Do you approve or disapprove of Joe Biden's performance on Afghanistan?

Do you approve or disapprove of Joe Biden's performance on Afghanistan?

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Yeah....his good intentions are attributed to the fact that he's a Democrat.
Trump could cure cancer and you'd call it bad intent.
Nah...getting us out after 20 years was LONG overdue. Like the senile hair plug stated. His methods....LOL! What a fucking moron! LOL!

HAHA! This guy rips this propaganda muppet and Biden.
Or he could have followed the plan Trump left him and brought the troops home in May. However Biden what to make a 911 Spectacular by bringing them on and the 20 year anniversary of 911 so fuck Biden

Today is the 18th of August...

So your problem is he didn't get out quick enough...

So your solution was to leave earlier with even less preparation..

By the way how many Americans killed so far?
Nah...getting us out after 20 years was LONG overdue. Like the senile hair plug stated. His methods....LOL! What a fucking moron! LOL!

HAHA! This guy rips this propaganda muppet and Biden.

Again explain what Biden could do different?
What would have been a good execution? The Taliban could smell the rotting meat of teh Ghani regime, and they closed in.

LISTEN to this guy. He was attempting to assist this shitty diaper with hairplugs' administration work the issue.

They failed...hard.
Seriously that is were you are going... Iran wasn't really terrorists... If that is the case, why didn't tell anyone and got people to lie about it...

Lets just say you can see no wrong for Reagan... You have no objectivity...
I have plenty. I remember how different Iran was in 1980 than it is today.
I also talked to guys who lived in Iran in the 70s. A couple of them taught me Persian-Farce when I was at 5th group. Iran was a tourist destination in the 70s. US officials felt they might be able to negotiate with them. Iran always used their relationships with Russia as a bargaining chip in negotiations. The 3 key players are China, Russia, and the US.....and whenever a Democrat gets in the white house it weakens our position. Being woke overrules their common-sense.
If the Democrats were being honest....they'd impeach Biden for this massive screw-up.
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We do not know what Trump's plans were, but he probably had options. It appears that Biden had a plan, but no options.

I imagine that air support for the Afgan Army and an infantry battalion to support the airbase, would have been the last to go. Under Trump, it seems the planners in the Pentagon actually had plans and the military was allowed to execute them under Trump. For example getting the Iran guy backing terrorism.

Unless the Taliban had made big gains as had been done this summer, Trump probably would have not evacuated American civilians and the embassy. Trump would have had the military gone in May. 50 years ago when I was in the Army the USA could get troops anywhere in the world in 24 hours, so I'm sure that there were plans to secure, destroy and rescue in place under Trump if the troops were gone and the Taliban gained ground.

This may have been where Biden messed up. He has had no trouble stopping other Trump plans, such as Keystone Pipeline and Border Wall. Why did he go ahead with withdrawal? Why did he not keep the airbase secured until Americans and the embassy was gone with the way the Taliban was gaining ground? Where was Biden's intelligence and support? He inherited Milley but appointed Austin. It appears all of the DOD's "Woke" training and culling extremists was ruining things. Getting out of the airbase wasn't smart with the Americans and the embassy needing evacuating. Doing it in the middle of the night without letting the Afgans know was a blow to their morale. Biden, Austin, and Milley had seven months to plan. If they did plan Biden needs to remove Milley and Austin and getting somebody he can trust to do their job.
You obviously don't understand the difference between domestic matters and international agreements...
I absolutely do. Keystone is an agreement with a Canadian company in Alberta Canada.

Even in international of the parties can back out of the deal....reference Trump backing out of the Paris Accords, the horrible Iranian Deal.....and several other deals....he backed out of them with the stroke of a pen.
As Reagan said, never negotiate with terrorists. I guess Biden never listened to Reagan.

Biden didn't do all the negotiating.

This was negotiated by trump and pompeo.

trump brought the taliban to America to negotiate a withdrawal with them. They negotiated a withdrawal agreement and trump signed it.

Biden is following the agreement trump signed last December.
Irrelevant. There should have been no deal with the taliban, nor should the trump administration released a talban criminal.
1. An "AGREEMENT" is always relevant. The Taliban were upholding their end, no US serviceman was killed for over 18-months. All the US had to do was leave gracefully, but that was too simple for stupid Joe.
2. So w/o an agreement to leave you wanted to stay in AFG and fight the Taliban with 50,000 US troops forever? No offense, but that is stupid, and expensive.
3. Trump released one Taliban, but Obama/Biden swapped 5 Taliban Leaders for one deserter, Bowe Bergdahl? You can't throw stones at Trump.
What would have been a good execution? The Taliban could smell the rotting meat of teh Ghani regime, and they closed in.

For starters, he should have had the foresight to close our Embassy and get our people and equipment out before our troops. Obviously from his comments just a couple of weeks ago, he was severely mistaken with regards to the Afghan military's ability or willingness to hold off the Taliban. He stated that even if the Taliban did take over, it would take at least 90 days. Well, 72 hours after the troop withdrawal, the Taliban were in complete control of Afghanistan. Biden is either compromised or he really is an ignorant moron.
I believe he speaks the truth
Julian Assange speaking in 2011: "The goal is to use Afghanistan to wash money out of the tax bases of the US and Europe through Afghanistan and back into the hands of a transnational security elite. The goal is an endless war, not a successful war"
Trump negotiated with the Taliban..

Biden was fulfilling the deal... This is a Trump deal...

Can you please explain what else could Biden do?
not leaving a cache of weapons behind?....maybe thought about getting those out of there before leaving?...
Get the civilians out first. Blow up military bases and equipment. Take care to remove those that helped us rather than abandon them.
it’s not rocket science.

But then, I wouldn’t expect a supporter of this nations enemies to think these things through.
Civillians - Were asked to leave first... They were even paid to leave, i was told... Trump left Biden with 2500 troops... Those are very small resources and Biden couldn't do much... Trump and Obama had very little done in setting up the ability of processing a large number of refugees...

Blow up military bases and equipment. - Did Biden not leave those to the Afghan Army like Trump did before them...

Trump would have been expected to get the friendlies out... Biden was sworen in 11 weeks before they were meant to leave... Trump agreed this 11 months before that..

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