Do you approve or disapprove of Trump supporters breaking into the Capital Building on January 6, 2020 to stop congress certifying the election?

Do you approve or disapprove of Trump supporters breaking into the Capital Building on 01/06/2020?

  • Approve

  • Disapprove

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The thing isn't them trying, it's the cops not arresting their asses the second they block the road.
The cops must first not be pussies, treating one group differently because they might be concealing a weapon.

Cops need to arrest people breaking laws. Evidently in lefty land that doesn't apply to BLM and anti-fa protests.
These cops were clearly afraid of these terrorists because they are White rednecks. If they had wanted to confront them they would have dressed as they did for the BLM protests.
The thing isn't them trying, it's the cops not arresting their asses the second they block the road.
The cops must first not be pussies, treating one group differently because they might be concealing a weapon.

Cops need to arrest people breaking laws. Evidently in lefty land that doesn't apply to BLM and anti-fa protests.
These cops were clearly afraid of these terrorists because they are White rednecks. If they had wanted to confront them they would have dressed as they did for the BLM protests.

Source for the picture, date and time taken? What they were there for?
America didn't burn.
Yes it did

police cars, police stations, private businesses and more were set on fire by rampaging lefties
Mere property damage.

Nope......lives ruined as their businesses were destroyed....and about 30 people murdered by antifa and blm rioters........while one unarmed Trump supporter was shot by capitol police, and a blm/antifa activist hit a capitol police officer with a fire hydrant and killed him.....

You fucking moron.
Do you approve or disapprove of Trump supporters breaking into the Capital Building on January 6, 2020 to stop congress certifying the election?

I disapprove of their actions. It was an insurrection. An act of treason to break into the capital build, stop the process of congress certifying the Democratic Election that took place November 3, 2020, as well as potentially threatening the lives of our elected officials in the U.S. House and U.S. Senate. This action also led to the deaths of 5 people.
/----/ Prove they were Trump supporters and not ANTIFA.
Prove they were Antifa and not trump supporters.
Not a problem.
In the first few seconds of this video a guy wearing a Buffalo hat with a known rioter from BLM protests last Summer.

Yes. a Trump/ QAnon supporter. Don’t you read what you post?

QAnon isn't something most Trump Supporters know about.
It's a Red-Herring.
I wonder why this freak was escorted into the Capital with other Commie freaks....and was videoed doing selfies with Capital Police?
I don't think ANYONE should be on the streets gathering to do anything unless it is an essential service.
Yeah, right

where were you during all the street riots of the past 8 months

we have liberals oozing out of the woodwork with instant devotion the law and order who were nowhere to be found when their leftwing buddies were rioting
The thing isn't them trying, it's the cops not arresting their asses the second they block the road.
The cops must first not be pussies, treating one group differently because they might be concealing a weapon.

Cops need to arrest people breaking laws. Evidently in lefty land that doesn't apply to BLM and anti-fa protests.
These cops were clearly afraid of these terrorists because they are White rednecks. If they had wanted to confront them they would have dressed as they did for the BLM protests.
Those aren't cops.
They're apparently unarmed National Guard troops.
Note the shoulder patches and military rank in the middle of the front of their vests.
Do you approve or disapprove of Trump supporters breaking into the Capital Building on January 6, 2020 to stop congress certifying the election?

I disapprove of their actions. It was an insurrection. An act of treason to break into the capital build, stop the process of congress certifying the Democratic Election that took place November 3, 2020, as well as potentially threatening the lives of our elected officials in the U.S. House and U.S. Senate. This action also led to the deaths of 5 people.
We have plenty of proof that many of those people weren't real Trump supporters.
I don't think we're at the point that breaking into federal buildings is a solution.
Later this year that may change.
However, I'll leave that to younger people than me.
If it gets to the point where I have to start fighting my government....then we'll be in a civil war....then God help them if that happens.
It’s so pathetic how you idiots deflect responsibility.
No problem with them protesting, but as soon as it got violent, it needed to be stopped.
violence started with breaching the first barrier.
It started with the first phony ballot counted for steal it you own pay the consequences....

From someone who can not except the results of an election despite every challenge addressed and/or investigated. The ONLY outcome you would except would be a Trump win. That is not the American way.

The bolded here Coyote is a blatant lie....I can't think of one challange that was either addressed, and/or investigated properly...They were simply dismissed in the steam roller kind of way to move to innaugration....Hell, for the first time in my lifetime a presumed President elect initated a phony office that doesn't exist ("office of the President-elect") in the attempt, if even symbolicly to have a parallel Presidency....If Trump had done this when he won in 2016, you people would have melted completely down, and impeached him for that....
You would have kicked Churchill to the curb.
The same way libs blame trump for the wuflu?

Ironically Trump treated the coronavirus the way that British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain did in his 30 September 1938 remarks in London
Not true.
Trump was the only person in Washington that treated the virus as a threat.
After Democrats stopped encouraging everyone to go to Chinatown....they latched onto it and started using it to ruin the economy with their lockdowns.
How about killing a cop? Injuring dozens more? Seizing the senate floor and declaring Trump the winner in a wanton act of seditious conspiracy?
Thats all bad stuff, but no worse than what your friends on the left have been doing for 8 months
Do you approve or disapprove of Trump supporters breaking into the Capital Building on January 6, 2020 to stop congress certifying the election?

I disapprove of their actions. It was an insurrection. An act of treason to break into the capital build, stop the process of congress certifying the Democratic Election that took place November 3, 2020, as well as potentially threatening the lives of our elected officials in the U.S. House and U.S. Senate. This action also led to the deaths of 5 people.
We have plenty of proof that many of those people weren't real Trump supporters.
I don't think we're at the point that breaking into federal buildings is a solution.
Later this year that may change.
However, I'll leave that to younger people than me.
If it gets to the point where I have to start fighting my government....then we'll be in a civil war....then God help them if that happens.
It’s so pathetic how you idiots deflect responsibility.

Sounds like projection there Billy...
The thing isn't them trying, it's the cops not arresting their asses the second they block the road.
The cops must first not be pussies, treating one group differently because they might be concealing a weapon.

Cops need to arrest people breaking laws. Evidently in lefty land that doesn't apply to BLM and anti-fa protests.
These cops were clearly afraid of these terrorists because they are White rednecks. If they had wanted to confront them they would have dressed as they did for the BLM protests.

Source for the picture, date and time taken? What they were there for?
The BLM protest in D.C. That's in front of the Lincoln Memorial.
No problem with them protesting, but as soon as it got violent, it needed to be stopped.
violence started with breaching the first barrier.
It started with the first phony ballot counted for steal it you own pay the consequences....

From someone who can not except the results of an election despite every challenge addressed and/or investigated. The ONLY outcome you would except would be a Trump win. That is not the American way.

The bolded here Coyote is a blatant lie....I can't think of one challange that was either addressed, and/or investigated properly...They were simply dismissed in the steam roller kind of way to move to innaugration....Hell, for the first time in my lifetime a presumed President elect initated a phony office that doesn't exist ("office of the President-elect") in the attempt, if even symbolicly to have a parallel Presidency....If Trump had done this when he won in 2016, you people would have melted completely down, and impeached him for that....
damn. what a completely retarded pile of crap.


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