Do You Believe there are More than TWO Genders? My thoughts (Video)

There will always be male or female and those I point and laugh at.
You can "identify" as whatever the hell you want. I will laugh at whoever the hell I want.

Isn't freedom great?

Below is a picture of a very very mentally ill BIOLOGICAL WOMAN, I mean in a normal society it would be disappeared into the night. Leftist Maniacs are encouraging this mental illness considering they are themselves mentally ill and not normal in the mind. The situation is that this LGBTQ Propaganda thing within the next few years is going to get very ugly because these degenerate freaks of nature are pushing this Propaganda in schools into young childrens minds and the MAJORITY of parents are NOT going to tolerate this shit for much longer, this ATTEMPT at having their young children DELIBERATELY fucked up in the head and DELIBERATELY confused as to what is male and female and what role in Society a male and a female have.

The BELOW should be given a FORCED ABORTION, this is ONE Pro-Abortion stance I strongly can take.

There will always be male or female and those I point and laugh at.
You can "identify" as whatever the hell you want. I will laugh at whoever the hell I want.

Isn't freedom great?
Of course there will always be male and female. It does not take a genius to know that.

But there will always be transgender people also

There will always be intersex people

There will always be people who experience gender dysphoria for no identifiable reason

And there will always be bigots and idiots who take it upon themselves to deny all of that. There will always be those who demean and disparage others who are different because that threatened by those differences for reasons that even they don't understand.
And there will always be bigots and idiots who take it upon themselves to deny all of that. There will always be those who demean and disparage others who are different because that threatened by those differences for reasons that even they don't understand.

And there will always be those who characterize those who give more credence to hard, undeniable, scientific facts, than to the insane delusions of those who are mentally-defective, as “bigots and idiots”.
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Well, under sharia law they would be throwing someones ass off a tall building.

that's ok with you? you think that is what we should do here?
Only a barbaric butcher would do something like that, and, filth, MaryL NEVER said that's what should be done here. Now that said, progressive SCUM like you should be tossed.

i didn't say she did. i asked her what her opinion was since she brought it up.

you do realise there are some nutjobs here in america that think it should be open season on them & homogays too.
And there will always be bigots and idiots who take it upon themselves to deny all of that. There will always be those who demean and disparage others who are different because that threatened by those differences for reasons that even they don't understand.

And there will always be those who characterize those who give more credence to hard, undeniable, scientific facts, than to the inane delusions of those who are mentally-defective, as “bigots and idiots”.
Show us the science Bobby Boy . I showed you mine many times but you were afraid to look at it
Well, under sharia law they would be throwing someones ass off a tall building.

that's ok with you? you think that is what we should do here?
Only a barbaric butcher would do something like that, and, filth, MaryL NEVER said that's what should be done here. Now that said, progressive SCUM like you should be tossed.

i didn't say she did. i asked her what her opinion was since she brought it up.

you do realise there are some nutjobs here in america that think it should be open season on them & homogays too.
Nutjobs like you who side with terrorists over the President.
Only two genders

Masculine and Feminine

What about hermaphrodites?

Intersex: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia
They HAVE both male and female sex organs, but have JUST the two gender genitalia. There ARE only sex organs of two genders because there ARE only two genders.

m'k... & most are assigned female at birth because it's 'easier'. what happens when that person doesn't identify with being female? what if everything they feel& think is male orientated?
You tards make claims like this and cannot produce any proof.
Well, under sharia law they would be throwing someones ass off a tall building.

that's ok with you? you think that is what we should do here?
Only a barbaric butcher would do something like that, and, filth, MaryL NEVER said that's what should be done here. Now that said, progressive SCUM like you should be tossed.

i didn't say she did. i asked her what her opinion was since she brought it up.

you do realise there are some nutjobs here in america that think it should be open season on them & homogays too.
Nutjobs like you who side with terrorists over the President.

Well, under sharia law they would be throwing someones ass off a tall building.

that's ok with you? you think that is what we should do here?
Only a barbaric butcher would do something like that, and, filth, MaryL NEVER said that's what should be done here. Now that said, progressive SCUM like you should be tossed.

i didn't say she did. i asked her what her opinion was since she brought it up.

you do realise there are some nutjobs here in america that think it should be open season on them & homogays too.
Nutjobs like you who side with terrorists over the President.

Oh no, it's fact. That you deny is no surprise. You and your kind are traitors in every sense of the word.
And there will always be bigots and idiots who take it upon themselves to deny all of that. There will always be those who demean and disparage others who are different because that threatened by those differences for reasons that even they don't understand.

And there will always be those who characterize those who give more credence to hard, undeniable, scientific facts, than to the inane delusions of those who are mentally-defective, as “bigots and idiots”.
Show us the science Bobby Boy . I showed you mine many times but you were afraid to look at it
YOu showed nothing by fake media bullshit.
Only two genders

Masculine and Feminine

What about hermaphrodites?

Intersex: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia
They HAVE both male and female sex organs, but have JUST the two gender genitalia. There ARE only sex organs of two genders because there ARE only two genders.

m'k... & most are assigned female at birth because it's 'easier'. what happens when that person doesn't identify with being female? what if everything they feel& think is male orientated?
You tards make claims like this and cannot produce any proof.

Treatment of intersex in humans depends upon the age at which the diagnosis is made. Historically, if diagnosed at birth, the choice of sex was made (typically by parents) based on the condition of the external genitalia (i.e., which sex organs predominate), after which so-called intersex surgery was performed to remove the gonads of the opposite sex. The remaining genitalia were then reconstructed to resemble those of the chosen sex. The reconstruction of female genitalia was more readily performed than the reconstruction of male genitalia, so ambiguous individuals often were made to be female. However, intersex surgery has long-term consequences for affected individuals. Later in life, for example, the person may not be satisfied with the results of surgery and may not identify with the assigned gender. Thus, patient consent has become an increasingly important part of decisions about intersex surgery, such that surgery may be delayed until adolescence or adulthood, after patients have had sufficient time to consider their gender and are able to make informed decisions about treatment.
Hermaphroditism | biology

Intersex people in the United States are subjected to medical practices that can inflict irreversible physical and psychological harm on them starting in infancy, harms that can last throughout their lives. Many of these procedures are done with the stated aim of making it easier for children to grow up “normal” and integrate more easily into society by helping them conform to a particular sex assignment. The results are often catastrophic, the supposed benefits are largely unproven, and there are generally no urgent health considerations at stake. Procedures that could be delayed until intersex children are old enough to decide whether they want them are instead performed on infants who then have to live with the consequences for a lifetime.

Until the 1960s, when intersex children were born, the people around them—parents and doctors—made their best guess and assigned the child a sex. Parents then reared them per social gender norms. Sometimes the intersex people experienced harassment and discrimination as a result of their atypical traits but many lived well-adjusted lives as adults. During the 1960s, however, and based largely on the unproven recommendations of a single prominent psychologist, medical norms in the US changed dramatically. Doctors began recommending surgical solutions to the supposed “problem” of intersex traits.

In this report, based on interviews with intersex adults, parents of intersex children, and medical practitioners working with intersex people, interACT and Human Rights Watch document the fall-out from that medical paradigm, and the failure of the medical community to regulate itself effectively. As detailed below, there have been changes in practice in recent years, with many doctors now advising against surgery on infants and young children. But even so, surgery continues to be practiced on children with atypical sex characteristics too young to participate in the decision, when those procedures both carry a meaningful risk of harm and can be safely deferred.

“I Want to Be Like Nature Made Me” | Medically Unnecessary Surgeries on Intersex Children in the US
that's ok with you? you think that is what we should do here?
Only a barbaric butcher would do something like that, and, filth, MaryL NEVER said that's what should be done here. Now that said, progressive SCUM like you should be tossed.

i didn't say she did. i asked her what her opinion was since she brought it up.

you do realise there are some nutjobs here in america that think it should be open season on them & homogays too.
Nutjobs like you who side with terrorists over the President.

Oh no, it's fact. That you deny is no surprise. You and your kind are traitors in every sense of the word.

Do You Believe there are More than TWO Genders? My thoughts (Video)
Show us the science Bobby Boy . I showed you mine many times but you were afraid to look at it

Every sane person clearly knows the difference between male and female.

And we know what it says about you, that you find this difference confusing.

These people say differently, and unlike you, they actually know something

Intersex Legislation & Regulation | interACT: Advocates for Intersex Youth
Every sane person clearly knows the difference between male and female.
These people say differently, and unlike you, they actually know something

Some people who are batshit crazy do, or who are otherwise unbelievably ignorant about basic human biology.

But the opinions of such extreme, mentally-defective freaks has no bearing on what sane people do or should believe.

Why should I, or any other sane person, give any credence at all to the opinions of those who are so profoundly f•••ed-up in their heads that they don't even understand the difference between men and women?
And there will always be bigots and idiots who take it upon themselves to deny all of that. There will always be those who demean and disparage others who are different because that threatened by those differences for reasons that even they don't understand.

And there will always be those who characterize those who give more credence to hard, undeniable, scientific facts, than to the inane delusions of those who are mentally-defective, as “bigots and idiots”.
Show us the science Bobby Boy . I showed you mine many times but you were afraid to look at it
YOu showed nothing by fake media bullshit.

You mean like this from the National Inststute of Health:
Male or Female? Brains are Intersex
Show us the science Bobby Boy . I showed you mine many times but you were afraid to look at it

Every sane person clearly knows the difference between male and female.

And we know what it says about you, that you find this difference confusing.

These people say differently, and unlike you, they actually know something

Intersex Legislation & Regulation | interACT: Advocates for Intersex Youth
Here is more

Ethical principles and recommendations for the medical management of differences of sex development (DSD)/intersex in children and adolescents
Show us the science Bobby Boy . I showed you mine many times but you were afraid to look at it

Every sane person clearly knows the difference between male and female.

And we know what it says about you, that you find this difference confusing.

These people say differently, and unlike you, they actually know something

Intersex Legislation & Regulation | interACT: Advocates for Intersex Youth
View attachment 298515
Thank you so much for your enormous contribution to an important and complex topic. You must have attended the finest universities and obtained advance degrees in neuroscience, psychiatry and Human Sexuality. You have certainly raised the bar on the level of intellectual discourse on the USMB

There, now doesn't that sound better than saying that you're a useless moronic troll?
Every sane person clearly knows the difference between male and female.
These people say differently, and unlike you, they actually know something

Some people who are batshit crazy do, or who are otherwise unbelievably ignorant about basic human biology.

But the opinions of such extreme, mentally-defective freaks has no bearing on what sane people do or should believe.

Why should I, or any other sane person, give any credence at all to the opinions of those who are so profoundly f•••ed-up in their heads that they don't even understand the difference between men and women?
Wipe the spit off of your chin and see post 77

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