Do you believe in the possibility of life in other galaxies?


May 12, 2021
With over a hundred billion galaxies in the universe. It is hard for me to believe that there is not at least one other solar system with life. Especially, when some scientists claim that they have already found some exoplanets that can be like Earth

I certainly believe it's probable but as has been said I don't think we will ever know.
With over a hundred billion galaxies in the universe. It is hard for me to believe that there is not at least one other solar system with life. Especially, when some scientists claim that they have already found some exoplanets that can be like Earth

Why is hard to believe that life may only be unique to earth?

The problem we have is that we have been brainwashed by 100 years of Science Fiction so we are all conditioned to think that there must be life elsewhere but the reality is we are the only known life in the universe. We of course don't know everything (not by a long shot) but what we do know now is that we are the only life.

Statistics doesn't produce life. If we only have one data point then it is impossible to make any assumptions about life elsewhere. We need more data points to make any statistical assumption.

If the universe is finite then there will be unique things in it.

We don't know how life came into existence. After decades and decades of serious research we cannot reproduce life in the lab. If all we needed were the Goldilocks Zone and liquid water then every Jr High Science class would be producing life as a class room lab experiment.

There are many complex factors that go into life and for all we know it only happen here. Just because it happen here we tend to think it can be common elsewhere but we really don't know.

This video is worthwhile watching. We could be like the prisoner that by happenstance quickly figures out the lock combination while the other 999999 die.

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Impossible...the earth is flat.


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The Bible promotes the idea that the sky is a solid dome covering the earth. In the creation account given in the first chapter of Genesis, verse 17 says the Lord set the sun and moon “in the firmament” to provide light for the earth. The Hebrew word translated as firmament is raqia, which means “hammered metal.”[37]

More support for the notion of a domed earth is found at Job 37:18 (where the sky is described as like a “molten lookingglass”); Isaiah 40:22 (God “stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in”); and Revelation 6:14 (“And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together.”).
With over a hundred billion galaxies in the universe. It is hard for me to believe that there is not at least one other solar system with life. Especially, when some scientists claim that they have already found some exoplanets that can be like Earth

It is difficult for a planet to have a climate capable of sustaining life.
Those that do will probably not do it or develop life of the order of single cell creatures or some type of slime.
Planets with intelligent life will be extremely rare.

So, yes
There are probably other planets with life. But planets capable of visiting earth......nearly impossible
With over a hundred billion galaxies in the universe. It is hard for me to believe that there is not at least one other solar system with life. Especially, when some scientists claim that they have already found some exoplanets that can be like Earth

The Universe is much larger than Big Bang Theory predicts, possibly a googolplex of galaxies. Of course outer space monsters are out there.
Be a damn shame if we're the only ones considering the shit we pull.

The other thing we must consider is that if life was created elsewhere how long did it last?

We have miraculously escaped several extinction events. That may be extreme luck on our part. The universe is a hellish place for the most part and we may be the only ones to have ever made it because of an unbelievable string of happenstance events.

It may be just as hard for life to continue as it was for life to have been created in the first place.
Be a damn shame if we're the only ones considering the shit we pull.

The other thing we must consider is that if life was created elsewhere how long did it last?

We have miraculously escaped several extinction events. That may be extreme luck on our part. The universe is a hellish place for the most part and we may be the only ones to have ever made it because of an unbelievable string of happenstance events.

It may be just as hard for life to continue as it was for life to have been created in the first place.
That is why scientists keep trying to find extraterrestrial life even if only a simple bacterium, scientists got nowhere except for the one Wow signal that never repeated.
Yes there is probably life elsewhere. In what form is the question.

Furthermore, many solar systems are billions of light years away. That poses a really barrier to any of our civilizations meeting if they do in fact exist. It will depend on their technology, hopefully millions of years older than ours.

How fast would they have to travel? It would have to be at many multiples faster than the speed of light. At such speeds how can a passengers equipment even identify what they are observing (such as life on other planets)? With so many planets already in existence, how do they randomly choose to visit earth?

There are so many variables and we are such a young species relative to the age of even the earth. I doubt our species will survive long enough to meet these other beings. Our bones may just be escavated along with dinosaurs as a long lost civilization on this planet.

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