of City 275.,000
Allies 13,000
Enemies 4,000

It was a pretty convincing win by the allies and they lost:
107 killed,
613 wounded
That was a white wash...
1,200–2,000 killed,
1,500 capture

Now you want in a Kabul
Population of City 4.5m
Allies 50,000
Enemies 70,000
Taliban better trained and armed. They are far more motivated.

We could be talking easily
3000 killed
20,000 wounded

That is highly conservative... US would have to send in more troops to go house to house clearing out... Ask any one in Bagdad what a nightmare that is...
Reagan negotiated during the Iran Contra affair.
With that affair, we were between a rock and a hard place from previous administration political decisions. Some times there are no way out of unsavory resolutions. This current one, just needed an orderly way of leaving a nation. And we screwed that up.
Yes I see what your man said...

He wanted the 82nd back in and another one back in... So he was talking about 50K troops back on the ground in possible street fighting through Kabul, a city of 4.5million people....

I am right in saying that... How many US casualties doing that?

Well lets look at Fallujah another street battle in Middle east

Population of City 275.,000
Allies 13,000
Enemies 4,000

It was a pretty convincing win by the allies and they lost:
107 killed,
613 wounded
That was a white wash...
1,200–2,000 killed,
1,500 capture

Now you want in a Kabul
Population of City 4.5m
Allies 50,000
Enemies 70,000
Taliban better trained and armed. They are far more motivated.

We could be talking easily
3000 killed
20,000 wounded

That is highly conservative... US would have to send in more troops to go house to house clearing out... Ask any one in Bagdad what a nightmare that is...
No, he said nothing about those numbers. You are making shit up out of nothing, just like the Biden faggots. What he did say is that his organization, and other organizations like it were in communication with the Biden administration, warning them of this occurrence.
However, like politicians they were more concerned with fag flags, and optics, than working toward a contingency plan of action. AND NOW>>>>they look like complete fucking morons....which is what they also are.
You are confused about this Moon Bat so let me educate you.

Trump was a competent President that understood that the Taliban was going to seize significant power after the US left. That was reality. He negotiated with Taliban so that he had the upper hand. Had not Joe Dufus stole the election Trump would be President now and things would be going much more smoothly. The Taliban would not have to cut deals with China and we would have transitioned in an orderly adult manner.

But instead Joe Dufus stole the election and is fucking everything up. Do you know that not even one US airplane left Kabul yesterday? Didn't CNN tell you stupid Moon Bats that? He wasn't even taking phone calls from foreign leaders yesterday. The fucker is still on vacation. What an imbecile!

Anybody that voted for Joe Dufus and then ignored the fact he stole the election is a moron, wouldn't you agree?

You posted that without a link to a fact...

Trump signed the deal and left Biden with 32500 troop in place...

The international community laughed at Biden... China never gave a fuck... Deal done... China signed the largest trading block deal in the world right under Biden's nose and he was clueless to stop it... Get a fucking break... Trump was an imbecile in trade... China owned him from the day he threw out the TPP..

Airplanes are not landing until Taliban have secured the city... Taliban have no interest in killing Americans... Actually they would wrap them in cotton wool and send them back to US.. Taliban have won, they don't want sanctions...

As for Election... You are a brainwashed moron... We have asked for evidence and you have failed to show any... Trump's own lawyers admitted in court they had no proof to over turn the election... The whole thing was a scam and you were the mark....
No, he said nothing about those numbers. You are making shit up out of nothing, just like the Biden faggots. What he did say is that his organization, and other organizations like it were in communication with the Biden administration, warning them of this occurrence.
However, like politicians they were more concerned with fag flags, and optics, than working toward a contingency plan of action. AND NOW>>>>they look like complete fucking morons....which is what they also are.
Posting a video and you didn't even watch all of it...

The President should order the 82nd Airborne Division or the 2nd Marine Expeditionary Force back into Afghanistan. We should retake airfields we held mere months ago.

Opinion: The Biden administration has a life-or-death decision to make about Afghanistan

So the guy wanted to go back in... That was option 2... Trump or Biden weren't going for option 2...
If you think that bailing on Afghanistan is going to end a war then I guess you forget about Syria and ISIS. The same exact thing happened in Iraq while Obama was president.....and it just led to another war and a genocide.
I think invading Afghanistan and trying to occupy it for 30 to 50 years was a stupid idea....and I think staying in Afghanistan is also a stupid idea...but you Neo-con cucks have shown yourself to be just that...stupid....

But as the architect of the withdrawal (UNDER TRUMP) said himself.....
Posting a video and you didn't even watch all of it...

The President should order the 82nd Airborne Division or the 2nd Marine Expeditionary Force back into Afghanistan. We should retake airfields we held mere months ago.

Opinion: The Biden administration has a life-or-death decision to make about Afghanistan

So the guy wanted to go back in... That was option 2... Trump or Biden weren't going for option 2...
Yes, after the fact...because Biden sent our troops home without a fucking contingency plan. That is obvious.

The 82nd is a's not 50,000 men. 14.5 more like it, and of those ~50% are combat. More like 5-7K

Which is about right to secure the airport and ensure that Americans, and contractors are safely removed.

Don't puff it up into something it is not.

REGARDLESS. Biden completely ignored everything. Now there is no contingency plan. If Biden would have LISTENED none of this would have had to happen.

Your daddy fucked up left sider.
We do not know what Trump's plans were, but he probably had options. It appears that Biden had a plan, but no options.

I imagine that air support for the Afgan Army and an infantry battalion to support the airbase, would have been the last to go. Under Trump, it seems the planners in the Pentagon actually had plans and the military was allowed to execute them under Trump. For example getting the Iran guy backing terrorism.

Unless the Taliban had made big gains as had been done this summer, Trump probably would have not evacuated American civilians and the embassy. Trump would have had the military gone in May. 50 years ago when I was in the Army the USA could get troops anywhere in the world in 24 hours, so I'm sure that there were plans to secure, destroy and rescue in place under Trump if the troops were gone and the Taliban gained ground.

This may have been where Biden messed up. He has had no trouble stopping other Trump plans, such as Keystone Pipeline and Border Wall. Why did he go ahead with withdrawal? Why did he not keep the airbase secured until Americans and the embassy was gone with the way the Taliban was gaining ground? Where was Biden's intelligence and support? He inherited Milley but appointed Austin. It appears all of the DOD's "Woke" training and culling extremists was ruining things. Getting out of the airbase wasn't smart with the Americans and the embassy needing evacuating. Doing it in the middle of the night without letting the Afgans know was a blow to their morale. Biden, Austin, and Milley had seven months to plan. If they did plan Biden needs to remove Milley and Austin and getting somebody he can trust to do their job.
Well there is sure lot of bullshit there...

Trump has said Biden should have got out quicker... Please keep up to date with your bullshit....

Trump and Biden agreed about little but one thing they did agree on was leaving...

Trump and Biden would be looking at least 3000 US dead soldiers,20k+ wounded in a street battle in Kabul...

Do you think Trump would accept those casualties?
Biden wouldn't..
If you think that bailing on Afghanistan is going to end a war then I guess you forget about Syria and ISIS. The same exact thing happened in Iraq while Obama was president.....and it just led to another war and a genocide.
And as for is that working out after Trump pulled out?? The way we expect it would...CIA backed Syrian militias fighting against Pentagon backed Syrians.....which is ANOTHER REASON we should stay out of the Middle East if we expect "more of the same" is suddenly going to produce different are not smart enough to have the convo with me, go back to sucking off Trump for lulz.....
I think invading Afghanistan and trying to occupy it for 30 to 50 years was a stupid idea....and I think staying in Afghanistan is also a stupid idea...but you Neo-con cucks have shown yourself to be just that...stupid....

But as the architect of the withdrawal (UNDER TRUMP) said himself.....View attachment 527492
Apparently Democrats are just as keen to starting wars as any warmongering Republican. Obama started the war in Libya and Syria.....and now this mess in Afghanistan is just a continuation of his releasing high ranking Taliban officials.
We never should have stayed in Afghanistan....and Obama simply restarted a dead war that we were slowly abandoning in that country. After all....according to the media....Afghanistan was the good war....Iraq was the bad war.
And as for is that working out after Trump pulled out?? The way we expect it would...CIA backed Syrian militias fighting against Pentagon backed Syrians.....which is ANOTHER REASON we should stay out of the Middle East if we expect "more of the same" is suddenly going to produce different are not smart enough to have the convo with me, go back to sucking off Trump for lulz.....
The US should not have any troops or agencies operating in Syria
Well there is sure lot of bullshit there...

Trump has said Biden should have got out quicker... Please keep up to date with your bullshit....

Trump and Biden agreed about little but one thing they did agree on was leaving...

Trump and Biden would be looking at least 3000 US dead soldiers,20k+ wounded in a street battle in Kabul...

Do you think Trump would accept those casualties?
Biden wouldn't..
Biden wouldn't?
What's he going to do....give them a list of targets to stay away from and use harsh language?

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