Biden to Import Venezuelan Oil to Meet US Demand – President Trump’s Energy Independence Policies Will Continue to be Ignored

I am told Venezuelan oil is very dirty oil that pollutes more than our own.

"Most of Venezuela’s petroleum reserves, as much as 77% or possibly more, are composed of the extra-heavy and heavy crude oil found in the Orinoco Belt in the East Venezuela Basin. That heavy and extra-heavy crude oil, most of which is very sour and has an API gravity of 10 degrees or less, is highly carbon-intensive to extract and refine."

Why aren't the enviros all upset about this?
that is what US refineries are best at refining.
We have a shortage of refineries and many of the ones we do have are only set up for refining the dirty crude that we get from overseas for our own fuel production.
The sweet crude that we drill for here which is even cleaner, we are unable to refine in most of our refineries, thus we have to import more. We were probably importing more because the price was Down.
Trump also refilled our strategic oil supply.. Biden then used it all up. How about we build some more oil refineries that are capapble of refining our own crude oil?

Venezuelan oil is heavy and sour. The government doesn't build refineries.

Libya has very light sweet crude like some Saudi crude. Most US crude is not light, sweet. Our production pollution is below Venezuelan but far worse than Saudi Arabia.

Saudi sells the he sulfur and other stuff that's left behind in the refining process. The sell it as fertilizer mostly in South East Asia.
Saudi Arabia produces multiple grades of crude oil, including Arabian Heavy, Arabian Medium, Arabian Light, Arabian Extra Light, and Arabian Super Light. Saudi Arabia's higher-quality crude oil is generally cost-effective to produce and is a more consistent part of their proven reserves.

Here's some more information about Saudi Arabia's oil production and the US-Saudi oil relationship:

In 2022, Saudi Arabia's average annual production was 10.6 million barrels per day (b/d), which was 1.3 million b/d less than the United States. In 2023, Saudi Arabia's production declined by about 900,000 b/d due to OPEC+ cuts and voluntary cuts.

Oil reserves
Saudi Arabia has the second-largest proven oil reserves in the world and is one of the largest net exporters of petroleum.

US-Saudi oil relationship
The US and Saudi Arabia have an oil-for-security agreement that dates back to 1945. The agreement promises a reliable supply of oil to the US in exchange for US security.

Oil imports
In 2023, Saudi Arabia was one of the top five source countries of U.S. gross petroleum imports, along with Canada, Mexico, Iraq, and Brazil.
Under the export section it does for the week of 9-6



But that's crude oil exports, not refined products exports.
Money talks.

The U.S. has not always been dependent on foreign oil. There was a time we were self sufficient.

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