Do you believe the death count?

There's not single reason to believe the numbers.

I've often cited the case of a guy who was killed in a traffic accident on his way home from getting a Covid test. As that was the reason for him being on the road at that particular place at that particular crime, it was considered a "Covid related" death.

The family later reported the test results were negative.

It takes a complete idiot to believe the numbers we're being shown...
1 incident out of 250,000 doesn`t really make your case.

Two Jacksonville firefighters had registered to get their Covid tests done. They were waiting for their tests, decided it was taken too long and left, deciding they would just get their tests done another time.

Four days later they received test results. One of them was negative and the other was positive.

This, despite the fact that no test was actually ever performed. Apparently, when the registered individual fails to show for their test, the lab (or someone) errs on the side of caution.

It would take someone who's a complete fool to believe that similar instances can't, and don't, happen elsewhere...
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I think it can be a lot more if they counted everyone that died at home.
Do you have any evidence for this viewpoint?
How about every expert in the world saying that the actual figures are no doubt higher especially in the United States which has crap for testing thanks to the orange clown and brainwashed functional morons like you....
Again with every expert in the, just like with global warming, it’s a lie.

Then you go after Trump, making a virus political. Silly.
It’s not a belief but rather an understanding
250k deaths with 225,000 being from people 70 years of age or older and already afflicted with 2-3 other life taking situation where the end was days to several months away
Of the 25,000 that don’t fit that age and preexisting condition classification about 2,000 are under 55. I do agree that the 2,000 have a tragedy nature to it but the death toll to all Americans because of the stresses of the lockdowns and all the other ramifications of this hoax far surpass the “tragedy” fatalities to All Americans as a whole
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I have one final comment...I believe in a free America not a country where we are told where and when to wear a mask that we MUST take a vaccine...that we should wear a mask inside our own home....where we are being told we can't have family members over for holidays and how many family members are permitted...that does not sound like a FREE country to me. We should be allowed to make our own decisions and free to speak however we life HOW WE WANT...this is now not the case
If your immense stupidity only affected you, no one would give a fuck.
I have one final comment...I believe in a free America not a country where we are told where and when to wear a mask that we MUST take a vaccine...that we should wear a mask inside our own home....where we are being told we can't have family members over for holidays and how many family members are permitted...that does not sound like a FREE country to me. We should be allowed to make our own decisions and free to speak however we life HOW WE WANT...this is now not the case
If your immense stupidity only affected you, no one would give a fuck.
See, that's what we call "tough shit" because who should bear the burden? Those .003% who are at risk, or we who are NOT at risk?
I see the corporate media pushing the 250,000 COVID deaths. I do my best to avoid corporate media, but it’s difficult to avoid entirely.

Question for corporate media consumers...has the corporate media EVER questioned the validity of the death count they report?
Unfortunately the C-19 virus got sucked into the politick'n arena meaning any & all reports on the virus is about as real/accurate as the man in the moon is.
I see the corporate media pushing the 250,000 COVID deaths. I do my best to avoid corporate media, but it’s difficult to avoid entirely.

Question for corporate media consumers...has the corporate media EVER questioned the validity of the death count they report?
Unfortunately the C-19 virus got sucked into the politick'n arena meaning any & all reports on the virus is about as real/accurate as the man in the moon is.
I tend to agree, which makes me suspicious of everything the government and corporate media are telling us.
I see the corporate media pushing the 250,000 COVID deaths. I do my best to avoid corporate media, but it’s difficult to avoid entirely.

Question for corporate media consumers...has the corporate media EVER questioned the validity of the death count they report?

Holy shit. There are too many morons in this nation.

Just wait until 1/21. Then you’ll see your wonderful RW media outlets BLASTING the huge death rate on the daily.

This virus is real and Trump fucked up our response. A quarter million dead.

Given that this pandemic started out almost in the dark in December and then into January, and the chaos when it ramped up in February and March, it's highly likely that the death toll is higher. One of my relatives has colleagues in China (not Wuhan) that they talk to on a regular basis and they said this was coming on their radar in early December. There is speculation that the virus could have made its way here then. Not being familiar with it, those early deaths may have been misdiagnosed.
Given the 99.6% survival rate and the fact that medical administrations are reporting any death as covid for pure greed, it is very real that the numbers reported are actually about 1/10 of the actual number.

I have zero idea where some of you get your math skills but just a cursory glance at the numbers shows the death toll running at about 2.2% here in the United States. And your survival rate (which doesn't add up) doesn't take into account people who recover and are going to suffer long term effects for the rest of their lives. Some may even die as a result of said long term effect. Given how pandemics break and proceed and given the fact that this has been a on the job learning experience, the numbers are in all likelyhood higher.
I don't know where you get your facts, a crackerjack box maybe, but the numbers have been at 99.6% survivability rate for months. The fact that those who report the numbers have outright said that they haven't reported the numbers correctly. Look it up. I'm sure you have access to the internet search facilities, just be sure to bring your curiosity and drop your partisan glasses.
yep i would say thats a safe bet that thats where he gets his facts from a crackerjack box.:auiqs.jpg:
I see the corporate media pushing the 250,000 COVID deaths. I do my best to avoid corporate media, but it’s difficult to avoid entirely.

Question for corporate media consumers...has the corporate media EVER questioned the validity of the death count they report?

Holy shit. There are too many morons in this nation.

Just wait until 1/21. Then you’ll see your wonderful RW media outlets BLASTING the huge death rate on the daily.

This virus is real and Trump fucked up our response. A quarter million dead.

Government dupe. Typical.
Hospitialization have increased from a 17,000 summer average count to 22,000. So 100 more per state is overwhelming the system???Hoax

Imagine seasonal viruses exerting themselves more when in season!!!Hoax

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