Do You Believe there are More than TWO Genders? My thoughts (Video)

This whole "issue" is largely irrelevant. People have the right to present themselves in the way they feel is authentic to themselves without being forced into any stereotype by others. Moreover, this issue affects only a small number of people.

The much greater number of people who embrace grossly exaggerated, cartoonish stereotype personas that are consistent with their physical bodies are far more destructive to society. I mean the males who prance around like he-man Rambos and claim to know it all and extravagantly made-up little wussy girly-girls in flouncy dresses who claim to be ignorant about just about everything when they actually are supposed to be adults.

The "biblical view" of any issue is of concern only to those persons who are not only Christian, but who are members of some Christian groups that have a certain view of the bible itself. This is a very sectarian thing, and the kid who made this video apparently is a member of one of these sects.
Hey, Sparky, there are TWO and ONLY TWO genders. Male and female. If you don't know this or realize this, you are INSANE. Thank you.

This is entirely your opinion, and I think that you express it in a very hysterical fashion. I don't know why it bothers you so much who another person is. There may be only two forms of the human body, absent rare conditions at birth, but what does this mean to you? What do you expect should be done about this? Why not leave it alone, accept people, avoid those whom you don't like, and go on with your life?
This whole "issue" is largely irrelevant. People have the right to present themselves in the way they feel is authentic to themselves without being forced into any stereotype by others. Moreover, this issue affects only a small number of people.

The much greater number of people who embrace grossly exaggerated, cartoonish stereotype personas that are consistent with their physical bodies are far more destructive to society. I mean the males who prance around like he-man Rambos and claim to know it all and extravagantly made-up little wussy girly-girls in flouncy dresses who claim to be ignorant about just about everything when they actually are supposed to be adults.

The "biblical view" of any issue is of concern only to those persons who are not only Christian, but who are members of some Christian groups that have a certain view of the bible itself. This is a very sectarian thing, and the kid who made this video apparently is a member of one of these sects.
Hey, Sparky, there are TWO and ONLY TWO genders. Male and female. If you don't know this or realize this, you are INSANE. Thank you.

This is entirely your opinion, and I think that you express it in a very hysterical fashion. I don't know why it bothers you so much who another person is. There may be only two forms of the human body, absent rare conditions at birth, but what does this mean to you? What do you expect should be done about this? Why not leave it alone, accept people, avoid those whom you don't like, and go on with your life?
You are insane, probably a result of being brainwashed by our hideously biased media. Good luck with THAT, Sparky.
This whole "issue" is largely irrelevant. People have the right to present themselves in the way they feel is authentic to themselves without being forced into any stereotype by others. Moreover, this issue affects only a small number of people.

The much greater number of people who embrace grossly exaggerated, cartoonish stereotype personas that are consistent with their physical bodies are far more destructive to society. I mean the males who prance around like he-man Rambos and claim to know it all and extravagantly made-up little wussy girly-girls in flouncy dresses who claim to be ignorant about just about everything when they actually are supposed to be adults.

The "biblical view" of any issue is of concern only to those persons who are not only Christian, but who are members of some Christian groups that have a certain view of the bible itself. This is a very sectarian thing, and the kid who made this video apparently is a member of one of these sects.
Hey, Sparky, there are TWO and ONLY TWO genders. Male and female. If you don't know this or realize this, you are INSANE. Thank you.

This is entirely your opinion, and I think that you express it in a very hysterical fashion. I don't know why it bothers you so much who another person is. There may be only two forms of the human body, absent rare conditions at birth, but what does this mean to you? What do you expect should be done about this? Why not leave it alone, accept people, avoid those whom you don't like, and go on with your life?
You are insane, probably a result of being brainwashed by our hideously biased media. Good luck with THAT, Sparky.

This "hideously biased media" does not exist in reality. There is no such thing as a collective media. It runs the gamut from CNN to the National Inquirer, Brietbart, Infowars. I'm not insane merely because I think that this gender issue should not really be any big deal and people shouldn't lose sleep over it. I think that these right-wingers, with their continuous obsession with sex and with what other people do, have psychological problems.
Hey, Sparky, there are TWO and ONLY TWO genders. Male and female. If you don't know this or realize this, you are INSANE. Thank you.

You are insane, probably a result of being brainwashed by our hideously biased media. Good luck with THAT, Sparky.

You seem to be confusing two different users on this forum, replying to Lysistrata, but addressing Sparky. As far as I can tell, Sparky isn't even participating in this thread, at least not yet.
Hey, Sparky, there are TWO and ONLY TWO genders. Male and female. If you don't know this or realize this, you are INSANE. Thank you.

You are insane, probably a result of being brainwashed by our hideously biased media. Good luck with THAT, Sparky.

You seem to be confusing two different users on this forum, replying to Lysistrata, but addressing Sparky. As far as I can tell, Sparky isn't even participating in this thread, at least not yet.
I KNOW of the user Sparky. I call people Sparky to belittle or make fun of them. I also use "Sluggo" to make fun of the fools on here.
Here are my thoughts on whether or not there are two genders from my Christian perspective. Let me know what you think about the video.

Whatever anyone ‘believes’ is thankfully irrelevant.

Americans have the fundamental right to self-determination, to identify however one is comfortable, consistent with his perception of himself, and consistent with his own good conscience – including gender identification.

Indeed, gender is much more than just reproductive anatomy – it’s also self-expression in the context of culture and society at times unrelated to reproductive anatomy.

As Americans we should support and defend expressions of individual liberty, celebrate that diversity, and defend the right to self-determination against hostility and discrimination directed at those perceived to be ‘different.’

There are 57 genders. Male, female, and 55 types of queer. What type of queer are you?
I identify as a left handed trans species person. I am half Elm, half wallaby.. I want, ,NAY, I DEMAND my constitutional rights, yesterday.

if you aren't hurting anybody else - i say you go with that.
Only two genders

Masculine and Feminine

What about hermaphrodites?

Intersex: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia
They HAVE both male and female sex organs, but have JUST the two gender genitalia. There ARE only sex organs of two genders because there ARE only two genders.

m'k... & most are assigned female at birth because it's 'easier'. what happens when that person doesn't identify with being female? what if everything they feel& think is male orientated?
Well, under sharia law they would be throwing someones ass off a tall building.

that's ok with you? you think that is what we should do here?
Only a barbaric butcher would do something like that, and, filth, MaryL NEVER said that's what should be done here. Now that said, progressive SCUM like you should be tossed.
***God created Man and Woman.....Liberals created all the other genders!!!***
And this of course is an example of the ignorance, hate, and stupidity common to most on the right; authoritarian conservatives who seek to compel conformity and punish dissent.

It’s the right’s unwarranted fear of expressions of individual liberty and diversity that facilitates this sort of discrimination and hate.

clayton you are such a fucking idiot,,,
we dont care how they express themselves,,,
its when they tell us what and how we should think that we object
Here are my thoughts on whether or not there are two genders from my Christian perspective. Let me know what you think about the video.

There are only two Genders, if you have XY Chromosome you are Biological Male if you have XX Chromosome you are Biological Female, you are these until you die, a man can NEVER be a woman and a woman can NEVER be a man.


Biology 101:


Here are my thoughts on whether or not there are two genders from my Christian perspective. Let me know what you think about the video.

Screw the biblical view of gender, Science says that biological gender exists on a continuum. While most are clearly male or female, there are those who are somewhere in between

Intersex Society of North America | A world free of shame, secrecy, and unwanted genital surgery | Intersex Society of North America

Therefore, it is stupid and useless to ask "how many genders are there" There is no answer
There will always be male or female and those I point and laugh at.
You can "identify" as whatever the hell you want. I will laugh at whoever the hell I want.

Isn't freedom great?

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