Do you approve or disapprove of Joe Biden's performance on Afghanistan?

Do you approve or disapprove of Joe Biden's performance on Afghanistan?

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Again, really not our job to defend Afghanistan. The Afghan people themselves decided that this government wasn't worth fighting for.... but now it's out big priority to get the Quislings who were out to collect American bucks out?

Yes, he was mistaken about the ability of the corrupt Afghan's government's ability to fight, but we've been deluded ourselves about these guys since Karzai got his Toad Elevating Moment from Dubya.

So what?

That sounds like a massive intelligence failure on the part of the CIA and DIA... not Biden.
Totally agree...but it IS our job to protect our citizens...which the hairplug in chief has failed to do.,
I know you are an idealist. I respect that. I know you are concerned for the women and girls in AFG, and what their life would be like under Sharia Law. That said, AFG is not a US possession. It is ultimately up to the Afghans who runs their country, you seem to imply that the US can keep the government in control for a cost-effective and reasonable annual $10b of "foreign aid", and about 20 US combat deaths, not to mention the horribly maimed.

Bottom line:
The US military effort in AFG was not low cost, the cost in blood and treasure was NOT worth it to Americans. The US is NOT the world's police force. The US does NOT do nation-building well. The Taliban would NEVER stop fighting, and most Americans oppose "endless wars". I have an active duty grandson, and I do NOT want him going to AFG, nor anyone else's loved one. Ultimately its up to the Afghans who controls their country. If it becomes a rats nest of terrorists, we have advanced weapons to deal with them.

1. You think spending $10 Billion dollars a year in Afghanistan to prevent the next 9/11 is expensive. That is a TINY FRACTION of the total U.S. defense budget.

2. The Average number of U.S. deaths from combat in Afghanistan for the last 6 years was 11 people, LESS than one a month. The OVERWHELMING majority of people who have enlisted in the U.S. military over the past 6 years have NEVER been to AFGHANISTAN. Its a small deployment of troops.

3. I SAID LOW COST, not NO COST. But the fact is, the United States at a relatively low cost had the Taliban contained to rural districts in Afghanistan and was getting VALUABLE HUMAN INTELLIGENCE on terrorist forces on the ground. It was worth it to keep the status qou going because it was protecting U.S. lives around the world, and prevented the global Jihad movement from growing.

4. The sudden collapse of Afghanistan to the TALIBAN will be a boon to the global JIHAD movement and the United States now faces a higher probability of being hit by terrorist now than they did 6 months ago.

5. There is NO ARGUEMENT that can be made to claim that the United States in any way benefits from a complete TALIBAN take over in AFGHANISTAN! NONE!

As for Nation Building, the United States did well in the following countries:
South Korea
Iraq - given the much better situation there today and the fact that the government in Iraq since 2003 has not been a threat to any of its neighbors like SADDAM's regime was from 1979 to 2003.
Sorry it has been published a hundred times... This was part of the Trump deal... The deal was shit but it was agreed..

What could Biden do without breaking the deal?

This makes you very uncomfortable...

Biden wanted out of Afghanistan, never said anything else...

Trump left him with little resources on the ground and timeline to be out in weeks..
Ya know, it's funny. Biden did his best from day 1 to scrap anything, and everything that Trump did, or agreed to during his Presidency, including destroying a sector of American jobs to do it, simply because it was Trump...

But he fails big on this, and all of the sudden, "He was tied by Trump's deal." I call bullshit...

Biden is President right now, Commander in Chief.. It was up to him to ensure that the evacuation of American presence in Afghanistan went smoothly, with our citizens, and LPR's safe and secure on American soil. He failed to do that....And all you can do is blame it on Trump....Sad...
You speak out of your ass. I don't. Trump had no plan.
"I asked Trump Sunday about the plan his administration had to get out of Afghanistan —which ultimately was obstructed by the same US generals who gave Biden a green light.

“We were going to not let people get slaughtered,” Trump said flatly. “I wanted to get out. But you have to get out safely and you have to get out with respect …

“We had all sorts of conditions … All civilians were going to come out before the military. Everyone should have been out before they took our military out …

“I was going to close this ridiculous embassy they spent a billion dollars on and move everybody out …

“I was going to blow up every military base [before we left]. I was going to take out every single piece of equipment. I said, ‘I don’t want anything left [apart from] leave each soldier a gun …’

You partisan shitbird, Ofcourse Trump had a plan, and it was leagues better than the total fuck up that Biden ordered....

A growing call of bipartisan disgust is growing from the halls of Congress...

And I was shocked to read this on CNN of all places last Friday....

Face it, your boy screwed the pooch on this one, and possibly has singlehandedly destroyed chances for Democrats to hold any position of power in the near future...
Civillians - Were asked to leave first... They were even paid to leave, i was told... Trump left Biden with 2500 troops... Those are very small resources and Biden couldn't do much... Trump and Obama had very little done in setting up the ability of processing a large number of refugees...

Blow up military bases and equipment. - Did Biden not leave those to the Afghan Army like Trump did before them...

Trump would have been expected to get the friendlies out... Biden was sworen in 11 weeks before they were meant to leave... Trump agreed this 11 months before that..
Biden is President NOT Trump...This is his it or not...
Civillians - Were asked to leave first... They were even paid to leave, i was told... Trump left Biden with 2500 troops... Those are very small resources and Biden couldn't do much... Trump and Obama had very little done in setting up the ability of processing a large number of refugees...

Blow up military bases and equipment. - Did Biden not leave those to the Afghan Army like Trump did before them...

Trump would have been expected to get the friendlies out... Biden was sworen in 11 weeks before they were meant to leave... Trump agreed this 11 months before that..
So Biden put off the May transition as he wanted it to be symbolic around 9/11, he claimed to better prepare for leaving Afghanistan. Biden has been in office for 8 months but that was not enough time to add more troops in the region?

You go ahead and blame the guy that hasn't been in office for eight months because the current commander and chief doesn't have his shit together. Partisans will never cease to amaze me.
1. You think spending $10 Billion dollars a year in Afghanistan to prevent the next 9/11 is expensive. That is a TINY FRACTION of the total U.S. defense budget.

2. The Average number of U.S. deaths from combat in Afghanistan for the last 6 years was 11 people, LESS than one a month. The OVERWHELMING majority of people who have enlisted in the U.S. military over the past 6 years have NEVER been to AFGHANISTAN. Its a small deployment of troops.

3. I SAID LOW COST, not NO COST. But the fact is, the United States at a relatively low cost had the Taliban contained to rural districts in Afghanistan and was getting VALUABLE HUMAN INTELLIGENCE on terrorist forces on the ground. It was worth it to keep the status qou going because it was protecting U.S. lives around the world, and prevented the global Jihad movement from growing.

4. The sudden collapse of Afghanistan to the TALIBAN will be a boon to the global JIHAD movement and the United States now faces a higher probability of being hit by terrorist now than they did 6 months ago.

5. There is NO ARGUEMENT that can be made to claim that the United States in any way benefits from a complete TALIBAN take over in AFGHANISTAN! NONE!

As for Nation Building, the United States did well in the following countries:
South Korea
Iraq - given the much better situation there today and the fact that the government in Iraq since 2003 has not been a threat to any of its neighbors like SADDAM's regime was from 1979 to 2003.
1. Your estimated cost of the war in AFG is way off. Here is a summary of ALL the costs of the war, avg of $226b a year avg per link below, or $52b a year since 2016 per Forbes. That's quite a variance! However, BOTH are way above $10b a year, your number w/o a link.

2. There is NO reason ANY American should die in the AFG civil war, PERIOD! Let the MFs fight their own civil war.

3. Your rationale' is completely WRONG. What the US does in AFG does not stop terrorists in other parts of the world. In fact, Trump's "extreme vetting" aka "Muslim Ban" keep the terrorists out of the US. Joe Xiden's "open borders" lets them in. See the difference? Security vs insecurity.

4. There is no difference in terror threat now that AFG is run by Taliban, unless they allow AQ or ISIS to use AFG as a base of operations, and that would be very stupid on their part because the US would hammer them from the air, and they know it.

5. We would have liked the government forces we propped up to defeat the Taliban, but the army collapsed, so that as they say is that. The US is done in AFG after 20-long years. Until the Taliban reveal their intentions regarding terrorism, you don't know what they will do. So I agree the US doesn't benefit from the Taliban takeover, but we do benefit from ending an endless war.

6. With a $30T Debt the US simply can't afford nation-building. Especially in a backward Muslim country.
Totally agree...but it IS our job to protect our citizens...which the hairplug in chief has failed to do.,

Unless they are a serviceman, they all accepted the risk of going to Afghanistan despite travel advisories.

Here was the Travel Advisory the State Department issued on June 28th. This was issued BEFORE the current offensive started.

Do not travel to Afghanistan due to COVID-19, crime, terrorism, civil unrest, kidnapping, and armed conflict.

U.S. citizens wishing to depart Afghanistan should leave as soon as possible on available commercial flights.

Travel to all areas of Afghanistan is unsafe because of critical levels of kidnappings, hostage taking, suicide bombings, widespread military combat operations, landmines, and terrorist and insurgent attacks, including attacks using vehicle-borne, magnetic, or other improvised explosive devices (IEDs), suicide vests, and grenades.

Terrorist and insurgent groups continue planning and executing attacks in Afghanistan. These attacks occur with little or no warning, and have targeted official Afghan and U.S. government convoys and facilities, local government buildings, foreign embassies, military installations, commercial entities, non-governmental organization (NGO) offices, hospitals, residential compounds, tourist locations, transportation hubs, public gatherings, markets and shopping areas, places of worship, restaurants, hotels, universities, airports, schools, gymnasiums, and other locations frequented by U.S. citizens and other foreign nationals.

The U.S. Embassy's ability to provide routine and emergency services to U.S. citizens in Afghanistan is severely limited, particularly outside of Kabul. Evacuation options from Afghanistan are extremely limited due to the lack of infrastructure, geographic constraints, and the volatile security situ
So Biden put off the May transition as he wanted it to be symbolic around 9/11, he claimed to better prepare for leaving Afghanistan. Biden has been in office for 8 months but that was not enough time to add more troops in the region?

You go ahead and blame the guy that hasn't been in office for eight months because the current commander and chief doesn't have his shit together. Partisans will never cease to amaze me.

The idea of a withdrawl is to have LESS troops in the region, dummy.
Unless they are a serviceman, they all accepted the risk of going to Afghanistan despite travel advisories.

Here was the Travel Advisory the State Department issued on June 28th. This was issued BEFORE the current offensive started.

Do not travel to Afghanistan due to COVID-19, crime, terrorism, civil unrest, kidnapping, and armed conflict.

U.S. citizens wishing to depart Afghanistan should leave as soon as possible on available commercial flights.

Travel to all areas of Afghanistan is unsafe because of critical levels of kidnappings, hostage taking, suicide bombings, widespread military combat operations, landmines, and terrorist and insurgent attacks, including attacks using vehicle-borne, magnetic, or other improvised explosive devices (IEDs), suicide vests, and grenades.

Terrorist and insurgent groups continue planning and executing attacks in Afghanistan. These attacks occur with little or no warning, and have targeted official Afghan and U.S. government convoys and facilities, local government buildings, foreign embassies, military installations, commercial entities, non-governmental organization (NGO) offices, hospitals, residential compounds, tourist locations, transportation hubs, public gatherings, markets and shopping areas, places of worship, restaurants, hotels, universities, airports, schools, gymnasiums, and other locations frequented by U.S. citizens and other foreign nationals.

The U.S. Embassy's ability to provide routine and emergency services to U.S. citizens in Afghanistan is severely limited, particularly outside of Kabul. Evacuation options from Afghanistan are extremely limited due to the lack of infrastructure, geographic constraints, and the volatile security situ
lol! Doesn't work like that. Many of these are US citizens working for contractors, corporations, and NGOs in the AOR. They have a valid reason for being there.
The idea of a withdrawl is to have LESS troops in the region, dummy.
It was a lefty Cowboy Ted that made the comment of having more troops, I told him Joe had several months to get them there if he needed to. So I didn't suggest any such thing you stupid stalking moron. How much dumber could you be. :rolleyes:

Next time try reading in context, I know that is tough for you but you might try and have your teacher help you out. :itsok:
The lady from State whined that the Taliban aren't letting people go to the airport.
These government idiots have no clue WTF is going on in AFG.
Like her whining matters to the Taliban, it doesn't.
Totally clueless.
The lady from State whined that the Taliban aren't letting people go to the airport.
These government idiots have no clue WTF is going on in AFG.
Like her whining matters to the Taliban, it doesn't.
Totally clueless.
Road to airport not open as of 5 hours ago.
Uh, there was a crisis at the border because Trump left millions of people trapped on the Mexican side of the border.

Not that it's really a crisis.

As for Afghanistan... they had 20 years to get their shit together... and they didn't.
There is a crisis at the border is because a Democrat was elected President. Trump was stopping illegal immigration. Biden wants it. More people on welfare more Democratic votes. Biden, Pelosi, and Schumer playing political games with people's lives. Afghanistan withdrawal fiasco is owned by Biden administration lock, stock, and barrel.

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