Do You Believe Obama Doesn't Know Anything?

Do you believe Obama knows nothing about these scandals?

  • I think Obama knows and I think he should do more of the same

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  • I don't care

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Obama is smart enough to feed his lost will legions of excusers with just enough bullshit to keep him in power, at times it's comical but mostly it's a sad state of affairs for the future of America.

IN four years Obama will be gone. You give this little black man more power than he has. Obama is not stupid as most Conservative think.
How do I know Obama is Lying?

He Speaks. He's the most arrogant LIAR POTUS in my lifetime.
If you are going to be a liar be a good one. Who doesn't lie?

He's not a good liar.

He just knows how to keep people from blowing the whistle on him. His organization makes sure of that. After all, they used to be the Weather Underground, one of the most feared terrorist groups in America.
President Bystander claims he knows nothing about all of these scandals.

What do you think?
I think he is one of the most corrupt politicians ever, and here's why:

President Barack Obama:
Were there a “Hall of Fame” for broken promises, here is one that would get in on the first ballot: “Let me say it as simply as I can: Transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this presidency” (President Barack Obama, January 21, 2009). Instead of transparency and the rule of law over the past four years, we have witnessed the greatest expansion of government in modern political history and, consequently, an explosion of government secrecy, scandals, and abuses of power. Among the low-lights:
  • Illegal recess appointments: Perhaps former Attorney General Ed Meese and Todd Graziano summed it up best in their January 5, 2012, Washington Post guest commentary: “President Obama’s attempt to unilaterally appoint three people to seats on the National Labor Relations Board and Richard Cordray to head the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (after the Senate blocked action on his nomination) is more than an unconstitutional attempt to circumvent the Senate’s advice-and-consent role. It is a breathtaking violation of the separation of powers and the duty of comity that the executive owes to Congress.”
  • Illegal immigration: In mid-June, Obama announced that by executive decree – and in apparent violation of his oath of office – his administration would stop deporting and begin granting work permits to younger illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as children. According to The AP, “the policy change … bypasses Congress and partially achieves the goals of the so-called DREAM Act, a long-sought but never enacted plan …” Lest anyone doubt that Obama knew he was overriding the law of the land, in March, 2011, he said, “There are enough laws on the books by Congress that are very clear in terms of how we have to enforce our immigration system that for me to simply, through executive order, ignore those congressional mandates would not conform with my appropriate role as President.”
  • Unprecedented secrecy: Judicial Watch has had to file almost 1,000 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests and nearly 100 lawsuits against the Obama administration on issues ranging from Obamacare to the continued funding of the criminal ACORN network; from tracking Wall Street bailout money to the unconstitutional use of czars; to White House visitor logs; to the attacks on the integrity of our nation’s elections. This president touts transparency but condones law-breaking of open records laws by his administration.
  • Unconstitutional czars: As far back as 2009, Reuters reported, “Name a top issue and President Barack Obama has probably got a ‘czar responsible for tackling it.”By the time the Judicial Watch Special Report President Obama’s Czars was published in October 2011, the number of Obama czars had skyrocketed to 45. Largely unconfirmed by and unaccountable to the Senate, many of Obama’s czars are often outside the reach of FOIA. Some of these czars exercise unprecedented and unconstitutional control over major aspects of government policy and programs. And a number of the czars have been linked to scandals, thefts and kickbacks, flagrant and offensive statements, conflicts of interest, and radical leftist political ideologies and policies.
The list could go on ad infinitum – with Benghazigate, bailouts, abusing the perks of office for luxury vacations for his family, and, of course, his personal involvement in the Solyndra scandal. But the bottom line is this: The federal government under Barack Obama is off the rails and out of control. And now, with Obama having been given the “flexibility” of a second term, it can only be expected to get worse.

Source: Judicial Watch Announces List of Washington?s ?Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians? for 2012 | Judicial Watch

With all due respect, I hope he resigns.
BTW people regardless whether Obama knows if aliens exist or knows the next terrorist plot or anything having to do with the government, you all will not know until the news reports it so why discuss it in the first place?
If obama didn't know and it wasn't at his direction there would be a crowd cleaning out their desks instead of getting promotions. Keeping this kind of activity from the boss would be a career ender. Instead we get a performance for the cameras and a guy retiring in two weeks "resigning" as the fakest part of the show.
If Obama doesn't know anything, then he is admitting that he is an out of touch, incompetent executive who should be fired for dereliction of duty.
Obama is way too Chicago not to know what is going on.
BTW people regardless whether Obama knows if aliens exist or knows the next terrorist plot or anything having to do with the government, you all will not know until the news reports it so why discuss it in the first place?
You're spliffing the board again, aren't you. :rolleyes:
BTW people regardless whether Obama knows if aliens exist or knows the next terrorist plot or anything having to do with the government, you all will not know until the news reports it so why discuss it in the first place?
You're spliffing the board again, aren't you. :rolleyes:

Whatever that means....I am calling bullshit. All presidents presume to be omnipotent due to the fact that they dont want to appear incompotent and impotent to the people. Folks here are speculating what is obvious.
Obama's inexperienced that's for sure. He hasn't figured out yet that the majority of today's republicans are low lifes that would happily bring the country to it's knees if they could make him fail. They stated this time and again, even that mc connell character came out and said that their mission was to make Obama fail, which means make the country fail in republicscum language. I haven't seen this low class nastiness in politics in my almost seven decades of living. This includes a good number of posters here that have made a career and obsession out of hating Obama. I really have pity for the empty lives some of you tea bag freaks must have.
I don't know.....I couldn't tell you.....I'll have to look it up.....I found out like you did, via the press.....I still don't know..... :eusa_whistle: I rely on the tabloids and the Muslim Brotherhood to help me run the country :cuckoo:

This President (and I use the term very loosely) is unfit to govern, much the same as those politicians here in the UK and Europe....Left Liberal Socialist Progressives that endanger ALL freedom loving peoples so they can pursue their unattainable utopian agenda :cuckoo: Well, all I can say is that those of us who have been actively fighting against these stupid and sorry excuses for people is....WE HAVE BEEN PROVED RIGHT...It's time to put these fools out of our misery (politically speaking) and sort out our respective shitty messes properly and with a firm hand....We need our values restored and we need to reject the disease of political correctness that the Left have mired us all in :clap2:

Obama...Biden...Pelosi....Holder...Rice...Nuland and ALL those involved are corrupt and rotten to the very core and need removing :clap2:

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