Do you approve or disapprove of Joe Biden's performance on Afghanistan?

Do you approve or disapprove of Joe Biden's performance on Afghanistan?

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I am glad he is ending the war but how he is ending it; I do not approve of...

However, the US has never "gracefully" exited a war they have lost......they do not teach that at West general at the Pentagon knows how to do it either......

However, this is a walk in the park compared to how Nixon and Kissinger handled Vietnam

Nixon and Kissinger helped to stand up the South Vietnamese military, so that in 1972, it did most of the fighting that defeated the North Vietnamese Easter Offensive. The United States only played an advisory role and used its air power to help the South Vietnamese military and the North Vietnamese offensive was defeated.

Unfortunately for South Vietnam, the United States congress passed the CASE CHURCH Amendment in June 1973 cutting all funding for ANY military involvement by the United States by August 15, 1973. The new January 1973 Congress passed this Amendment with veto proof majorities in the House and Senate. Congress essentially took away the Executive Branch's power to continue to defend South Vietnam. 2 years later, South Vietnam fell to the North Vietnamese after two years of severe cut backs on aid which left much of their military without fuel or ammo in order to fight.

JOE BIDEN is an idiot for surrendering Afghanistan to the TALIBAN, a TERRORIST ORGANIZATION, involved with burning people alive in the World Trade Center on 9/11.

If Joe Biden won't protect are allies in Afghanistan let alone fight the people guilty of 9/11, who else will Joe Biden not stand up against.
Yes, after the fact...because Biden sent our troops home without a fucking contingency plan. That is obvious.

The 82nd is a's not 50,000 men. 14.5 more like it, and of those ~50% are combat. More like 5-7K

Which is about right to secure the airport and ensure that Americans, and contractors are safely removed.

Don't puff it up into something it is not.

REGARDLESS. Biden completely ignored everything. Now there is no contingency plan. If Biden would have LISTENED none of this would have had to happen.

Your daddy fucked up left sider.
There is 57,000 personal in 82nd...

But say they send 10k in total... This will be street fighting in Kabul, a city of 4.5 million, against a force of 70k....

How long do you think 10k will stay at 10k... US would have 100k there...

That's the point... How are you going to stay if 70k are rushing into a city?

Do you approve or disapprove of Joe Biden's performance on Afghanistan?​

/———/ China approves now that Trump is out of the way.

China holds drills in Taiwan Strait after Biden’s Afghan fail, deploys warships and jets.

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 6:24 PM PT – Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Communist China has sent warships to the Taiwan Strait in an act of aggression against Taiwan and the U.S. According to Tuesday reports, China has been holding assault drills involving warships and military jets near its maritime border with Taiwan.

Beijing claimed the drills came in response to unspecified “provocations” and “external interference.” In addition, Chinese state media reported Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan suggested the U.S. would not be willing to defend Taiwan from a potential Chinese invasion.
Yes I see what your man said...

He wanted the 82nd back in and another one back in... So he was talking about 50K troops back on the ground in possible street fighting through Kabul, a city of 4.5million people....

I am right in saying that... How many US casualties doing that?

Well lets look at Fallujah another street battle in Middle east

Population of City 275.,000
Allies 13,000
Enemies 4,000

It was a pretty convincing win by the allies and they lost:
107 killed,
613 wounded
That was a white wash...
1,200–2,000 killed,
1,500 capture

Now you want in a Kabul
Population of City 4.5m
Allies 50,000
Enemies 70,000
Taliban better trained and armed. They are far more motivated.

We could be talking easily
3000 killed
20,000 wounded

That is highly conservative... US would have to send in more troops to go house to house clearing out... Ask any one in Bagdad what a nightmare that is...

You forget what happened from October 7, 2001 to December 15, 2001 in Afghanistan.

The United States won in Fallujah as well as in Iraq. The government the United States helped install in 2003 is still the government in Iraq as of 2021. Unlike during the SADDAM era, the current Iraqi government is not a threat to any of its neighbors, and in 2021 had violence levels across the country that were LOWER than the City of Chicago. Realize Iraq is a country of 40 million while Chicago is only a city of 3 million. The United States won in Iraq by as evidence by many metrics.

The Sadamist/Islamic forces that fought in Falluja were defeated in 2004 and later in the 2014-2017 fight against ISIS and their allies.
There is 57,000 personal in 82nd...

But say they send 10k in total... This will be street fighting in Kabul, a city of 4.5 million, against a force of 70k....

How long do you think 10k will stay at 10k... US would have 100k there...

That's the point... How are you going to stay if 70k are rushing into a city?
No...this guy breaks it down rather nicely


the Taliban have stated that they will permit US troops to remove personnel until September 11.
There is 57,000 personal in 82nd...

But say they send 10k in total... This will be street fighting in Kabul, a city of 4.5 million, against a force of 70k....

How long do you think 10k will stay at 10k... US would have 100k there...

That's the point... How are you going to stay if 70k are rushing into a city?
It would take 5 months to build up a force and deploy them into Kabul. It took 6 months to deploy the forces into Desert Storm. You can send several hundred in 24 hours after being alerted....but there's a limitation to what they can do.
Can believe there are actually 10 people that approve of Biden's performance on Afghanistan. I votes for BIDEN, but this is a terrible disaster and was preventable! I guess the Democrats have their own people that stick by their leader no matter what happens or what they do.
Nixon and Kissinger helped to stand up the South Vietnamese military, so that in 1972, it did most of the fighting that defeated the North Vietnamese Easter Offensive. The United States only played an advisory role and used its air power to help the South Vietnamese military and the North Vietnamese offensive was defeated.

Unfortunately for South Vietnam, the United States congress passed the CASE CHURCH Amendment in June 1973 cutting all funding for ANY military involvement by the United States by August 15, 1973. The new January 1973 Congress passed this Amendment with veto proof majorities in the House and Senate. Congress essentially took away the Executive Branch's power to continue to defend South Vietnam. 2 years later, South Vietnam fell to the North Vietnamese after two years of severe cut backs on aid which left much of their military without fuel or ammo in order to fight.

JOE BIDEN is an idiot for surrendering Afghanistan to the TALIBAN, a TERRORIST ORGANIZATION, involved with burning people alive in the World Trade Center on 9/11.

If Joe Biden won't protect are allies in Afghanistan let alone fight the people guilty of 9/11, who else will Joe Biden not stand up against.
You make it sound like Joe Biden woke up one morning in May and decided this... He didn't...

Biden for the last 18 years wanted to leave... No Al Queada, job done...

Trump signed the deal and left Biden with just 2500 troops in the Kabul... This is enough for security of embassy and airport......

Biden just decided to honour the US signed agreement from 11 months previous...

The other option was a massive escalation in violence and large street battle... Many casualties..
It would take 5 months to build up a force and deploy them into Kabul. It took 6 months to deploy the forces into Desert Storm. You can send several hundred in 24 hours after being alerted....but there's a limitation to what they can do.

It took less than that in the FALL of 2001, and the Taliban lost control of most of the country in less than 10 weeks.
Nixon and Kissinger helped to stand up the South Vietnamese military, so that in 1972, it did most of the fighting that defeated the North Vietnamese Easter Offensive. The United States only played an advisory role and used its air power to help the South Vietnamese military and the North Vietnamese offensive was defeated.

Unfortunately for South Vietnam, the United States congress passed the CASE CHURCH Amendment in June 1973 cutting all funding for ANY military involvement by the United States by August 15, 1973. The new January 1973 Congress passed this Amendment with veto proof majorities in the House and Senate. Congress essentially took away the Executive Branch's power to continue to defend South Vietnam. 2 years later, South Vietnam fell to the North Vietnamese after two years of severe cut backs on aid which left much of their military without fuel or ammo in order to fight.

JOE BIDEN is an idiot for surrendering Afghanistan to the TALIBAN, a TERRORIST ORGANIZATION, involved with burning people alive in the World Trade Center on 9/11.

If Joe Biden won't protect are allies in Afghanistan let alone fight the people guilty of 9/11, who else will Joe Biden not stand up against.
You are WRONG. The Taliban had ZERO to do with 9/11, Al Qaeda and OBL did 9/11.
Biden is right to get out of the AFG civil war, but he fucked-up the US withdrawal
Did the US surrender AFG? Really? Who's country is it, really?

Its not Biden's job to protect allies in AFG. The "allies" were well armed and well trained, but refused to fight the Taliban. So if the AFGs won't fight the Taliban, why should US troops fight for them, we shouldn't.
The US military did more than enough in AFG, its past time to leave AFG to the AFGs.
Today is the 18th of August...

So your problem is he didn't get out quick enough...

So your solution was to leave earlier with even less preparation..

By the way how many Americans killed so far?
The goal is to make a plan....and carry it out.
Biden didn't listen to anyone.
Now everything has blown up.....and I think he knew it was going to go this way.
Their primary goal is to blame all of this mess on Trump.
You make it sound like Joe Biden woke up one morning in May and decided this... He didn't...

Biden for the last 18 years wanted to leave... No Al Queada, job done...

Trump signed the deal and left Biden with just 2500 troops in the Kabul... This is enough for security of embassy and airport......

Biden just decided to honour the US signed agreement from 11 months previous...

The other option was a massive escalation in violence and large street battle... Many casualties..

BIDEN does not have to honor any agreements signed by the Trump administration.

If the United States had kept the NATO force in Afghanistan that was there in January, none of this would of happened and Afghanistan would be experiencing a month like August 2020 in August 2021.

TALIBAN only held 77 districts on April 13, 2021, about the same as they held on November 28, 2017 nearly 4 years earlier. Afghanistan has a total of 421 districts. Its only after Biden's non-conditions based withdrawal, that the Taliban effectively take most of the rest of the districts and 33 of 34 provincial capitals in four months.

Had BIDEN kept the troops in Afghanistan, the TALIBAN would still be isolated to the rural districts and have less than 20% of the country under the control. WE KNOW THIS BECAUSE THAT IS THE HISTORICAL RECORD FROM THE YEARS 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020!
You are WRONG. The Taliban had ZERO to do with 9/11, Al Qaeda and OBL did 9/11.
Biden is right to get out of the AFG civil war, but he fucked-up the US withdrawal
Did the US surrender AFG? Really? Who's country is it, really?

Its not Biden's job to protect allies in AFG. The "allies" were well armed and well trained, but refused to fight the Taliban. So if the AFGs won't fight the Taliban, why should US troops fight for them, we shouldn't.
The US military did more than enough in AFG, its past time to leave AFG to the AFGs.

Sure, the Taliban are not a terrorist organization. Only the most ignorant fool would believe that. The Taliban are intertwined with Al Qaeda and are actually more intertwined with them after two decades of marriages and children. Sorry, but that is a FACT!

The Taliban hosted and supported Al Qaeda and ALL THEIR ACTIVITES including the bombing of the U.S. embassies in Tanzania and Kenya in 1998 as well as the attacks on 9/11.

You sound like Johnny Cockrene trying to get O.J. off from killing two people. But hey, I guess loyalty to BIDEN will turn someone into a DEFENDER OF THE TALIBAN!
You are WRONG. The Taliban had ZERO to do with 9/11, Al Qaeda and OBL did 9/11.
Biden is right to get out of the AFG civil war, but he fucked-up the US withdrawal
Did the US surrender AFG? Really? Who's country is it, really?

Its not Biden's job to protect allies in AFG. The "allies" were well armed and well trained, but refused to fight the Taliban. So if the AFGs won't fight the Taliban, why should US troops fight for them, we shouldn't.
The US military did more than enough in AFG, its past time to leave AFG to the AFGs.

Already, U.S. commitments to allies around the world are being Questioned. China is warning Taiwan that the United States won't come to their aid given that it abandoned their allies in Afghanistan.

Latvia and Estonia are worried that BIDEN won't honor the NATO commitment to defend them if the Russians invade their countries.

The enemies of the United States are emboldened around the world and our Allies fear the United States is no longer a dependable Ally!
I don't believe that Obama was responsible for Benghazi, and Hillary's email were not covered up, personal emails. The Russian Collusion scandal was actually a scandal. Tramp was involved in Russian money, and he was to build a hotel there.
I agree with you on the first two and disagree with the rest. No Benghazi, no email issue other than her being poorly trained and Trump and Russia was not, no election fraud in either election, no issues other than extremist on both sides stirring up crap.
Sure, the Taliban are not a terrorist organization. Only the most ignorant fool would believe that. The Taliban are intertwined with Al Qaeda and are actually more intertwined with them after two decades of marriages and children. Sorry, but that is a FACT!

The Taliban hosted and supported Al Qaeda and ALL THEIR ACTIVITES including the bombing of the U.S. embassies in Tanzania and Kenya in 1998 as well as the attacks on 9/11.

You sound like Johnny Cockrene trying to get O.J. off from killing two people. But hey, I guess loyalty to BIDEN will turn someone into a DEFENDER OF THE TALIBAN!
1. I didn't say the Taliban weren't terrorists, I said they didn't do 9/11.
2. Prove AQ is in bed with the Taliban, link please. I believe they know if that happens the US will bomb them relentlessly, I believe that is what Biden means with the over the horizon deterrence.
3. Huh?? OJ? I'm not defending Xiden or the Taliban, just correcting you.

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