Do you approve or disapprove of Trump supporters breaking into the Capital Building on January 6, 2020 to stop congress certifying the election?

Do you approve or disapprove of Trump supporters breaking into the Capital Building on 01/06/2020?

  • Approve

  • Disapprove

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"All 18 defendants have made their first appearances in federal court and were ordered released pending jury trials or other follow-up court proceedings."

How much time did they serve?


Here are their names and charges. You can look it up.

Jennifer Kristiansen, 37, is charged with assaulting a federal officer; Zachary Duffly, 45, is charged with creating a disturbance; Wyatt Ash-Milby, 18, is charged with trespassing on federal property; and Caleb Ehlers, 23, and Paul Furst, 22, are charged with failing to comply with a lawful order.

Jerusalem Callahan, 24, is charged with willfully damaging government property; Joseph Ybarra, 21, is charged with arson; Marnie Sager, 27, and Ella Miller, 26, are charged failing to comply with a lawful order; and Taylor Lemons, 31; Giovanni Bondurant, 19; and Gabriel Houston, 22, are charged with assaulting federal officers.

Joseph Lagalo, 37; Baily Dreibelbis, 22; Nicholas Kloiber, 26; David Hazan, 24; Hailey Holden, 30; and Cameron Knuetson, age unknown, are charged with failing to comply with a lawful order.
These are initial charges, because you must charge someone within a certain time after arrest. There will be many more charges.



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Do you approve or disapprove of Trump supporters breaking into the Capital Building on January 6, 2020 to stop congress certifying the election?

I disapprove of their actions. It was an insurrection. An act of treason to break into the capital build, stop the process of congress certifying the Democratic Election that took place November 3, 2020, as well as potentially threatening the lives of our elected officials in the U.S. House and U.S. Senate. This action also led to the deaths of 5 people.
I disapprove

do you approve or disapprove of liberals rioting a looting in the streets across America?

I don't think ANYONE should be on the streets gathering to do anything unless it is an essential service. We are in the middle of the worst pandemic since 1918 and its killed over 375,000 Americans in just 10 months! So I strongly disapprove of any rioting and looting done in 2020 or now anywhere.
Only Dems can occupy government buildings, vandalize and set fire to police stations and court buildings, run amok looting and rioting while Dem leaders in congress cheer them on. Reps are not allowed to do any of these things.
Do you approve or disapprove of Trump supporters breaking into the Capital Building on January 6, 2020 to stop congress certifying the election?

I disapprove of their actions. It was an insurrection. An act of treason to break into the capital build, stop the process of congress certifying the Democratic Election that took place November 3, 2020, as well as potentially threatening the lives of our elected officials in the U.S. House and U.S. Senate. This action also led to the deaths of 5 people.
I answered you question but you failed to answer mine

do you approve of leftwingers rioting in the streets across America

No! I disapprove of leftwingers rioting in the streets across America!
Why is the assassination of the President far more egregious than shooting a citizen?
Its your side that is claiming that pelosi’s life is more important than an ordinary citizen

"My side" is claiming no such thing. But for some reason your side is obsessed with Pelosi.

You DO realize that she was not the only person in there right?

There is a reason why killing or attacking heads of state, police and elected officials carries such a high penalty. It's not that their individual lives matter more.
You’re arguing with a dishonest troll, or worse.
Do you approve or disapprove of Trump supporters breaking into the Capital Building on January 6, 2020 to stop congress certifying the election?

I disapprove of their actions. It was an insurrection. An act of treason to break into the capital build, stop the process of congress certifying the Democratic Election that took place November 3, 2020, as well as potentially threatening the lives of our elected officials in the U.S. House and U.S. Senate. This action also led to the deaths of 5 people.
/----/ Prove they were Trump supporters and not ANTIFA.
I don't think ANYONE should be on the streets gathering to do anything unless it is an essential service. We are in the middle of the worst pandemic since 1918 and its killed over 375,000 Americans in just 10 months! So I strongly disapprove of any rioting and looting done in 2020 or now anywhere.

The attack on the capitol had most of those breaking the law, also breaking CDC guidelines on wearing a mask and social distancing.

The irony is most of the BLM protesters, even when rioting, looting, and burning police cars, wore masks.
Do you approve or disapprove of Trump supporters breaking into the Capital Building on January 6, 2020 to stop congress certifying the election?

I disapprove of their actions. It was an insurrection. An act of treason to break into the capital build, stop the process of congress certifying the Democratic Election that took place November 3, 2020, as well as potentially threatening the lives of our elected officials in the U.S. House and U.S. Senate. This action also led to the deaths of 5 people.
Before I vote you have to prove that those were Trump supporters first.

For the sake of the poll, assume that they were Trump supporters. Would you approve or disapprove of their actions?
Considering the result, using hindsight, I disapprove of it totally.
The only people it helped was Democrats that wanted to end the process or change it's result.
Even if that had not been the result....invading the Capital Building was wrong. But what the Capital Police did, shooting people, that was wrong as well.
Do you approve or disapprove of Trump supporters breaking into the Capital Building on January 6, 2020 to stop congress certifying the election?

I disapprove of their actions. It was an insurrection. An act of treason to break into the capital build, stop the process of congress certifying the Democratic Election that took place November 3, 2020, as well as potentially threatening the lives of our elected officials in the U.S. House and U.S. Senate. This action also led to the deaths of 5 people.
/----/ Prove they were Trump supporters and not ANTIFA.
Prove they were Antifa and not trump supporters.
How about the leftwingers attacking the federal courthouse in Portland?

do you agree that they should have been shot also?
They never got to the court house. They were stopped crossing the perimeter.

18 Arrested, Facing Federal Charges After Weeknight Protests at Federal Courthouse in Portland
Yes, and the 14 year air force vet never reached the other side of the door either

but she was shot dead while ANTIFA pukes were merely arrested
No problem with them protesting, but as soon as it got violent, it needed to be stopped.
violence started with breaching the first barrier.

Agree. Protest outside the capital all you want. As soon as they moved toward the capital, broke through barriers with guns, bombs, handcuffs and a noose it should have been shut down. The topper was prancing around with an enemy flag into the building.
Considering the result, using hindsight, I disapprove of it totally.
The only people it helped was Democrats that wanted to end the process or change it's result.
I'd like to play devils advocate and give approval of what they did. Had they not invaded the halls of congress in an act of terrorism, then the republicans put in fear of their life would not have grown a spine, and put away their plans of delaying the certification, and finished the job by early January 7th.
Do you approve or disapprove of Trump supporters breaking into the Capital Building on January 6, 2020 to stop congress certifying the election?

I disapprove of their actions. It was an insurrection. An act of treason to break into the capital build, stop the process of congress certifying the Democratic Election that took place November 3, 2020, as well as potentially threatening the lives of our elected officials in the U.S. House and U.S. Senate. This action also led to the deaths of 5 people.

Do I approve or disapprove of Trump sent seditionists sacking our Capitol building and killing a cop in their attempt to overthrow our democracy?

I'll take 'Disaprove" for a thousand, Alex.

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