Do You Believe there are More than TWO Genders? My thoughts (Video)

Brilliant!! Spoken like a true special ed. 13 year old at the bottom of his class
You are a disgusting pervert, nothing more.
You have problems kid. Get out of my face. You have the intellect of road kill and you are certainly not worth any more of my time. Maybe you should hook up with Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds Hamilton. You would make good fuck buddies .
At least she's a woman, ya man meat guzzler.
He-he, "man meat guzzler", I love it! And most likely a VERY apt description of that moron.
You juvenile delinquents are really pathetic
He-he, why don't you go guzzle some man meat, PP?
"It's amazing to think there are some who have posted on this thread that actually BELIEVE there are MORE than two genders. This is just mind boggling."
It's amazing to think that there are some who have posted on this thread that actually are so threatened by the idea that not everyone is clearly male or female that they go into deep in denial over it.

Male or Female? Brains are Intersex

The other possibility is that you are just lying and believe that if you repeat bullshit enough times it will no longer be bullshit but the fact is that it was bullshit yesterday, it is bullshit today, and it will be bullshit tomorrow

"It's amazing to think that there are some who have posted on this thread that actually are so threatened by the idea that not everyone is clearly male or female that they go into deep in denial over it."

Nobody is threatened by mentally ill freaks of nature, we have a combination of laughing at them and pitying them and wishing that at some point they are put out of their misery in some way EVEN by an Act of God. Nobody normal is threatened by some fucked up MAN who has a penis, balls and XY Chromosome but the voices in HIS head tell HIM HE'S female when HE is not and NEVER will be ANYTHING but MALE, just because HE might get HIS dick and balls cut off in the ultimate insanity of Self-Mutiliation does NOT mean HE becomes female, conversely nobody normal is threatened by some fucked up WOMAN who has boobies, ovaries and a vagina and XX Chromosome but the voices in HER head tell HER that SHE is male when SHE is not and NEVER will be ANYTHING but FEMALE, just because SHE might get HER boobies cut off and vagina sewn up and get some weird Plasticine type dick and balls to play with in the ultimate insanity of Self-Mutiliation does NOT mean SHE becomes male.

I ALREADY debunked your link in my below post # 96

Do You Believe there are More than TWO Genders? My thoughts (Video)

"The other possibility is that you...."

Have consumed so much Man Juice that it's rotting your braincells.
"It's amazing to think there are some who have posted on this thread that actually BELIEVE there are MORE than two genders. This is just mind boggling."
It's amazing to think that there are some who have posted on this thread that actually are so threatened by the idea that not everyone is clearly male or female that they go into deep in denial over it.

Male or Female? Brains are Intersex

The other possibility is that you are just lying and believe that if you repeat bullshit enough times it will no longer be bullshit but the fact is that it was bullshit yesterday, it is bullshit today, and it will be bullshit tomorrow

"It's amazing to think that there are some who have posted on this thread that actually are so threatened by the idea that not everyone is clearly male or female that they go into deep in denial over it."

Nobody is threatened by mentally ill freaks of nature, we have a combination of laughing at them and pitying them and wishing that at some point they are put out of their misery in some way EVEN by an Act of God. Nobody normal is threatened by some fucked up MAN who has a penis, balls and XY Chromosome but the voices in HIS head tell HIM HE'S female when HE is not and NEVER will be ANYTHING but MALE, just because HE might get HIS dick and balls cut off in the ultimate insanity of Self-Mutiliation does NOT mean HE becomes female, conversely nobody normal is threatened by some fucked up WOMAN who has boobies, ovaries and a vagina and XX Chromosome but the voices in HER head tell HER that SHE is male when SHE is not and NEVER will be ANYTHING but FEMALE, just because SHE might get HER boobies cut off and vagina sewn up and get some weird Plasticine type dick and balls to play with in the ultimate insanity of Self-Mutiliation does NOT mean SHE becomes male.

I ALREADY debunked your link in my below post # 96

Do You Believe there are More than TWO Genders? My thoughts (Video)

"The other possibility is that you...."

Have consumed so much Man Juice that it's rotting your braincells.
Wow, fantastic post, Lucy! Thank you.
No one is threatened by you faggots, we're disgusted.
Perhaps you could draw on your vast knowledge of human sexuality and discuss the relationship between gender dysphoria, intersexuality and homosexuality.

PS Making assumptions about anyone sexuality or gender based on their politics and advocacy for LGBT people makes you look really, really stupid
So, you don't like being disgusting so you spin smoke and pretend that we are doing something else besides finding you disgusting. lol, you are pathetic.
Brilliant!! Spoken like a true special ed. 13 year old at the bottom of his class
You are a disgusting pervert, nothing more.
You have problems kid. Get out of my face. You have the intellect of road kill and you are certainly not worth any more of my time. Maybe you should hook up with Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds Hamilton. You would make good fuck buddies .

How many dick's did you suck today already? The usual 400 or whatever. You are probably sucking 401 right now being the Dick Sucking Machine that you are, WTF it's amazing you haven't got some weird random disease known only in Sub Sahara Africa and CALIFORNIA.
They keep denying that all we are doing is ridiculing them. They have to feel more important so they claim we are afraid of them. Lmao!
You are a disgusting pervert, nothing more.
You have problems kid. Get out of my face. You have the intellect of road kill and you are certainly not worth any more of my time. Maybe you should hook up with Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds Hamilton. You would make good fuck buddies .
At least she's a woman, ya man meat guzzler.
He-he, "man meat guzzler", I love it! And most likely a VERY apt description of that moron.
You juvenile delinquents are really pathetic
He-he, why don't you go guzzle some man meat, PP?

They keep denying that all we are doing is ridiculing them. They have to feel more important so they claim we are afraid of them. Lmao!

Yes hilarious, why would ANYONE be afraid of that crowd, for one thing nobody is afraid of someone who doesn't even know WHAT bathroom it should be using and for another thing why would ANYONE be afraid of this:

"It's amazing to think there are some who have posted on this thread that actually BELIEVE there are MORE than two genders. This is just mind boggling."
It's amazing to think that there are some who have posted on this thread that actually are so threatened by the idea that not everyone is clearly male or female that they go into deep in denial over it.

Male or Female? Brains are Intersex

The other possibility is that you are just lying and believe that if you repeat bullshit enough times it will no longer be bullshit but the fact is that it was bullshit yesterday, it is bullshit today, and it will be bullshit tomorrow
No one is threatened by you faggots, we're disgusted.
Perhaps you could draw on your vast knowledge of human sexuality and discuss the relationship between gender dysphoria, intersexuality and homosexuality.

PS Making assumptions about anyone sexuality or gender based on their politics and advocacy for LGBT people makes you look really, really stupid
So, you don't like being disgusting so you spin smoke and pretend that we are doing something else besides finding you disgusting. lol, you are pathetic.
Brilliant!! Spoken like a true special ed. 13 year old at the bottom of his class

Well we know what you are the bottom off....
It's amazing to think there are some who have posted on this thread that actually BELIEVE there are MORE than two genders. This is just mind boggling.
What is mind boggling is the willful ignorance, fear and denial that those like you display

The only ignorance on display is by you biology deniers.

No, we won’t play along with someone’s mental illness when they make believe they are something they are not. A grown woman isn’t a poodle anymore than a male can be a woman.
They keep denying that all we are doing is ridiculing them. They have to feel more important so they claim we are afraid of them. Lmao!

The situation is this, if these freaks of nature just STFU and did their own thing and STOPPED getting in EVERYONE'S face SCREAMING their fucked up Propaganda then everyone could ALL just live their lives. If they want to get their body mutilated that's their own choice and not ANY of my business BUT considering they are pushing their fucked up Propaganda onto CHILDREN now then this is EVERY responsible adults business and considering they are actually mentally ill they cannot see around the corner which is good because what's around the corner for the LGBTQ weirdos is going to be very ugly. Payback is a bitch.
It's amazing to think there are some who have posted on this thread that actually BELIEVE there are MORE than two genders. This is just mind boggling.
What is mind boggling is the willful ignorance, fear and denial that those like you display

The only ignorance on display is by you biology deniers.

No, we won’t play along with someone’s mental illness when they make believe they are something they are not. A grown woman isn’t a poodle anymore than a male can be a woman.

It's amazing to think there are some who have posted on this thread that actually BELIEVE there are MORE than two genders. This is just mind boggling.
What is mind boggling is the willful ignorance, fear and denial that those like you display

The only ignorance on display is by you biology deniers.

No, we won’t play along with someone’s mental illness when they make believe they are something they are not. A grown woman isn’t a poodle anymore than a male can be a woman.

The Gay-Bi Community will come to regret allowing these fanatical freaks to add the T to LesbianGayBisexual because these Pro-Transgender psychos have hijacked the ENTIRE thing and many Gays and Lesbians are already taking issue with them, Gay men consider themselves correctly to be men and Lesbians consider themselves correctly to be women.and also many in The Feminist Movement the Feminists are also taking issue with men who insist they are women and DEMAND to not only go into female bathrooms but also take part in FEMALE sports while still retaining ALL BIOLOGICAL MALENESS.

And also Remember The Enemy of My Enemy Is My Friend:

Conservative group hosts anti-transgender panel of feminists ‘from the left’

The rise of anti-trans "radical" feminists, explained
It's amazing to think there are some who have posted on this thread that actually BELIEVE there are MORE than two genders. This is just mind boggling.
What is mind boggling is the willful ignorance, fear and denial that those like you display

The only ignorance on display is by you biology deniers.

No, we won’t play along with someone’s mental illness when they make believe they are something they are not. A grown woman isn’t a poodle anymore than a male can be a woman.

The Gay-Bi Community will come to regret allowing these fanatical freaks to add the T to LesbianGayBisexual because these Pro-Transgender psychos have hijacked the ENTIRE thing and many Gays and Lesbians are already taking issue with them, Gay men consider themselves correctly to be men and Lesbians consider themselves correctly to be women.and also many in The Feminist Movement the Feminists are also taking issue with men who insist they are women and DEMAND to not only go into female bathrooms but also take part in FEMALE sports while still retaining ALL BIOLOGICAL MALENESS.

And also Remember The Enemy of My Enemy Is My Friend:

Conservative group hosts anti-transgender panel of feminists ‘from the left’

The rise of anti-trans "radical" feminists, explained
yesterday and today.jpg
It's amazing to think that there are some who have posted on this thread that actually are so threatened by the idea that not everyone is clearly male or female that they go into deep in denial over it.

Male or Female? Brains are Intersex

The other possibility is that you are just lying and believe that if you repeat bullshit enough times it will no longer be bullshit but the fact is that it was bullshit yesterday, it is bullshit today, and it will be bullshit tomorrow

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Here are my thoughts on whether or not there are two genders from my Christian perspective. Let me know what you think about the video.

There are 6 possible genders:
  • X – Roughly 1 in 2,000 to 1 in 5,000 people (Turner’s )
  • XX – Most common form of female
  • XXY – Roughly 1 in 500 to 1 in 1,000 people (Klinefelter)
  • XY – Most common form of male
  • XYY – Roughly 1 out of 1,000 people
  • XXXY – Roughly 1 in 18,000 to 1 in 50,000 births
WHO | Gender and Genetics
It's amazing to think there are some who have posted on this thread that actually BELIEVE there are MORE than two genders. This is just mind boggling.
What is mind boggling is the willful ignorance, fear and denial that those like you display

The only ignorance on display is by you biology deniers.

No, we won’t play along with someone’s mental illness when they make believe they are something they are not. A grown woman isn’t a poodle anymore than a male can be a woman.

The Gay-Bi Community will come to regret allowing these fanatical freaks to add the T to LesbianGayBisexual because these Pro-Transgender psychos have hijacked the ENTIRE thing and many Gays and Lesbians are already taking issue with them, Gay men consider themselves correctly to be men and Lesbians consider themselves correctly to be women.and also many in The Feminist Movement the Feminists are also taking issue with men who insist they are women and DEMAND to not only go into female bathrooms but also take part in FEMALE sports while still retaining ALL BIOLOGICAL MALENESS.

And also Remember The Enemy of My Enemy Is My Friend:

Conservative group hosts anti-transgender panel of feminists ‘from the left’

The rise of anti-trans "radical" feminists, explained
View attachment 298789
Yep, very true. Sad, but true.
BUT considering they are pushing their fucked up Propaganda onto CHILDREN now then this is EVERY responsible adults business and considering they are actually mentally ill they cannot see around the corner which is good because what's around the corner for the LGBTQ weirdos is going to be very ugly. Payback is a bitch.

Is there anyone here, to whom it is not glaringly obvious why so many of these degenerates are so interesting in pushing their agenda off on to children?

Be careful, and don't come out and actually say it, as that will get you in trouble on this forum, but I think we all know, especially those who most loudly will deny it.

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