Do You Believe In Civil Rights?

Should the Civil Rights Movement Continue in the USA

  • Yes, we need to continue this fight

    Votes: 32 53.3%
  • A little, not a lot

    Votes: 2 3.3%
  • Not really

    Votes: 5 8.3%
  • No, we've done enough already

    Votes: 21 35.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Do you believe that civil rights needs more attention, or it already have had enough and it's time to move on?

Why/why not?
Because it is time to take away special rights given to classes of people just because of their color, to be productive, and to be REALLY JUST all people should be graded, and measured by the same standards and given just what they have earned, no special programs, no special extra points, and no preference to meet any quota. Equality in all factors is what the CONSTITUTION REQUIRES. No equality of outcome without equality of input. No equality of assets by redistribution. No equality of anything by government intervention. That is real civil rights. Our fight is for REAL rights NOT implied rights for chosen classes.
Do you believe that civil rights needs more attention, or it already have had enough and it's time to move on?

Why/why not?

I believe in CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS, ie, Life, Liberty, Property and to pursue happiness.

We had slavery under the Constitution. So stop evading the question with your sophomoric bullshit.
Do you believe that civil rights needs more attention, or it already have had enough and it's time to move on?

Why/why not?

I think all the recent evidence is that there IS oppression. Not so much race based as class based. If you read the Federal report on Ferguson for instance you'll find the MAIN source of oppression is a local govt that had an average of 3 outstanding warrants and 1.5 arrests per household. A system where MOST of those warrants were garbage or clerical errors. A system where someone TRYING to pay off a fine in installments had their money returned and their asses thrown in jail. .

There is a CLEAR pattern of oppression from muni govts that try to run by the SAME rules as wealthier towns or suburbs. And the irony of all that is of course -- that these victims just love them some MORE big muscular govt with piss poor "customer service" and lack of innovation.. And they VOTE that way -- all the fucking time.

That "innovation" has to come from recognizing that problems that LOOK like "racial oppression" are often clearly --- something else entirely.. And it has to come from folks that THINK emancipated and better represented.
Why do so many of you equate civil rights with "doing something that only benefits black people?"
Do you believe that civil rights needs more attention, or it already have had enough and it's time to move on?

Why/why not?
I believe there are inequalities which cannot be legislated away. We will always be burdened with bigots, and no law will make them change.

We can enforce behaviors, but that is very dangerous ground, and I do think the federal government has overstepped in that department. I teach my children all about the black civil rights struggle. I have given them detailed knowledge of the unholy horrors blacks had to endure to get the same freedoms we enjoy. I tell them these things happened in my own lifetime to give them a sense of perspective of how much our country has grown since that period. But at the same time, I rankle at the federal government trying to control my behavior.

There is something more powerful than laws which we have not pursued enough.

Education. Contrary to what some people may believe around here, I have a great deal of faith in the intelligence of the American people. I think education is the solution to almost all of our problems, not just our racial problems.

But even where we have been educating people on matters of race, it has been mostly one way. Teaching us whites about tolerance, while overlooking or outright condoning the bigotry and hate directed at us.

In addition to conscious bigotry, there are also racial and cultural biases which cause people to treat those who are unlike them differently without being aware of it. White cops give black drivers more tickets, for example. I don't believe this is always deliberate, and that is where education comes in.

I don't think more laws are necessary. But we definitely need more education.

We all have behaviors of which we are unaware until someone points them to us. That is probably one of the biggest benefits of marriage. To have someone there to point out, "You behaved like an asshole just then."

I also think it is time for the black community to admit it has been fostering some incredibly self-destructive behaviors. Behaviors which are becoming downright cultural. Once behaviors become part of a culture, they are a real bitch to put a stop to.

To be honest with you Marc, I think at this point the black community is doing more damage to the black community than whites are.

And that feeds right into the bigots' propaganda.
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Do you believe that civil rights needs more attention, or it already have had enough and it's time to move on?

Why/why not?
"Civil Rights" as used, means rights for minorities and claims of "white privilege". It's institutionalized racism through giving special rights to select groups and special hiring or educational slots for select groups. It's added additional penalities for "hate crimes" so that a crime against one American citizen is punished less than an attack against another American citizen.

What we need is true "civil rights", enforcement of the 14th Amendment's Equal Protection clause. There is no way to fix the wrongs of the past, but we can stop doing those wrongs in the present.
Do you believe that civil rights needs more attention, or it already have had enough and it's time to move on?

Why/why not?

I believe in CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS, ie, Life, Liberty, Property and to pursue happiness.

We had slavery under the Constitution. So stop evading the question with your sophomoric bullshit.


I believe in CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS, ie, Life, Liberty, Property and to pursue happiness.

There should have NOT been slavery.

Now we are all slaves of the swamp in DC. It is definitely very sad that - WE - Afro-American were not considered to be US Citizens within the meaning of the Constitution. That issue has been resolved.

Do you believe that civil rights needs more attention, or it already have had enough and it's time to move on?

Why/why not?
We have them. Stop fighting for rights you already have.
Does this message go to the NRA who is engaged in a non-stop fight for their 2nd Amendment rights?

Well, we got rid off the worse danger to our right to bear arms, one Hillary Rodham Clinton, phew, that was close.

We didn't need Vladimir to warn us about her.

I believe there are inequalities which cannot be legislated away. We will always be burdened with bigots, and no law will make them change.

We can enforce behaviors, but that is very dangerous ground, and I do think the federal government has overstepped in that department. I teach my children all about the black civil right struggle. I had given them detailed knowledge of the unholy horrors blacks had to endure to get the same freedoms we enjoy. But at the same time, I rankle at the federal government trying to control my behavior.

There is something more powerful than laws which we have not pursued enough.

Education. Contrary to what some people may believe around here, I have a great deal of faith in the intelligence of the American people. I think education is the solution to almost all of our problems, not just our racial problems.

But even where we have been educating people on matters of race, it has been mostly one way. Teaching us whites about tolerance, while overlooking or outright condoning the bigotry and hate directed at us.

In addition to conscious bigotry, there are also racial and cultural biases which cause people to treat those who are unlike them differently without being aware of it. White cops give black drivers more tickets, for example. I don't believe this is always deliberate, and that is where education comes in.

We all have behaviors of which we are unaware until someone points them to us. That is probably one of the biggest benefits of marriage. To have someone there to point out, "You behaved like an asshole just then."

I also think it is time for the black community to admit it has been fostering some incredibly self-destructive behaviors. Behaviors which are becoming downright cultural. Once behaviors become part of a culture, they are a real bitch to put a stop to.

To be honest with you Marc, I think at this point the black community is doing more damage to the black community than whites are.

And that feeds right into the bigots' propaganda.
Please expound. What kinds of things are the black community doing to themselves that are making it worse on themselves?

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