Do you believe the death count?


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2011
I see the corporate media pushing the 250,000 COVID deaths. I do my best to avoid corporate media, but it’s difficult to avoid entirely.

Question for corporate media consumers...has the corporate media EVER questioned the validity of the death count they report?
I see the corporate media pushing the 250,000 COVID deaths. I do my best to avoid corporate media, but it’s difficult to avoid entirely.

Question for corporate media consumers...has the corporate media EVER questioned the validity of the death count they report?
Let me give you my long explanation.

I see the corporate media pushing the 250,000 COVID deaths. I do my best to avoid corporate media, but it’s difficult to avoid entirely.

Question for corporate media consumers...has the corporate media EVER questioned the validity of the death count they report?

Not one damned bit do I believe it. Nor do we really know how many people died or are still dying in China, the shitheads who gave us the virus in the first place.
I see the corporate media pushing the 250,000 COVID deaths. I do my best to avoid corporate media, but it’s difficult to avoid entirely.

Question for corporate media consumers...has the corporate media EVER questioned the validity of the death count they report?
Let me give you my long explanation.


I think it can be a lot more if they counted everyone that died at home.
Oh so you admit that the count has been inflated because people who couldnt go for their heart checks, ended up dying because the Hospitals couldnt see them? Is that a COVID related death? Or when some stupid prog bitch is driving while looking at her phone, drives into a tree, ends up dying a COVID related death?
From the CDC website:

  • When people with COVID-19 cough, sneeze, sing, talk, or breathe they produce respiratory droplets. These droplets can range in size from larger droplets (some of which are visible) to smaller droplets. Small droplets can also form particles when they dry very quickly in the airstream.
  • Infections occur mainly through exposure to respiratory droplets when a person is in close contact with someone who has COVID-19.
  • Respiratory droplets cause infection when they are inhaled or deposited on mucous membranes, such as those that line the inside of the nose and mouth.
With that said, the only way you are going to get a virus is if someone sneezes or spits into your nose or mouth. Masks are doing nothing unless in fact someone spews their snot or spit into your nose or mouth. Therefore, the numbers on COVID are being blown up. This virus is not "floating" around in the open air. When I see people walking outside by themselves with a mask on I always just shake my head...ridiculous and pathetic.

There aren't that many cases and for those who believe they have it they have the flu or a cold. They are believing what doctors are telling them and doctors are simply helping the cause by lying and saying people have COVID. People are not dying from COVID. Enough said...
I see the corporate media pushing the 250,000 COVID deaths. I do my best to avoid corporate media, but it’s difficult to avoid entirely.

Question for corporate media consumers...has the corporate media EVER questioned the validity of the death count they report?
Are you saying the Trump administration is lying to us?
From the CDC website:

  • When people with COVID-19 cough, sneeze, sing, talk, or breathe they produce respiratory droplets. These droplets can range in size from larger droplets (some of which are visible) to smaller droplets. Small droplets can also form particles when they dry very quickly in the airstream.
  • Infections occur mainly through exposure to respiratory droplets when a person is in close contact with someone who has COVID-19.
  • Respiratory droplets cause infection when they are inhaled or deposited on mucous membranes, such as those that line the inside of the nose and mouth.
With that said, the only way you are going to get a virus is if someone sneezes or spits into your nose or mouth. Masks are doing nothing unless in fact someone spews their snot or spit into your nose or mouth. Therefore, the numbers on COVID are being blown up. This virus is not "floating" around in the open air. When I see people walking outside by themselves with a mask on I always just shake my head...ridiculous and pathetic.

There aren't that many cases and for those who believe they have it they have the flu or a cold. They are believing what doctors are telling them and doctors are simply helping the cause by lying and saying people have COVID. People are not dying from COVID. Enough said...
I see the corporate media pushing the 250,000 COVID deaths. I do my best to avoid corporate media, but it’s difficult to avoid entirely.

Question for corporate media consumers...has the corporate media EVER questioned the validity of the death count they report?
Are you saying the Trump administration is lying to us?
Seems that you are a slave of the system and it is Dr. FAUXCI who has been lying to US. Now like a good slave, put your mask back on and bend over, Hunter Biden needs some ass.


He said he was drinking a bottle of water, that is the weirdest water bottle i ever saw...
I see the corporate media pushing the 250,000 COVID deaths. I do my best to avoid corporate media, but it’s difficult to avoid entirely.

Question for corporate media consumers...has the corporate media EVER questioned the validity of the death count they report?
Johns Hopkins is not the corporate media dumbass and they track cases and deaths the same way all over the world.
I see the corporate media pushing the 250,000 COVID deaths. I do my best to avoid corporate media, but it’s difficult to avoid entirely.

Question for corporate media consumers...has the corporate media EVER questioned the validity of the death count they report?
Are you saying the Trump administration is lying to us?
There is a considerable amount of reporting in the NON-corporate media, that disputes and questions the COVID death numbers reported by the MSM. If the MSM hasn’t EVER questioned the death numbers, it might indicate something is amiss.

I’m guessing you only consume corporate media. Could you tell me if they have ever questioned the validity of the death number?
I see the corporate media pushing the 250,000 COVID deaths. I do my best to avoid corporate media, but it’s difficult to avoid entirely.

Question for corporate media consumers...has the corporate media EVER questioned the validity of the death count they report?
Johns Hopkins is not the corporate media dumbass and they track cases and deaths the same way all over the world.
There's not single reason to believe the numbers.

I've often cited the case of a guy who was killed in a traffic accident on his way home from getting a Covid test. As that was the reason for him being on the road at that particular place at that particular crime, it was considered a "Covid related" death.

The family later reported the test results were negative.

It takes a complete idiot to believe the numbers we're being shown...
I see the corporate media pushing the 250,000 COVID deaths. I do my best to avoid corporate media, but it’s difficult to avoid entirely.

Question for corporate media consumers...has the corporate media EVER questioned the validity of the death count they report?
Johns Hopkins is not the corporate media dumbass and they track cases and deaths the same way all over the world.
Given that this pandemic started out almost in the dark in December and then into January, and the chaos when it ramped up in February and March, it's highly likely that the death toll is higher. One of my relatives has colleagues in China (not Wuhan) that they talk to on a regular basis and they said this was coming on their radar in early December. There is speculation that the virus could have made its way here then. Not being familiar with it, those early deaths may have been misdiagnosed.

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