Do You Blame Attorney General, Eric Holder and/or President Barack Obama For The Ferguson Cops Shot?

Do You Blame Eric Holder and/or Barack Obama For This

  • I'm a conservative and I blame them, they inflamed it

    Votes: 10 55.6%
  • I'm a conservative and I don't blame them, this is nothing more than a tragedy

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • I'm a liberal and I blame them, they inflamed it

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • I'm a liberal and I don't blame them, this is nothing more than a tragedy

    Votes: 5 27.8%

  • Total voters
Lmao! I'm sorry but, that is some seriously funny stuff.

Black women come to us when they want a man they can count on and help pay the electric bill, use belts, have emotional levels greater then a 16 year old and don't make broad, stupid comments.

Just sayin tough guy.
If those officers had just resigned like Holder intended they wouldn't have been hurt.

Remember how America was supposed to have become magically "post-racial" upon electing the first halfsie (I still prefer "quadroon") president?


Instead America is fast becoming "post-law enforcement".
Lmao! I'm sorry but, that is some seriously funny stuff.

Black women come to us when they want a man they can count on and help pay the electric bill, use belts, have emotional levels greater then a 16 year old and don't make broad, stupid comments.

Just sayin tough guy.
Now thats funny.^^^

I have heard that unscrupulous Black women use white guys for their money but you are the first to admit it.

You dont have to call me tough. Its redundant.
If those officers had just resigned like Holder intended they wouldn't have been hurt.

Remember how America was supposed to have become magically "post-racial" upon electing the first halfsie (I still prefer "quadroon") president?


Instead America is fast becoming "post-law enforcement".
Anyone that thought america was post racial just because one Black person was elected to POTUS is not thinking straight.
If those officers had just resigned like Holder intended they wouldn't have been hurt.

Remember how America was supposed to have become magically "post-racial" upon electing the first halfsie (I still prefer "quadroon") president?


Instead America is fast becoming "post-law enforcement".
Anyone that thought america was post racial just because one Black person was elected to POTUS is not thinking straight.
True. The black community still seems to be as racist as ever.
If those officers had just resigned like Holder intended they wouldn't have been hurt.

Remember how America was supposed to have become magically "post-racial" upon electing the first halfsie (I still prefer "quadroon") president?


Instead America is fast becoming "post-law enforcement".
Anyone that thought america was post racial just because one Black person was elected to POTUS is not thinking straight.
True. The black community still seems to be as racist as ever.
There is no seem to it. The white community is in fact as racist as ever if not more. Take a cave chimp like you for instance.
Take a cave chimp like you for instance.

What IS it with the liberal fascination with words liie "chimp"? Was there some horrible internet screw up that corrupted their "Prayer for The New Messiah" to have some strange (but amusing!) spelling error?
Take a cave chimp like you for instance.

What IS it with the liberal fascination with words liie "chimp"? Was there some horrible internet screw up that corrupted their "Prayer for The New Messiah" to have some strange (but amusing!) spelling error?
It perfectly describes some members of your conservative group. Furry, with a propensity to catch head lice and prone to getting excited at perceived danger while making extremely loud chimp howls.
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The person responsible is the shooter.

Tantaros is intentionally creating the impression that what is in the report exists due to frustration. One need only look at her resume to recognize this is intentional. She knows that many viewers have a tl;dr mentality and this allows her to take advantage of the situation. Twenty other investigations and no commentary? this allows her to redirect attention away from the information that is actually in the report because people might start to pay attention and question the concept of revenue before public safety (red light cameras, anyone?) It's no different than Hannity recognizing the tl;dr mentality of the protestor Ivory Ned and nailing him with it.

Mediate is very much guilty of misconstruing information as well. Not a fan. They most certainly are taking advantage of the tl;dr mentality. Note that there are no articles on changes that have occurred. Of course Mediate is not known for in depth anything. Their articles are mostly finger pointing at networks and they are not considered a reliable source.

I think that there were a lot of misconceptions of what many people wanted the report to say and what it was capable of delivering. There was discussion very early on indicating that the criteria would not be met. I don't like the additional conversations added to it and these present a problem for me. Even if you remove the "conversations" in the report, there are huge problems.

If you are one of those individuals that found the report tl;dr then the odds are that your a part of the problem. It is also time for protestors to step up the plate: Especially protestors that are not local.
Right it is the cops fault,you cant treat people like shit and expect to get away with it.I suggest you start thinking first.
The person responsible is the shooter.

Tantaros is intentionally creating the impression that what is in the report exists due to frustration. One need only look at her resume to recognize this is intentional. She knows that many viewers have a tl;dr mentality and this allows her to take advantage of the situation. Twenty other investigations and no commentary? this allows her to redirect attention away from the information that is actually in the report because people might start to pay attention and question the concept of revenue before public safety (red light cameras, anyone?) It's no different than Hannity recognizing the tl;dr mentality of the protestor Ivory Ned and nailing him with it.

Mediate is very much guilty of misconstruing information as well. Not a fan. They most certainly are taking advantage of the tl;dr mentality. Note that there are no articles on changes that have occurred. Of course Mediate is not known for in depth anything. Their articles are mostly finger pointing at networks and they are not considered a reliable source.

I think that there were a lot of misconceptions of what many people wanted the report to say and what it was capable of delivering. There was discussion very early on indicating that the criteria would not be met. I don't like the additional conversations added to it and these present a problem for me. Even if you remove the "conversations" in the report, there are huge problems.

If you are one of those individuals that found the report tl;dr then the odds are that your a part of the problem. It is also time for protestors to step up the plate: Especially protestors that are not local.
Interesting post.

So tell me, what's the "tl;dr mentality?"
The person responsible is the shooter.

Tantaros is intentionally creating the impression that what is in the report exists due to frustration. One need only look at her resume to recognize this is intentional. She knows that many viewers have a tl;dr mentality and this allows her to take advantage of the situation. Twenty other investigations and no commentary? this allows her to redirect attention away from the information that is actually in the report because people might start to pay attention and question the concept of revenue before public safety (red light cameras, anyone?) It's no different than Hannity recognizing the tl;dr mentality of the protestor Ivory Ned and nailing him with it.

Mediate is very much guilty of misconstruing information as well. Not a fan. They most certainly are taking advantage of the tl;dr mentality. Note that there are no articles on changes that have occurred. Of course Mediate is not known for in depth anything. Their articles are mostly finger pointing at networks and they are not considered a reliable source.

I think that there were a lot of misconceptions of what many people wanted the report to say and what it was capable of delivering. There was discussion very early on indicating that the criteria would not be met. I don't like the additional conversations added to it and these present a problem for me. Even if you remove the "conversations" in the report, there are huge problems.

If you are one of those individuals that found the report tl;dr then the odds are that your a part of the problem. It is also time for protestors to step up the plate: Especially protestors that are not local.
Interesting post.

So tell me, what's the "tl;dr mentality?"

Information is gleaned from commentary rather than reading the actual report because the report is too long. The reader or viewer is then easily manipulated for agendas. I have read commentary from both the right and the left regarding this report and it is often taken out of context.
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What this poll is missing is "They are partially responsible, because they and the media created and maintained a false narrative that created the atmosphere for something like this to happen."
Obama, once again, missed an opportunity to LEAD. Instead chose to play along with the "hands up" crowd because it fits his own agenda.
What this poll is missing is "They are partially responsible, because they and the media created and maintained a false narrative that created the atmosphere for something like this to happen."
Obama, once again, missed an opportunity to LEAD. Instead chose to play along with the "hands up" crowd because it fits his own agenda.
Ferguson was being run by white abusive overseers and the killing of Michael Brown exposed the rot...that is why you have the white leeches swollen from the abuse of the Black community...including a total bastard like the Judge who owes 170 k in back taxes from all the scam jobs he was holding down...
What this poll is missing is "They are partially responsible, because they and the media created and maintained a false narrative that created the atmosphere for something like this to happen."
Obama, once again, missed an opportunity to LEAD. Instead chose to play along with the "hands up" crowd because it fits his own agenda.
Ferguson was being run by white abusive overseers and the killing of Michael Brown exposed the rot...that is why you have the white leeches swollen from the abuse of the Black community...including a total bastard like the Judge who owes 170 k in back taxes from all the scam jobs he was holding down...

A little early to be hitting the Meth pipe isn't it?
A little early to be hitting the Meth pipe isn't it?
you seem like a douche...
Yeah sure wing nut....meth...that is the answer the ticket for you eh

Ferguson Missouri Police Chief Thomas Jackson Announces Resignation The Atlantic

How many people does it take to create or, conversely, eliminate a systemic problem? 100? 10? All of them? None of them? A few?

It's a dilemma for Ferguson, Missouri, which has to figure out how to respond to the scathing Department of Justice report on civil-rights violations in the St. Louis County city. (Conor Friedersdorf curates some of the more appalling revelations from the 102-page document here.) Given the scale of the issues the report documents, and given how many local officials were part of the system, it's hard to figure out where to start. Although Attorney General Eric Holder has said he would dismantle the Ferguson Police Department if necessary, starting over from scratch is understandably not a first choice. Until this week, one of the biggest challenges was that the high-ranking city officials charged with fixing these problems were the same people who'd overseen and fostered their creation. Now many of them are leaving.

If you were going to pick out four major figures who come out poorly in the report, Municipal Judge Ronald Brockmeyer, City Manager John Shaw, Court Clerk Mary Ann Twitty, and Police Chief Thomas Jackson might fit the bill. And over the course of the last week, all four have announced their departures.

First, Ferguson announced last Thursday that Twitty had been fired for sending racist emails—though the DOJ report also found she was central to the operation of the city's slanted justice system, wielding as much power as Brockmeyer.

Brockmeyer resigned Monday. He'd been municipal judge for a decade, and DOJ detailed how he turned the city's justice system into a cash machine, instituting elaborate revenue-generating operations with fines and fees. In 2012, a member of the city council complained that Brockmeyer "does not listen to the testimony, does not review the reports or the criminal history of defendants, and doesn’t let all the pertinent witnesses testify before rendering a verdict.” Shaw acknowledged receiving the mixed reviews, but still recommended Brockmeyer be reappointed: “t goes without saying the City cannot afford to lose any efficiency in our Courts, nor experience any decrease in our Fines and Forfeitures.” Brockmeyer also fixed tickets in Breckenridge, a nearby city where he also serves as municipal judge, and asked that his own tickets be fixed.

Ferguson Missouri Police Chief Thomas Jackson Announces Resignation The Atlantic
Andrea Tantoros is over the top, she said on O'Reilly, that if one is NOT PRO Israel they are anti-Semitic.

I suggests she check out Bend the Arc foundation and Open Society. They are involved in causing riots and discontent such as this.

The cops are out everywhere making money for the city, just because they are what about 75% black, well blacks get more tickets.

Tantoros sounds like she is on someone's payroll other than fox.
Ferguson has arrest warrants for aprox. 76% of population
Ferguson an apartheid police state 21 000 residents have a staggering 16 000 open arrest warrants

"Sometimes in reporting a story, it's easy to use an exaggerated adjective to compare injustice today to an injustice experienced at some other difficult period of human history. Now that the full DOJ report on Ferguson has been released, though, it's increasingly clear that the sick conflation of racism, the American profit-motive, and an abusive use of the criminal justice system were used to create a police state of historic proportions in this small Missouri town.

With just 21,000 residents, Ferguson issued a staggering 32,975 arrest warrants for at least 16,000 different people. Not just parking tickets, Ferguson averaged 567 non-traffic related court cases per 1,000 residents—far and away the highest of any town in the state and more than twice as much as the town with the second highest average. To put that into perspective, the city of St. Louis had 80 non-traffic court cases per 1,000 residents and that's actually above the state average for Missouri.

Devised and constantly accelerated by Ferguson CEO John Shaw, who recently resigned in disgrace but somehow negotiated an outrageous severance package, this system of profiteering off of a complete police state that is despicable. In fact, it's hard to find anything quite comparable not only in America, but in any city in the world."
Today on the network that goes by the name FOXNEWS' "Outnumbered" RW radical Andrea Tantoros had a meltdown and lashed out at Kirsten Powers screaming and carrying on that it was all Obama's fault and Eric Holder's fault that the cops got shot last night.

Fox s Powers and Tantaros Battle over Ferguson Blame Cops Got Shot Before Obama Mediaite

Do you agree with that sentiment?

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Andrea Tantoros is 100% right. Obama told the rioters in Ferguson to keep it going. Then there's this:
BREAKING VIDEO Missouri LT Governor Discusses Felony Against Eric Holder

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