Do You Believe Obama Doesn't Know Anything?

Do you believe Obama knows nothing about these scandals?

  • I think Obama knows and I think he should do more of the same

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  • I don't care

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I see a thread like this, usually started by some extreme wingnut and I automatically get combative.

So many trolls, so little time..
he knows !! he's just playing dumb , and shucking and jiving to our faces ,and laughing at us behind our backs !! typical arrogant narcissist !! the man is so arrogant he thinks he can do whatever he pleases and no one can stop him !! he's wrong !!

Shucking and jiving, eh? Well, that tells me a lot about where you're coming from.
Now there's a word we don't hear very often ... wingnuts.... I've always smiled when the Left get caught out they resort to the usual insults.."Racist"..."Homophobic" etc. etc..Typical of small minded individuals who should know better....It's getting a little old and worn out, especially as people are getting wise to the tired out floppy excuses that the Left always use when they're losing a debate :eusa_whistle:

The Idiot in Chief is precisely idiot, and he got re-elected by a lot of other idiots who fell for his "messiah" status...This admin is rotten to the core and the buck stops at the Presidents desk....

They left 4 Americans to DIE at Benghazi without even trying to help....They've targeted groups that disagree with their plans and they've spied on their lovers in the press, who incidentally, were sucking their dicks....This is the modern Democrats under Obama...
Pathetic, criminal and willing to sacrifice anyone (literally) just to further their political agenda...And when they get found out it's back to the old..."Bush did it" "The repubs are making political points out of "There is no There"

I don't know.....I don't know.....I don't know.....I don't know.....I don't know.....

Then WHAT do you know, you idiot?? Your supposed to be the leader of the free world??
Just piss off and take your bitches Biden, Clinton and the rest with you..PLEASE :clap2:
Do you believe Obama knows nothing about these scandals?

How can any of us truly know?

What we can know is that the IRS targetted suspicious 501c-4 applicants and that it happened on his watch..
he knows !! he's just playing dumb , and shucking and jiving to our faces ,and laughing at us behind our backs !! typical arrogant narcissist !! the man is so arrogant he thinks he can do whatever he pleases and no one can stop him !! he's wrong !!

Shucking and jiving, eh? Well, that tells me a lot about where you're coming from.

An anti Obama thread started by Mudwhistle, how unusual. This guy has no credibility left.
she cuts off his fuckin nuts and rips him a new asshole​


[ame=]Judge Jeanine Pirro asks 'Who's Running The Joint' RIPS Obama Administration as Embarrassing - YouTube[/ame]
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He obviously doesn't know much, but I can almost guarantee you anything that could taint the Dem party or his Presidency, he is one of the first to know.
he knows !! he's just playing dumb , and shucking and jiving to our faces ,and laughing at us behind our backs !! typical arrogant narcissist !! the man is so arrogant he thinks he can do whatever he pleases and no one can stop him !! he's wrong !!

Shucking and jiving, eh? Well, that tells me a lot about where you're coming from.

An anti Obama thread started by Mudwhistle, how unusual. This guy has no credibility left.

and Obama does?
President Bystander claims he knows nothing about all of these scandals.

What do you think?

No Pres has even been this uninformed. It's simply inconceivable that even if he didn't know anything, that he wouldn't man the fuck up as the man in charge and take the heat.

he truly lowers the bar for all people that follow him.
Yes I believe he doesn't anything..the man is clueless and stupid to boot..

It would take too much time away from running around the country every week for Fundraising and golf for him to be ENGAGED in what his crooked, corrupted and vicious administration is up to..
Yes I believe he doesn't anything..the man is clueless and stupid to boot..

It would take too much time away from running around the country every week for Fundraising and golf for him to be ENGAGED in what his crooked, corrupted and vicious administration is up to..

luv the moniker

Dan Pheffier, Obama's senior communications director, has been on Fox News with Chris Wallace, and just now Meet The Press with David Gregory. I saw two different versions of the truth from him. On Fox he was evasive and non-informative. On Obama's favorite station NBC he was accusatory against the GOP and it appeared like he was among friends.

The number one rule of a liar is deny, deny, deny, and make counter accusations. Most of what he did on Fox was deny. He did bring up something about Republicans doctoring emails, but for the most part all he did was claim that nothing the IRS did was wrong. On NBC he reverted to an attack dog throwing several wild accusations at the GOP claiming that they were simply out to get Obama. One of the accusations was that leaders in Congress were aware of the I.G. investigation. Of course they were. But what is amazing is that Obama wasn't aware. Nobody at the White House was aware. Pheffier claimed this is what they should do, never interfere in an investigation. That wasn't what he was asked. It's one thing not to interfere, it's another not to even know at all that it is taking place. That stretches the boundaries of credibility. Fact is there is no investigation, but there was an audit being conducted. There is a difference.

Fact is everyone in the White House claims they didn't know anything. Everyone in charge claimed they didn't know anything. I believe when they say this they are in their minds being truthful. They didn't know anything about the I.G. audit internally. This is true because the results of the audit had not been made public yet. Rep. Paul Ryan pointed out the difference between an audit and an investigation on Fox this morning. There is a difference. Just enough difference to allow dishonest members in the Obama Administration some wiggle room.

They all knew it was taking place. So the Obama Administration is taking two separate issues and combining them into one. Just like their excuse of the causes of Benghazi the Obama Administration is rationalizing. They have convinced themselves that they are not lying. It's delusional to say the least. Whenever a journalist asks a member of the Administration if they knew of the investigation they can parse words and say they didn't know, because they know that there was no investigation being conducted. It was an audit.
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Dan Pheffier, Obama's senior communications director, has been on Fox News with Chris Wallace, and just now Meet The Press with David Gregory. I saw two different versions of the truth from him. On Fox he was evasive and non-informative. On Obama's favorite station NBC he was accusatory against the GOP and it appeared like he was among friends.

The number one rule of a liar is deny, deny, deny, and make counter accusations. Most of what he did on Fox was deny. He did bring up something about Republicans doctoring emails, but for the most part all he did was claim that nothing the IRS did was wrong. On NBC he reverted to an attack dog throwing several wild accusations at the GOP claiming that they were simply out to get Obama. One of the accusations was that leaders in Congress were aware of the I.G. investigation. Of course they were. But what is amazing is that Obama wasn't aware. Nobody at the White House was aware. Pheffier claimed this is what they should do, never interfere in an investigation. That wasn't what he was asked. It's one thing not to interfere, it's another not to even know at all that it is taking place. That stretches the boundaries of credibility. Fact is there is no investigation, but there was an audit being conducted. There is a difference.

Fact is everyone in the White House claims they didn't know anything. Everyone in charge claimed they didn't know anything. I believe when they say this they are in their minds being truthful. They didn't know anything about the I.G. audit internally. This is true because the results of the audit had not been made public yet. Rep. Paul Ryan pointed out the difference between an audit and an investigation on Fox this morning. There is a difference. Just enough difference to allow dishonest members in the Obama Administration some wiggle room.

They all knew it was taking place. So the Obama Administration is taking two separate issues and combining them into one. Just like their excuse of the causes of Benghazi the Obama Administration is rationalizing. They have convinced themselves that they are not lying. It's delusional to say the least. Whenever a journalist asks a member of the Administration if they knew of the investigation they can parse words and say they didn't know, because they know that there was no investigation being conducted. It was an audit.

I guarantee you after seeing Miller's testimony, the IRS, alone, did not come up with an apology letter just before the release of the IG Report.
he knows !! he's just playing dumb , and shucking and jiving to our faces ,and laughing at us behind our backs !! typical arrogant narcissist !! the man is so arrogant he thinks he can do whatever he pleases and no one can stop him !! he's wrong !!

Shucking and jiving, eh? Well, that tells me a lot about where you're coming from.
[ame=]Obama singing - YouTube[/ame]
This is a very deep issue that the Administration has been intimately involved in for years. Obama mentioned during his 2010 SOU address that the Supreme Court was wrong about their Citizens United ruling. This is the nexus of this scandal.

Read this article and see if you can understand where Obama is coming from on the issue of tax-exempt groups. The Truth About President Obama and Citizens United | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog from The Heritage Foundation

Obama's involvement in this is in his speeches. He calls out the attack dogs every time he gives a speech on the issue. He leads the call to arms and the people he has put in place over the entire length of his administration take it upon themselves to carry out his directives from the Bully Pulpit. There are plenty of willing Obamazombies willing to carry out what he says to the letter. Those evil Tea Party nutters need to be punished. They're all racists and terrorists and ignorant gun owners that hate same-sex marriage. They deserve all of this harassment.

That's how Obama is able to remain detached. He gives them direction in his speeches and they take it wherever it leads them. Do you think he cares if people are hurt in the process? Heck no. He's a Community Organizer. A professional troublemaker. A divider, not a uniter. This is what he does. And nobody will ever find any direct proof that he had anything to do with anything. That is by design.

As long as Obama is in office nothing good can be accomplished because his organization just doesn't work that way.
The only defense he has is that he's detached and uninvolved in running the government.

However, I believe he knows the people he picks to be in charge and has discussed with them what is expected of them.

He wants this. His claim that he is angry is total bull shit.

Oh, Obama is angry. He's angry that his hench thugs have gotten caught abusing power in order to intimidate anyone who dares to disagree with The Won.

Anyone who thinks that Obama didn't know what was going on has no understanding of human nature.
obama doesn't know what's going on in his own white house.


He knows enough to say the Cambridge police acted stupidly. He knows enough to say that Trayvon Martin looks like his son.

He just doesn't know what's going on right next to him.
Plausible deniability. It's politics as usual.

Not only do I think he knows, I think he orchestrates it and then lies about it.

Obama is one of the best liars we've had in the oval office.

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