Do you believe in Noahs Ark?

The story of Noahs ark has always stood out to me as one of those stories in the bible, that only proves how innacurate the bible is. Do christians really believe this part of the bible, and if you dont, can you believe in men who part the sea, or people who can come back from the dead? Are these just made up stories that were only meant to have a moral significance, and not to be taken literally?

I like the contradiction inherent in this idea... that God made a mistake, and felt the need to correct it. Then again, he shoose giant lizards to rule the planet long before he decided on humans... which makes me wonder whom did he create in his own image? #1 or #2?

Of course, one wonders why regular land animals all had to die (with the exception of pairs) but all marine life was left unscathed...

Perhaps God created dinosaurs because he knew one day we could use their oil?
Nope. Dragons and dinosaurs are not the same thing. Dinosaurs we have evidence of--bones etc.

Dragons are mythological.

I was found it interesting how people from different cultures separated by vast distances could come up with the same mythological animal the dragon. As you know it is found in both Europe and Asia. Not saying they ever existed it is just odd.
If you were correct about emotions coming from the soul, then people with severe brain damage would still laugh, cry, get scared, get excited, etc. all at the right time. Meaning, if they are watching a person get eaten alive by lions and they are laughing with a glazed look in their eyes, obviously your emotions have become damaged from your severe brain injury. Emotions do NOT come from the soul.

If you need hard proof look up near death experiences. How about that woman a few months ago that was dead for 17 hours!

Near death stories are funny ... good humor reads on how the feeble mind is capable of creating such elaborate visions when in stress.

Actually near death experiences go against everything modern medicine states as fact. The brain is deprived of oxygen and dying. You should see or remember nothing. There are cases where the patient was able to describe things they could not have possibly seen without being up and about. I find them very interesting. They are doing scientific studies I believe in England where things will be written on the floor so when the patient leaves their body they will be able to read the messages thus prove the soul leaves the body. I heard about this experiment. Postcards from heaven: scientists to study near-death experiences | News | It will be interesting to see if there are any results.
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Actually near deaf experiences go against everything modern medicine states as fact.

Back this statement up with facts, or you will be exposed as the crackpot i think you are. Show us this proof of yours where you claim "near deaTH" experiences are impossible.
...and Amanda, if you can figure out a way to prove when something "does not exist", please share it with the world.

Thank you for making my point for me. :tongue:

If your point is that you believe in Noahs ark with absolutely no proof, that doesnt exactly speak well of your ability to asses things from a logical perspective. Do you also believe in the tooth fairy, or do you only believe in magic when it can be found in that book of yours?
...and Amanda, if you can figure out a way to prove when something "does not exist", please share it with the world.

Thank you for making my point for me. :tongue:

If your point is that you believe in Noahs ark with absolutely no proof, that doesnt exactly speak well of your ability to asses things from a logical perspective. Do you also believe in the tooth fairy, or do you only believe in magic when it can be found in that book of yours?

How do you both make the point and miss the point? That's a good trick. :tongue:
Godboy? Are you Satan??

Satan? You must be talking about gods right hand man. The greatest of all angels, except one day he became jealous of humans, which isnt his fault since he was created by god in the first place, which means god gave him that emotion. So one day he is Gods top dog, and the next he is the embodiment of evil that enjoys tormenting people in fire for eternity? How the hell could god have made such a critical error? How could he choose the most evil thing EVER to be his right hand man? Why didnt he see this coming, he is god afterall? Forgive me, but there are some serious holes in that story.

No, i am not the fictional character with horns called Satan.
Thank you for making my point for me. :tongue:

If your point is that you believe in Noahs ark with absolutely no proof, that doesnt exactly speak well of your ability to asses things from a logical perspective. Do you also believe in the tooth fairy, or do you only believe in magic when it can be found in that book of yours?

How do you both make the point and miss the point? That's a good trick. :tongue:

I made the point, of course i didnt miss it, i just disregard your attempt to say that because you cant prove a negative, then theres no point in trying. What i can do is show you how VERY unlikely your story is, which should be proof enough. You want absolute proof, but thats impossible, and we ALL know that. You arent fooling anyone here amanda.

Cute picture by the way. If you want, we can talk about it over dinner.
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If your point is that you believe in Noahs ark with absolutely no proof, that doesnt exactly speak well of your ability to asses things from a logical perspective. Do you also believe in the tooth fairy, or do you only believe in magic when it can be found in that book of yours?

How do you both make the point and miss the point? That's a good trick. :tongue:

I made the point, of course i didnt miss it, i just disregard your attempt to say that because you cant prove a negative, then theres no point in trying. What i can do is show you how VERY unlikely your story is, which should be proof enough. You want absolute proof, but thats impossible, and we ALL know that. You arent fooling anyone here amanda.

Cute picture by the way.

No, I'm afraid you did in fact miss the point.

That point being: You believe something without any proof to back your belief.
When the ice melted after the last Ice Age, the seas rose and many areas were flooded.

Was there a Noah's Ark? Who knows?
How do you both make the point and miss the point? That's a good trick. :tongue:

I made the point, of course i didnt miss it, i just disregard your attempt to say that because you cant prove a negative, then theres no point in trying. What i can do is show you how VERY unlikely your story is, which should be proof enough. You want absolute proof, but thats impossible, and we ALL know that. You arent fooling anyone here amanda.

Cute picture by the way.

No, I'm afraid you did in fact miss the point.

That point being: You believe something without any proof to back your belief.

No, i DONT believe, that is the point.
How do you both make the point and miss the point? That's a good trick. :tongue:

I made the point, of course i didnt miss it, i just disregard your attempt to say that because you cant prove a negative, then theres no point in trying. What i can do is show you how VERY unlikely your story is, which should be proof enough. You want absolute proof, but thats impossible, and we ALL know that. You arent fooling anyone here amanda.

Cute picture by the way.

No, I'm afraid you did in fact miss the point.

That point being: You believe something without any proof to back your belief.

I must have missed that too. Are you trying to assert that disbelief in god is no more logical than belief in god because neither side can be proven? If so, that's not really legit because the burden of proof lies upon the person making the claim. The flying spaghetti monster is meant to be an illustration of how that approach is not appropriate. If not, what do you mean?
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I made the point, of course i didnt miss it, i just disregard your attempt to say that because you cant prove a negative, then theres no point in trying. What i can do is show you how VERY unlikely your story is, which should be proof enough. You want absolute proof, but thats impossible, and we ALL know that. You arent fooling anyone here amanda.

Cute picture by the way.

No, I'm afraid you did in fact miss the point.

That point being: You believe something without any proof to back your belief.

No, i DONT believe, that is the point.

Same thing. I don't expect you to concede the point, so if you just need to get the last word, go for it.
No, I'm afraid you did in fact miss the point.

That point being: You believe something without any proof to back your belief.

No, i DONT believe, that is the point.

Same thing. I don't expect you to concede the point, so if you just need to get the last word, go for it.

I just know where your going with this and im not playing along. I dont NEED the last word, im just having a discussion here.
The story of Noahs ark has always stood out to me as one of those stories in the bible, that only proves how innacurate the bible is. Do christians really believe this part of the bible, and if you dont, can you believe in men who part the sea, or people who can come back from the dead? Are these just made up stories that were only meant to have a moral significance, and not to be taken literally?

I like the contradiction inherent in this idea... that God made a mistake, and felt the need to correct it. Then again, he shoose giant lizards to rule the planet long before he decided on humans... which makes me wonder whom did he create in his own image? #1 or #2?

Of course, one wonders why regular land animals all had to die (with the exception of pairs) but all marine life was left unscathed...

Perhaps God created dinosaurs because he knew one day we could use their oil?

I think it was the plants that gave us petroleum, not sure though.
I like the contradiction inherent in this idea... that God made a mistake, and felt the need to correct it. Then again, he shoose giant lizards to rule the planet long before he decided on humans... which makes me wonder whom did he create in his own image? #1 or #2?

Of course, one wonders why regular land animals all had to die (with the exception of pairs) but all marine life was left unscathed...

Perhaps God created dinosaurs because he knew one day we could use their oil?

I think it was the plants that gave us petroleum, not sure though.

Today's oil formed from the preserved remains of prehistoric zooplankton and algae, which had settled to a sea or lake bottom in large quantities under anoxic conditions (the remains of prehistoric terrestrial plants, on the other hand, tended to form coal). Over geological time the organic matter mixed with mud, and was buried under heavy layers of sediment resulting in high levels of heat and pressure (known as diagenesis). This caused the organic matter to chemically change, first into a waxy material known as kerogen which is found in various oil shales around the world, and then with more heat into liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons in a process known as catagenesis.
Petroleum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So sayeth Wikipedia, amen.

Incidentally, Diuretic, your quote in your sig seems wrong. Everywhere I've seen it, they quote "Ye Mighty." It's a historical poem about hubris.

My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains: round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
The lone and level sands stretch far away
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Perhaps God created dinosaurs because he knew one day we could use their oil?

I think it was the plants that gave us petroleum, not sure though.

Today's oil formed from the preserved remains of prehistoric zooplankton and algae, which had settled to a sea or lake bottom in large quantities under anoxic conditions (the remains of prehistoric terrestrial plants, on the other hand, tended to form coal). Over geological time the organic matter mixed with mud, and was buried under heavy layers of sediment resulting in high levels of heat and pressure (known as diagenesis). This caused the organic matter to chemically change, first into a waxy material known as kerogen which is found in various oil shales around the world, and then with more heat into liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons in a process known as catagenesis.
Petroleum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So sayeth Wikipedia, amen.

Incidentally, Diuretic, your quote in your sig seems wrong. Everywhere I've seen it, they quote "Ye Mighty." It's a historical poem about hubris.

My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains: round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
The lone and level sands stretch far away

Nice to know where the oil comes from now.

My sig line. I was stuffing around with Ozymandias, playing on the name - it became Aussiemandias and I gave it an Ocker voice - Ocker - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


She was "clinically dead". That is not dead and I do not believe for a second that rigor mortis had set in and she was able to be revived - rigor mortis is caused by the lack of oxygen and when that sets in, the tissue is dead. Some of the other things reported about the experience came from her son who is not a doctor.

i'll alert the media to your concerns. really.

No substantive response, eh?

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