Do you believe removing Saddam from power made Persian Gulf Oil supply safer and was the right move?

Do you believe removing Saddam from power made Persian Gulf Oil supply safer and was the right move?

  • YES

    Votes: 5 26.3%
  • NO

    Votes: 14 73.7%

  • Total voters
Removing Saddam Hussein was all about the West installing a Puppet Government so they could plunder Iraq's resources. But hey, most dumb American fat asses still believe it was all about the 'Freeeeedum.' Western Corporations are in there right now making money hand over fist.

The same thing was done in Libya and Ukraine. It's all about the $$. But not for the average Citizens of those nations perpetrating these war atrocities. For example, American Taxpayers were forced to spend several $Trillions on the Iraq nightmare. They'll never see penny one in return. Because the $$ is only for the Globalist Elites.
Removing Saddam Hussein was all about the West installing a Puppet Government so they could plunder Iraq's resources. But hey, most dumb American fat asses still believe it was all about the 'Freeeeedum.' Western Corporations are in there right now making money hand over fist.

The same thing was done in Libya and Ukraine. It's all about the $$. But not for average Citizens of those nations perpetrating these war atrocities. The $$ is only for the Globalist Elites.

quite acrimonius there------do you let neighborhood kids step on "your grass"??? You remind me of every embittered
housewife in my childhood neighborhood who was suspicious of the people who worked to fix the sewer system. How can I get to be a "GLOBALIST ELITE"??
Removing Saddam Hussein was all about the West installing a Puppet Government so they could plunder Iraq's resources. But hey, most dumb American fat asses still believe it was all about the 'Freeeeedum.' Western Corporations are in there right now making money hand over fist.

The same thing was done in Libya and Ukraine. It's all about the $$. But not for average Citizens of those nations perpetrating these war atrocities. The $$ is only for the Globalist Elites.

quite acrimonius there------do you let neighborhood kids step on "your grass"??? You remind me of every embittered
housewife in my childhood neighborhood who was suspicious of the people who worked to fix the sewer system. How can I get to be a "GLOBALIST ELITE"??

Just remember, you the Taxpayer paid for the Iraq nightmare. And you'll never see penny one in return. However, the Globalist Elites are set to make $Billions in Iraq, Libya, Ukraine, and so on.
Removing Saddam Hussein was all about the West installing a Puppet Government so they could plunder Iraq's resources. But hey, most dumb American fat asses still believe it was all about the 'Freeeeedum.' Western Corporations are in there right now making money hand over fist.

The same thing was done in Libya and Ukraine. It's all about the $$. But not for average Citizens of those nations perpetrating these war atrocities. The $$ is only for the Globalist Elites.

quite acrimonius there------do you let neighborhood kids step on "your grass"??? You remind me of every embittered
housewife in my childhood neighborhood who was suspicious of the people who worked to fix the sewer system. How can I get to be a "GLOBALIST ELITE"??

Just remember, you the Taxpayer paid for the Iraq nightmare. And you'll never see penny one in return. However, the Globalist Elites are set to make $Billions in Iraq, Libya, Ukraine, and so on.

that's ok I AM A GLOBALIST ELITE-------I eat every day----in fact I cannot eat all I have------so I stick it in the fridge ---I have far more food than I need (or want) ------and a really messed up fridge. I did not like Saddam----he murdered lots of people ....bad bad man. I was glad that he got hanged
Removing Saddam Hussein was all about the West installing a Puppet Government so they could plunder Iraq's resources. But hey, most dumb American fat asses still believe it was all about the 'Freeeeedum.' Western Corporations are in there right now making money hand over fist.

The same thing was done in Libya and Ukraine. It's all about the $$. But not for average Citizens of those nations perpetrating these war atrocities. The $$ is only for the Globalist Elites.

quite acrimonius there------do you let neighborhood kids step on "your grass"??? You remind me of every embittered
housewife in my childhood neighborhood who was suspicious of the people who worked to fix the sewer system. How can I get to be a "GLOBALIST ELITE"??

Just remember, you the Taxpayer paid for the Iraq nightmare. And you'll never see penny one in return. However, the Globalist Elites are set to make $Billions in Iraq, Libya, Ukraine, and so on.

that's ok I AM A GLOBALIST ELITE-------I eat every day----in fact I cannot eat all I have------so I stick it in the fridge ---I have far more food than I need (or want) ------and a really messed up fridge. I did not like Saddam----he murdered lots of people ....bad bad man. I was glad that he got hanged

Hey, whatever floats your boat i guess. Just realize you paid for that bloodbath and have a whole lotta blood on your hands. Also realize, you'll never see anything in return.

The Globalist Elite assholes got you to pay for it, but only they'll see any profit in it. So you go on being a blissfully ignorant dupe. If that makes you happy, so be it.
Removing Saddam Hussein was all about the West installing a Puppet Government so they could plunder Iraq's resources. But hey, most dumb American fat asses still believe it was all about the 'Freeeeedum.' Western Corporations are in there right now making money hand over fist.

get over it Paul----it's over and had Saddam been STILL THERE---things would be even worse in Iraq today
The same thing was done in Libya and Ukraine. It's all about the $$. But not for average Citizens of those nations perpetrating these war atrocities. The $$ is only for the Globalist Elites.

quite acrimonius there------do you let neighborhood kids step on "your grass"??? You remind me of every embittered
housewife in my childhood neighborhood who was suspicious of the people who worked to fix the sewer system. How can I get to be a "GLOBALIST ELITE"??

Just remember, you the Taxpayer paid for the Iraq nightmare. And you'll never see penny one in return. However, the Globalist Elites are set to make $Billions in Iraq, Libya, Ukraine, and so on.

that's ok I AM A GLOBALIST ELITE-------I eat every day----in fact I cannot eat all I have------so I stick it in the fridge ---I have far more food than I need (or want) ------and a really messed up fridge. I did not like Saddam----he murdered lots of people ....bad bad man. I was glad that he got hanged

Hey, whatever floats your boat i guess. Just realize you paid for that bloodbath and have a whole lotta blood on your hands. Also realize, you'll never see anything in return.

The Globalist Elite assholes got you to pay for it, but only they'll see any profit in it. So you go on being a blissfully ignorant dupe. If that makes you happy, so be it.
Internationalizing Iraq's oil fields brought much needed technological know how and capital to that nation. I think they've doubled their output. If it was the right move or not depends on your business I guess. It also depend on if the Islamic split develops into a larger regional war too.
I'm sure that China is pretty happy with the arrangement. I wonder whatever happened to the Iraqi oil revenue that was supposed to help pay for the war? I think that we pretty footed that bill as well.
Nope and nope to "Do you believe removing Saddam from power made Persian Gulf Oil supply safer and was the right move?"
Do you believe removing Saddam from power made Persian Gulf Oil supply safer and was the right move?

How was it less safe when he was in power? Until recently, ISIS had control of some major oilfields in Iraq. We had Sadaam on lockdown after the first Gulf War, there was no need to invade and then occupy Iraq.
After we whupped Saddam's butt in Desert Storm, we should have just left well enough alone, because his military was decimated, he didn't have very many WMD's left (and those he did have he used on his own people), but he was also a ruthless dictator who didn't like competition and was able to keep a fairly tight lid on the terrorist groups.

Removing him was a mistake. It did nothing for this country except burn up money and lives, as well as left a power vacancy that was then fought over by various factions resulting in the fractured Iraq that you see today.

He also didn't have much love for Iran, and if he was still in power, you'd probably seen a lot less of Iranian leadership squealing about nuclear energy and bomb making.
Those Middle East strong man dictators kept their religious nut jobs under control.

And there is no more dangerous fanatic than a relgious fanatic.
Internationalizing Iraq's oil fields brought much needed technological know how and capital to that nation. I think they've doubled their output. If it was the right move or not depends on your business I guess. It also depend on if the Islamic split develops into a larger regional war too.
I'm sure that China is pretty happy with the arrangement. I wonder whatever happened to the Iraqi oil revenue that was supposed to help pay for the war? I think that we pretty footed that bill as well.

I think it was Gen. Jay Garner who stopped that plan.

Exxon, BP/Shell and many other multinational oil companies are in Iraq and are happy too.
Do you believe removing Saddam from power made Persian Gulf Oil supply safer and was the right move?

No honest person can honestly say invading Iraq and removing Sadam was a good idea. In fact, sanctions on Sadam wasn't a good idea. He was a great polarizing force to our bigger enemy - Iran. Iraq was far from perfect and Sadam was a dangerous asshole, but he protected the Christians and he quelled the Sunni extremist and the Shia were too afraid to challenge him.

We needed to concentrate on Afghanistan!
Obviously removing Saddam from office opened up wounds between the Sunni and Shiites which eventually led to the emergence ISIS.
Saddam was a bad, bad man but as history shows his presence and his ability' kept peace between the Sunni and Shiites. Once he was disposed, that all changed. Even with US troops present, civil war broke our between the two factions. The fact that Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki marginalized and harassed the Sunni eventually led to radical Sunni creating ISIS. This led to the instability that is present in the oil rich region of the ME.

nope-----the WOUND between sunnis and shiiites has been opened for some 1300 years. Saddam managed to "keep peace' by committing genocide against Shiites in Iraq. Stability by genocide does not create a lasting peace ----especially in view of the fact that a huge powerful country of Shiites exists just west of Iraq and that country has leaders even more ambitious than was Saddam

And to a point, that would be true regarding Saddam and the Shiites.
But as I posted, a civil war developed even while US troops were present. That should of been a history lesson for Maliki, he should have allowed Shiite input and not harassed them. The US government called on him to recognize the Shiite population and to stop harassing them, but he refuse to listen. That is he refused to listen until the birth of ISIS. Then he changed his tune on quite a few things, including waiving the ban on amnesty on US troops regarding who tired them for any alleged crimes. The fact that the Iraqi government insisted on having US troops who are charged with an alleged crime be tried by the Iraqi justice system was the unacceptable to two presidents and all of Congress. Thus the troops completed their withdrawal based on a time table agreed upon in 2008.

Having US troops tried in the Iraqi Justice system was never an issue before. There was certainly no agreement with Iraq before the United States invaded in 2003, so the idea that it was a major problem I false. US troops were rarely, if ever in situations where they would be captured by Iraqi Police and put in the Iraqi justice system. It was not a relevant reason for withdrawal which did unspeakable harm to Iraq and created a new threat to the United States.

"UNSPEAKABLE HARM TO IRAQ"??? Iraq was already in trouble and the GEARS were already engaged insofar as the EMERGENCE OF THE CALIPHATE-----the position of Shiites ----vs Sunnis did not get worse because of Maliki----it simply stayed the same------Shiites have been an oppressed majority in Iraq -----forever ------the actual problem is the RISE OF IRANIAN IMPERIALISM (now open your mind and when you think Iran-----think
"SHIITE POWER")-------Shiite power is creating havoc in lots of places. and now for another chapter from ROSIE THE ORACLE AT USMB >>>> wherever there are Shiites----there will rise up SHIITE POWER ----and it won't be pretty------it will happen even in pakistan

Had US troops stayed in Iraq, Maliki's mischief would have been prevented, the Iraqi military would have grown in capability and ISIS attempt to take Mosul in June 2014 would have been crushed within days. Iraq would never have lost control of any of its provinces and the situation would be much the same as it was in 2010 and 2011. Iraq with low internal violence and a rapidly growing oil industry. This has been put off the rails because of the premature withdrawal, but the US is back with nearly 5,000 ground troops and the Iraqi military is making gains against ISIS every day. Already Diyala province has been retaken and most of Kirkuk province and Salahhadin province are no longer under ISIS control. ISIS only has effective control in two Iraqi province now, and hopefully by the end of 2015, ISIS in Iraq will not be in control of any major provinces or towns.
Do you believe removing Saddam from power made Persian Gulf Oil supply safer and was the right move?

By taking out the Saddam Sunni government and installing the present Shiite government, it gave Iran an open road to supply Syria. Both Iran and Syria are Shiite. it also created the Sunni ISIS. So you really think that's safer....BWAH HA HA HA HA!:cuckoo:

SADDAM was able to invade and annex Kuwait, invade Iran, Invade Saudi Arabia, launch ballistic missiles against Israel and used WMD against foreign troops and internal insurgence and civilians. ISIS is on the retreat in Iraq and were not able to take Baghdad, let alone the South of Iraq or be able to go into Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. Iran has never done the things that Saddam did. Syria is primarily Sunni ruled by an Alawite Minority that has lost control of half of Syria. The Iranian effort to prop up Assad and regain control of Syria is not working. Syria will eventually be ruled by its 76% majority Sunni population, it is only a matter of time.

The most compentant and successful government in Iraq is that of Kuridistan and the Kurds. Once the Sunnis and Kurds are let back into the Iraqi government and military as they are now, Iranian influence will be pushed back.

Also number of US troops on the ground in Iraq - 4,500
Number of Iranian troops on the ground in Iraq - 100

The United States is richer and has more resources than Iran to help Iraq. In addition, Iraqi's are Arabs while Iranians are Persians. That division in language and culture remains an obstacle to Iranian influence in Iraq.
I wish I could say it was a good idea, but Iraq was more peaceful with Saddam in power. It's almost as if the people in that region can only be ruled by tyrants. It's time we stop propping them up at taxpayer expense.

Tell that to the 1 million Iraqi's and Iranians killed in the Iran/Iraq war from 1980-1988. Tell the Kuwaitis that Saddam was a peaceful man. Their country was overrun, raped of everything of value, and then completely annexed and wiped off the map. Tell the Iraqi shia's who revolted against Saddam in 1991, and saw 300,000 of them murdered in fighting before the start of summer of 1991. Then the Kurds were pushed into the mountains in the Spring of 1991 with thousands dying. Far more people died under Saddam and because of Saddam from 1979 to 2003, than have died there since 2003.

The Gulf War was our business only because Kuwait is an ally. The rest is none of our concern. What was our concern are the thousands of US soldiers killed in Iraq since 2003. All we accomplished was dead soldiers, and a power vacuum ripe for groups like ISIS to take advantage of.

Kuwait was not an really an ally but was a key trading partner who's natural resources were vital to the global economy and US security. So what level of threat Kuwait is under is vital to United States interest which is why the United States was involved in Iraq every year from 1991 through 2003 and bombed Saddam's Iraq every during that time. Sanctions and an Embargo meant to contain Saddam fell apart which meant the USA had no choice but to remove Saddam before he rebuilt is conventional military capabilities and WMD capabilities. By invading in 2003 with ground troops when Saddam was weaker, the United States avoided fighting a far more costly war in the future that would have killed many thousands of American lives. The United States had a responsibility to prevent Saddam from regaining his past capabilities and the only way to do that proved to be removing him from power.
Removing Saddam Hussein was all about the West installing a Puppet Government so they could plunder Iraq's resources. But hey, most dumb American fat asses still believe it was all about the 'Freeeeedum.' Western Corporations are in there right now making money hand over fist.

The same thing was done in Libya and Ukraine. It's all about the $$. But not for the average Citizens of those nations perpetrating these war atrocities. For example, American Taxpayers were forced to spend several $Trillions on the Iraq nightmare. They'll never see penny one in return. Because the $$ is only for the Globalist Elites.

Americans see the return every time they turn a light on their house, go to put gas in the car, by petroleum based consumer products like anything that has plastic in it, and go to the store to buy their food. All of those things are impacted by the price of oil and natural gas coming out of the Persian Gulf, as well as that oil and gas's security, and ability to get to market to support the US economy and the global economy, and keep the price of everything down and in reach for the average citizen.

So far, a little less than 1 Trillion has been spent on Iraq, less than about $100 billion dollars a year making it a much cheaper war than World War I, World War II, Korea, or Vietnam.
Removing Saddam Hussein was all about the West installing a Puppet Government so they could plunder Iraq's resources. But hey, most dumb American fat asses still believe it was all about the 'Freeeeedum.' Western Corporations are in there right now making money hand over fist.

The same thing was done in Libya and Ukraine. It's all about the $$. But not for average Citizens of those nations perpetrating these war atrocities. The $$ is only for the Globalist Elites.

quite acrimonius there------do you let neighborhood kids step on "your grass"??? You remind me of every embittered
housewife in my childhood neighborhood who was suspicious of the people who worked to fix the sewer system. How can I get to be a "GLOBALIST ELITE"??

Just remember, you the Taxpayer paid for the Iraq nightmare. And you'll never see penny one in return. However, the Globalist Elites are set to make $Billions in Iraq, Libya, Ukraine, and so on.

The nightmare would have been to leave Saddam in power given what he did to the region from 1979 to 2003.

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