Do you approve or disapprove of Trump supporters breaking into the Capital Building on January 6, 2020 to stop congress certifying the election?

Do you approve or disapprove of Trump supporters breaking into the Capital Building on 01/06/2020?

  • Approve

  • Disapprove

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I approve. 100%. When The People feel that their elected officials are not acting properly it is their DUTY to go and make their complaints known in person if necessary.
Did you notice how this was all for nothing? Lol you did notice that right? Biden was certified and Trump is now agreeing to leave office. Most of those idiot hillbillies will go to prison for nothing and Trump doesn’t give a fuck what happens to them.

The thing isn't them trying, it's the cops not arresting their asses the second they block the road.
The cops must first not be pussies, treating one group differently because they might be concealing a weapon.

Cops need to arrest people breaking laws. Evidently in lefty land that doesn't apply to BLM and anti-fa protests.
These cops were clearly afraid of these terrorists because they are White rednecks. If they had wanted to confront them they would have dressed as they did for the BLM protests.

Source for the picture, date and time taken? What they were there for?
The BLM protest in D.C. That's in front of the Lincoln Memorial.

Considering BLM's desire to tear down and/or deface statues of old white guys, the precautions are justified.
Do you approve or disapprove of Trump supporters breaking into the Capital Building on January 6, 2020 to stop congress certifying the election?

I disapprove of their actions. It was an insurrection. An act of treason to break into the capital build, stop the process of congress certifying the Democratic Election that took place November 3, 2020, as well as potentially threatening the lives of our elected officials in the U.S. House and U.S. Senate. This action also led to the deaths of 5 people.
We have plenty of proof that many of those people weren't real Trump supporters.
I don't think we're at the point that breaking into federal buildings is a solution.
Later this year that may change.
However, I'll leave that to younger people than me.
If it gets to the point where I have to start fighting my government....then we'll be in a civil war....then God help them if that happens.
It’s so pathetic how you idiots deflect responsibility.

Sounds like projection there Billy...
That doesn’t even make any sense.
Do you approve or disapprove of Trump supporters breaking into the Capital Building on January 6, 2020 to stop congress certifying the election?

I disapprove of their actions. It was an insurrection. An act of treason to break into the capital build, stop the process of congress certifying the Democratic Election that took place November 3, 2020, as well as potentially threatening the lives of our elected officials in the U.S. House and U.S. Senate. This action also led to the deaths of 5 people.
/----/ Prove they were Trump supporters and not ANTIFA.
Prove they were Antifa and not trump supporters.
Not a problem.
In the first few seconds of this video a guy wearing a Buffalo hat with a known rioter from BLM protests last Summer.

Yes. a Trump/ QAnon supporter. Don’t you read what you post?

QAnon isn't something most Trump Supporters know about.
It's a Red-Herring.
I wonder why this freak was escorted into the Capital with other Commie freaks....and was videoed doing selfies with Capital Police?

He's a rabid Trumper and QAnon. He showed up at BLM protests to start trouble. He came to the Capitol to start trouble. If he's a Trumper why are you calling him a Communist? You can Google this guy and get all the info you want to learn about him. But you have to want to learn about him, even though it might conflict with your preconceived narrative.

Or are you just really confused?
These cops were clearly afraid of these terrorists because they are White rednecks. If they had wanted to confront them they would have dressed as they did for the BLM protests.
Source for the picture, date and time taken? What they were there for?
Photo National Guard blocking protestors Lincoln Memorial viral

Again, considering what the BLM Anti-fa movement was doing to Statues at the time, the concern was justified.
The thing isn't them trying, it's the cops not arresting their asses the second they block the road.
The cops must first not be pussies, treating one group differently because they might be concealing a weapon.

Cops need to arrest people breaking laws. Evidently in lefty land that doesn't apply to BLM and anti-fa protests.
These cops were clearly afraid of these terrorists because they are White rednecks. If they had wanted to confront them they would have dressed as they did for the BLM protests.
Those aren't cops.
They're apparently unarmed National Guard troops.
Note the shoulder patches and military rank in the middle of the front of their vests.
Yeah. Where were they Wednesday? That's another developing story: Maryland and Virginia governors were told to not send any National Guard. One of Trump's new hires made that decision, and it's looking like it was deliberate. There are going to be serious charges brought.
From someone who can not except the results of an election despite every challenge addressed and/or investigated. The ONLY outcome you would except would be a Trump win. That is not the American way.
The bolded here Coyote is a blatant lie....I can't think of one challange that was either addressed, and/or investigated properly...They were simply dismissed in the steam roller kind of way to move to innaugration....
Courts look at all the evidence they are presented. Some of it is ignored as hearsay, or non-relevance, and what remains put into the record of the case.

Because Trumps lawyers said they were not alleging voter fraud, evidence supporting voter fraud would not be accepted in those cases.
So any failure is actually on the part of Trumps lawyers.
The thing isn't them trying, it's the cops not arresting their asses the second they block the road.
The cops must first not be pussies, treating one group differently because they might be concealing a weapon.

Cops need to arrest people breaking laws. Evidently in lefty land that doesn't apply to BLM and anti-fa protests.
These cops were clearly afraid of these terrorists because they are White rednecks. If they had wanted to confront them they would have dressed as they did for the BLM protests.

Source for the picture, date and time taken? What they were there for?
The BLM protest in D.C. That's in front of the Lincoln Memorial.

Considering BLM's desire to tear down and/or deface statues of old white guys, the precautions are justified.
You'll make excuses for anything that strays from your demented views.
These cops were clearly afraid of these terrorists because they are White rednecks. If they had wanted to confront them they would have dressed as they did for the BLM protests.
Source for the picture, date and time taken? What they were there for?
Photo National Guard blocking protestors Lincoln Memorial viral

Again, considering what the BLM Anti-fa movement was doing to Statues at the time, the concern was justified.
Considering what Trumpers have been saying for weeks on Parler and 8chan and facebook the concern was also justified. Someone told police to stand down, and put these Capitol police at risk.
Do you approve or disapprove of Trump supporters breaking into the Capital Building on January 6, 2020 to stop congress certifying the election?

I disapprove of their actions. It was an insurrection. An act of treason to break into the capital build, stop the process of congress certifying the Democratic Election that took place November 3, 2020, as well as potentially threatening the lives of our elected officials in the U.S. House and U.S. Senate. This action also led to the deaths of 5 people.
We have plenty of proof that many of those people weren't real Trump supporters.
I don't think we're at the point that breaking into federal buildings is a solution.
Later this year that may change.
However, I'll leave that to younger people than me.
If it gets to the point where I have to start fighting my government....then we'll be in a civil war....then God help them if that happens.
It’s so pathetic how you idiots deflect responsibility.
It's so predictable how you motherfuckers think you can get away with projecting the blame onto Trump every time something happens in the world.
People are fed up with it.
Trump was the only person in Washington that treated the virus as a threat.
You have to be shitting me.

Sen. Kelly Loeffler, R-Ga., sold $20 million in stock in the weeks building up to the coronavirus pandemic.

Senator David Perdue sold and bought stocks as the coronavirus began ravaging the United States.

These people took it more seriously , as a threat to their stock portfolio.
The thing isn't them trying, it's the cops not arresting their asses the second they block the road.
The cops must first not be pussies, treating one group differently because they might be concealing a weapon.

Cops need to arrest people breaking laws. Evidently in lefty land that doesn't apply to BLM and anti-fa protests.
These cops were clearly afraid of these terrorists because they are White rednecks. If they had wanted to confront them they would have dressed as they did for the BLM protests.

Source for the picture, date and time taken? What they were there for?
The BLM protest in D.C. That's in front of the Lincoln Memorial.

Considering BLM's desire to tear down and/or deface statues of old white guys, the precautions are justified.
You'll make excuses for anything that strays from your demented views.

And you ignore the actual damages done to statues by BLM and anti-fa.
I approve. 100%. When The People feel that their elected officials are not acting properly it is their DUTY to go and make their complaints known in person if necessary.
Did you notice how this was all for nothing? Lol you did notice that right? Biden was certified and Trump is now agreeing to leave office. Most of those idiot hillbillies will go to prison for nothing and Trump doesn’t give a fuck what happens to them.

What makes you think it's over? Never mind. Just keep thinking that.
By law Pelosi has secret service protection. That says that they are more important than the average person.
by law but not by the Constitution

That law needs to change

imagine the government class passing laws to give itself special protection
Do you approve or disapprove of Trump supporters breaking into the Capital Building on January 6, 2020 to stop congress certifying the election?

I disapprove of their actions. It was an insurrection. An act of treason to break into the capital build, stop the process of congress certifying the Democratic Election that took place November 3, 2020, as well as potentially threatening the lives of our elected officials in the U.S. House and U.S. Senate. This action also led to the deaths of 5 people.
We have plenty of proof that many of those people weren't real Trump supporters.
I don't think we're at the point that breaking into federal buildings is a solution.
Later this year that may change.
However, I'll leave that to younger people than me.
If it gets to the point where I have to start fighting my government....then we'll be in a civil war....then God help them if that happens.
It’s so pathetic how you idiots deflect responsibility.
It's so predictable how you motherfuckers think you can get away with projecting the blame onto Trump every time something happens in the world.
People are fed up with it.
Lol god this forum can be so pitiful. Trumptards did this. You know they did. Quit pretending you don’t know that. It’s so juvenile.
These cops were clearly afraid of these terrorists because they are White rednecks. If they had wanted to confront them they would have dressed as they did for the BLM protests.
Source for the picture, date and time taken? What they were there for?
Photo National Guard blocking protestors Lincoln Memorial viral

Again, considering what the BLM Anti-fa movement was doing to Statues at the time, the concern was justified.
Considering what Trumpers have been saying for weeks on Parler and 8chan and facebook the concern was also justified. Someone told police to stand down, and put these Capitol police at risk.

LOL based on what information, the echo in your empty head?
Trump was the only person in Washington that treated the virus as a threat.
You have to be shitting me.

Sen. Kelly Loeffler, R-Ga., sold $20 million in stock in the weeks building up to the coronavirus pandemic.

Senator David Perdue sold and bought stocks as the coronavirus began ravaging the United States.

These people took it more seriously , as a threat to their stock portfolio.
Considering the fact that she used the riots to back out on her objections of the election in Congress so quickly....I really have no sympathy for her.

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