Do You Believe We Came From Monkeys?

So Bond... based on this thread, who deserves to go to Heaven?

"Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?" Gal. 4:16

Going to heaven isn't in this thread, but those being headed for the lake of fire are numerous including yours since it's a heartfelt conviction of yours without any evidence.

Really? The only heartfelt conviction is yours. I'm open to different stuff, but you are absolutely sure you are right about the Christian religion.

What if you're not?

Would you go to heaven?

This isn't the religion forum, but yes I am ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY, 100% SURE about Christianity. Science backs up the Bible even though it's not a science book. And no, you're not open to different worldviews because you have accepted the lie of evolution as it was handed down to Nimrod. Are you ready to suffer for eternity in the lake of fire for believing in lies? All it would take is evolution to be rendered pseudoscience. Already, most of Darwin's theories have been debunked.

We have a history of pseudoscience with the universe or any theory that has to do with origins. Or I would state any theory that has to do with the ending of life, too. We are not going to become multiplanetary, but all of life will end here..

In ancient times, the Epicureans and Stoics were the evolutionists of the day. Nimrod brought the modern version.

"Some of the Epicurean and Stoic philosophers also conversed with him. And some said, “What does this babbler wish to say?” Others said, “He seems to be a preacher of foreign divinities”—because he was preaching Jesus and the resurrection." Acts 17:18
Sorry, I asked, "What if you're wrong?" in your Christianity belief?

There is a slight chance that you may be wrong in that....

Would you still go to heaven?

What part of "I am ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY, 100% SURE about Christianity. Science backs up the Bible even though it's not a science book." did you not understand?

What part of 100% true did you not understand? God's Word is never wrong or else it would be contradicted and Christianity destroyed.
So Bond... based on this thread, who deserves to go to Heaven?

"Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?" Gal. 4:16

Going to heaven isn't in this thread, but those being headed for the lake of fire are numerous including yours since it's a heartfelt conviction of yours without any evidence.

Really? The only heartfelt conviction is yours. I'm open to different stuff, but you are absolutely sure you are right about the Christian religion.

What if you're not?

Would you go to heaven?

This isn't the religion forum, but yes I am ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY, 100% SURE about Christianity. Science backs up the Bible even though it's not a science book. And no, you're not open to different worldviews because you have accepted the lie of evolution as it was handed down to Nimrod. Are you ready to suffer for eternity in the lake of fire for believing in lies? All it would take is evolution to be rendered pseudoscience. Already, most of Darwin's theories have been debunked.

We have a history of pseudoscience with the universe or any theory that has to do with origins. Or I would state any theory that has to do with the ending of life, too. We are not going to become multiplanetary, but all of life will end here..

In ancient times, the Epicureans and Stoics were the evolutionists of the day. Nimrod brought the modern version.

"Some of the Epicurean and Stoic philosophers also conversed with him. And some said, “What does this babbler wish to say?” Others said, “He seems to be a preacher of foreign divinities”—because he was preaching Jesus and the resurrection." Acts 17:18
Sorry, I asked, "What if you're wrong?" in your Christianity belief?

There is a slight chance that you may be wrong in that....

Would you still go to heaven?

God's Word is never wrong or else it would be contradicted and Christianity destroyed.

Those who believe in 'God's Word" instead of the facts just deny the contractions.

Meanwhile most Christians don't believe in a literal creation myth and Christianity continues on just fine.
So Bond... based on this thread, who deserves to go to Heaven?

"Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?" Gal. 4:16

Going to heaven isn't in this thread, but those being headed for the lake of fire are numerous including yours since it's a heartfelt conviction of yours without any evidence.

Really? The only heartfelt conviction is yours. I'm open to different stuff, but you are absolutely sure you are right about the Christian religion.

What if you're not?

Would you go to heaven?

This isn't the religion forum, but yes I am ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY, 100% SURE about Christianity. Science backs up the Bible even though it's not a science book. And no, you're not open to different worldviews because you have accepted the lie of evolution as it was handed down to Nimrod. Are you ready to suffer for eternity in the lake of fire for believing in lies? All it would take is evolution to be rendered pseudoscience. Already, most of Darwin's theories have been debunked.

We have a history of pseudoscience with the universe or any theory that has to do with origins. Or I would state any theory that has to do with the ending of life, too. We are not going to become multiplanetary, but all of life will end here..

In ancient times, the Epicureans and Stoics were the evolutionists of the day. Nimrod brought the modern version.

"Some of the Epicurean and Stoic philosophers also conversed with him. And some said, “What does this babbler wish to say?” Others said, “He seems to be a preacher of foreign divinities”—because he was preaching Jesus and the resurrection." Acts 17:18
Sorry, I asked, "What if you're wrong?" in your Christianity belief?

There is a slight chance that you may be wrong in that....

Would you still go to heaven?

What part of "I am ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY, 100% SURE about Christianity. Science backs up the Bible even though it's not a science book." did you not understand?

What part of 100% true did you not understand? God's Word is never wrong or else it would be contradicted and Christianity destroyed.
LOL Then you have not read your Bible. There are many wrong statements in that book. Statements that reflect the lack of knowledge of the people of that time. Pi is not 3.
So Bond... based on this thread, who deserves to go to Heaven?

"Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?" Gal. 4:16

Going to heaven isn't in this thread, but those being headed for the lake of fire are numerous including yours since it's a heartfelt conviction of yours without any evidence.

Really? The only heartfelt conviction is yours. I'm open to different stuff, but you are absolutely sure you are right about the Christian religion.

What if you're not?

Would you go to heaven?

This isn't the religion forum, but yes I am ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY, 100% SURE about Christianity. Science backs up the Bible even though it's not a science book. And no, you're not open to different worldviews because you have accepted the lie of evolution as it was handed down to Nimrod. Are you ready to suffer for eternity in the lake of fire for believing in lies? All it would take is evolution to be rendered pseudoscience. Already, most of Darwin's theories have been debunked.

We have a history of pseudoscience with the universe or any theory that has to do with origins. Or I would state any theory that has to do with the ending of life, too. We are not going to become multiplanetary, but all of life will end here..

In ancient times, the Epicureans and Stoics were the evolutionists of the day. Nimrod brought the modern version.

"Some of the Epicurean and Stoic philosophers also conversed with him. And some said, “What does this babbler wish to say?” Others said, “He seems to be a preacher of foreign divinities”—because he was preaching Jesus and the resurrection." Acts 17:18
Sorry, I asked, "What if you're wrong?" in your Christianity belief?

There is a slight chance that you may be wrong in that....

Would you still go to heaven?

What part of "I am ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY, 100% SURE about Christianity. Science backs up the Bible even though it's not a science book." did you not understand?

What part of 100% true did you not understand? God's Word is never wrong or else it would be contradicted and Christianity destroyed.

Trust me, I know that you are absolutely, positively, 100% sure in your belief. That doesn't mean you're right...

What happens if you're not, hypothetically? Do you get to go to another religion's "heaven"? And would you accept that fate, if it contradicts Christianity?
"Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?" Gal. 4:16

Going to heaven isn't in this thread, but those being headed for the lake of fire are numerous including yours since it's a heartfelt conviction of yours without any evidence.

Really? The only heartfelt conviction is yours. I'm open to different stuff, but you are absolutely sure you are right about the Christian religion.

What if you're not?

Would you go to heaven?

This isn't the religion forum, but yes I am ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY, 100% SURE about Christianity. Science backs up the Bible even though it's not a science book. And no, you're not open to different worldviews because you have accepted the lie of evolution as it was handed down to Nimrod. Are you ready to suffer for eternity in the lake of fire for believing in lies? All it would take is evolution to be rendered pseudoscience. Already, most of Darwin's theories have been debunked.

We have a history of pseudoscience with the universe or any theory that has to do with origins. Or I would state any theory that has to do with the ending of life, too. We are not going to become multiplanetary, but all of life will end here..

In ancient times, the Epicureans and Stoics were the evolutionists of the day. Nimrod brought the modern version.

"Some of the Epicurean and Stoic philosophers also conversed with him. And some said, “What does this babbler wish to say?” Others said, “He seems to be a preacher of foreign divinities”—because he was preaching Jesus and the resurrection." Acts 17:18
Sorry, I asked, "What if you're wrong?" in your Christianity belief?

There is a slight chance that you may be wrong in that....

Would you still go to heaven?

What part of "I am ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY, 100% SURE about Christianity. Science backs up the Bible even though it's not a science book." did you not understand?

What part of 100% true did you not understand? God's Word is never wrong or else it would be contradicted and Christianity destroyed.

Trust me, I know that you are absolutely, positively, 100% sure in your belief. That doesn't mean you're right...

What happens if you're not, hypothetically? Do you get to go to another religion's "heaven"? And would you accept that fate, if it contradicts Christianity?

You still don't get it. It means 100% ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY, 100% TRUE.

And I don't trust you and would never follow you because you follow Satan's evolution. You reap what you sow my man.
Let's see. Mankind has had one religion or the other for over 200,000 years. And until the beginning of the Enlightenment, life was not that much different from century to century. Then we developed the scientific method, and went from living in essentially hovels, to the present living standard. And the average lifespan is nearly double that of the prior times. So what has helped mankind the most, religion or science?
You still don't get it. It means 100% ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY, 100% TRUE
No dumbass....just because you believe something does not make it true.

Isn't this the case with evolution that you claim are facts and theory? OTOH mine has withstood the test of time much longer than your biased science. There is no observational evidence nor scientific methodology involved. It is based on FAITH that it is true.

No one knows what happened in 200,000 years just as we do not know whether the end of the world will happen in 2060. Look at how long written history is.
Isn't this the case with evolution that you claim are facts and theory?
Of course it isn't. Because I believe the theory of evolution is a fact does not make it so. The mounatins of mutually supportive evidence make it so. What a stupid fucking question....but, to be expected from someone with no sense of evidence based reasoning ..
You still don't get it. It means 100% ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY, 100% TRUE
No dumbass....just because you believe something does not make it true.

Isn't this the case with evolution that you claim are facts and theory? OTOH mine has withstood the test of time much longer than your biased science. There is no observational evidence nor scientific methodology involved. It is based on FAITH that it is true.

No one knows what happened in 200,000 years just as we do not know whether the end of the world will happen in 2060. Look at how long written history is.
I have said many times what would happen if evolution was not true, and religions were right. Nobody can be 100% sure they are right. Just 100% sure in what they believe. Should there be an afterlife based on goodness, I expect to go to whichever religion's heaven is correct, and will go there happily. But... if they reject me because I don't believe, even though I've been a good person my whole life, then I'll be pretty pissed and looking to change the system for the future.... :)

So now look at it as a hypothetical that Christianity isn't right (although you believe 100%), and another religion is right. And their "heaven" is the real Heaven. Would you go, if invited, even though they don't agree with your current religious beliefs? Or would you turn them down on a matter of principle?
Isn't this the case with evolution that you claim are facts and theory?
Of course it isn't. Because I believe the theory of evolution is a fact does not make it so. The mounatins of mutually supportive evidence make it so. What a stupid fucking question....but, to be expected from someone with no sense of evidence based reasoning ..

You're turning into the low IQ internet atheist. First, you do not know the difference between scientific theory and fact. AFAIK there is no scientific fact about evolution. Otherwise name five. You state mountains of mutually supportive evidence, but don't provide any.
First, you do not know the difference between scientific theory and fact
Of course I do. And evolution is both. It is as much an established fact as it is that the earth revolves about the sun.

I, of course, am not going to debate the truth of a scientific theory with an uneducated slob on the internet.
First, you do not know the difference between scientific theory and fact
Of course I do. And evolution is both. It is as much an established fact as it is that the earth revolves about the sun.

I, of course, am not going to debate the truth of a scientific theory with an uneducated slob on the internet.

You got the scientific fact right, but it was founded by a creation scientist.. Many scientific facts based on creation such as the chicken came before the egg. The earth revolves around the sun was first explained by Nicholas Copernicus a creation scientist. It isn't evolution. Thus, there is still no scientific fact based on evolution.

"Copernicus was the Polish astronomer who put forward the first mathematically based system of planets going around the sun. He attended various European universities, and became a Canon in the Catholic church in 1497. His new system was actually first presented in the Vatican gardens in 1533 before Pope Clement VII who approved, and urged Copernicus to publish it around this time. Copernicus was never under any threat of religious persecution - and was urged to publish both by Catholic Bishop Guise, Cardinal Schonberg, and the Protestant Professor George Rheticus. Copernicus referred sometimes to God in his works, and did not see his system as in conflict with the Bible."

Famous Scientists Who Believed in God
You got the scientific fact right, but it was founded by a creation scientist..

Well first, there is no such thing as creation science. Stop being a sniveling little liar and just present your faith in magic as faith in magic, instead of desperately trying to put it on the second shelf as evidence based onowledge. By doing so, it shows that you know your faith does not smdeserve the same respect. what? His belief in magical fairies has no bearing on the truth of the fact, nor did it have anything to do with deciding the fact is, indeed, a fact. Get that irrelevant garbage out of here...
I know there are similarities but I think they are coincidental, like cats and seals both have whiskers. But cats didn't come from seals or vice a versa.

I believe that we all came from one guy and his baby momma who came from thin air by a mythological being in a cloud.
You got the scientific fact right, but it was founded by a creation scientist..

Well first, there is no such thing as creation science. Stop being a sniveling little liar and just present your faith in magic as faith in magic, instead of desperately trying to put it on the second shelf as evidence based onowledge. By doing so, it shows that you know your faith does not smdeserve the same respect. what? His belief in magical fairies has no bearing on the truth of the fact, nor did it have anything to do with deciding the fact is, indeed, a fact. Get that irrelevant garbage out of here...

So, I scored a point there for God and creation. You said there was a mountain of facts (evidence) and I'm still waiting. Why don't you admit, evolution is hypothesis (it may not even be a theory if creation scientists do not believe it), and there are no scientific facts associated with it. I'm ready to move on.

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