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Do You Consider the Destruction of Israel a "Personal Tragedy?"

There seems to be a pattern of behavior engaged in by some elite (read rich) Jews over the centuries that results in the historical calamities that you document. It is worth pointing out how Jews were also known to inflict many of the same sufferings on their victims ranging from the Canaanites three thousand years ago to Palestinians today. The choice facing Israel today (imho) is whether it wants to exist as a Jewish state or as a democratic one. If it chooses the latter, the four million inhabitants of the occupied territories must receive the right to vote in Israeli elections.

George can you list the calamities and suffering the Jews have imposed on other peoples over the centuries. Other than when the Jews invaded Canaan 3000 years ago ( which they later mixed with the Canaanites) which is not actual or factual history, it's simply a story from the OT. Thanks.
Are you saying Moses was a myth?

The suffering inflicted by Israel over the last sixty years includes 711,111 Palestinians displaced from their homes in 1948, a series of provocations ranging from Suez in 1956 to the murder of 34 US citizens serving on the USS Liberty in 1967, to the invasion and occupation of Lebanon in the 80s, to Gaza in 2008.

With the notable exception of the US, Israel has been the biggest sponsor of terrorism on the face of the planet over the last half century.
It's impossible to get a truthful answer out of you and Tinmore. Waffling,deflecting and taqiyyah. Better check your handbook Page 1
Israel's greatest mistake was to make peace offerings to Palestinians, build a security fence & concede land to them so they can remain in Israel. Face it folks, no Arab country, who know the Palestinians best, ever treated them like Israel does.
Israel's greatest mistake occurred in 1948 when one-third of Palestine's citizens imposed a Jewish state by force of arms on a majority of their fellow Palestinians. Face it, fools, Israel was created to buy western weapons largely paid for by US tax dollars.

Let's talk actual history here. The US did not supply Israel with weapons until the mid 1960's only after it realized that most of the Arab countries had turned into satellites of Russia and loaded with Russian weapons. It was then that the US decided to supply Israel, as a counterbalance to Soviet influence in the region. By that time Israel had fought many wars against groups of Arab nations and handed them humiliating defeats evey time.
I don't think it's coincidental that the modern history of Israel began with the Balfour Declaration in 1917 when the Royal Navy was converting from coal to oil for fueling its fleet. The first British Military Governor of Jerusalem apparently felt the same way"

"Sir Ronald Storrs, the first Governor of Jerusalem, certainly had no illusions about what a 'Jewish homeland in Palestine meant for the British Empire: 'It will form for England,' he said, 'a little loyal Jewish Ulster in a sea of potentially hostile Arabism.'”

Divide and Conquer as Imperial Rules | FPIF

At the end of WWII the US took over the corporate responsibilities of British Empire particularly in the Middle East. Arab nationalism was seen as the biggest threat to continued corporate rule, and the Russians armed the Arabs in response to the backing of Israel by western interests. Whether or not the weapons came directly from the US taxpayers at that time doesn't change the imperial strategy. There's currently no doubt about the $8million taxpayer going to the Jewish state every day.
Israel's greatest mistake occurred in 1948 when one-third of Palestine's citizens imposed a Jewish state by force of arms on a majority of their fellow Palestinians. Face it, fools, Israel was created to buy western weapons largely paid for by US tax dollars.

Let's talk actual history here. The US did not supply Israel with weapons until the mid 1960's only after it realized that most of the Arab countries had turned into satellites of Russia and loaded with Russian weapons. It was then that the US decided to supply Israel, as a counterbalance to Soviet influence in the region. By that time Israel had fought many wars against groups of Arab nations and handed them humiliating defeats evey time.
I don't think it's coincidental that the modern history of Israel began with the Balfour Declaration in 1917 when the Royal Navy was converting from coal to oil for fueling its fleet. The first British Military Governor of Jerusalem apparently felt the same way"

"Sir Ronald Storrs, the first Governor of Jerusalem, certainly had no illusions about what a 'Jewish homeland in Palestine meant for the British Empire: 'It will form for England,' he said, 'a little loyal Jewish Ulster in a sea of potentially hostile Arabism.'”

Divide and Conquer as Imperial Rules | FPIF

At the end of WWII the US took over the corporate responsibilities of British Empire particularly in the Middle East. Arab nationalism was seen as the biggest threat to continued corporate rule, and the Russians armed the Arabs in response to the backing of Israel by western interests. Whether or not the weapons came directly from the US taxpayers at that time doesn't change the imperial strategy. There's currently no doubt about the $8million taxpayer going to the Jewish state every day.
Thank God for AIPAC and ZOG.
I consider reading your posts a personal tragedy! A man who worked for minimum wage until he collected minimum amount of social security (as you fully admit how you lived your meaningless life) is a TRUE personal tragedy!
For me, it's slaves (like you) who automatically equate money with meaning that present a personal tragedy. Do you have any thoughts on why fewer than 50% of young US Jews today would regard the destruction of Israel as their personal tragedy?
Are you still blabbering on about this? Perhaps you are not sharp enough to realize that so many young American Jews go to college, and they have these Leftist Jewish professors who are always talking down Israel. The Amcha Initiative · Professor posts anti-Semitic material on CSUN website No doubt, unless you are very, very dimwitted, you realize young people are very, very impressionable. Perhaps you should start telling us why the majority of Americans stick up for Israel.
You appear to have a problem with free speech.
Possibly you're too dimwitted to realize that the Jewish state is one of the most racist on the planet, and it's subsidized with 8 million US taxpayer dollars every day.

I've noticed those blabbering the loudest about boycotts of Israel today come from the same swamp as those who were whining about boycotts of White South Africa four decades ago.

The majority of American stick up for Israel today for the same reasons they believed Iraq had WMDs nine years ago today. All governments lie, and the richer they get the more lies they tell.

Israel and the US have just about reached their limits.
Get serious. The majority of Palestinians residing on Israel's land came from the West Bank & Gaza after the Arab/Israeli wars. Nearly 4 million.. A bunch of squatters rejected by their own Arab brothers in Jordan & Egypt.
Ever heard of Al Nakba?

"The 1948 Palestinian exodus, known in Arabic as the Nakba (Arabic: النكبة*, an-Nakbah, lit. 'disaster', 'catastrophe', or 'cataclysm'),[1] occurred when approximately 711,000 to 725,000 Palestinian Arabs left, fled or were expelled from their homes, during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War and the Civil War that preceded it.[2] The exact number of refugees is a matter of dispute.[3] The causes remain the subject of fundamental disagreement between Arabs and Israelis."

1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Anyone can put what they want to in Wikipedia. However, many of us have the prerogative of going to other sites. You can visit Israel and ask the Arabs who didn't leave why they stayed. I think you might get the true story from them. And while you are visiting Israel, why not ask the Bahaiis and Ahmadis how come they built beautiful Houses of Worship in Israel while their members are being murdered in other Muslim countries for their beliefs.
The Palestinian Refugees
It all depends which part of "Israel" you visit.

"How is it possible that through two and a half years of increasingly cruel conduct of our army, the Israeli public has had almost nothing to say about soldiers...

"*urinating on school computers and defecating on the rugs of homes they have garrisoned for use;

"*'accidentally' demolishing the homes of innocent people that happen to be near the homes deliberately destroyed;

"* preventing the residents of entire cities from leaving their houses for weeks on end (no exceptions--not for chemo, dialysis, childbirth, buying food, attending school, or visiting your sick mother);

"*damaging 27 Palestinian ambulances beyond repair and wounding 187 medical personnel [www.palestinercs.org];

"*and assassinating people without the niceties of trial and due process, not to mention reckless shootings in which 126 innocent children aged 13 or younger (including 19 toddlers and infants aged 5 or younger!) have lost their lives [www.btselem.org]."

Boycott Israel

It's well known how some Arabs indoctrinate the children to hate all Jews.
It's also true some Jews do exactly the same thing on the US taxpayers' dime.
Time to cut Israel loose.
For me, it's slaves (like you) who automatically equate money with meaning that present a personal tragedy. Do you have any thoughts on why fewer than 50% of young US Jews today would regard the destruction of Israel as their personal tragedy?
Are you still blabbering on about this? Perhaps you are not sharp enough to realize that so many young American Jews go to college, and they have these Leftist Jewish professors who are always talking down Israel. The Amcha Initiative · Professor posts anti-Semitic material on CSUN website No doubt, unless you are very, very dimwitted, you realize young people are very, very impressionable. Perhaps you should start telling us why the majority of Americans stick up for Israel.
You appear to have a problem with free speech.
Possibly you're too dimwitted to realize that the Jewish state is one of the most racist on the planet, and it's subsidized with 8 million US taxpayer dollars every day.

I've noticed those blabbering the loudest about boycotts of Israel today come from the same swamp as those who were whining about boycotts of White South Africa four decades ago.

The majority of American stick up for Israel today for the same reasons they believed Iraq had WMDs nine years ago today. All governments lie, and the richer they get the more lies they tell.

Israel and the US have just about reached their limits.
My God, do you blabber on. It must be your middle name. Do you realize how ridiculous you sound by saying that Israel is the most racist state. Of course, a Dhimwit like you (look up that term; it fits you perfectly) would say something as silly as that. I really suggest that it would be a good idea for you to travel all over the Middle East so that you can get a really good idea of just who is racist and who isn't. Meanwhile, all you are doing is making a fool out of yourself, and sound like you are a regular user of the hate sites which regularly spew out how racist Israel is. Tell you what, you live in the Los Angeles where lots of Filipinos live. Many of their friends and relatives have jobs in Israel. Ask these people what their friends and relatives think of Israel as being a racist state. I'll give you a hint. The Filipinos, even though they are Asians, hate the thought of losing the privilege of working in Israel. Now ask them about their friends and relatives who are working in the oil-producing states like Saudi Arabia and how they are being treated there.
Has it occurred to you how ironic it is for citizens of the Philippines to be taking jobs in Israel that once belonged to Arabs?

"Each Israeli government has held a different stand on the Arab population, but no Israeli government has ever officially recognized the population as a valid national minority.

"Israel’s leaders reflect the lack of recognition, from David Ben Gurion, who stated that Arabs should be permitted to stay in Israel 'to serve as water carriers', to Golda Meir, who declared that 'there is no such thing as Palestinians.'”

Possibly Ben Gurian thought Filipinos could carry more water?
Or maybe Golda believed there was such a thing as Filipino?
You're on the wrong side of history on this one, Hoss.

Social, Economic and Political Status of Arab Citizens of Israel
Has it occurred to you how ironic it is for citizens of the Philippines to be taking jobs in Israel that once belonged to Arabs?

"Each Israeli government has held a different stand on the Arab population, but no Israeli government has ever officially recognized the population as a valid national minority.

"Israel’s leaders reflect the lack of recognition, from David Ben Gurion, who stated that Arabs should be permitted to stay in Israel 'to serve as water carriers', to Golda Meir, who declared that 'there is no such thing as Palestinians.'”

Possibly Ben Gurian thought Filipinos could carry more water?
Or maybe Golda believed there was such a thing as Filipino?
You're on the wrong side of history on this one, Hoss.

Social, Economic and Political Status of Arab Citizens of Israel
You are deflecting Georgie. We are talking about racism, and the Filipinos (maybe even though you live in the Los Angeles area aren't aware that they is how they are referred to -- type in Filipino in Google) happen to enjoy living in Israel where they have churches to go to and even their own shops selling goods from the Philippines. Compare that to what they have in Muslim countries. Tell us how many churches there are in Muslim countries that the Filipinos can attend on Sunday for Mass. tell us how wonderful they treat the Filiipina women working as maids there. Nobody is stopping you from finding out about this, are they? And while you are checking up on the Filipinos, why not check up on how the Hindus working in Muslim countries are treated like slaves. Meanwhile, if the Arabs didn't start that third Intifada and start killing Jews, they would still be allowed to work in Israel. Tell us why even some Muslim countries have kicked these Palestinian workers out. Perhaps it is you, Georgie, being a two-bit anti-Semite who is on the wrong side of history. People would have to be awfully dumb to think you actually are crying over these "Palestinians."
Let's talk actual history here. The US did not supply Israel with weapons until the mid 1960's only after it realized that most of the Arab countries had turned into satellites of Russia and loaded with Russian weapons. It was then that the US decided to supply Israel, as a counterbalance to Soviet influence in the region. By that time Israel had fought many wars against groups of Arab nations and handed them humiliating defeats evey time.
I don't think it's coincidental that the modern history of Israel began with the Balfour Declaration in 1917 when the Royal Navy was converting from coal to oil for fueling its fleet. The first British Military Governor of Jerusalem apparently felt the same way"

"Sir Ronald Storrs, the first Governor of Jerusalem, certainly had no illusions about what a 'Jewish homeland in Palestine meant for the British Empire: 'It will form for England,' he said, 'a little loyal Jewish Ulster in a sea of potentially hostile Arabism.'”

Divide and Conquer as Imperial Rules | FPIF

At the end of WWII the US took over the corporate responsibilities of British Empire particularly in the Middle East. Arab nationalism was seen as the biggest threat to continued corporate rule, and the Russians armed the Arabs in response to the backing of Israel by western interests. Whether or not the weapons came directly from the US taxpayers at that time doesn't change the imperial strategy. There's currently no doubt about the $8million taxpayer going to the Jewish state every day.
Thank God for AIPAC and ZOG.
Which "God" blesses imperialism...the "God of the Collection Plate?"

"Investigative journalist Seymour Hersh’s recent revelations that the Israeli government is encouraging Kurdish separatism in Iraq, Iran, and Syria should ring a bell for anyone who has followed the long history of English imperial ambitions.

"It is no surprise that the Israelis should be using the tactic of 'divide and conquer,' the cornerstone policy of an empire that dominated virtually every continent on the globe save South America.

"The Jewish population of British-controlled Palestine was, after all, victim to exactly the same kind of ethnic manipulation that the Sharon government is presently attempting in Northern Iraq..."

Hossie...I would be very surprised if your ignorance of things historical did not extend well beyond the Middle East. Have you ever heard of Ulster?

"Ariel Sharon and former Prime Minister Menachem Begin normally take credit for creating the 'facts on the ground policies that have poured more than 420,000 settlers into the Occupied Territories. But they were simply copying Charles I, the English King, who in 1609 forcibly removed the O’Neill and O’Donnell clans from the north of Ireland, moved in 20,000 English and Scottish Protestants, and founded the Plantation of Ulster.

The 'removal' was never really meant to cleanse Ulster of the Irish. Native labor was essential to the Plantation’s success and within 15 years more than 4,000 native Irish tenants and their families were back in Ulster. But they lived in a land divided into religious castes, with the Protestant invaders on top and the Catholic natives on the bottom."

Of course we know Charles the I didn't personally remove a single member of the O'Neill and O'Donnell clans. He had his loyal Christian conservatives do that part.
Thank your slave god for that.

Divide and Conquer as Imperial Rules | FPIF
BALONEY! But thanks for giving us something to laugh at while radical Islamists are killing themselves & us infidels all over the world today.

Less than half of young US Jews in a 2007 poll answered that question with a "yes."

"The(2008) Gaza massacre provoked unprecedented opposition around the world -- in Britain, students occupied buildings in more than a dozen universities across the country -- but, as Finkelstein documents in the second part of the book, this opposition did not come out of the blue.

"Rather, it 'marked the nadir of a curve plotting a steady decline in support for Israel', not only in Europe, where Israel consistently ranks among the least popular states in the world, but also in the US.13

"Most strikingly, American Jews are becoming increasingly ambivalent or even hostile towards Israel, to the point where less than half of young American Jews polled in 2007 answered that they would consider the destruction of Israel a 'personal tragedy'"

Jamie Stern-Weiner, "One Massacre Too Many"
Do you laugh at the number of Muslims who've been murdered for money and market share by the heroic US military since 1991?

Which country is the greatest purveyor of violence on this planet?

How many Muslims are out there killing Muslims in the service of Totalitarianism? Yeah Right. Idiot.
How many Muslims are killing Christians for money in your hometown, Einstein?
Has it occurred to you how ironic it is for citizens of the Philippines to be taking jobs in Israel that once belonged to Arabs?

"Each Israeli government has held a different stand on the Arab population, but no Israeli government has ever officially recognized the population as a valid national minority.

"Israel’s leaders reflect the lack of recognition, from David Ben Gurion, who stated that Arabs should be permitted to stay in Israel 'to serve as water carriers', to Golda Meir, who declared that 'there is no such thing as Palestinians.'”

Possibly Ben Gurian thought Filipinos could carry more water?
Or maybe Golda believed there was such a thing as Filipino?
You're on the wrong side of history on this one, Hoss.

Social, Economic and Political Status of Arab Citizens of Israel
You are deflecting Georgie. We are talking about racism, and the Filipinos (maybe even though you live in the Los Angeles area aren't aware that they is how they are referred to -- type in Filipino in Google) happen to enjoy living in Israel where they have churches to go to and even their own shops selling goods from the Philippines. Compare that to what they have in Muslim countries. Tell us how many churches there are in Muslim countries that the Filipinos can attend on Sunday for Mass. tell us how wonderful they treat the Filiipina women working as maids there. Nobody is stopping you from finding out about this, are they? And while you are checking up on the Filipinos, why not check up on how the Hindus working in Muslim countries are treated like slaves. Meanwhile, if the Arabs didn't start that third Intifada and start killing Jews, they would still be allowed to work in Israel. Tell us why even some Muslim countries have kicked these Palestinian workers out. Perhaps it is you, Georgie, being a two-bit anti-Semite who is on the wrong side of history. People would have to be awfully dumb to think you actually are crying over these "Palestinians."
You should tell the Vatican all about Israel's love for Filipinos.

"This time the father did not arrive with a last-minute decision snatched from a judge to take her off the plane. Ofek Castillo, 4 years old – of Philippine origin but who was born and so far has only lived in Israel – was expelled with her mother Nancy on a flight from Ben Gurion airport, whose final destination was Manila. On Thursday 25, even the extreme attempt made the week before through Acri – the Association for civil rights in Israel – proved useless.

"And so, for the first time against the children of foreign immigrant workers, that hard line has been applied that for some time has been discussed in Israel. And it is a first that particularly disturbs the 50,000 Filipino Catholics working in the country, who now fear the same thing can happen to dozens of others of their children."

Israel, Discrimination Against Filipino Catholics: the Ofek Case - Vatican Insider

Israel was created for Jews, i.e., the "chosen people."
All other races and nationalities are inferior.

The deflection your provide of Arab states being even more overtly racist than Israel doesn't change the inherent racism of a Jewish state. And it's Israel who depends on $8 million per day from US taxpayers for its survival.
Has it occurred to you how ironic it is for citizens of the Philippines to be taking jobs in Israel that once belonged to Arabs?

Israeli-Arabs are recognized as citizens and have equal rights.
When you say 'citizens of the Philippines to be taking jobs in Israel that once belonged to Arabs?' You mean Arabs who are not citizens.

And that is not ironic at all , what's really ironic is that Arabs who are not citizens of Israel who did not recognize Israel's right to exists were quite happy to employed by it.

And after at least 3 incidents where Arabs tried to run over Israeli citizens with a tractor, it occurred to Israeli employers that hiring people who want to kill you is not the smartest choice.

Israel was created for Jews, i.e., the "chosen people."
All other races and nationalities are inferior.

The deflection your provide of Arab states being even more overtly racist than Israel doesn't change the inherent racism of a Jewish state. And it's Israel who depends on $8 million per day from US taxpayers for its survival.
You have provided incidents and not official policy.
You have no case when you say 'Israel is a racists state' because there is no policy in Israel that discriminates between it's citizens.

As the incidents you provided , they have no weight to support your claim ...
In any country that you consider to be not racist it is possible to find incidents of racism.
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Israel operates two separate educational systems, one for Jewish children and a second for the children of Palestinian Arabs. That alone disproves your claim "there is no policy in Israel that discriminates between its citizens."

As for Arabs who are not citizens of Israel, they are still subject to Israeli laws and lawlessness.
Quite possibly racist Jews who don't want to be run over by a tractor should stop stealing Arab land and water. Israel's right to exist never extended from the Mediterranean to the Jordan River.
Israel operates two separate educational systems, one for Jewish children and a second for the children of Palestinian Arabs. That alone disproves your claim "there is no policy in Israel that discriminates between its citizens."

As for Arabs who are not citizens of Israel, they are still subject to Israeli laws and lawlessness.
Quite possibly racist Jews who don't want to be run over by a tractor should stop stealing Arab land and water. Israel's right to exist never extended from the Mediterranean to the Jordan River.

Israel operates two separate educational systems, one for Jewish children and a second for the children of Palestinian Arabs. That alone disproves your claim "there is no policy in Israel that discriminates between its citizens."
There are actually 4 separate educational systems , and it's by no means a policy of discrimination.
It's not mandatory for a child to be in a specific education system, it's the choice of the parents.

Israel operates an Arab education system for Israeli-Arabs minority that teaches Arab students, in Arabic, about their history and culture.
Education in Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is the opposite of discrimination, how many other countries operate a special education system for a minority group that teaches them in their native language ?

As for Arabs who are not citizens of Israel, they are still subject to Israeli laws and lawlessness.
Quite possibly racist Jews who don't want to be run over by a tractor should stop stealing Arab land and water. Israel's right to exist never extended from the Mediterranean to the Jordan River.
Here you operate on faulty logic.
It's irrelevant to your claim whether or not Israel is 'stealing' land or water. (And if the Israeli employers were racists they would not hire Arabs in the first place, would they now ?)
Your claim was that other people get 'Jobs that belonged to Arabs'. The reason for other people being employed instead of Arabs is that Arabs tried to kill their employers on numerous occasions.
Israel operates two separate educational systems, one for Jewish children and a second for the children of Palestinian Arabs. That alone disproves your claim "there is no policy in Israel that discriminates between its citizens."

As for Arabs who are not citizens of Israel, they are still subject to Israeli laws and lawlessness.
Quite possibly racist Jews who don't want to be run over by a tractor should stop stealing Arab land and water. Israel's right to exist never extended from the Mediterranean to the Jordan River.

Israel operates two separate educational systems, one for Jewish children and a second for the children of Palestinian Arabs. That alone disproves your claim "there is no policy in Israel that discriminates between its citizens."
There are actually 4 separate educational systems , and it's by no means a policy of discrimination.
It's not mandatory for a child to be in a specific education system, it's the choice of the parents.

Israel operates an Arab education system for Israeli-Arabs minority that teaches Arab students, in Arabic, about their history and culture.
Education in Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is the opposite of discrimination, how many other countries operate a special education system for a minority group that teaches them in their native language ?

As for Arabs who are not citizens of Israel, they are still subject to Israeli laws and lawlessness.
Quite possibly racist Jews who don't want to be run over by a tractor should stop stealing Arab land and water. Israel's right to exist never extended from the Mediterranean to the Jordan River.
Here you operate on faulty logic.
It's irrelevant to your claim whether or not Israel is 'stealing' land or water. (And if the Israeli employers were racists they would not hire Arabs in the first place, would they now ?)
Your claim was that other people get 'Jobs that belonged to Arabs'. The reason for other people being employed instead of Arabs is that Arabs tried to kill their employers on numerous occasions.
"Nearly one in four of Israel's 1.6 million schoolchildren are educated in a public school system wholly separate from the majority. The children in this parallel school system are Israeli citizens of Palestinian Arab origin.

"Their schools are a world apart in quality from the public schools serving Israel's majority Jewish population. Often overcrowded and understaffed, poorly built, badly maintained, or simply unavailable, schools for Palestinian Arab children offer fewer facilities and educational opportunities than are offered other Israeli children.

"This report is about Israel's discrimination against its Palestinian Arab children in guaranteeing the right to education.

"The Israeli government operates two separate school systems, one for Jewish children and one for Palestinian Arab children. Discrimination against Palestinian Arab children colors every aspect of the two systems.

"Education Ministry authorities have acknowledged that the ministry spends less per student in the Arab system than in the Jewish school system...

Human Rights Watch: Second Class: Discrimination Against Palestinian Arab Children in Israel's Schools - Summary

I found your logic a little questionable when you assert a racist Jew would never hire an Arab in the first place. Assuming racists in Israel are as committed to capitalism as US racists, the capitalist will hire whoever will work for less money. In my circumstances Anglo racists would hire Mexican labor instead of US citizens because the Mexican would work for considerably less.
Has it occurred to you how ironic it is for citizens of the Philippines to be taking jobs in Israel that once belonged to Arabs?

"Each Israeli government has held a different stand on the Arab population, but no Israeli government has ever officially recognized the population as a valid national minority.

"Israel’s leaders reflect the lack of recognition, from David Ben Gurion, who stated that Arabs should be permitted to stay in Israel 'to serve as water carriers', to Golda Meir, who declared that 'there is no such thing as Palestinians.'”

Possibly Ben Gurian thought Filipinos could carry more water?
Or maybe Golda believed there was such a thing as Filipino?
You're on the wrong side of history on this one, Hoss.

Social, Economic and Political Status of Arab Citizens of Israel
You are deflecting Georgie. We are talking about racism, and the Filipinos (maybe even though you live in the Los Angeles area aren't aware that they is how they are referred to -- type in Filipino in Google) happen to enjoy living in Israel where they have churches to go to and even their own shops selling goods from the Philippines. Compare that to what they have in Muslim countries. Tell us how many churches there are in Muslim countries that the Filipinos can attend on Sunday for Mass. tell us how wonderful they treat the Filiipina women working as maids there. Nobody is stopping you from finding out about this, are they? And while you are checking up on the Filipinos, why not check up on how the Hindus working in Muslim countries are treated like slaves. Meanwhile, if the Arabs didn't start that third Intifada and start killing Jews, they would still be allowed to work in Israel. Tell us why even some Muslim countries have kicked these Palestinian workers out. Perhaps it is you, Georgie, being a two-bit anti-Semite who is on the wrong side of history. People would have to be awfully dumb to think you actually are crying over these "Palestinians."
You should tell the Vatican all about Israel's love for Filipinos.

"This time the father did not arrive with a last-minute decision snatched from a judge to take her off the plane. Ofek Castillo, 4 years old – of Philippine origin but who was born and so far has only lived in Israel – was expelled with her mother Nancy on a flight from Ben Gurion airport, whose final destination was Manila. On Thursday 25, even the extreme attempt made the week before through Acri – the Association for civil rights in Israel – proved useless.

"And so, for the first time against the children of foreign immigrant workers, that hard line has been applied that for some time has been discussed in Israel. And it is a first that particularly disturbs the 50,000 Filipino Catholics working in the country, who now fear the same thing can happen to dozens of others of their children."

Israel, Discrimination Against Filipino Catholics: the Ofek Case - Vatican Insider

Israel was created for Jews, i.e., the "chosen people."
All other races and nationalities are inferior.

The deflection your provide of Arab states being even more overtly racist than Israel doesn't change the inherent racism of a Jewish state. And it's Israel who depends on $8 million per day from US taxpayers for its survival.
Poor Georgie doesn't seem to realize that so many Israelis have tried to stop this from happening. Perhaps Georgie thinks that this is worse than the Muslims who are busy murdering the Catholics in the Philippines. What's your take on this, Georgie? I think Georgie is a little confused here. It is the Muslims who are the ones who think they are Chosen and the ones who are to bring Islam to the entire world. Being a good Dhimwit, Georgie would have no problem with that. By the way, Georgie, did you know that a Black person is referred to in Arabic as a slave? And tell us, Georgie, regardless of what is happening with the Filipino children, does this take away how horribly the foreign workers, including Filipinos are treated in Muslim countries? And let us not forget that many young Hispanics who were brought here at a very, very young age and know nothing about living anyplace else would be sent back to the country in which they were born if they were caught living here. I have to say that the following from Georgie reminds me of the typical stuff one finds on the NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate sites......
Israel was created for Jews, i.e., the "chosen people."
All other races and nationalities are inferior.

I am sure the readers will see how racists the Israelis are when viewing this video. Perhaps Georgie can shows us one originating from some Muslim country along the same vein.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Emmy82tFT30]A Chinese Jewish wedding in Jerusalem - YouTube[/ame]
I found your logic a little questionable when you assert a racist Jew would never hire an Arab in the first place. Assuming racists in Israel are as committed to capitalism as US racists, the capitalist will hire whoever will work for less money. In my circumstances Anglo racists would hire Mexican labor instead of US citizens because the Mexican would work for considerably less.
Right. So if you do not employ minorities you are a racist.
If you do employ minorities you are also racist.
Your classic damned if you do and damned if you don't scenario.

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