Do you believe Jesus???

Op asked: "do you believe Jesus"
Politically correct question is "do you believeRome speaking behind the mask of their created character Jesus?"
answer: No (big surprise right?)
Backing to why:
It's all the empty promises warned about in Psalms, promises of rewards and Jesus in scripture saying:Matthew 21:21And all things, whatsoever you ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive.
(Nobody gets all they ask in prayer, as promised by Jesus.)
John 16: 23, "23 And in that day you will ask Me no question. TRULY, TRULY, I say to you, if you ask the Father for ANYTHING, He will give it to you in My name." (Jesus promises that all that is needed is his name, and anything is possible, is that like saying beetle juice three times?)
Hint: look around at the Christian hospitals and Christian patients in them and the grave explain them please?A Lie is a lie no matter what your perception is, it doesn't change the facts.

We were warned in the beginning:
"You will not surely die," the serpent said to the woman. (Gen 3:4)
Same promises as the new texts:
From the followers who call hanging on a tree, the cross; Jesus; “believe in my cross (tree) and you will not die”
So do I believe the false prophet Jesus?
Bel-Lie-Eve in him and you will surely die with him.... books of Matthew and Thomas Jesus said, "He who seeks to save his life will lose it." And
"Unless the seed die it cannot bring forth fruit."
=death cultism. Didn't Applegate, David Koresh, Jim Jones get through to them in showing RESEMBLENCES?

You are confused sir--yes the ones teaching a cross are being mislead. But Gods word has proved itself true, so have archeologist'.

Dear kjw47 The Cross and Sacrifice/resurrection of Christ Jesus

This is a symbolic PROCESS.

You may reject the symbolism as man made mythology,
but the MESSAGE is true for all people, that Divine Forgiveness
through Christ breaks the cycle of evil repeating and sets humanity free.

So kjw47 even if you reject how things in the Bible is taught, wrong or right,
the TRUE message and meaning still lives on and passes on.

Its not me who is rejecting what is taught. the first step is to know 100% for sure--Catholicism is responsible for all of the errors found in trinity translations. Errors derived from false council teachings--in the first council--no trinity God was taught, it was invented at another council. There is no trinity god in existence--it comes from this-2Thess 2:3--2Cor 11:12-15
handed down from generation to generation, from parent to child for centuries, but the teachings of Jesus prove there is 0 trinity god in existence. The facts of Israelite history, prove there is 0 trinity god in existence--all serving it are breaking Gods #1 commandment daily.
where in the same context, Jesus says BOTH that none is greater than the FATHER,
but also that "he and the father are one."

Taken out of context it would seem so, but Christ was revealing a consensus between himself and his father on SOP..

Yes, and that is also what it means -- that Jesus represents the embodiment of God's perfect will.
His will and the will of God the father are one.

Jesus represent's God's UNIVERSAL Justice
to be established and restored on the level of man's world and connection by conscience
to each other and to the whole of humanity.

With Jesus comes the Comforter or Holy Spirit.
With JUSTICE comes Healing and Heavenly PEACE.
So harmony among humanity is restored by
seeking TRUTH that sets us free from error and strufe,
and seeking JUSTICE with Mercy or Peace and Justice,
which is Jesus and the Comforter working hand in hand.
that's what God told me also....and to stop making jokes about his kid...

Well, God's still a little sore about the divorce settlement,
when the secular state split from the Catholic church.

And only getting Jesus on Easter and Christmas.
Op asked: "do you believe Jesus"
Politically correct question is "do you believeRome speaking behind the mask of their created character Jesus?"
answer: No (big surprise right?)
Backing to why:
It's all the empty promises warned about in Psalms, promises of rewards and Jesus in scripture saying:Matthew 21:21And all things, whatsoever you ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive.
(Nobody gets all they ask in prayer, as promised by Jesus.)
John 16: 23, "23 And in that day you will ask Me no question. TRULY, TRULY, I say to you, if you ask the Father for ANYTHING, He will give it to you in My name." (Jesus promises that all that is needed is his name, and anything is possible, is that like saying beetle juice three times?)
Hint: look around at the Christian hospitals and Christian patients in them and the grave explain them please?A Lie is a lie no matter what your perception is, it doesn't change the facts.

We were warned in the beginning:
"You will not surely die," the serpent said to the woman. (Gen 3:4)
Same promises as the new texts:
From the followers who call hanging on a tree, the cross; Jesus; “believe in my cross (tree) and you will not die”
So do I believe the false prophet Jesus?
Bel-Lie-Eve in him and you will surely die with him.... books of Matthew and Thomas Jesus said, "He who seeks to save his life will lose it." And
"Unless the seed die it cannot bring forth fruit."
=death cultism. Didn't Applegate, David Koresh, Jim Jones get through to them in showing RESEMBLENCES?

You are confused sir--yes the ones teaching a cross are being mislead. But Gods word has proved itself true, so have archeologist'.

Dear kjw47 The Cross and Sacrifice/resurrection of Christ Jesus

This is a symbolic PROCESS.

You may reject the symbolism as man made mythology,
but the MESSAGE is true for all people, that Divine Forgiveness
through Christ breaks the cycle of evil repeating and sets humanity free.

So kjw47 even if you reject how things in the Bible is taught, wrong or right,
the TRUE message and meaning still lives on and passes on.

Its not me who is rejecting what is taught. the first step is to know 100% for sure--Catholicism is responsible for all of the errors found in trinity translations. Errors derived from false council teachings--in the first council--no trinity God was taught, it was invented at another council. There is no trinity god in existence--it comes from this-2Thess 2:3--2Cor 11:12-15
handed down from generation to generation, from parent to child for centuries, but the teachings of Jesus prove there is 0 trinity god in existence. The facts of Israelite history, prove there is 0 trinity god in existence--all serving it are breaking Gods #1 commandment daily.

Dear kjw47: the full meaning of the three-part image of God
goes far beyond the Bible. It's in all the laws of science and nature, too! This structure or some variation of it is in ALL religions, so that all witnesses testify to the universal laws of creation, regardless of which language or terms we speak to desribe these same principles.

Human nature is body mind and spirit so we as collective humanity
are a 'reflection' of God "made in the image of God" What we
reconcile between our heart mind and soul, our body mind and spirit,
collectively this establishes global truth among all people on those 3 levels.

Buddhism is rooted in the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.
Confucionism in Jen (Supreme Virtue or benevolence) Yi (highest principles embodied in man)
Li (outward expression of moral conduct)

You can't get away from the "trinity" in all its forms.

Since humans are made in this image, dear kjw47
then all things we perceive and describe are shaped on those same three levels.

These tend to take the form of
* something on an individual or physical level
* something on a collective or spiritual/holistic level
* some RELATIONSHIP or connection joining the two as ONE

JESUS or Divine Justice is in the MIDDLE of the
relationship between
* man and man (natural laws in our earthly world)
* man and God (spiritual laws connecting individual
humans with COLLECTIVE truth, humanity, universe, whatever
people peg as the highest level of all truth and all things combined
which is the level God represents as embracing and knowing)

The whole point of understanding the meaning of Jesus
is to RECONCILE the will, conscience and actions of man
with the GREATER good, collective will, and whole of humanity and the universe.

Whatever it takes for people to fulfill and REALIZE that connection,
that is where Christ Jesus represents the process of restorative justice.

Christ Jesus means Restorative Justice,
justice with mercy, peace and justice,
equal justice under Natural laws of the gentiles.

For the spiritual laws of believers Jesus is
Salvation and spiritual freedom where truth
overcomes ignorance and love overcomes fear.

So there are two general paths to joining in Christ,
the GENTILES follow natural laws and work out
agreements in practical terms of Truth Justice and Peace.

The believers follow Scriptural laws and authority
and invoke the divine connections between
God as Heavenly Father on a collective scale,
Jesus as perfect justice embodied in human conscience,
Holy Spirit as the spiritual peace and healing
that follows truth and justice by GRACE, divine forgiveness
that allows wounds to heal and injustices to be corrected and prevented.

kjw47 if there are SPECIFIC false teachings you want to address
with the Catholics or other churches, let us follow Matthew 18:15-20
and bring grievances and reports of trespasses to the people committing
these wrongs, in order to correct them, and unite followers in the spirit of truth.

If the tradition is to go through Elders and have the Elders address each other,
let's ask for this issue to be resolved, In Christ Jesus name, the truth shall set us free.
where in the same context, Jesus says BOTH that none is greater than the FATHER,
but also that "he and the father are one."

Taken out of context it would seem so, but Christ was revealing a consensus between himself and his father on SOP..

Yes, and that is also what it means -- that Jesus represents the embodiment of God's perfect will.
His will and the will of God the father are one.

Jesus represent's God's UNIVERSAL Justice
to be established and restored on the level of man's world and connection by conscience
to each other and to the whole of humanity.

With Jesus comes the Comforter or Holy Spirit.
With JUSTICE comes Healing and Heavenly PEACE.
So harmony among humanity is restored by
seeking TRUTH that sets us free from error and strufe,
and seeking JUSTICE with Mercy or Peace and Justice,
which is Jesus and the Comforter working hand in hand.
that's what God told me also....and to stop making jokes about his kid...

Well, God's still a little sore about the divorce settlement,
when the secular state split from the Catholic church.

And only getting Jesus on Easter and Christmas.
That's what happens when nuns get pregnant and the Pope is living in splendor....
I believe there was a historical jesus but an actual son of Euphemistically, we are all the children of god, perhaps if there was a creator. Mankind evolved not spun from a clump of dust. We created a god figure in our image, not the other way around. We need the image of a god not the other way around. Any creator or designer would be so far beyond us to be uninterested in interfering with this planet or life on it.

Dear aris2chat we may have manipulated the man =made symbols terms and rituals,
but we did NOT create the LAWS of justice that govern human nature.

The spirit of JUSTICE is a concept all humans are born with.
None of us has seen perfect justice, yet we all strive for it with faith in ideals.

This JUSTICE that we envision applying to all humanity universally
is NOT something we arbitrarily made up. It was ALWAYS there,
and we are merely trying to write out the rules and negotiate how
to maintain justice law and order.

Like the laws of gravity or physics the laws of the universe
ALREADY exist. We are just discovering how they work
and how to describe them in words symbols relations so we
can communicate with others and use these laws to build upon.

We didn't make them up. The natural laws exist.
We try to contain and explain them in words,
but will take diverse teamwork to realize in full.
Jesus taught--John 17:1-6,26---- he said--the one who sent him( Father) is THE ONLY TRUE GOD--and one must know him( take in knowledge) and know Jesus to get eternal life--verse 6= YHVH( Jehovah) 26 = YHVH( Jehovah)

Why do Trinitarians refuse to believe Jesus? Jesus said--proof of ones love for him was by listening to HIM--- listening entails--learning every teaching and applying every teaching.

If one listened to Jesus at John 17:1-6--then they would know this ultra important truth---Matt 6:33-- Therefore, keep on seeking-FIRST- the kingdom and his( Jehovah) righteousness and all these other things will be added.( sustenance, covering, spirituality)

Then when one apply' that ultra important truth, then they know that John 4:22-24 is a daily occurrence in true followers lives.
But its as Jesus taught--- on account of his name, they do not know the one who sent me. John 15:20-21

The one who sent Jesus= Father= the only true living God=YHVH)Jehovah)

Jesus Christ is LORD. Christians are to worship Jesus Christ. Christ emptied Himself to assume a human identity. The book of Revelation is the revelation of Christ's true identity. Christ is the material manifestation of the invisible God. The Godhead is made up of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The eternal GOD is an eternal GODHEAD.
where in the same context, Jesus says BOTH that none is greater than the FATHER,
but also that "he and the father are one."

Taken out of context it would seem so, but Christ was revealing a consensus between himself and his father on SOP..

Yes, and that is also what it means -- that Jesus represents the embodiment of God's perfect will.
His will and the will of God the father are one.

Jesus represent's God's UNIVERSAL Justice
to be established and restored on the level of man's world and connection by conscience
to each other and to the whole of humanity.

With Jesus comes the Comforter or Holy Spirit.
With JUSTICE comes Healing and Heavenly PEACE.
So harmony among humanity is restored by
seeking TRUTH that sets us free from error and strufe,
and seeking JUSTICE with Mercy or Peace and Justice,
which is Jesus and the Comforter working hand in hand.
that's what God told me also....and to stop making jokes about his kid...

Well, God's still a little sore about the divorce settlement,
when the secular state split from the Catholic church.

And only getting Jesus on Easter and Christmas.
That's what happens when nuns get pregnant and the Pope is living in splendor....

No, the pregnant nuns and lavish living come from
turning the whole "soap opera" drama into a
scandalous reality show to draw more money.

"Keeping up with the Catholics"

When the ratings are down, get Mel Gibson drunk let him rip up Hollywood.

To put a twist on the Catholic/Jewish trip, publish books by Madonna on the Caballah.

It's all good business. Even bad press is good press!
where in the same context, Jesus says BOTH that none is greater than the FATHER,
but also that "he and the father are one."

Taken out of context it would seem so, but Christ was revealing a consensus between himself and his father on SOP..

Yes, and that is also what it means -- that Jesus represents the embodiment of God's perfect will.
His will and the will of God the father are one.

Jesus represent's God's UNIVERSAL Justice
to be established and restored on the level of man's world and connection by conscience
to each other and to the whole of humanity.

With Jesus comes the Comforter or Holy Spirit.
With JUSTICE comes Healing and Heavenly PEACE.
So harmony among humanity is restored by
seeking TRUTH that sets us free from error and strufe,
and seeking JUSTICE with Mercy or Peace and Justice,
which is Jesus and the Comforter working hand in hand.
that's what God told me also....and to stop making jokes about his kid...

Well, God's still a little sore about the divorce settlement,
when the secular state split from the Catholic church.

And only getting Jesus on Easter and Christmas.
That's what happens when nuns get pregnant and the Pope is living in splendor....

No, the pregnant nuns and lavish living come from
turning the whole "soap opera" drama into a
scandalous reality show to draw more money.

"Keeping up with the Catholics"

When the ratings are down, get Mel Gibson drunk let him rip up Hollywood.

To put a twist on the Catholic/Jewish trip, publish books by Madonna on the Caballah.

It's all good business. Even bad press is good press!
And always let the position be bid upon by rich merchants and bankers....
Jesus taught--John 17:1-6,26---- he said--the one who sent him( Father) is THE ONLY TRUE GOD--and one must know him( take in knowledge) and know Jesus to get eternal life--verse 6= YHVH( Jehovah) 26 = YHVH( Jehovah)

Why do Trinitarians refuse to believe Jesus? Jesus said--proof of ones love for him was by listening to HIM--- listening entails--learning every teaching and applying every teaching.

If one listened to Jesus at John 17:1-6--then they would know this ultra important truth---Matt 6:33-- Therefore, keep on seeking-FIRST- the kingdom and his( Jehovah) righteousness and all these other things will be added.( sustenance, covering, spirituality)

Then when one apply' that ultra important truth, then they know that John 4:22-24 is a daily occurrence in true followers lives.
But its as Jesus taught--- on account of his name, they do not know the one who sent me. John 15:20-21

The one who sent Jesus= Father= the only true living God=YHVH)Jehovah)

Jesus Christ is LORD. Christians are to worship Jesus Christ. Christ emptied Himself to assume a human identity. The book of Revelation is the revelation of Christ's true identity. Christ is the material manifestation of the invisible God. The Godhead is made up of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The eternal GOD is an eternal GODHEAD.
And will Jesus alit when he returns?
Jesus taught--John 17:1-6,26---- he said--the one who sent him( Father) is THE ONLY TRUE GOD--and one must know him( take in knowledge) and know Jesus to get eternal life--verse 6= YHVH( Jehovah) 26 = YHVH( Jehovah)

Why do Trinitarians refuse to believe Jesus? Jesus said--proof of ones love for him was by listening to HIM--- listening entails--learning every teaching and applying every teaching.

If one listened to Jesus at John 17:1-6--then they would know this ultra important truth---Matt 6:33-- Therefore, keep on seeking-FIRST- the kingdom and his( Jehovah) righteousness and all these other things will be added.( sustenance, covering, spirituality)

Then when one apply' that ultra important truth, then they know that John 4:22-24 is a daily occurrence in true followers lives.
But its as Jesus taught--- on account of his name, they do not know the one who sent me. John 15:20-21

The one who sent Jesus= Father= the only true living God=YHVH)Jehovah)

Jesus Christ is LORD. Christians are to worship Jesus Christ. Christ emptied Himself to assume a human identity. The book of Revelation is the revelation of Christ's true identity. Christ is the material manifestation of the invisible God. The Godhead is made up of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The eternal GOD is an eternal GODHEAD.

Yes LittleNipper
and for the Secular Gentiles under Natural Laws
such as the Jehovah's Witnesses, some Muslims, Buddhists, secular humanists, atheists, social scientists,
many people seek out this connection in Christ
as JUSTICE for ALL humanity. Christ Jesus
secular name for the Gentiles is Restorative Justice.
That is the spirit by which we can unite as two folds of the same flock,
both the believers under scriptural laws and authority
and the gentiles under natural laws of science and civil authority.

In Christ there is no male or female, Jew or Gentiles,
bond or free, but all are made one, new and perfect in Christ Jesus. Amen.
Jesus taught--John 17:1-6,26---- he said--the one who sent him( Father) is THE ONLY TRUE GOD--and one must know him( take in knowledge) and know Jesus to get eternal life--verse 6= YHVH( Jehovah) 26 = YHVH( Jehovah)

Why do Trinitarians refuse to believe Jesus? Jesus said--proof of ones love for him was by listening to HIM--- listening entails--learning every teaching and applying every teaching.

If one listened to Jesus at John 17:1-6--then they would know this ultra important truth---Matt 6:33-- Therefore, keep on seeking-FIRST- the kingdom and his( Jehovah) righteousness and all these other things will be added.( sustenance, covering, spirituality)

Then when one apply' that ultra important truth, then they know that John 4:22-24 is a daily occurrence in true followers lives.
But its as Jesus taught--- on account of his name, they do not know the one who sent me. John 15:20-21

The one who sent Jesus= Father= the only true living God=YHVH)Jehovah)

Jesus Christ is LORD. Christians are to worship Jesus Christ. Christ emptied Himself to assume a human identity. The book of Revelation is the revelation of Christ's true identity. Christ is the material manifestation of the invisible God. The Godhead is made up of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The eternal GOD is an eternal GODHEAD.
And will Jesus alit when he returns?

When all people RECEIVE and live by Justice embedded in our
hearts minds and conscience, and brought to life with love,
yes, the light of truth will light the way for ALL to see
how we work together as one humanity.

Every eye shall see, every ear shall hear,
every knee shall bow, every tongue confess.

There is only one truth, one spirit of Justice
so compelling by conscience that it unites all huamnity
and trumps the other fears and divisions clouding the way.

The clouds of chaos will part, and Truth and Justice
will speak to and through all people so we unite as one.

This is the meaning of heaven established on earth
when we agree and are ready to receive in full.
Yes, and that is also what it means -- that Jesus represents the embodiment of God's perfect will.
His will and the will of God the father are one.

Jesus represent's God's UNIVERSAL Justice
to be established and restored on the level of man's world and connection by conscience
to each other and to the whole of humanity.

With Jesus comes the Comforter or Holy Spirit.
With JUSTICE comes Healing and Heavenly PEACE.
So harmony among humanity is restored by
seeking TRUTH that sets us free from error and strufe,
and seeking JUSTICE with Mercy or Peace and Justice,
which is Jesus and the Comforter working hand in hand.
that's what God told me also....and to stop making jokes about his kid...

Well, God's still a little sore about the divorce settlement,
when the secular state split from the Catholic church.

And only getting Jesus on Easter and Christmas.
That's what happens when nuns get pregnant and the Pope is living in splendor....

No, the pregnant nuns and lavish living come from
turning the whole "soap opera" drama into a
scandalous reality show to draw more money.

"Keeping up with the Catholics"

When the ratings are down, get Mel Gibson drunk let him rip up Hollywood.

To put a twist on the Catholic/Jewish trip, publish books by Madonna on the Caballah.

It's all good business. Even bad press is good press!
And always let the position be bid upon by rich merchants and bankers....

That is, if they didn't blow all their dough
putting money on Democrats and Republicans.
Dear kjw47 The Cross and Sacrifice/resurrection of Christ Jesus

This is a symbolic PROCESS.

You may reject the symbolism as man made mythology,
but the MESSAGE is true for all people, that Divine Forgiveness
through Christ breaks the cycle of evil repeating and sets humanity free.

So kjw47 even if you reject how things in the Bible is taught, wrong or right,
the TRUE message and meaning still lives on and passes on.

The Judaic concept of resurrection regarding return back into life is the Just reward to see what your works/deeds created in the worod to come and not as you say restoring justice.

Also most Christians have not read closely the OT in context thus miss that the
Jesus character is plagiarized and borrowed from predated Rabbi Yehoshua Ben Chananiah of the OT and Talmud who taught about the resurrection and world to come-The Midrash (Koheles Rabba) .
Who also had a story about how he and his peers "didn't" sleep during the night of a Celebration as opposed to the Jesus story where they all fell asleep over watching him.-Succah 53a
Similarly Combatting a Sadducee regarding G0d's praise for the Jews, terming them "thorns": Eruvin 101a
Yehoshua ben Chananiah claimed that he had never been bested in a battle of words as was the claim of Jesus when battling the sages.- Eruvin 53b
Yehoshua was also known to have spoken in strange parables-Shabbat 152a.
This Rabbi in the OT taught the resurrection teachings that became the transhumanist Judaic concept of kingdom to come in life not the Jesuit teaching of kingdom in death.
The Jesus character even is said to visit Chana thought to be a place but could be the OT figures father's shortened nickname thus more proof of borrowing OT characters, teachings, and roles.
Its not me who is rejecting what is taught. the first step is to know 100% for sure--Catholicism is responsible for all of the errors found in trinity translations. Errors derived from false council teachings--in the first council--no trinity God was taught, it was invented at another council. There is no trinity god in existence--it comes from this-2Thess 2:3--2Cor 11:12-15
handed down from generation to generation, from parent to child for centuries, but the teachings of Jesus prove there is 0 trinity god in existence. The facts of Israelite history, prove there is 0 trinity god in existence--all serving it are breaking Gods #1 commandment daily.

I agree The Romans didn't understand or needed to combine all into one because nobody is gonna pay taxes to Rome or fight and die for it if it's just another teacher who people barely understand the ramblings of.
However there were trinity concepts they borrowed from.
When they combined the many mythologies of nany cultures one such mythology was Esus the tri god. Also there was the original trinity of father (baal)mother (Ishtar=easter)son(morning star-rev22:16) that became father word son because the story of baal became the accounts of the son including his Dec 25th birthday.
Then settled and became father spirit son.
(once again spirit is the essence of the story on paper borrowed of nany make the created story of the combine converged son.
This is why the Vatican more recently admited Jesus was a story of a reflection of someone envisioned to come. They described it as the culmination of nany visions, of course we know thiscwas not done to exoectstions but was done for Rome to authority of everyone's culture and beliefs=tithes (taxes in the guise of offeringscto their gods).
Op asked: "do you believe Jesus"
Politically correct question is "do you believeRome speaking behind the mask of their created character Jesus?"
answer: No (big surprise right?)
Backing to why:
It's all the empty promises warned about in Psalms, promises of rewards and Jesus in scripture saying:Matthew 21:21And all things, whatsoever you ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive.
(Nobody gets all they ask in prayer, as promised by Jesus.)
John 16: 23, "23 And in that day you will ask Me no question. TRULY, TRULY, I say to you, if you ask the Father for ANYTHING, He will give it to you in My name." (Jesus promises that all that is needed is his name, and anything is possible, is that like saying beetle juice three times?)
Hint: look around at the Christian hospitals and Christian patients in them and the grave explain them please?A Lie is a lie no matter what your perception is, it doesn't change the facts.

We were warned in the beginning:
"You will not surely die," the serpent said to the woman. (Gen 3:4)
Same promises as the new texts:
From the followers who call hanging on a tree, the cross; Jesus; “believe in my cross (tree) and you will not die”
So do I believe the false prophet Jesus?
Bel-Lie-Eve in him and you will surely die with him.... books of Matthew and Thomas Jesus said, "He who seeks to save his life will lose it." And
"Unless the seed die it cannot bring forth fruit."
=death cultism. Didn't Applegate, David Koresh, Jim Jones get through to them in showing RESEMBLENCES?

You are confused sir--yes the ones teaching a cross are being mislead. But Gods word has proved itself true, so have archeologist'.

Dear kjw47 The Cross and Sacrifice/resurrection of Christ Jesus

This is a symbolic PROCESS.

You may reject the symbolism as man made mythology,
but the MESSAGE is true for all people, that Divine Forgiveness
through Christ breaks the cycle of evil repeating and sets humanity free.

So kjw47 even if you reject how things in the Bible is taught, wrong or right,
the TRUE message and meaning still lives on and passes on.

Its not me who is rejecting what is taught. the first step is to know 100% for sure--Catholicism is responsible for all of the errors found in trinity translations. Errors derived from false council teachings--in the first council--no trinity God was taught, it was invented at another council. There is no trinity god in existence--it comes from this-2Thess 2:3--2Cor 11:12-15
handed down from generation to generation, from parent to child for centuries, but the teachings of Jesus prove there is 0 trinity god in existence. The facts of Israelite history, prove there is 0 trinity god in existence--all serving it are breaking Gods #1 commandment daily.

Dear kjw47: the full meaning of the three-part image of God
goes far beyond the Bible. It's in all the laws of science and nature, too! This structure or some variation of it is in ALL religions, so that all witnesses testify to the universal laws of creation, regardless of which language or terms we speak to desribe these same principles.

Human nature is body mind and spirit so we as collective humanity
are a 'reflection' of God "made in the image of God" What we
reconcile between our heart mind and soul, our body mind and spirit,
collectively this establishes global truth among all people on those 3 levels.

Buddhism is rooted in the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.
Confucionism in Jen (Supreme Virtue or benevolence) Yi (highest principles embodied in man)
Li (outward expression of moral conduct)

You can't get away from the "trinity" in all its forms.

Since humans are made in this image, dear kjw47
then all things we perceive and describe are shaped on those same three levels.

These tend to take the form of
* something on an individual or physical level
* something on a collective or spiritual/holistic level
* some RELATIONSHIP or connection joining the two as ONE

JESUS or Divine Justice is in the MIDDLE of the
relationship between
* man and man (natural laws in our earthly world)
* man and God (spiritual laws connecting individual
humans with COLLECTIVE truth, humanity, universe, whatever
people peg as the highest level of all truth and all things combined
which is the level God represents as embracing and knowing)

The whole point of understanding the meaning of Jesus
is to RECONCILE the will, conscience and actions of man
with the GREATER good, collective will, and whole of humanity and the universe.

Whatever it takes for people to fulfill and REALIZE that connection,
that is where Christ Jesus represents the process of restorative justice.

Christ Jesus means Restorative Justice,
justice with mercy, peace and justice,
equal justice under Natural laws of the gentiles.

For the spiritual laws of believers Jesus is
Salvation and spiritual freedom where truth
overcomes ignorance and love overcomes fear.

So there are two general paths to joining in Christ,
the GENTILES follow natural laws and work out
agreements in practical terms of Truth Justice and Peace.

The believers follow Scriptural laws and authority
and invoke the divine connections between
God as Heavenly Father on a collective scale,
Jesus as perfect justice embodied in human conscience,
Holy Spirit as the spiritual peace and healing
that follows truth and justice by GRACE, divine forgiveness
that allows wounds to heal and injustices to be corrected and prevented.

kjw47 if there are SPECIFIC false teachings you want to address
with the Catholics or other churches, let us follow Matthew 18:15-20
and bring grievances and reports of trespasses to the people committing
these wrongs, in order to correct them, and unite followers in the spirit of truth.

If the tradition is to go through Elders and have the Elders address each other,
let's ask for this issue to be resolved, In Christ Jesus name, the truth shall set us free.

Yes the truth will set one free---- John 20:17, Rev 3:12---2Cor 1:3, 1Cor 8:6, 1Cor 15:24-28---1Peter 1:3---Rev 1:6--- Jesus and 3 -REAL-teachers--Jesus has a God like we do--his Father. Alls one has to do is believe Jesus, but Trinitarians refuse to believe him. most likely because some teacher of darkness told them they were saved--yet he has only theory and 0 proof of that. He has never seen a single name written in the book of life, he cannot ever read anothers true heart--nor can he see into the future to witness one enduring till their end.( Matt 10:22) so they believe the lie over Jesus.
Jesus taught--John 17:1-6,26---- he said--the one who sent him( Father) is THE ONLY TRUE GOD--and one must know him( take in knowledge) and know Jesus to get eternal life--verse 6= YHVH( Jehovah) 26 = YHVH( Jehovah)

Why do Trinitarians refuse to believe Jesus? Jesus said--proof of ones love for him was by listening to HIM--- listening entails--learning every teaching and applying every teaching.

If one listened to Jesus at John 17:1-6--then they would know this ultra important truth---Matt 6:33-- Therefore, keep on seeking-FIRST- the kingdom and his( Jehovah) righteousness and all these other things will be added.( sustenance, covering, spirituality)

Then when one apply' that ultra important truth, then they know that John 4:22-24 is a daily occurrence in true followers lives.
But its as Jesus taught--- on account of his name, they do not know the one who sent me. John 15:20-21

The one who sent Jesus= Father= the only true living God=YHVH)Jehovah)

Jesus Christ is LORD. Christians are to worship Jesus Christ. Christ emptied Himself to assume a human identity. The book of Revelation is the revelation of Christ's true identity. Christ is the material manifestation of the invisible God. The Godhead is made up of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The eternal GOD is an eternal GODHEAD.

Did Jesus lie??? John 20:17, Rev 3:12-- no he did not--
In trinity translations they have followers bowing in worship to a mortal Jesus-ephesians 2:7)( major misleading error)--Jesus is Gods appointed king--they bowed in obeisance to their king= 100% correct.
There are many errors in trinity translations.
a single bible teaching applied to the many different trinity religions should make one run as fast as they can away from them=Mark 3:24-26-- a house divided will not stand---p-nor will the supporters of it.
Jesus taught--John 17:1-6,26---- he said--the one who sent him( Father) is THE ONLY TRUE GOD--and one must know him( take in knowledge) and know Jesus to get eternal life--verse 6= YHVH( Jehovah) 26 = YHVH( Jehovah)

Why do Trinitarians refuse to believe Jesus? Jesus said--proof of ones love for him was by listening to HIM--- listening entails--learning every teaching and applying every teaching.

If one listened to Jesus at John 17:1-6--then they would know this ultra important truth---Matt 6:33-- Therefore, keep on seeking-FIRST- the kingdom and his( Jehovah) righteousness and all these other things will be added.( sustenance, covering, spirituality)

Then when one apply' that ultra important truth, then they know that John 4:22-24 is a daily occurrence in true followers lives.
But its as Jesus taught--- on account of his name, they do not know the one who sent me. John 15:20-21

The one who sent Jesus= Father= the only true living God=YHVH)Jehovah)

Jesus Christ is LORD. Christians are to worship Jesus Christ. Christ emptied Himself to assume a human identity. The book of Revelation is the revelation of Christ's true identity. Christ is the material manifestation of the invisible God. The Godhead is made up of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The eternal GOD is an eternal GODHEAD.

So then when John 1:1 teaches the word was with God you are actually teaching--God was with God with another God( HS) over there--how many Gods is that?
Or rev 3:12---God has a God
your religion lives in darkness--RUN.

a small g god is in the last line of John 1:1--carries the meaning--has godlike qualities, because of this-Acts 2:22--Gods power went through Jesus. Jesus has 0 power without God doing it all. Last line Lords prayer--The KINGDOM, POWER, and GLORY all belong to the Father--believe Jesus.

At the end of the 1000 year reign as Gods appointed king( Daniel 7:13-15) Jesus hands back the kingdom to his God and Father and subjects himself-forever-1Cor 15:24-28.
Its not me who is rejecting what is taught. the first step is to know 100% for sure--Catholicism is responsible for all of the errors found in trinity translations. Errors derived from false council teachings--in the first council--no trinity God was taught, it was invented at another council. There is no trinity god in existence--it comes from this-2Thess 2:3--2Cor 11:12-15
handed down from generation to generation, from parent to child for centuries, but the teachings of Jesus prove there is 0 trinity god in existence. The facts of Israelite history, prove there is 0 trinity god in existence--all serving it are breaking Gods #1 commandment daily.

I agree The Romans didn't understand or needed to combine all into one because nobody is gonna pay taxes to Rome or fight and die for it if it's just another teacher who people barely understand the ramblings of.
However there were trinity concepts they borrowed from.
When they combined the many mythologies of nany cultures one such mythology was Esus the tri god. Also there was the original trinity of father (baal)mother (Ishtar=easter)son(morning star-rev22:16) that became father word son because the story of baal became the accounts of the son including his Dec 25th birthday.
Then settled and became father spirit son.
(once again spirit is the essence of the story on paper borrowed of nany make the created story of the combine converged son.
This is why the Vatican more recently admited Jesus was a story of a reflection of someone envisioned to come. They described it as the culmination of nany visions, of course we know thiscwas not done to exoectstions but was done for Rome to authority of everyone's culture and beliefs=tithes (taxes in the guise of offeringscto their gods).

Jesus is real--he is Michael the archangel come to earth and called Jesus as a mortal.
Its not me who is rejecting what is taught. the first step is to know 100% for sure--Catholicism is responsible for all of the errors found in trinity translations. Errors derived from false council teachings--in the first council--no trinity God was taught, it was invented at another council. There is no trinity god in existence--it comes from this-2Thess 2:3--2Cor 11:12-15
handed down from generation to generation, from parent to child for centuries, but the teachings of Jesus prove there is 0 trinity god in existence. The facts of Israelite history, prove there is 0 trinity god in existence--all serving it are breaking Gods #1 commandment daily.

I agree The Romans didn't understand or needed to combine all into one because nobody is gonna pay taxes to Rome or fight and die for it if it's just another teacher who people barely understand the ramblings of.
However there were trinity concepts they borrowed from.
When they combined the many mythologies of nany cultures one such mythology was Esus the tri god. Also there was the original trinity of father (baal)mother (Ishtar=easter)son(morning star-rev22:16) that became father word son because the story of baal became the accounts of the son including his Dec 25th birthday.
Then settled and became father spirit son.
(once again spirit is the essence of the story on paper borrowed of nany make the created story of the combine converged son.
This is why the Vatican more recently admited Jesus was a story of a reflection of someone envisioned to come. They described it as the culmination of nany visions, of course we know thiscwas not done to exoectstions but was done for Rome to authority of everyone's culture and beliefs=tithes (taxes in the guise of offeringscto their gods).

Jesus is real--he is Michael the archangel come to earth and called Jesus as a mortal.

Urantia and Jehovah's

We have some real stretch armstrongs posting
Jesus taught--John 17:1-6,26---- he said--the one who sent him( Father) is THE ONLY TRUE GOD--and one must know him( take in knowledge) and know Jesus to get eternal life--verse 6= YHVH( Jehovah) 26 = YHVH( Jehovah)

Why do Trinitarians refuse to believe Jesus? Jesus said--proof of ones love for him was by listening to HIM--- listening entails--learning every teaching and applying every teaching.

If one listened to Jesus at John 17:1-6--then they would know this ultra important truth---Matt 6:33-- Therefore, keep on seeking-FIRST- the kingdom and his( Jehovah) righteousness and all these other things will be added.( sustenance, covering, spirituality)

Then when one apply' that ultra important truth, then they know that John 4:22-24 is a daily occurrence in true followers lives.
But its as Jesus taught--- on account of his name, they do not know the one who sent me. John 15:20-21

The one who sent Jesus= Father= the only true living God=YHVH)Jehovah)

Jesus Christ is LORD. Christians are to worship Jesus Christ. Christ emptied Himself to assume a human identity. The book of Revelation is the revelation of Christ's true identity. Christ is the material manifestation of the invisible God. The Godhead is made up of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The eternal GOD is an eternal GODHEAD.

So then when John 1:1 teaches the word was with God you are actually teaching--God was with God with another God( HS) over there--how many Gods is that?
Or rev 3:12---God has a God
your religion lives in darkness--RUN.

a small g god is in the last line of John 1:1--carries the meaning--has godlike qualities, because of this-Acts 2:22--Gods power went through Jesus. Jesus has 0 power without God doing it all. Last line Lords prayer--The KINGDOM, POWER, and GLORY all belong to the Father--believe Jesus.

At the end of the 1000 year reign as Gods appointed king( Daniel 7:13-15) Jesus hands back the kingdom to his God and Father and subjects himself-forever-1Cor 15:24-28.
"I've heard that Jesus never actually claimed He was God." REALLY?

John 14:7-10 [7] If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him." [8] Philip said, "Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us." [9] Jesus answered: "Don't you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, `Show us the Father'? [10] Don't you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you are not just my own. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work.
John 10:30 "I and the Father are one."
John 14:11 Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence of the miracles themselves.
John 10:37-38 [37] Do not believe me unless I do what my Father does. [38] But if I do it, even though you do not believe me, believe the miracles, that you may know and understand that the Father is in me, and I in the Father."
Matthew 27:43 He trusts in God. Let God rescue him now if he wants him, for he said, 'I am the Son of God.'"
John 17:11 I will remain in the world no longer, but they are still in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name--the name you gave me--so that they may be one as we are one.

"When Jesus said 'I and the Father are one' didn't He just mean they are of one accord, they are merely like-minded?"
Considering the overall content of the Bible, this cannot be:

The Greek word he used, heis, is the word for the number one. It is a reference to the Shema, the core tenet of Judaism, "Sh'ma, Yisrael, Adonai Eloheynu Adonai echad," which, using Christian terminology is, "Hear, O Israel, Jehovah is our God. Jehovah is one."

John 10:31-33 [31] Again the Jews picked up stones to stone him, [32] but Jesus said to them, "I have shown you many great miracles from the Father. For which of these do you stone me?" [33] "We are not stoning you for any of these," replied the Jews, "but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God."
John 17:5
And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began.
John 17:10
[Speaking to the Father] All I have is yours, and all you have is mine. And glory has come to me through them.

Note: "Son of Man" was a term referring to the expected Messiah.
Mark 14:61b-62
[61b] Again the high priest asked him, "Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed One?" [62] "I am," said Jesus. "And you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven."
Luke 22:66-70 [66] At daybreak the council of the elders of the people, both the chief priests and teachers of the law, met together, and Jesus was led before them. [67] "If you are the Christ, " they said, "tell us." Jesus answered, "If I tell you, you will not believe me, [68] and if I asked you, you would not answer. [69] But from now on, the Son of Man will be seated at the right hand of the mighty God." [70] They all asked, "Are you then the Son of God?" He replied, "You are right in saying I am."
Daniel 7:13-14
[13] "In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence. [14] He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all peoples, nations and men of every language worshiped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.

Jesus clearly and repeatedly indicated that He is not the one who "calls the shots".
John 14:31
the world must learn that I love the Father and that I do exactly what my Father has commanded me.
John 7:16 Jesus answered, "My teaching is not my own. It comes from him who sent me."
John 8:42 Jesus said to them, "If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and now am here. I have not come on my own; but he sent me."
John 17:3-12 [3] Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. [4] I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do. [5] And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began. [6] I have revealed you to those whom you gave me out of the world. They were yours; you gave them to me and they have obeyed your word. [7] Now they know that everything you have given me comes from you. [8] For I gave them the words you gave me and they accepted them. They knew with certainty that I came from you, and they believed that you sent me. [9] I pray for them. I am not praying for the world, but for those you have given me, for they are yours. [10] All I have is yours, and all you have is mine. And glory has come to me through them. [11] I will remain in the world no longer, but they are still in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name--the name you gave me--so that they may be one as we are one. [12] While I was with them, I protected them and kept them safe by that name you gave me. None has been lost except the one doomed to destruction so that Scripture would be fulfilled.

The Tanakh -- The New JPS Translation
(c) 1985 by the Jewish Publication Society
Proverbs 30:4 [JPS]
Who has ascended heaven and come down?
Who has gathered up the wind in the hollow of his hand?
Who has wrapped the waters in his garment?
Who has established all the extremeties of the earth?
What is his name or his son's name, if you know it?

Proverbs 30:4 [NKJV] Who has ascended into heaven, or descended? Who has gathered the wind in His fists? Who has bound the waters in a garment? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is His name, and what is His Son's name, if you know?

Isaiah 9:6-7
[6] For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. [7] Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David's throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. ...

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