Do you approve or disapprove of Trump supporters breaking into the Capital Building on January 6, 2020 to stop congress certifying the election?

Do you approve or disapprove of Trump supporters breaking into the Capital Building on 01/06/2020?

  • Approve

  • Disapprove

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No problem with them protesting, but as soon as it got violent, it needed to be stopped.

Agree. It's an American right to protest. But man...surreal.
How would you react to your vote being stolen?...when no one seems to want to do anything to fix next time will be the same...this has to stop and stop now...
Dont count on it, the progs have shown their true colors, typical of Socialist in power. There will not be a Republican winning an election anytime soon...
No problem with them protesting, but as soon as it got violent, it needed to be stopped.

Agree. It's an American right to protest. But man...surreal.
How would you react to your vote being stolen?...when no one seems to want to do anything to fix next time will be the same...this has to stop and stop now...
Dont count on it, the progs have shown their true colors, typical of Socialist in power. There will not be a Republican winning an election anytime soon...
There will not be a Republican winning an election anytime soon...

Probably not til 2022
No problem with them protesting, but as soon as it got violent, it needed to be stopped.
violence started with breaching the first barrier.
It started with the first phony ballot counted for steal it you own pay the consequences....

From someone who can not except the results of an election despite every challenge addressed and/or investigated. The ONLY outcome you would except would be a Trump win. That is not the American way.

The bolded here Coyote is a blatant lie....I can't think of one challange that was either addressed, and/or investigated properly...They were simply dismissed in the steam roller kind of way to move to innaugration....Hell, for the first time in my lifetime a presumed President elect initated a phony office that doesn't exist ("office of the President-elect") in the attempt, if even symbolicly to have a parallel Presidency....If Trump had done this when he won in 2016, you people would have melted completely down, and impeached him for that....
damn. what a completely retarded pile of crap.

View attachment 439455

Looking in a mirror are we?
address your lying, specifically about the office of the president elect, or fuck off.

I know that Trump used it too, and didn't like it then either. The first one I can think of was Obama....Do you have proof that it had been used before him?
if you knew that trump used it as well, why did you try to lie about it?

It's a phony office, and your hero Biden uses it like it means something....It doesn't....Much like his presidency is going to be, he'll be playing make believe there too....That is when he's lucid enough to remember it....
you are evading.

Not at all...I am laughing at you....Can't you hear it?
so, you clumsily lie. get called out. evade. then laugh. sure.

Look, I don't think it is appropiate, for ANYONE, even Trump when he used it....WE have ONE president at a time....

Am I wrong?
Do you approve or disapprove of Trump supporters breaking into the Capital Building on January 6, 2020 to stop congress certifying the election?

I disapprove of their actions. It was an insurrection. An act of treason to break into the capital build, stop the process of congress certifying the Democratic Election that took place November 3, 2020, as well as potentially threatening the lives of our elected officials in the U.S. House and U.S. Senate. This action also led to the deaths of 5 people.
We have plenty of proof that many of those people weren't real Trump supporters.
I don't think we're at the point that breaking into federal buildings is a solution.
Later this year that may change.
However, I'll leave that to younger people than me.
If it gets to the point where I have to start fighting my government....then we'll be in a civil war....then God help them if that happens.
It’s so pathetic how you idiots deflect responsibility.
It's so predictable how you motherfuckers think you can get away with projecting the blame onto Trump every time something happens in the world.
People are fed up with it.
Lol god this forum can be so pitiful. Trumptards did this. You know they did. Quit pretending you don’t know that. It’s so juvenile.
I think alot of fishy shit was going on.
Nobody ever said that all Trump supporters are brilliant.
I think alot of them were tricked into rioting by an ANTIFA&BLM insurgency that was ushered into the Capital to direct the operation.
Wow man that ANTIFA and BLM are masters of black ops man. What a sophisticated operation they have going. They can be anywhere and can manipulate their enemies at the perfect time!
So I suppose you're such a racist that you think Blacks are too stupid to carry out a sophisticated insurgency?
Lol well apparently they are white since all those rioters on Wednesday are clearly white. How diverse and inclusive the BLM is!
BLM has white members.
Their leader is white.

No problem with them protesting, but as soon as it got violent, it needed to be stopped.

Agree. It's an American right to protest. But man...surreal.
How would you react to your vote being stolen?...when no one seems to want to do anything to fix next time will be the same...this has to stop and stop now...
Dont count on it, the progs have shown their true colors, typical of Socialist in power. There will not be a Republican winning an election anytime soon...
There will not be a Republican winning an election anytime soon...

Probably not till 2022

Totally agree with you.
The Dems are going to over reach with power like they always do when they control all three branches.
Does the OP approve of the Democrats support, encouragement, and incitement of violence committed by foreign-funded domestic terrorists, Antifa and BLM, groups that have perpetrated hundreds f millions of dollars in damage across the country, groups who have called for the complete destruction of the US government ('burn it down'), groups who were involved in the US Capitol violence?

View attachment 439481
Do you approve or disapprove of Trump supporters breaking into the Capital Building on January 6, 2020 to stop congress certifying the election?

I disapprove of their actions. It was an insurrection. An act of treason to break into the capital build, stop the process of congress certifying the Democratic Election that took place November 3, 2020, as well as potentially threatening the lives of our elected officials in the U.S. House and U.S. Senate. This action also led to the deaths of 5 people.
We have plenty of proof that many of those people weren't real Trump supporters.
I don't think we're at the point that breaking into federal buildings is a solution.
Later this year that may change.
However, I'll leave that to younger people than me.
If it gets to the point where I have to start fighting my government....then we'll be in a civil war....then God help them if that happens.
It’s so pathetic how you idiots deflect responsibility.
It's so predictable how you motherfuckers think you can get away with projecting the blame onto Trump every time something happens in the world.
People are fed up with it.
Lol god this forum can be so pitiful. Trumptards did this. You know they did. Quit pretending you don’t know that. It’s so juvenile.
I think alot of fishy shit was going on.
Nobody ever said that all Trump supporters are brilliant.
I think alot of them were tricked into rioting by an ANTIFA&BLM insurgency that was ushered into the Capital to direct the operation.
Wow man that ANTIFA and BLM are masters of black ops man. What a sophisticated operation they have going. They can be anywhere and can manipulate their enemies at the perfect time!
So I suppose you're such a racist that you think Blacks are too stupid to carry out a sophisticated insurgency?
Lol well apparently they are white since all those rioters on Wednesday are clearly white. How diverse and inclusive the BLM is!
BLM has white members.
Their leader is white.

View attachment 439486
Lol that guy doesn’t look white. But yes, obviously they have white people. It’s just that republicans think the black people are the thugs.
Do you approve or disapprove of Trump supporters breaking into the Capital Building on January 6, 2020 to stop congress certifying the election?
Any day is a good day to overrun that den of thieves.
Lots of hand wringing over one group of avowed authoritarians looking to invade the turf of another group of avowed authoritarians.
Should have left it a smoking ruin.
And I only disapprove up to a certain point (we're getting there really fast) and at that point I 100% agree with what you posted. Burn that shit to the ground.
No problem with them protesting, but as soon as it got violent, it needed to be stopped.

Agree. It's an American right to protest. But man...surreal.
How would you react to your vote being stolen?...when no one seems to want to do anything to fix next time will be the same...this has to stop and stop now...
Dont count on it, the progs have shown their true colors, typical of Socialist in power. There will not be a Republican winning an election anytime soon...
There will not be a Republican winning an election anytime soon...

Probably not til 2022
How can they win in 2022, when the progs know that they can cheat and not have to answer for it, the Republican party will just roll over again..
It's a phony office, and your hero Biden uses it like it means something....It doesn't....Much like his presidency is going to be, he'll be playing make believe there too....That is when he's lucid enough to remember it....
Actually while there is no official office of the president elect, the position of president elect is entrenched in the constitution and in federal law. With it, it includes certain privileges and remunerations.
No problem with them protesting, but as soon as it got violent, it needed to be stopped.

Agree. It's an American right to protest. But man...surreal.
How would you react to your vote being stolen?...when no one seems to want to do anything to fix next time will be the same...this has to stop and stop now...
Dont count on it, the progs have shown their true colors, typical of Socialist in power. There will not be a Republican winning an election anytime soon...
There will not be a Republican winning an election anytime soon...

Probably not til 2022
If you told me in 1974 that Reagan would be president in 6 years, I'd have laughed.
Before I vote you have to prove that those were Trump supporters first.
Based on their actions, garb, flags, and words...not to mention internet postings and interviews...prove they weren't.

every attempt to show otherwise has failed miserably

Own this Trumpers.
Let's talk about inciting violence, shall we?

But you arent supposed to remember these events....Nothing to see here, move along....

Did the storm and loot the capital at the urging of an elected leader? Were they searching the capital for VP Pence to drag him out and execute him?

If not, it is time to end the false equivalencies and deal with what with happened two days ago instead.
We have plenty of proof that many of those people weren't real Trump supporters.
I don't think we're at the point that breaking into federal buildings is a solution.
Later this year that may change.
However, I'll leave that to younger people than me.
If it gets to the point where I have to start fighting my government....then we'll be in a civil war....then God help them if that happens.

Yeah, but then no one will sending your government checks...

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