Do you Believe Kavanaugh's Rape Accuser?

Do you believe Kavanaughs rape accuser?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 19.6%
  • No

    Votes: 111 80.4%

  • Total voters


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
For Christ's sake, why would she wait for 40+ years to do anything about it?

This kind of nonsense is unbelievable, IMO.
There is no reason not to believe her. People remember what happened 40-50 years ago, when there was no one around to complain to. The current ongoing campaign to smear anyone who comes forward, having lived in anonymity for decades, when they realize that someone who did something evil to them years ago is about to be given a position of power shows that the problem still continues to this day.

BTW: she stopped short of accusing him of rape.
She feels compelled to speak out against a rapist. God bless her and I hope she is heard.

It is way passed time the this country, and the whole world faced this problem that female people have endured for centuries, having been laughed at and taught to remain silent. I love that the "Me, Too" movement has taken hold from the U.S., to Britain, France, over to India, Australia, and more. It's great to see us women finally raising our voices and taking control of the situation. Loved seeing the woman in Paris whose attacker was finally caught for harassing her on the street and then hitting her. Loved seeing the crowds in India marching against sex crimes.

And, yeah. I had my "Me, Too" moments when I was young. I didn't like being pinned up against a wall in an a Roman hotel as a teenager or in a ski lodge in Maine by people who wanted to grope me and find my tonsils. The people who want to deny that things like this happen are so full of shit that it's incredible.
It's actually a grand display of how dirty the Democrats operate.
They are more or less something like blackmailers, smear merchants, character assassinaters.
For Christ's sake, why would she wait for 40+ years to do anything about it?

This kind of nonsense is unbelievable, IMO.
I would imagine for the same reasons that so many individuals who were sexually abused by their priests took decades before they could talk about it. It's not that hard to imagine. If someone whom everyone loves and thinks highly of does something unthinkable to a person, you know instinctively that no one is going to believe you. And each time you have to re-tell what happened to you, it causes retraumatization, almost like re-experiencing the act over and over again.

Sometimes the only thing that allows a person to talk about what happened to them is when enough time and distance from the event has occurred and they can recount the event without reexperiencing it.
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Every time the Democrats can't bring somebody down with facts they accuse them of some sort of sexual misconduct. Happens every time.

Clarence Thomas
Donald Trump
Jim Jordan
Brett Kavanaugh

And the timing is always perfect, right at the last minute. Never any proof or evidence, just someone's word who usually turns out to have close ties to the DNC or some other left wing group. Example: The dyke who accused Trump of assaulting her on a plane was listed as a staff member at the Clinton Foundation. I'm sure the latest one will be exposed as another political activist as well (who will also disappear after the dust from their smear attempt settles).
She was never raped.

Yes. It's just another fake news story. She got thrown in a closet and the door locked, just a kid's prank.

When did it get turned into a 'rape'? When Daily Kos or the Paint Huffer's Post got it and edited it?

I see the typical assortment of vermin here jumping on the fake story and pretending they have morals n stuff. lol what a hoot. The Trump landslide in 2020 is going to be wonderful to behold, since the gimps and deviants and violent racist democrats have gone completely off the rails, no credibility, no media influence at all, and even their fake 'investigator Mueller is dragging feet, having nothing but innuendo himself.
Since this tactic hasn't helped them win a single election, you'd think they'd move on to something else.

Apparently, Einstein was right.

They literally have nothing left to lose now haven't since they lied during the 2016 so blatantly and frequently; the only alternative is complete silence, and they're too mentally ill for that.
She’s not even accusing him of rape.

At worst she claims he tried to feel her up when they were drunk at a party, but even then there is zero proof. Teenagers at a party, 40 years ago.... give me a break.

Feinstein is a real piece of shit waiting to drop the letter at the last moment.

It’s bullshit like this that drive normal people away from the Democrat Party.
There is no reason not to believe her. People remember what happened 40-50 years ago, when there was no one around to complain to. The current ongoing campaign to smear anyone who comes forward, having lived in anonymity for decades, when they realize that someone who did something evil to them years ago is about to be given a position of power shows that the problem still continues to this day.

BTW: she stopped short of accusing him of rape.
The slut had many opportunities to derail his career. This isn't the first time he went before congress to be confirmed for a judicial position. This is Anita Hill redux. Every one see thru this bullshit.
I guess I will have to turn down the President if he wants to nominate me for a position on the Court. I stole a kiss 55 years ago in junior high.

It's getting that ridiculous.
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What I get out of this is when they were in high school he tried to cop a feel one night

Shit if that makes you a sexual predator then every guy on the planet is guilty

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