Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

  • Yes, Trump Needed Russia to Win

    Votes: 23 16.4%
  • No, Hillary Lost on Her Own

    Votes: 114 81.4%
  • Meh, I Don't Care

    Votes: 3 2.1%

  • Total voters
m'k............ and?

You mentioned the emails hacked from the DNC server and Russians hacking them.

The hacked emails Julian Assange released through WikiLeaks ...
He specifically stated didn't come from the Russians.

So ... Are you worried about the Russians hacking emails on the DNC server ...
Or are you worried about WikiLeaks releasing emails the Russians didn't provide them with?

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m'k............ and?

You mentioned the emails hacked from the DNC server and Russians hacking them.
The hacked emails Julian Assange released through WikiLeaks ...
He specifically stated didn't come from the Russians.

So ... Are you worried about the Russians hacking emails on the DNC server ...
Or are you worried about WikiLeaks releasing emails the Russians didn't provide them with?


Dem's are just pissed that their scheming and election rigging was made public.
I think the Russians did some mucking around with social media bots and the like, but Comey, and Hillary herself, had much more to do with her loss than the Russians.
Of course Russian hacking of DNC and podesta emails, giving them 2 our controversy and ratings mad media and the ridiculous GOP propaganda machine, and big mouth James Comey screwed the hell out of Hillary. Everything you GOP Dupes know about Hillary is garbage GOP propaganda character assassination. Great job! I know, a giant tax cut for the rich and screw the rest. Again and for 35 years now...
Dem's are just pissed that their scheming and election rigging was made public.

They are just pissed ... :thup:

You are giving them too much credit as far as the Democrats really caring if they got caught.
Santa Government Clause doesn't really care if you have been naughty or nice.

Of course Russian hacking of DNC and podesta emails, giving them 2 our controversy and ratings mad media and the ridiculous GOP propaganda machine, and big mouth James Comey screwed the hell out of Hillary. Everything you GOP Dupes know about Hillary is garbage GOP propaganda character assassination. Great job! I know, a giant tax cut for the rich and screw the rest. Again and for 35 years now...

So you think James Comey put Hillary's emails on Anthony Weiner's laptop?

Insults are evidence of having nothing else... thanks for confirmation.
Yeah, the lawyer Obama’s doj waived to enter the US and then set up a fake meeting with Trump people and then was seen with the Dems in Congress, yep, that was a set up at its worst as it was so obvious it was pitiful.
Did you have any proof that the Russian lawyer in Trump tower worked for the Russian government?
Did you have any proof the Russian spies that Steele used as sources didn't work for the Russian government?

So far we have Clinton paying foreigners for info. Trump not paying for not getting info.

Veselnitskaya Linked to Russian Government in Swiss Case
was she found guilty? doesn't say that in that link and the russian government said they don't know her. so where's your other real evidence.

lol... the russians tell the truth.... LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she's involved in the magnitsky case on behalf of the roooskies... that alone says it all.

stop breathing that methane you are engulfed with in that bubble of yours.

<pop> <pop> <pop>

hear that?

that's the sound of your brain cells committing suicide.
I believe Russia did what's it's been doing for the last 10 years. It's just for some reason, on November 9th 2016 Liberal America went ape shit looking for a scapegoat and Russia won.
Really? they stole the DNC's and the DCCCs private emails and weaponized them against a candidate, through wikileaks the past 10 years?

And 10 years prior to the election, FACEBOOK had a million users and now it has 2.2 BILLION users for them to push their propaganda campaign.....on social media.

I think they may have been trying to mess with our elections through propaganda as you have stated, over the previous 10 years, but they did not have the means to be successful until FACEBOOK and social media and smart phones etc, became a daily part of life....they succeeded this time, and that is the difference.

We don't know that Comrade.

You Communists never allowed any law enforcement agency to look at the servers that were allegedly hacked.

Oh, and you claim that 50,000 in Facebook ads over came the 1.6 BILLION the clinton crime syndicate spent? :lol:

FAKE NEWS. the FBI didn't actually have to remove any servers to get a looksey at all the juicy little tidbits inside. in fact, removing it might have actually damaged it, thus making any intel gathering damn near impossible. then you would have been barking about that being a cover-up, right little muttski?

yaaaaaa................. that's the ticket.


Lying fuck.

The Communist Party employed CROWD STRIKE, a "security company" (which was embroiled in corruption and malpractice 3 years later) to examine the server. No law enforcement ever had access to the DNC servers.

FBI says DNC rebuffed request to examine computer servers - CNNPolitics

they got the info from the servers. they did not have to move them, nor is the FBI unable to take possession of the info like you are trying to peddle. oh & there is this:

Trump Says He Can Order FBI to Look at Hacked DNC Server
Watch the latest video at
(Fox News' "Tucker Carlson Tonight")
By Jason Devaney | Tuesday, 17 July 2018 10:22 PM

President Donald Trump said Tuesday he has the authority to order the FBI to examine a hacked Democratic National Committee Server at the center of Russian election meddling, and added the inspector general report on the bureau's Hillary Clinton probe had a "politically correct" conclusion.

Trump spoke with Fox News' Tucker Carlson after his summit with Russian leader Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, Finland, and covered a variety of issues, including the U.S. intelligence community's assessment Russia meddled in the 2016 U.S. election.

Part of that election interference purportedly involved Russians hacking into a DNC server and stealing emails during the campaign, but the FBI has never been given access to the server.

"The answer is absolutely it is possible and maybe at some point it will be done," Trump said in regard to whether he will order the FBI to seize and look at the server.

Trump Says He Can Order FBI to Look at Hacked DNC Server

so why hasn't he done it yet, 'eh? almost 2 years have gone by.... i'll tell you why, little doggie. to keep you &the rest your ilk trained like pavlov's dogs... salivate at anything he wants you to.

They didn't get nor ask for shit, lying fuck.

The FSB let the corrupt Communists just say "well, the third party we hired (wink wink nod) says it was them thar RUSKIES."

The corrupt motherfuckers never let ANY law enforcement examine the servers.

Now I WONDER why you Stalinists wouldn't let the FSB check the servers you claim were hacked? The RNC did - just not you Commie scum...
We don't know that Comrade.

You Communists never allowed any law enforcement agency to look at the servers that were allegedly hacked.

Oh, and you claim that 50,000 in Facebook ads over came the 1.6 BILLION the clinton crime syndicate spent? :lol:

FAKE NEWS. the FBI didn't actually have to remove any servers to get a looksey at all the juicy little tidbits inside. in fact, removing it might have actually damaged it, thus making any intel gathering damn near impossible. then you would have been barking about that being a cover-up, right little muttski?

yaaaaaa................. that's the ticket.


Lying fuck.

The Communist Party employed CROWD STRIKE, a "security company" (which was embroiled in corruption and malpractice 3 years later) to examine the server. No law enforcement ever had access to the DNC servers.

FBI says DNC rebuffed request to examine computer servers - CNNPolitics

ithey got the info from the servers. they did not have to move them, nor is the FBI unable to take possession of the info like you are trying to peddle. oh & there is this:

Trump Says He Can Order FBI to Look at Hacked DNC Server
Watch the latest video at
(Fox News' "Tucker Carlson Tonight")
By Jason Devaney | Tuesday, 17 July 2018 10:22 PM

President Donald Trump said Tuesday he has the authority to order the FBI to examine a hacked Democratic National Committee Server at the center of Russian election meddling, and added the inspector general report on the bureau's Hillary Clinton probe had a "politically correct" conclusion.

Trump spoke with Fox News' Tucker Carlson after his summit with Russian leader Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, Finland, and covered a variety of issues, including the U.S. intelligence community's assessment Russia meddled in the 2016 U.S. election.

Part of that election interference purportedly involved Russians hacking into a DNC server and stealing emails during the campaign, but the FBI has never been given access to the server.

"The answer is absolutely it is possible and maybe at some point it will be done," Trump said in regard to whether he will order the FBI to seize and look at the server.

Trump Says He Can Order FBI to Look at Hacked DNC Server

so why hasn't he done it yet, 'eh? almost 2 years have gone by.... i'll tell you why, little doggie. to keep you &the rest your ilk trained like pavlov's dogs... salivate at anything he wants you to.

I am currently going through Comey's book to see if he left us any coded messages about this collusion. I know he is trying to get the truth out there, so this might be the way he did it. I will keep everyone posted on my progress.

thanx, but i'll wait for mueller's report.

Has Maxine Waters finished scribbling it for him yet?
ithey got the info from the servers. they did not have to move them, nor is the FBI unable to take possession of the info like you are trying to peddle. oh & there is this:

Trump Says He Can Order FBI to Look at Hacked DNC Server
Watch the latest video at
(Fox News' "Tucker Carlson Tonight")
By Jason Devaney | Tuesday, 17 July 2018 10:22 PM

President Donald Trump said Tuesday he has the authority to order the FBI to examine a hacked Democratic National Committee Server at the center of Russian election meddling, and added the inspector general report on the bureau's Hillary Clinton probe had a "politically correct" conclusion.

Trump spoke with Fox News' Tucker Carlson after his summit with Russian leader Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, Finland, and covered a variety of issues, including the U.S. intelligence community's assessment Russia meddled in the 2016 U.S. election.

Part of that election interference purportedly involved Russians hacking into a DNC server and stealing emails during the campaign, but the FBI has never been given access to the server.

"The answer is absolutely it is possible and maybe at some point it will be done," Trump said in regard to whether he will order the FBI to seize and look at the server.

Trump Says He Can Order FBI to Look at Hacked DNC Server

so why hasn't he done it yet, 'eh? almost 2 years have gone by.... i'll tell you why, little doggie. to keep you &the rest your ilk trained like pavlov's dogs... salivate at anything he wants you to.

I am currently going through Comey's book to see if he left us any coded messages about this collusion. I know he is trying to get the truth out there, so this might be the way he did it. I will keep everyone posted on my progress.

thanx, but i'll wait for mueller's report.

I wouldn't depend on that report. It appears to me that Mueller and the DOJ are working in concert with Putin. No doubt why Comey was fired. I will keep you posted. Also, it may be worth while to scrutinize some of Stormy Daniels recent movies. Could she have passed on some of the information she has via her films?

alrighty then. you go for it. i'm sure hannity or some other such mouthpiece for trump will love to show your research findings to the rest of his poorly educated base. :113:

I guess since you're a mouthpiece for the Democrat party, you just assume that other people are a mouthpiece for anyone they agree with. Actually, it's just you

She's just a fucking liar.

She will say anything to slander the enemy.

Zero integrity in that psychopath.
I think the Russians did some mucking around with social media bots and the like, but Comey, and Hillary herself, had much more to do with her loss than the Russians.
While that may be true, it does not excuse or dismiss what the Russians did. Let's use an analogy:

A driver wins an auto race. He spent years getting the best crew members and the finest car, along with the finest technology. however, it is discovered that an illegal part likely shaved 1 second off of his time, and he won by 1 second.

Would that not be considered notable? Significant? Would it not be valid to say that cheating made the difference? Because, just as there is a difference between the large, "legal" efforts of the driver's excellent support team and the one instance of cheating, there is a difference between actions of campaigns and of Americans and the actions of a foreign interlocutor. Would it not be fair to say the driver won, because he cheated?

Would saying that his excellent crew and technology gained him minutes instead of seconds be a valid defense to ignore the cheating?

Hillary lost and Republicans kept control of congress that's all that matters. We have to keep Dem traitors out of power.

No. It's not really all that matters. The is the same kind of extremist horseshit Democrats are spouting, and it's destroying our nation. Both sides are so desperate to be in control that they are willing to trash the Constitution and sacrifice free society to get their way. Fuck all you all authoritarian bitches.

I'll bite.

You allege "both sides."

We know that the Stalinist democrats with hate speech laws, attacks on religious freedom, attacks on the right to self defense, the right to be secure in papers and person, the right to confront ones accuser, etc.

The Stalinists are in a war to end civil rights once and for all.

So what do you allege the right has done that is anywhere in the same universe as what the Communists are doing?

I'm not seeing it.
Let me bring you up to speed, we are at war with the Democratic party. Just stay out of our way while we beat them to a pulp.

The Communists are at war with the Constitution, basic liberty, and the concept of America.

Please do beat them to a pulp.
Hillary lost and Republicans kept control of congress that's all that matters. We have to keep Dem traitors out of power.

No. It's not really all that matters. The is the same kind of extremist horseshit Democrats are spouting, and it's destroying our nation. Both sides are so desperate to be in control that they are willing to trash the Constitution and sacrifice free society to get their way. Fuck all you all authoritarian bitches.

Let me bring you up to speed, we are at war with the Democratic party. Just stay out of our way while we beat them to a pulp.

And I'm working to undermine your militant idiocy. Shove your 'war' up your ass.

You will not fight to preserve even basic liberty?

m'k............ and?

You mentioned the emails hacked from the DNC server and Russians hacking them.

The hacked emails Julian Assange released through WikiLeaks ...
He specifically stated didn't come from the Russians.

So ... Are you worried about the Russians hacking emails on the DNC server ...
Or are you worried about WikiLeaks releasing emails the Russians didn't provide them with?


She is worried about Americans having the freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the right to arms to preserve those freedoms.

All else is just shit flung by these feral baboons of the party.
the future of America is a stake with the Supreme Court...let's talk Russia!

our obsession with Russia is like our obsession with OJ!
If it mattered or not we don’t need Russians meddling in our elections. The thought of it makes my skin crawl

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