Do You Believe there are More than TWO Genders? My thoughts (Video)

Here are my thoughts on whether or not there are two genders from my Christian perspective. Let me know what you think about the video.

Whatever anyone ‘believes’ is thankfully irrelevant.

Americans have the fundamental right to self-determination, to identify however one is comfortable, consistent with his perception of himself, and consistent with his own good conscience – including gender identification.

Indeed, gender is much more than just reproductive anatomy – it’s also self-expression in the context of culture and society at times unrelated to reproductive anatomy.

As Americans we should support and defend expressions of individual liberty, celebrate that diversity, and defend the right to self-determination against hostility and discrimination directed at those perceived to be ‘different.’

Oh come now Counselor, it's not that we don't "support" their right to self expression, it's that they want shove their bullshit down our throats with the Law. These "poor souls" are suing people and institutions for not using the correct pronoun.
Here are my thoughts on whether or not there are two genders from my Christian perspective. Let me know what you think about the video.

Whatever anyone ‘believes’ is thankfully irrelevant.

Americans have the fundamental right to self-determination, to identify however one is comfortable, consistent with his perception of himself, and consistent with his own good conscience – including gender identification.

Indeed, gender is much more than just reproductive anatomy – it’s also self-expression in the context of culture and society at times unrelated to reproductive anatomy.

As Americans we should support and defend expressions of individual liberty, celebrate that diversity, and defend the right to self-determination against hostility and discrimination directed at those perceived to be ‘different.’

Oh come now Counselor, it's not that we don't "support" their right to self expression, it's that they want shove their bullshit down our throats with the Law. These "poor souls" are suing people and institutions for not using the correct pronoun.

So use the correct fucking pronoun! Yes it is that simple. You're male? would you like to be called Miss? Get the fuck over it already. It's about affording others the same respect and consideration that you expect for yourself and take for granted.
And there will always be bigots and idiots who take it upon themselves to deny all of that. There will always be those who demean and disparage others who are different because that threatened by those differences for reasons that even they don't understand.

And there will always be those who characterize those who give more credence to hard, undeniable, scientific facts, than to the inane delusions of those who are mentally-defective, as “bigots and idiots”.
Show us the science Bobby Boy . I showed you mine many times but you were afraid to look at it
YOu showed nothing by fake media bullshit.

You mean like this from the National Inststute of Health:
Male or Female? Brains are Intersex
What's so god damned funny Bobby Boy? Is that the best that you can do? Give me funnies.?
Here are my thoughts on whether or not there are two genders from my Christian perspective. Let me know what you think about the video.

Whatever anyone ‘believes’ is thankfully irrelevant.

Americans have the fundamental right to self-determination, to identify however one is comfortable, consistent with his perception of himself, and consistent with his own good conscience – including gender identification.

Indeed, gender is much more than just reproductive anatomy – it’s also self-expression in the context of culture and society at times unrelated to reproductive anatomy.

As Americans we should support and defend expressions of individual liberty, celebrate that diversity, and defend the right to self-determination against hostility and discrimination directed at those perceived to be ‘different.’

Oh come now Counselor, it's not that we don't "support" their right to self expression, it's that they want shove their bullshit down our throats with the Law. These "poor souls" are suing people and institutions for not using the correct pronoun.

So use the correct fucking pronoun! Yes it is that simple. You're male? would you like to be called Miss? Get the fuck over it already. It's about affording others the same respect and consideration that you expect for yourself and take for granted.

So you don't really want the "Right" to self expression, you want to use the Legal Hammer to force EVERYONE to bow to you wishes. Tell you what Sally, if it has a penis it's a "man', if it has a vagina it's a "woman". Those are the correct pronouns.
Go fuck yourself sissy.
Why should I, or any other sane person, give any credence at all to the opinions of those who are so profoundly f•••ed-up in their heads that they don't even understand the difference between men and women?
Wipe the spit off of your chin and see post 77

Already saw it. It's bullshit.

Looked again. It's still bullshit.

Are you claiming that if I look at it enough times, it will cease to be bullshit?
Apparently you're so fucking delusional as to believe that anything that you label as bullshit automatically and magically becomes bullshit. The NIH is bullshit? YOU are bullshit
What's so god damned funny Bobby Boy? Is that the best that you can do? Give me funnies.?

What's funny is a batshit-crazy, mentally- and morally-defective freak, with no grip on obvious biological reality, trying to lecture sane people on reality. Well, not really funny so much. Sad, disturbing, or pathetic would probably be better descriptions. But this forum doesn't have buttons for those, so “Funny” will have to do.
Here are my thoughts on whether or not there are two genders from my Christian perspective. Let me know what you think about the video.

Whatever anyone ‘believes’ is thankfully irrelevant.

Americans have the fundamental right to self-determination, to identify however one is comfortable, consistent with his perception of himself, and consistent with his own good conscience – including gender identification.

Indeed, gender is much more than just reproductive anatomy – it’s also self-expression in the context of culture and society at times unrelated to reproductive anatomy.

As Americans we should support and defend expressions of individual liberty, celebrate that diversity, and defend the right to self-determination against hostility and discrimination directed at those perceived to be ‘different.’

Oh come now Counselor, it's not that we don't "support" their right to self expression, it's that they want shove their bullshit down our throats with the Law. These "poor souls" are suing people and institutions for not using the correct pronoun.

So use the correct fucking pronoun! Yes it is that simple. You're male? would you like to be called Miss? Get the fuck over it already. It's about affording others the same respect and consideration that you expect for yourself and take for granted.

So you don't really want the "Right" to self expression, you want to use the Legal Hammer to force EVERYONE to bow to you wishes. Tell you what Sally, if it has a penis it's a "man', if it has a vagina it's a "woman". Those are the correct pronouns.
Go fuck yourself sissy.

You don't learn very quickly do you?
Apparently you're so fucking delusional as to believe that anything that you label as bullshit automatically and magically becomes bullshit. The NIH is bullshit? YOU are bullshit

Like all sane people, I am very clear on the distinction between men and women. When someone tries to tell me that what is obviously a man is, in any way, a woman, or vice versa, then very obviously, that's bullshit. Hard science trumps the insane delusions of mentally-defective freaks, always, no matter what authority may be claimed by or on behalf of said mentally-defective freaks.
Here are my thoughts on whether or not there are two genders from my Christian perspective. Let me know what you think about the video.

Whatever anyone ‘believes’ is thankfully irrelevant.

Americans have the fundamental right to self-determination, to identify however one is comfortable, consistent with his perception of himself, and consistent with his own good conscience – including gender identification.

Indeed, gender is much more than just reproductive anatomy – it’s also self-expression in the context of culture and society at times unrelated to reproductive anatomy.

As Americans we should support and defend expressions of individual liberty, celebrate that diversity, and defend the right to self-determination against hostility and discrimination directed at those perceived to be ‘different.’

Oh come now Counselor, it's not that we don't "support" their right to self expression, it's that they want shove their bullshit down our throats with the Law. These "poor souls" are suing people and institutions for not using the correct pronoun.

So use the correct fucking pronoun! Yes it is that simple. You're male? would you like to be called Miss? Get the fuck over it already. It's about affording others the same respect and consideration that you expect for yourself and take for granted.

So you don't really want the "Right" to self expression, you want to use the Legal Hammer to force EVERYONE to bow to you wishes. Tell you what Sally, if it has a penis it's a "man', if it has a vagina it's a "woman". Those are the correct pronouns.
Go fuck yourself sissy.

You don't learn very quickly do you?

I learn extraordinarily quickly son. How are you identifying today?
There are two genders, male and female. Why do you hate science?
What's so god damned funny Bobby Boy? Is that the best that you can do? Give me funnies.?

What's funny is a batshit-crazy, mentally- and morally-defective freak, with no grip on obvious biological reality, trying to lecture sane people on reality. Well, not really funny so much. Sad, disturbing, or pathetic would probably be better descriptions. But this forum doesn't have buttons for those, so “Funny” will have to do.
Give it a fucking rest Bobby Boy. You're clearly unhinged and suffering from a religious psychosis You refuse to consider any information that challenges your moronic beliefs that might lore you out of your comfort zone of bigotry and ignorance. I thank the gods and goddesses that I am not you.
Whatever anyone ‘believes’ is thankfully irrelevant.

Americans have the fundamental right to self-determination, to identify however one is comfortable, consistent with his perception of himself, and consistent with his own good conscience – including gender identification.

Indeed, gender is much more than just reproductive anatomy – it’s also self-expression in the context of culture and society at times unrelated to reproductive anatomy.

As Americans we should support and defend expressions of individual liberty, celebrate that diversity, and defend the right to self-determination against hostility and discrimination directed at those perceived to be ‘different.’

Oh come now Counselor, it's not that we don't "support" their right to self expression, it's that they want shove their bullshit down our throats with the Law. These "poor souls" are suing people and institutions for not using the correct pronoun.
So use the correct fucking pronoun! Yes it is that simple. You're male? would you like to be called Miss? Get the fuck over it already. It's about affording others the same respect and consideration that you expect for yourself and take for granted.

So you don't really want the "Right" to self expression, you want to use the Legal Hammer to force EVERYONE to bow to you wishes. Tell you what Sally, if it has a penis it's a "man', if it has a vagina it's a "woman". Those are the correct pronouns.
Go fuck yourself sissy.
You don't learn very quickly do you?

I learn extraordinarily quickly son. How are you identifying today?
There are two genders, male and female. Why do you hate science?
Son? Listen dumb ass, I an a 72 year old Cisgender, Straight guy, who is also a ally of LGBTQ people and have devoted may life to advocating for the rights of minorities. Only the most insecure and moronic shit heads are Now, tell us all about YOUR gender and sexual problems of which I'm sure there aew many
Give it a fucking rest Bobby Boy. You're clearly unhinged and suffering from a religious psychosis You refuse to consider any information that challenges your moronic beliefs that might lore you out of your comfort zone of bigotry and ignorance. I thank the gods and goddesses that I am not you.

Like I'm going to lose any sleep over being called “clearly unhinged and suffering from a religious psychosis”, or being accused of “…refus[ing] to consider any information that challenges your moronic beliefs that might lore [sic] you out of your comfort zone of bigotry and ignorance.” by a mentally-defective freak who is so f•••ed-up in the head that he cannot even grasp the biological distinction between male and female; and who sees acknowledgment of these immutable, undeniable scientific facts as “moronic beliefs” and “bigotry and ignorance”.

Son? Listen dumb ass, I an a 72 year old Cisgender [sic], Straight guy, who is also a ally of LGBTQ people and have devoted may life to advocating for the rights of minorities. Only the most insecure and moronic shit heads are Now, tell us all about YOUR gender and sexual problems of which I'm sure there aew [sic] many

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And there will always be bigots and idiots who take it upon themselves to deny all of that. There will always be those who demean and disparage others who are different because that threatened by those differences for reasons that even they don't understand.

And there will always be those who characterize those who give more credence to hard, undeniable, scientific facts, than to the inane delusions of those who are mentally-defective, as “bigots and idiots”.
Show us the science Bobby Boy . I showed you mine many times but you were afraid to look at it
YOu showed nothing by fake media bullshit.

You mean like this from the National Inststute of Health:
Male or Female? Brains are Intersex

The National Institute of Health is full of horsecrap, they who run that pile of horsecrap in 2016 announced that they ONLY would give Research Grants from 2016 to LGBTQ Propaganda No Such Thing As Male and Female Bullshit Artists, the article below about that announcement:

"In a major policy change implemented in early 2016, the National Institutes of Health made clear its expectation that researchers seeking grants “consider sex as a biological variable in all stages of research.” The reason was simple — if overdue. Past studies often focused on males, yielding results that did not always apply to the other 50.8 percent of the population.

It’s not surprising that such a major decision would prove controversial in some quarters. What may be surprising, however, is that many of those taking issue with the idea are feminists."

^^^^ THIS is why The National Institute of HORSECRAP publishes articles by bullshit artists who have been PAID to write bullshit about no such thing as a male brain and a female brain that ALL brains are Intersex.

Male and Female Brains Are Different. Should It Matter?

And so BACK to REALITY from ACTUAL NORMAL Scientists and NOT Paid For Bullshit Artists Paid to Promote the Propaganda LGBTQ Intersex Horsecrap:

Researchers discover clues to brain differences between males and females

"Researchers at the University of Maryland School of Medicine have discovered a mechanism for how androgens—male sex steroids—sculpt brain development. The research, conducted by Margaret M. McCarthy, Ph.D., who Chairs the Department of Pharmacology, could ultimately help researchers understand behavioral development differences between males and females.

The research, published in Neuron, discovered a mechanism for how androgens, male sex steroids, sculpt the brains of male rats to produce behavioral differences, such as more aggression and rougher play behavior. "We already knew that the brains of males and females are different and that testosterone produced during the second trimester in humans and late gestation in rodents contributes to the differences but we did not know how testosterone has these effects" said Dr. McCarthy.

Jonathan Van Ryzin, Ph.D., a Postdoctoral Fellow, was lead author on this research conducted in Dr. McCarthy's lab.

A key contributor to the differences in play behavior between males and females is a sex-based difference in the number of newborn cells in the part of the brain called the amygdala, which controls emotions and social behaviors. The research showed that males have fewer of these newborn cells, because they are actively eliminated by immune cells.

In females, the newborn cells differentiated into a type of glial cell, the most abundant type of cell in the central nervous system. In males however, testosterone increased signaling at receptors in the brain which bind endocannabinoids, causing immune cells to be activated. The endocannabinoids prompted the immune cells to effectively eliminate the newborn cells in males. Females rats in the study were unaffected, suggesting that the activation of the immune cells by the increased endocannabinoids in males was necessary for cell elimination. In this respect, this research shows that cannabis use, which stimulates endocannabinoids in the brain and nervous system, could impact brain development of the fetus and this impact could differ between male and female fetuses.

This study provides a mechanism for sex-based differences in social behaviors and suggests that differences in androgen and endocannabinoid signaling may contribute to individual differences in brain development and thus behavioral differences among people."

Researchers discover clues to brain differences between males and females

Yes, there is a female and a male brain: Morphology versus functionality

Yes, there is a female and a male brain: Morphology versus functionality

New findings on genes that drive male-female brain differences, timing of puberty

New findings on genes that drive male-female brain differences, timing of puberty

Denying the Neuroscience of Sex Differences

Denying the Neuroscience of Sex Differences - Quillette

Male brain versus female brain: How do they differ?

Male brain vs female brain: How do they differ?
***God created Man and Woman.....Liberals created all the other genders!!!***
God created Homosexuals......Did he make a mistake?

Why would God create Homosexuals when in The Bible it states that a man should not lie with a man as with a woman? At some point in their development Satan took over a normal child and as it developed beyond puberty created it to fuck another man up the rectum in defiance of God who wants all his created males and females to go forth and multiply.

It's Adam and Eve it was never and also Adam and Steve.
Here are my thoughts on whether or not there are two genders from my Christian perspective. Let me know what you think about the video.

Screw the biblical view of gender, Science says that biological gender exists on a continuum. While most are clearly male or female, there are those who are somewhere in between

Intersex Society of North America | A world free of shame, secrecy, and unwanted genital surgery | Intersex Society of North America

Therefore, it is stupid and useless to ask "how many genders are there" There is no answer

The Intersex Society of North America? Are they a division of NAMBLA?
This whole "issue" is largely irrelevant. People have the right to present themselves in the way they feel is authentic to themselves without being forced into any stereotype by others. Moreover, this issue affects only a small number of people.

The much greater number of people who embrace grossly exaggerated, cartoonish stereotype personas that are consistent with their physical bodies are far more destructive to society. I mean the males who prance around like he-man Rambos and claim to know it all and extravagantly made-up little wussy girly-girls in flouncy dresses who claim to be ignorant about just about everything when they actually are supposed to be adults.

The "biblical view" of any issue is of concern only to those persons who are not only Christian, but who are members of some Christian groups that have a certain view of the bible itself. This is a very sectarian thing, and the kid who made this video apparently is a member of one of these sects.
Hey, Sparky, there are TWO and ONLY TWO genders. Male and female. If you don't know this or realize this, you are INSANE. Thank you.

This is entirely your opinion, and I think that you express it in a very hysterical fashion. I don't know why it bothers you so much who another person is. There may be only two forms of the human body, absent rare conditions at birth, but what does this mean to you? What do you expect should be done about this? Why not leave it alone, accept people, avoid those whom you don't like, and go on with your life?
You are insane, probably a result of being brainwashed by our hideously biased media. Good luck with THAT, Sparky.

This "hideously biased media" does not exist in reality. There is no such thing as a collective media. It runs the gamut from CNN to the National Inquirer, Brietbart, Infowars. I'm not insane merely because I think that this gender issue should not really be any big deal and people shouldn't lose sleep over it. I think that these right-wingers, with their continuous obsession with sex and with what other people do, have psychological problems.

^^^^ This:


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