Do you approve or disapprove of Joe Biden's performance on Afghanistan?

Do you approve or disapprove of Joe Biden's performance on Afghanistan?

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Glad we are leaving Afghanistan but Biden executed this so poorly and so inept. First you get civilians out, destroy equipment you are leaving are two things that could have been done much better but we did need to leave, I just wish he and his administration would have thought it through.
Yes I can read.
The United States doesn't mean at the request of the White House. It doesn't even say at Trump's request....clearly the US isn't just one person. My guess is it was at the request of US officials who at the time were busy trying to undermine Trump.

If you can read why did you say it was on Pakistan? You didn't read obviously, stop fronting.

And so Trump's admistration lets Taliban #1 out of prison, and sends in Pompeo to negotiate with him on pulling out of Afghanistan...and you think this is happening somehow beside Trump the President?


You are out of your damn mind if you think that will fly with anyone.
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Already, U.S. commitments to allies around the world are being Questioned. China is warning Taiwan that the United States won't come to their aid given that it abandoned their allies in Afghanistan.

Latvia and Estonia are worried that BIDEN won't honor the NATO commitment to defend them if the Russians invade their countries.

The enemies of the United States are emboldened around the world and our Allies fear the United States is no longer a dependable Ally!
"Commitments" can be tricky to define. There are hard treaties, like NATO, and there are no treaties, like Taiwan.
I remember when Dubya said the US would defend Taiwan, and the MSM went nuts for his saying that out loud.

The US did not abandon its "allies" in AFG. We basically said "sink or swim" we're done. 20-years and a $trillion are more than enough support for anyone. The "allies" surrendered. That's on them, they had superior numbers, weapons, and training. US soldiers are not going to fight their civil war for them. The US mission was to get AQ out of AFG, not nationbuilding.
NATO IS MORE THAN THE US. Why should we fight the Russians when the Germans buy gas from Russia so Putin can modernize his military. I'd bring US troops home from the EU.
Our 'allies' will always suck up to the US, the alternative is China. The US $30T debt means that our 'allies' need to pull their own weight.
Trump left them under control of the Afghan Army... It was there weapons...

They brought home the US weapons...
wasnt this thread about biden? guys have to forget about your buddy trump.....anything that happens good or bad this far into a presidents term is on whoever is president.....
Obviously everyone underestimated how useless the Afghani army was.

However, that just proved how right both he and tRump were to get out of there asap.
It's the job of many people in our government to understand such things. Either the intelligence community failed us AGAIN, or Biden knew and is an idiot.

Biden's in the White House, this is 100% on him. That's it, there are no excuses. Apparently the buck gets passed around to whole lot of people before it ever gets to Biden. Biden is quickly moving his way past Obama as 2nd worst president in history.

If you can read why did you say it was on Pakistan? You didn't read obviously, stop fronting.

And so Trump's admistration lets Taliban #1 out of prison, and sends in Pompeo to negotiate with him on pulling out of Afghanistan...and you think this is happening somehow beside Trump the President?


You are out of your damn mind if you think that will fly with anyone.
So basically you think this Taliban diplomat is running the Taliban?
Obama lets out 5 of their generals for one traitor....and parades his family at the White House like he was a war hero....sends billions in cash to Iran in exchange for hostages nobody knows anything Iran one of our Top Secret drones...but TRUMP is the only motherfucker that matters.....because some former Bush appointee claims the US wanted Ahmed Goatfucker released.
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Trump left them under control of the Afghan Army... It was there weapons...

They brought home the US weapons...
Teddy, this is whole debacle is on Biden, he moved the date from May to September 11th, the reason was May was Trump's idea and Biden did everything he could to get this moved so Trump would not get any credit. So now this is on him and his moving it to the symbolic date of 9/11. Getting out of Afghanistan is the right thing to do, him not managing the exit plan after having months to plan is on him.
Obviously everyone underestimated how useless the Afghani army was.

However, that just proved how right both he and tRump were to get out of there asap.
He had all the army intelligence at his hand and still underestimated?
It would take 5 months to build up a force and deploy them into Kabul. It took 6 months to deploy the forces into Desert Storm. You can send several hundred in 24 hours after being alerted....but there's a limitation to what they can do.
Biden would have to drop the deal from the moment he enetered and eneter into
The goal is to make a plan....and carry it out.
Biden didn't listen to anyone.
Now everything has blown up.....and I think he knew it was going to go this way.
Their primary goal is to blame all of this mess on Trump.
You know he took Trump's plan and implemented it. He did this as this was the only agreed plan...

As for everything blown up... How many Americans dead in Kabul? Zero...

No one had any other solution that didn't involve a large street war...
Yeah....his good intentions are attributed to the fact that he's a Democrat.
Trump could cure cancer and you'd call it bad intent.
He didn't,' so we will never know. How about if we replace Trump with Biden and Republican with Democrat?
It's as bad as it can get. How can you approve? Biden is not a likeable guy and it's hard to get a handle on the loyalty his dwindling fans share. Is it about hatred for Trump?
Thanks for the mainstream media version of the truth.

I get my news elsewhere but I'm glad they're in tune about the failures of the past three administrations.

I'm curious, since you keep up with the mainstream media, what are they reporting on the cost of infrastructure we've provided to Afghanistan and Iraq these past two decades?
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So basically you think this Taliban diplomat is running the Taliban? man, you are soo damn bad at this.

Abdul Gani Baradar is one of the original 4 founders of Taliban and is now the defacto "president" of Afghanistan, superceded only by the groups Supreme religious leader Haibatullah Akhundzada.

He spoke DIRECTLY with President Trump during negotiations.
BIDEN does not have to honor any agreements signed by the Trump administration.

If the United States had kept the NATO force in Afghanistan that was there in January, none of this would of happened and Afghanistan would be experiencing a month like August 2020 in August 2021.

TALIBAN only held 77 districts on April 13, 2021, about the same as they held on November 28, 2017 nearly 4 years earlier. Afghanistan has a total of 421 districts. Its only after Biden's non-conditions based withdrawal, that the Taliban effectively take most of the rest of the districts and 33 of 34 provincial capitals in four months.

Had BIDEN kept the troops in Afghanistan, the TALIBAN would still be isolated to the rural districts and have less than 20% of the country under the control. WE KNOW THIS BECAUSE THAT IS THE HISTORICAL RECORD FROM THE YEARS 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020!
I don't think you get it...

If an American President signs something then it binds the next President...

Trump didn't know this and caused havoc around the world that led to China starting the world's largest trading block, Iran closer to a bomb, Russia increasing its cyber warfare....

But the worse thing Trump did is, US is not good on its word... This undermines all US soft power round the world... Biden promised to restore that... US was going to be a reliable partner again...

So Trump signed a deal, Biden was going to try and honour it as much as he could.... Biden knows to stay would cost thousands of lives and another Trillion dollars..

Biden knows when he was dealt a loosing hand and knew to fold and not to raise.. man, you are soo damn bad at this.

Abdul Gani Baradar is one of the original 4 founders of Taliban and is now the defacto "president" of Afghanistan, superceded only by the groups Supreme religious leader Haibatullah Akhundzada.

He spoke DIRECTLY with President Trump during negotiations.
I'm sure he did. As a matter of fact he also spoke directly with Donald Duck too.
Still doesn't change the fact that Obama let all of the Taliban leaders out of GITMO and Biden screwed up the withdrawal royally.....even MSNBC is admitting it.

FYI, your link says he's a Taliban negotiator....not their leader.
1. I didn't say the Taliban weren't terrorists, I said they didn't do 9/11.
2. Prove AQ is in bed with the Taliban, link please. I believe they know if that happens the US will bomb them relentlessly, I believe that is what Biden means with the over the horizon deterrence.
3. Huh?? OJ? I'm not defending Xiden or the Taliban, just correcting you.
Taliban is desperate not to face sanctions... They might be religious fanatics but they know to keep power they need to offer stability and not to face international sanctions is a biggy....

I say you are safer going out on the beer in Kabul tonight than in most US city... Taliban doesn't want a thing to happen to any American..

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