Do you believe the death count?

I see the corporate media pushing the 250,000 COVID deaths. I do my best to avoid corporate media, but it’s difficult to avoid entirely.

Question for corporate media consumers...has the corporate media EVER questioned the validity of the death count they report?

Yes, I believe a quarter million at a MINIMUM. Scientists and doctors in appropriate fields including Fauci believe it's most likely an undercount by at least 20%.

So we've easily surpassed 300,000.

Thanks Donald
So, it’s Trump’s fault?

When a virus is made political by those with ulterior motives, I suspect a rat.

Donnie is responsible for minimally half those souls due to a botched response.
Lotta blood on his hands thanks to dithering and denial.
He will not get into heaven.
Yes, I have heard many times that this incidence was "cited".
And it has been cited, but the origin is most likely Gateway Pundit or Breitbart.

No, it wasn't, dumbass. I heard the report on the local radio station. I live just south of Jacksonville, which is where it happened...

Perhaps you were talking about this incident? FAIL

These?? FAIL

The only one failing here is you, dipshit...

If so, ya probably heard it from TrumpyBoy DeSantis.

How's that fail taste, numbnuts?

Like I said, it was a local story. I didn't go searching for a link, nor am I inclined to. See, I'm not trying to convince you of anything (you're too fucking stupid to accept facts, anyway). I was merely explaining why I don't believe the numbers being reported...

It does appear to the case, however, that a motorcyclist who was killed in a traffic accident also tested positive for COVID-19, and was initially listed among Florida’s COVID-19-related deaths. But officials from the Florida Department of Health said that person has since been removed from the count.

The fact that the motorcyclist showed up on it at all is worrisome. Only a retard would believe that was the only case of that happening.

Which probably explains why you believe it...
You would think it would have just been easier to swing 50K votes towards Hillary to win the 2016 election...that would have been much easier actually

But I assume they decided to use their massive power to make everyone believe 200K people died of COVID instead...weird flex, but ok...
I see the corporate media pushing the 250,000 COVID deaths. I do my best to avoid corporate media, but it’s difficult to avoid entirely.

Question for corporate media consumers...has the corporate media EVER questioned the validity of the death count they report?

Yes, I believe a quarter million at a MINIMUM. Scientists and doctors in appropriate fields including Fauci believe it's most likely an undercount by at least 20%.

So we've easily surpassed 300,000.

Thanks Donald
So, it’s Trump’s fault?

When a virus is made political by those with ulterior motives, I suspect a rat.
Trump definitely thought H1N1 was Obama's fault...tweeted about it often....

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Apparently he doesn't keep the same energy towards himself....
I have one final comment...I believe in a free America not a country where we are told where and when to wear a mask that we MUST take a vaccine...that we should wear a mask inside our own home....where we are being told we can't have family members over for holidays and how many family members are permitted...that does not sound like a FREE country to me. We should be allowed to make our own decisions and free to speak however we life HOW WE WANT...this is now not the case
The death toll is a lie. They go back and change previously issued death certificates from traffic trauma and overdoses to covid.

They need a high death toll right now because it supports the even bigger lie that Trump is killing people by not meeting with Chicom Biden.
I have one final comment...I believe in a free America not a country where we are told where and when to wear a mask that we MUST take a vaccine...that we should wear a mask inside our own home....where we are being told we can't have family members over for holidays and how many family members are permitted...that does not sound like a FREE country to me. We should be allowed to make our own decisions and free to speak however we life HOW WE WANT...this is now not the case

Nobody suggested that you wear a mask inside your own home. :rolleyes:
I see the corporate media pushing the 250,000 COVID deaths. I do my best to avoid corporate media, but it’s difficult to avoid entirely.

Question for corporate media consumers...has the corporate media EVER questioned the validity of the death count they report?
Why would they lie about it?
I have one final comment...I believe in a free America not a country where we are told where and when to wear a mask that we MUST take a vaccine...that we should wear a mask inside our own home....where we are being told we can't have family members over for holidays and how many family members are permitted...that does not sound like a FREE country to me. We should be allowed to make our own decisions and free to speak however we life HOW WE WANT...this is now not the case

Nobody suggested that you wear a mask inside your own home. :rolleyes:
Don't be so quick to advertise how ill informed you are. It's the law in Pennsylvania.
I see the corporate media pushing the 250,000 COVID deaths. I do my best to avoid corporate media, but it’s difficult to avoid entirely.

Question for corporate media consumers...has the corporate media EVER questioned the validity of the death count they report?
Why would they lie about it?

I was wondering the same. Besides, Rump told us that after 11-3 the "corporate media" wouldn't be talking about the COVIDS. ;)
I have one final comment...I believe in a free America not a country where we are told where and when to wear a mask that we MUST take a vaccine...that we should wear a mask inside our own home....where we are being told we can't have family members over for holidays and how many family members are permitted...that does not sound like a FREE country to me. We should be allowed to make our own decisions and free to speak however we life HOW WE WANT...this is now not the case
That isn't a final comment - that is a hissy fit
I see the corporate media pushing the 250,000 COVID deaths. I do my best to avoid corporate media, but it’s difficult to avoid entirely.

Question for corporate media consumers...has the corporate media EVER questioned the validity of the death count they report?

No. We do not believe it. No, to the best of my knowledge, in answer to your second question.
I see the corporate media pushing the 250,000 COVID deaths. I do my best to avoid corporate media, but it’s difficult to avoid entirely.

Question for corporate media consumers...has the corporate media EVER questioned the validity of the death count they report?
Are you saying the Trump administration is lying to us?
There is a considerable amount of reporting in the NON-corporate media, that disputes and questions the COVID death numbers reported by the MSM. If the MSM hasn’t EVER questioned the death numbers, it might indicate something is amiss.

I’m guessing you only consume corporate media. Could you tell me if they have ever questioned the validity of the death number?
You mean the RWNJ infotainment sphere.

They aren't informing you, they are entertaining you. Don't take what they say seriously.
I see the corporate media pushing the 250,000 COVID deaths. I do my best to avoid corporate media, but it’s difficult to avoid entirely.

Question for corporate media consumers...has the corporate media EVER questioned the validity of the death count they report?
Everyone I know is telling me every death is being diagnosed as COVID.
This is a tremendous scandal.
The numbers don't add up when considering the survival rate...this is a smoke screen for other agendas...don't doubt that for a second
What agenda?
Hospitals and MDs making a fortune.
Nope. They're going broke.try again.
Where do you live?
In NYC and Nassau County, medical clinics are popping up all over the place.
Kansas. Doc in the box one every corner.

They don't do covid.
I see the corporate media pushing the 250,000 COVID deaths. I do my best to avoid corporate media, but it’s difficult to avoid entirely.

Question for corporate media consumers...has the corporate media EVER questioned the validity of the death count they report?
Everyone I know is telling me every death is being diagnosed as COVID.
This is a tremendous scandal.
How many hospital administrators do you know?
I see the corporate media pushing the 250,000 COVID deaths. I do my best to avoid corporate media, but it’s difficult to avoid entirely.

Question for corporate media consumers...has the corporate media EVER questioned the validity of the death count they report?
Everyone I know is telling me every death is being diagnosed as COVID.
This is a tremendous scandal.
How many hospital administrators do you know?
About 2 dozen in my community plus about 10 MDs who have had their own state of the art wings built for them recently.
You know dip squat.

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