Do You Believe there are More than TWO Genders? My thoughts (Video)

Jan 4, 2020
Here are my thoughts on whether or not there are two genders from my Christian perspective. Let me know what you think about the video.
Only two genders

Masculine and Feminine

There are genders and there is sexuality
They don’t always match
There are genders and there is sexuality
They don’t always match
Yes, and quite often when they don't match, the person suffers emotionally from it and seeks mental health counseling. Counseling that wouldn't be covered by insurance if being a transgender or transvestite ever became normalized.
There are genders and there is sexuality
They don’t always match
Yes, and quite often when they don't match, the person suffers emotionally from it and seeks mental health counseling. Counseling that wouldn't be covered by insurance if being a transgender or transvestite ever became normalized.

Very true
Society can be cruel
Here are my thoughts on whether or not there are two genders from my Christian perspective. Let me know what you think about the video.

Back in the day of the early 1970s, homosexuality which was a mental illness was removed from said illness by those sympathetic with said insane people. Hollyweird and Congresspukes like Barney Frank, pushed the APA hard to bring those crazy people forth and amongst "normal" people who saw that it is physically wrong to put a mans penis I another mans anus. But this didnt stop the push, so homosexuality became "normal". You see today that those crazies have gone even farther, by advocating for men with tits to be called "women", and women with a beard(but still have a vagina) called men. So we see the world upside down, young people confused, and this is the way MARXISM, eventually destroys western civilization.

In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) asked all members attending its convention to vote on whether they believed homosexuality to be a mental disorder. 5,854 psychiatrists voted to remove homosexuality from the DSM, and 3,810 to retain it.
When Homosexuality Stopped Being a Mental Disorder | Psycholog……
Gender Identity: Marxist Plan to Destroy the Family - Freedom Outpost
To them, America is an oppressive society that clings to the idea of a Gender Binary System. This is the idea that gender itself is nothing more than a social construct based off a person’s biological sex and that by separating gender into two distinct classes, male and female, society is engaging in gender oppression.
If America goes to the Marxist way, then it is lost and there will be no other country out there to come save it. Demoncrats are laughing at the stupidity of their voters every day.

Here are my thoughts on whether or not there are two genders from my Christian perspective. Let me know what you think about the video.

Whatever anyone ‘believes’ is thankfully irrelevant.

Americans have the fundamental right to self-determination, to identify however one is comfortable, consistent with his perception of himself, and consistent with his own good conscience – including gender identification.

Indeed, gender is much more than just reproductive anatomy – it’s also self-expression in the context of culture and society at times unrelated to reproductive anatomy.

As Americans we should support and defend expressions of individual liberty, celebrate that diversity, and defend the right to self-determination against hostility and discrimination directed at those perceived to be ‘different.’
Here are my thoughts on whether or not there are two genders from my Christian perspective. Let me know what you think about the video.

NOPE, there are TWO and ONLY TWO genders. Male or female. Thank you. In rare occurrences a person may be a hermaphrodite and have both male and female sex organs. But these people are both of just the two genders, male and female.
***God created Man and Woman.....Liberals created all the other genders!!!***
And this of course is an example of the ignorance, hate, and stupidity common to most on the right; authoritarian conservatives who seek to compel conformity and punish dissent.

It’s the right’s unwarranted fear of expressions of individual liberty and diversity that facilitates this sort of discrimination and hate.
1 of these people have a vagina, can you figure it out?

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He-he! All I know is what I was taught when I was a youngster, and it still is true today. Males have a penis and testicles, females have a vagina. It's as simple as that, problem solved. Thank you.
And for the scientifically challenged, males have a cock and balls, females have a gash. And again, thank you.

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