Do you believe the death count?

They applied common sense. Masking, hand washing, social distancing and Staying out of crowded places without it being mandated.

Unfortunately our conservative population isn't smart enough to do that. We will need lockdowns to accomplish what they did by common sense.
Yet, EVERYONE said that the BLM protests did not contribute to COVID infections.....NOW HOW CAN THAT POSSIBLY BE TRUE????

Do you see why we are going mad over the absolute BULLSHIT we are being fed by the MSM and our own fucking government?
A guy in his 20's here in Florida died in a motorcycle accident. No shit....he was listed as a Covid death until his case was exposed on local media. Of course the numbers are greatly inflated. Only an idiot would say otherwise.
I see the corporate media pushing the 250,000 COVID deaths. I do my best to avoid corporate media, but it’s difficult to avoid entirely.

Question for corporate media consumers...has the corporate media EVER questioned the validity of the death count they report?
Everyone I know is telling me every death is being diagnosed as COVID.
This is a tremendous scandal.
How many hospital administrators do you know?
About 2 dozen in my community plus about 10 MDs who have had their own state of the art wings built for them recently.
You know dip squat.
You know two dozen hospital administrators and 10 MDs well enough for them to have told you that they are inflating the death count to make more money?

Why am I having a difficult time believing such an outlandish claim?
And I have co-workers and fellow Jews who are telling their stories and they’re all pissed off that eventually we will have our health insurance rates skyrocket and/or our taxes will go through the roof to pay off this “get rich quick” scan.

But you go right ahead and watch CNN and MSLSD.
I'mma hafta call bullshit.
Have fun in your basement.
I'm not in the basement, that's a conservative thing.
They are afraid of their shadows but not scared of covid, until they catch it.
My co-worker’s mother committed suicide due to unbearable headaches.
It was diagnosed as COVID.
He told the MD to change the CPT10 or be reported.
She probably had blood clots in her head, there are many reasons for suicide.
Covid, did she get checked? Why the headaches?
How do you know, if she committed suicide. Aneurysm can be caused by covid.

I blame Covid for my fathers death and he died of natural causes. He was made to stay home, he couldn't go to any of his social gatherings for his blindness, he couldn't go to the VA for his check ups, they could no longer come over for his classes on teaching him to use his devices, even though he was blind. At the VA, they loved him, he was a decorated WWII Battle of the Bulge, soldier. He would go at least once a week to visit a doctor. No one could come over and visit, he got to the point where life was nothing but sitting in his home. So, Covid killed him, though he died at home of natural causes and died peacefully. You can claim all the bullshit you want but where the quality of life is lacking, quantity is doesn't seem to make up for it.
They applied common sense. Masking, hand washing, social distancing and Staying out of crowded places without it being mandated.

Unfortunately our conservative population isn't smart enough to do that. We will need lockdowns to accomplish what they did by common sense.
Yet, EVERYONE said that the BLM protests did not contribute to COVID infections.....NOW HOW CAN THAT POSSIBLY BE TRUE????

Do you see why we are going mad over the absolute BULLSHIT we are being fed by the MSM and our own fucking government?

They didn't. Because the bulk of protestors wore masks.

Meanwhile, at Trump's super spreader events, most didn't.

Pictures tell the story.
I see the corporate media pushing the 250,000 COVID deaths. I do my best to avoid corporate media, but it’s difficult to avoid entirely.

Question for corporate media consumers...has the corporate media EVER questioned the validity of the death count they report?
zzcovid cdc deaths.jpg

zzcovid cdc deaths2.jpg

Covid in the USA

Updated: October 1, 2020; Published: August 11, 2020


From what I have researched, the government pays various healthcare systems and insurance plans additional resources to cover Coivid deaths. Additionally, the various testing regimes that are on the market, as we have seen from the recent outrage from Elon Musk, are very unreliable, many of them cannot tell the difference between COVID-19 and other common corona-viruses that have been the cause of your average ordinary upper respiratory cold infection.

So whose to say if it is one thing, or another, a cold, a flu, or pneumonias?

The market will react to whatever stimulus is put upon it, and the infusion of cash put into it by the government, added to that, the shut down of the economy, has put pressure to distort genuine causation.

. . . IMO.
I see the corporate media pushing the 250,000 COVID deaths. I do my best to avoid corporate media, but it’s difficult to avoid entirely.

Question for corporate media consumers...has the corporate media EVER questioned the validity of the death count they report?
Everyone I know is telling me every death is being diagnosed as COVID.
This is a tremendous scandal.
How many hospital administrators do you know?
About 2 dozen in my community plus about 10 MDs who have had their own state of the art wings built for them recently.
You know dip squat.
You know two dozen hospital administrators and 10 MDs well enough for them to have told you that they are inflating the death count to make more money?

Why am I having a difficult time believing such an outlandish claim?
And I have co-workers and fellow Jews who are telling their stories and they’re all pissed off that eventually we will have our health insurance rates skyrocket and/or our taxes will go through the roof to pay off this “get rich quick” scan.

But you go right ahead and watch CNN and MSLSD.
Why are you pals with so many criminals??

Why don't you turn them in for fraud??

Matter of fact, we should be seeing stories all over the country of the DOJ prosecuting doctors, nurses and hospital admins for fraud....

Where are they?
If I reported every MD, including my wife’s employers, every MD would be in prison.


Why are you friends with so many criminals??
I’m a Democrat.
Deflection noted......

Why do you Trumpers have to lie so much?
He's not a Democrat, he's a tRumpling who is embarrassed to admit it.
Both parties consist of globalist ass kissers.
I am pro-US.
I see the corporate media pushing the 250,000 COVID deaths. I do my best to avoid corporate media, but it’s difficult to avoid entirely.

Question for corporate media consumers...has the corporate media EVER questioned the validity of the death count they report?

Yes, I believe a quarter million at a MINIMUM. Scientists and doctors in appropriate fields including Fauci believe it's most likely an undercount by at least 20%.

So we've easily surpassed 300,000.

Thanks Donald

You want to thank the leaders of the European nations that did an earlier lockdown and are now seeing spikes and can't seem to control them because people are protesting and rioting in Europe?

It's a virus, there is no getting rid of it, it will continue to comeback over and over again until there is a vaccine. The toll the last lockdown had on people wasn't just economical, it was physical, spiritual and emotional. Delays in diagnoses, delays in procedures also have had a terrible effect and loss of life. Suicides are up, mental illness is up and if you think blaming one person is the answer, you are totally wrong.

Sweden, no lockdowns, just common sense.
They applied common sense. Masking, hand washing, social distancing and Staying out of crowded places without it being mandated.

Unfortunately our conservative population isn't smart enough to do that. We will need lockdowns to accomplish what they did by common sense.
NYC is overwhelmingly Liberals and they’re the ones getting C19.
I see the corporate media pushing the 250,000 COVID deaths. I do my best to avoid corporate media, but it’s difficult to avoid entirely.

Question for corporate media consumers...has the corporate media EVER questioned the validity of the death count they report?
Everyone I know is telling me every death is being diagnosed as COVID.
This is a tremendous scandal.
How many hospital administrators do you know?
About 2 dozen in my community plus about 10 MDs who have had their own state of the art wings built for them recently.
You know dip squat.
You know two dozen hospital administrators and 10 MDs well enough for them to have told you that they are inflating the death count to make more money?

Why am I having a difficult time believing such an outlandish claim?
And I have co-workers and fellow Jews who are telling their stories and they’re all pissed off that eventually we will have our health insurance rates skyrocket and/or our taxes will go through the roof to pay off this “get rich quick” scan.

But you go right ahead and watch CNN and MSLSD.
Why are you pals with so many criminals??

Why don't you turn them in for fraud??

Matter of fact, we should be seeing stories all over the country of the DOJ prosecuting doctors, nurses and hospital admins for fraud....

Where are they?
If I reported every MD, including my wife’s employers, every MD would be in prison.


Why are you friends with so many criminals??
I’m a Democrat.
Deflection noted......

Why do you Trumpers have to lie so much?
He's not a Democrat, he's a tRumpling who is embarrassed to admit it.

He is a Democrat that doesn't like where the Democratic Party is heading. That is why I left the Republican party many years ago.
So you must have really been pissed off about Medicare, Social Security, Civil Rights, Voting Rights, Labor Rights, etc

But I guess you held your nose and voted Democrat anyway.....

Now as a Republican, you are finally free to attack all of those things....

You ever realize that maybe you were just been a shitty human being -- and now you are with a party you feel more at home with??
I see the corporate media pushing the 250,000 COVID deaths. I do my best to avoid corporate media, but it’s difficult to avoid entirely.

Question for corporate media consumers...has the corporate media EVER questioned the validity of the death count they report?

Yes, I believe a quarter million at a MINIMUM. Scientists and doctors in appropriate fields including Fauci believe it's most likely an undercount by at least 20%.

So we've easily surpassed 300,000.

Thanks Donald

You want to thank the leaders of the European nations that did an earlier lockdown and are now seeing spikes and can't seem to control them because people are protesting and rioting in Europe?

It's a virus, there is no getting rid of it, it will continue to comeback over and over again until there is a vaccine. The toll the last lockdown had on people wasn't just economical, it was physical, spiritual and emotional. Delays in diagnoses, delays in procedures also have had a terrible effect and loss of life. Suicides are up, mental illness is up and if you think blaming one person is the answer, you are totally wrong.

Sweden, no lockdowns, just common sense.
They applied common sense. Masking, hand washing, social distancing and Staying out of crowded places without it being mandated.

Unfortunately our conservative population isn't smart enough to do that. We will need lockdowns to accomplish what they did by common sense.
NYC is overwhelmingly Liberals and they’re the ones getting C19.
And South Dakota is what??


I see the corporate media pushing the 250,000 COVID deaths. I do my best to avoid corporate media, but it’s difficult to avoid entirely.

Question for corporate media consumers...has the corporate media EVER questioned the validity of the death count they report?

Yes, I believe a quarter million at a MINIMUM. Scientists and doctors in appropriate fields including Fauci believe it's most likely an undercount by at least 20%.

So we've easily surpassed 300,000.

Thanks Donald

You want to thank the leaders of the European nations that did an earlier lockdown and are now seeing spikes and can't seem to control them because people are protesting and rioting in Europe?

It's a virus, there is no getting rid of it, it will continue to comeback over and over again until there is a vaccine. The toll the last lockdown had on people wasn't just economical, it was physical, spiritual and emotional. Delays in diagnoses, delays in procedures also have had a terrible effect and loss of life. Suicides are up, mental illness is up and if you think blaming one person is the answer, you are totally wrong.

Sweden, no lockdowns, just common sense.
They applied common sense. Masking, hand washing, social distancing and Staying out of crowded places without it being mandated.

Unfortunately our conservative population isn't smart enough to do that. We will need lockdowns to accomplish what they did by common sense.
NYC is overwhelmingly Liberals and they’re the ones getting C19.
And South Dakota is what??


View attachment 418447
My societal POV is...
US first
Allies 2nd
Enemies not at all

There is no reason to pay another nation’s bills.
They applied common sense. Masking, hand washing, social distancing and Staying out of crowded places without it being mandated.

Unfortunately our conservative population isn't smart enough to do that. We will need lockdowns to accomplish what they did by common sense.
Yet, EVERYONE said that the BLM protests did not contribute to COVID infections.....NOW HOW CAN THAT POSSIBLY BE TRUE????

Do you see why we are going mad over the absolute BULLSHIT we are being fed by the MSM and our own fucking government?

They didn't. Because the bulk of protestors wore masks.

Meanwhile, at Trump's super spreader events, most didn't.

Pictures tell the story.
I see the corporate media pushing the 250,000 COVID deaths. I do my best to avoid corporate media, but it’s difficult to avoid entirely.

Question for corporate media consumers...has the corporate media EVER questioned the validity of the death count they report?
Everyone I know is telling me every death is being diagnosed as COVID.
This is a tremendous scandal.
How many hospital administrators do you know?
About 2 dozen in my community plus about 10 MDs who have had their own state of the art wings built for them recently.
You know dip squat.
You know two dozen hospital administrators and 10 MDs well enough for them to have told you that they are inflating the death count to make more money?

Why am I having a difficult time believing such an outlandish claim?
And I have co-workers and fellow Jews who are telling their stories and they’re all pissed off that eventually we will have our health insurance rates skyrocket and/or our taxes will go through the roof to pay off this “get rich quick” scan.

But you go right ahead and watch CNN and MSLSD.
Why are you pals with so many criminals??

Why don't you turn them in for fraud??

Matter of fact, we should be seeing stories all over the country of the DOJ prosecuting doctors, nurses and hospital admins for fraud....

Where are they?
If I reported every MD, including my wife’s employers, every MD would be in prison.


Why are you friends with so many criminals??
I’m a Democrat.
Deflection noted......

Why do you Trumpers have to lie so much?
He's not a Democrat, he's a tRumpling who is embarrassed to admit it.

He is a Democrat that doesn't like where the Democratic Party is heading. That is why I left the Republican party many years ago.
So you must have really been pissed off about Medicare, Social Security, Civil Rights, Voting Rights, Labor Rights, etc

But I guess you held your nose and voted Democrat anyway.....

Now as a Republican, you are finally free to attack all of those things....

You ever realize that maybe you were just been a shitty human being -- and now you are with a party you feel more at home with??
You seem to have a reading comprehension issue, I am not a Republican, I left the party years ago. I never said or claimed to be a Democrat.

I'm not with any party, both the parties are corrupt at their core. I could not vote for an old white establishment guy, that ruled out both Trump and Biden.

The rest of your insult just shows what a partisan you are with no real knowledge of people, just what you are told. Take care.
I see the corporate media pushing the 250,000 COVID deaths. I do my best to avoid corporate media, but it’s difficult to avoid entirely.

Question for corporate media consumers...has the corporate media EVER questioned the validity of the death count they report?
Everyone I know is telling me every death is being diagnosed as COVID.
This is a tremendous scandal.
How many hospital administrators do you know?
About 2 dozen in my community plus about 10 MDs who have had their own state of the art wings built for them recently.
You know dip squat.
You know two dozen hospital administrators and 10 MDs well enough for them to have told you that they are inflating the death count to make more money?

Why am I having a difficult time believing such an outlandish claim?
And I have co-workers and fellow Jews who are telling their stories and they’re all pissed off that eventually we will have our health insurance rates skyrocket and/or our taxes will go through the roof to pay off this “get rich quick” scan.

But you go right ahead and watch CNN and MSLSD.
Why are you pals with so many criminals??

Why don't you turn them in for fraud??

Matter of fact, we should be seeing stories all over the country of the DOJ prosecuting doctors, nurses and hospital admins for fraud....

Where are they?
If I reported every MD, including my wife’s employers, every MD would be in prison.


Why are you friends with so many criminals??
I’m a Democrat.
Deflection noted......

Why do you Trumpers have to lie so much?
He's not a Democrat, he's a tRumpling who is embarrassed to admit it.

He is a Democrat that doesn't like where the Democratic Party is heading. That is why I left the Republican party many years ago.
So you must have really been pissed off about Medicare, Social Security, Civil Rights, Voting Rights, Labor Rights, etc

But I guess you held your nose and voted Democrat anyway.....

Now as a Republican, you are finally free to attack all of those things....

You ever realize that maybe you were just been a shitty human being -- and now you are with a party you feel more at home with??
Welfare should be based upon academic achievement.
I see the corporate media pushing the 250,000 COVID deaths. I do my best to avoid corporate media, but it’s difficult to avoid entirely.

Question for corporate media consumers...has the corporate media EVER questioned the validity of the death count they report?

It's probably less. Maybe much less. Maybe the deaths actually caused by covid are only half what has been reported. So, 125,000 instead of 250,000. How much fucking difference does it make?
I see the corporate media pushing the 250,000 COVID deaths. I do my best to avoid corporate media, but it’s difficult to avoid entirely.

Question for corporate media consumers...has the corporate media EVER questioned the validity of the death count they report?
View attachment 418444
View attachment 418445

Covid in the USA

Updated: October 1, 2020; Published: August 11, 2020


From what I have researched, the government pays various healthcare systems and insurance plans additional resources to cover Coivid deaths. Additionally, the various testing regimes that are on the market, as we have seen from the recent outrage from Elon Musk, are very unreliable, many of them cannot tell the difference between COVID-19 and other common corona-viruses that have been the cause of your average ordinary upper respiratory cold infection.

So whose to say if it is one thing, or another, a cold, a flu, or pneumonias?

The market will react to whatever stimulus is put upon it, and the infusion of cash put into it by the government, added to that, the shut down of the economy, has put pressure to distort genuine causation.

. . . IMO.
The fact that our government is subsidizing COVID deaths, is concerning. We know subsidizing anything results in more of that thing. Without proper oversight, it seems likely hospitals will inflate covid deaths.

The MSM’s continued promotion of the number of virus deaths, without ever analyzing or questioning the accuracy of the number, is also concerning.

I’m wondering if the causes of death in the USA has changed. If deaths from flu, pneumonia, heart disease, cancer, etc have suddenly gone down while reported Covid-19 deaths have increased, then the overall mortality rate might be unchanged.
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There's not single reason to believe the numbers.

I've often cited the case of a guy who was killed in a traffic accident on his way home from getting a Covid test. As that was the reason for him being on the road at that particular place at that particular crime, it was considered a "Covid related" death.

The family later reported the test results were negative.

It takes a complete idiot to believe the numbers we're being shown...
1 incident out of 250,000 doesn`t really make your case.
I think it can be a lot more if they counted everyone that died at home.
Do you have any evidence for this viewpoint?
How about every expert in the world saying that the actual figures are no doubt higher especially in the United States which has crap for testing thanks to the orange clown and brainwashed functional morons like you....
The CDC themselves admitted...what... back in July? That the numbers they used included two things...
1) People who clearly died of other causes, but were covid positive at the time of their death.
2) People with serious health issues that died, and tested positive, but it was indeterminate if the virus caused their death.

So it is simply impossible to know what is true.
Keeping in mind - other countries did not include these numbers.
I see the corporate media pushing the 250,000 COVID deaths. I do my best to avoid corporate media, but it’s difficult to avoid entirely.

Question for corporate media consumers...has the corporate media EVER questioned the validity of the death count they report?
Everyone I know is telling me every death is being diagnosed as COVID.
This is a tremendous scandal.
How many hospital administrators do you know?
About 2 dozen in my community plus about 10 MDs who have had their own state of the art wings built for them recently.
You know dip squat.
You know two dozen hospital administrators and 10 MDs well enough for them to have told you that they are inflating the death count to make more money?

Why am I having a difficult time believing such an outlandish claim?
And I have co-workers and fellow Jews who are telling their stories and they’re all pissed off that eventually we will have our health insurance rates skyrocket and/or our taxes will go through the roof to pay off this “get rich quick” scan.

But you go right ahead and watch CNN and MSLSD.
I'mma hafta call bullshit.
Have fun in your basement.
I'm not in the basement, that's a conservative thing.
They are afraid of their shadows but not scared of covid, until they catch it.
My co-worker’s mother committed suicide due to unbearable headaches.
It was diagnosed as COVID.
He told the MD to change the CPT10 or be reported.
She probably had blood clots in her head, there are many reasons for suicide.
Covid, did she get checked? Why the headaches?

Probably could not get checked because fear closed access to the hospitals and personal doctors. Your favorite lockdown prevented her from medical care, not covid.
I see the corporate media pushing the 250,000 COVID deaths. I do my best to avoid corporate media, but it’s difficult to avoid entirely.

Question for corporate media consumers...has the corporate media EVER questioned the validity of the death count they report?
Everyone I know is telling me every death is being diagnosed as COVID.
This is a tremendous scandal.
How many hospital administrators do you know?
About 2 dozen in my community plus about 10 MDs who have had their own state of the art wings built for them recently.
You know dip squat.
You know two dozen hospital administrators and 10 MDs well enough for them to have told you that they are inflating the death count to make more money?

Why am I having a difficult time believing such an outlandish claim?
And I have co-workers and fellow Jews who are telling their stories and they’re all pissed off that eventually we will have our health insurance rates skyrocket and/or our taxes will go through the roof to pay off this “get rich quick” scan.

But you go right ahead and watch CNN and MSLSD.
Why are you pals with so many criminals??

Why don't you turn them in for fraud??

Matter of fact, we should be seeing stories all over the country of the DOJ prosecuting doctors, nurses and hospital admins for fraud....

Where are they?

Also stories about politicians, both sides, breaking election laws and civil rights violations, but the powers that be will not stand for that.

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